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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2001

Introduction to Currency Risk by
Tax Guide 2001-2002 by Sinclair, W.
Bank Strategies and Challenges in the New Europe by
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
To Get Rich Is Glorious!: China's Stock Markets in the '80s and '90s by Howie, F., Walter, C.
Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response: A Study of Transitional Economies by Papazoglou, Christos
David Ricardo on Public Debt by Churchman, N.
Us Power in International Finance: The Victory of Dividends by Seabrooke, L.
An Introduction to Islamic Finance by Usmani, Mufti Muhammad Taqi
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Economic, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives by
Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - I 2 by Grossekettler, Heinz
A Process for Prudent Institutional Investment by Bancroft, Daniel C.
Foreign Exchange Markets by
Gann Masters II by Jacobs, Larry
International Political Risk Management: Exploring New Frontiers by
All about Mutual Funds by Jacobs, Bruce
The Law of International Trade Finance by Horn, Norbert
International Mergers and Acquisitions by Brown, Meredith M.
The Psychology of Money: An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market by Ware, Jim
Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude by Douglas, Mark
The Motley Fool You Have More Than You Think: The Foolish Guide to Personal Finance by Gardner, Tom, Gardner, David
The Buffettology Workbook: The Proven Techniques for Investing Successfully in Changing Markets That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Fa by Buffett, Mary, Clark, David
Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading by Tharp, Van K., June, Brian
Debt and Taxes by Buchanan, James M.
Debt and Taxes by Buchanan, James M.
Fail-Safe Investing by Browne, Harry
Basics of Mortgage-Backed Securities by Hu, Joseph
Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets by Peters, Edgar E.
The Ratings Game by Fight, Andrew
The NASCAR Way: The Business That Drives the Sport by Hagstrom, Robert G.
Us Financial Regulation and the Level Playing Field by Garten, H.
The Day Trader: From the Pit to the PC by Borsellino, Lewis
Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience by Bernanke, Ben S., Laubach, Thomas, Mishkin, Frederic S.
Take Your Partners: Orion, the Consortium Banks and the Transformation of the Euromarkets by Roberts, R.
Credit Cards and Fiscal Responsibility by Green, Meg
Inequality, Economic Growth, and Technological Change: New Aspects in an Old Debate by Grossmann, Volker
Kerngeschäftsstrategien Und Divestments Aus Kapitalmarktsicht by Habbel, Markus
The Labour Party and Taxation by Whiting, Richard
Stock Market Wizards by Schwager, Jack D.
A Global Perspective on Real Estate Cycles by
Is-LM and Modern Macroeconomics by
The Takeover Dialogues: A Discussion of Hostile Takeovers by Kelly, Edmund J.
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management: Volume 7 by
Managing Public Expenditure in Australia by Forster, John, Wanna, John, Kelly, Joanne
Global Finance at Risk: The Case for International Regulation by Eatwell, John, Taylor, Lance
Towards Financial Self-reliance: A Handbook of Approaches to Resource Mobilization for Citizens' Organizations by Holloway, Richard
Economic Analysis of Investment Operations: Analytical Tools and Practical Applications by Anderson, Jock R., Belli, Pedro, Tan, Jee-Peng
Indexing for Maximum Investment Results by Neuberg, Albert S.
New Ideas about Old Age Security: Toward Sustainable Pension Systems in the 21st Century by World Bank, Policy
Moving Averages Simplified by Droke, Cliff
The Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds by The Bond Market Association, Temel, Judy Wesalo
Fixed Income Securities: Dynamic Methods for Interest Rate Risk Pricing and Hedging by Martellini, Lionel, Priaulet, Philippe
Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior by Frost, A. J., Prechter, Robert R.
Physics of Finance: Gauge Modelling in Non-Equilibrium Pricing by Ilinski, Kirill
Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit by Calder, Lendol
Understanding Employee Stock Options, Rule 144 & Concentrated Stock Position Strategies by Knapp, Travis L.
From Gold to Euro: On Monetary Theory and the History of Currency Systems by Spahn, Heinz-Peter
The New Capital Markets in Central and Eastern Europe by
Managing Public Finances in a Small Developing Economy: The Case of Barbados by Williams, Marion V.
Alliances, Outsourcing, and the Lean Organization by Milgate, Michael
Bank Mergers in a Deregulated Environment: Promise and Peril by Shull, Bernard, Hanweck, Gerald
Investing for Sustainability: The Management of Mineral Wealth by Hannesson, Rognvaldur
The Dialectics of Shopping by Miller, Daniel
Managing Fixed Assets in the Public Sector: Managing for Service Excellence by Brady, William D., Jr.
Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective by Ledgerwood, Joanna
The Road to Monetary Union in Europe: The Emperor, the Kings, and the Genies by Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso
Carried Away: The Invention of Modern Shopping by Bowlby, Rachel
Issues in International Corporate Control and Governance by
Trading in the Zone: Maximizing Performance with Focus and Discipline by Kiev, Ari
Land-Value Taxation Around the World: Studies in Economic Reform and Social Justice by
Implementing and Auditing the Internal Control System by Chorafas, D.
Expert Financial Planning: Investment Strategies from Industry Leaders by
Understanding Direct Access Trading: Making the Move from Your Online Broker to Direct Access Trading by Romeu, Rafael
Investing Today for the World of Tomorrow: Studies on the Investment Process in Europe by
Why Do Governments Divest?: The Macroeconomics of Privatization by Schipke, Alfred
Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management, Volume 2 by
Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre: Emergence and Development, 1945-1965 by Schenk, Catherine
Economics of Information: A Guide to Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Information Professionals by Kingma, Bruce R.
Investing in Thoroughbreds: Strategies for Success by Kirkpatrick, Arnold
A Trader on Wall Street: A Short Term Traders Guide by Coval, Michael D.
Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany by Widdig, Bernd
Mergers & Acquisitions: A Guide to Creating Value for Stakeholders by Hitt, Michael A., Harrison, Jeffrey S., Ireland, R. Duane
Tools for the Direct Access Trader: Hardware, Software, Resources, and Everything Else You Need to Get Started by Abell, Alicia
Purchasing Power: Black Kids and American Consumer Culture by Chin, Elizabeth
Wechselkursschwankungen, Außenhandel Und Arbeitsmärkte: Neue Theoretische Und Empirische Analysen Im Lichte Der Europäischen Währungsunion by Belke, Ansgar
Money Stock Control and Inflation Targeting in Germany: A State Space Modelling Approach to the Bundesbank's Operating Procedures and Intermediate Str by Brand, Claus
Industrielle Planungstechniken: Unternehmens-, Produkt- Und Investitionsplanung, Kostenrechnung Und Terminplanung by Bronner, Albert
Consistency Problems for Heath-Jarrow-Morton Interest Rate Models by Filipovic, Damir
Energy Policies in the European Union: Germany's Ecological Tax Reform by Pfaffenberger, W., Welfens, P. J. J., Meyer, B.
Consumption Takes Time: Implications for Economic Theory by Steedman, Ian
Asset Pricing Under Asymmetric Information: Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding by Brunnermeier, Markus K.
Banking Risk Management in a Globalizing Economy by Angelopoulos, Panos, Mourdoukoutas, Panos
Advances in Financial Economics by
Behavioral Finance by Goldberg, Joachim, Von Nitzsch, Rüdiger
Internet Resources and Services for International Finance and Investment by Guest, Emma, Liu, Lewis-Guodo, Jiao, Qun G.
Business Ethics: The Ethical Revolution of Minority Shareholders by International Business Programs
Investing Tips Grampa Taught Us: A Guide to Financing College Costs and More by Masson, Elizabeth
The M&A Transition Guide: A 10-Step Roadmap for Workforce Integration by Hanson, Patti
Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe by
Short-Term Capital Flows and Economic Crises by
Advances in Accountability: Regulation, Research, Gender and Justice by
The Risk Management Process: Business Strategy and Tactics by Culp, Christopher L.
Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory by Buchanan, James M.
Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory by Buchanan, James M.
Buyout: The Insider's Guide to Buying Your Own Company by Rickertsen, Rick, Gunther, Robert E.
Seminaire de Probabilites XXXV by
Hedge Funds: Courtesans of Capitalism by Temple, Peter
Business and Finance for It People by Blackstaff, Michael
John Neff on Investing by Neff, John
Money Rules by Laurence, Henry
Bond Credit Analysis: Framework and Case Studies by
Smart Money Decisions: Why You Do What You Do with Money (and How to Change for the Better) by Bazerman, Max H.
Wall Street People: True Stories of Today's Masters and Moguls by Ellis, Charles D.
Us Power in International Finance: The Victory of Dividends by Seabrooke, L.
Getting Started in Tax Consulting by Carter, Gary W.
Global Financial Markets at the Turn of the Century by
Financial Crises in Emerging Markets by
Financial Markets and European Monetary Cooperation: The Lessons of the 1992 93 Exchange Rate Mechanism Crisis by Buiter, Willem H., Corsetti, Giancarlo, Pesenti, Paolo A.
International Commodity Trading: Physical and Derivative Markets by Lesourd, Jean-Baptiste, Thiéblemont, Réné, Clark, Ephraim
Operational Risk: Measurement and Modelling by King, Jack L.
The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook by Reverre, Stephane
Sold Short: Uncovering Deception in the Markets by Asensio, Manuel P., Barth, Jack
Inside Secrets to Venture Capital by Power, Dee, Hill, Brian E.
Strategisches Bankmanagement: Die Bewältigung Von Komplexität, Dynamik Und Unsicherheit Im Kreditgewerbe by Dannenberg, Marius
Optimal Control of Credit Risk by Aparicio Acosta, Felipe M., Cossin, Didier
An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance by Dacorogna, Michel, Gençay, Ramazan, Muller, Ulrich A.
Financial Innovations and the Welfare of Nations: How Cross-Border Transfers of Financial Innovations Nurture Emerging Capital Markets by
Fuzzy Math: The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan by Krugman, Paul
The Swiss Solution: Using Switzerland for Completely Legal Secrecy and Asset Protection by Van Rijn, Nicholas
Understanding Consumer Decision Making: The Means-end Approach To Marketing and Advertising Strategy by
Unseen Wealth: Report of the Brookings Task Force on Intangibles by
World Capital Markets: Challenge to the G-10 by Dobson, Wendy, Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
A Beginner's Guide to the World Economy: Eighty-one Basic Economic Concepts That Will Change the Way You See the World by Epping, Randy Charles
Accessing Capital Markets Through Securitization by
The Japanese Tax System by Ishi, Hiromitsu
The Management of International Acquisitions by Child, John, Pitkethly, Robert, Faulkner, David
Intangibles in Competition and Cooperation: Euro-Asian Perspectives by
Evolving Financial Markets and International Capital Flows by Davis, Lance E., Gallman, Robert E.
To Get Rich Is Glorious!: China's Stock Markets in the '80s and '90s by Walter, C., Howie, F.
Investing in Collateralized Debt Obligations by
Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response: A Study of Transitional Economies by Papazoglou, Christos
Collecting in a Consumer Society by Belk, Russell W.
The Volatility Machine: Emerging Economics and the Threat of Financial Collapse by Pettis, Michael
Quicksilver Companies: The Battle for the Online Consumer by Griffiths, A.
Dynamic Technical Analysis by Cahen, Philippe
Nasdaq: A Guide to Information Sources by Heckman, Lucy
Realoptionen in Der Unternehmenspraxis: Wert Schaffen Durch Flexibilität by
An Economic Analysis of Monetary Union by Carlberg, Michael
Improving Banking Supervision by Halme, L., Liuksila, A., Mayes, D.
Improving Banking Supervision by Halme, L., Liuksila, A., Mayes, D.
How to Be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth by Fridson, Martin S.
Beyond Technical Analysis: How to Develop and Implement a Winning Trading System by Chande, Tushar S.
Capital Flows Without Crisis?: Reconciling Capital Mobility and Economic Stability by
The UK and the Euro by Temperton, Paul
Financial Statements -- Present and Future Scope by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
International Financial Contagion by
Handbook of Insurance by
Challenges for Central Banking by
Trade and Investment in a Globalising World: Essays in Honour of H. Peter Gray by
Yen Bloc: Toward Economic Integration in Asia by Kwan, C. H.
Rethinking Estate and Gift Taxation by
Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting by Lev, Baruch
The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance for the Poor by Robinson, Marguerite, Myilibrary
A Legal History of Money: In the United States 1774-1970 by Hurst, James Willard
Applied Equity Analysis: Stock Valuation Techniques for Wall Street Professionals by English, James
Monetary Regimes of the Twentieth Century by Andrew, Britton, Britton, Andrew
The Fortune Tellers: Inside Wall Street's Game of Money, Media, and Manipulation by Kurtz, Howard
Die Unabhängigkeit Der Europäischen Zentralbank: Zwischen Selbstbestimmung Und Vertragsmäßiger Zusammenarbeit Mit Der Gemeinschaft by Reumann, Ute
All about Drips and Dsps by Fisher, George C.
Financial Engineering: Derivatives and Risk Management by Cuthbertson, Keith, Nitzsche, Dirk
E-Finance: The Electronic Revolution in Financial Services by Banks, Erik
Advanced Modelling in Finance Using Excel and VBA [With CDROM] by Jackson, Mary, Staunton, Mike
Advances in Taxation by
The Biotech Investor's Bible by Wolff, George
Keynes and Hayek: The Money Economy by Steele, G. R.
Four Steps to Trading Success: Using Everyday Indicators to Achieve Extraordinary Profits by Clayburg, John F.
Debt Management: A Practitioner's Guide by Emery, Douglas R., Finnerty, John D., Harvard Business School Publishing
Research in Finance: A Research Annual by
Advances in Working Capital Management by
Credit Risk Valuation: Methods, Models, and Applications by Ammann, Manuel
Freedom and Finance: Democratization and Institutional Investors in Developing Countries by Haley, M.
Aggregate Behaviour of Investment in China, 1953-96: An Analysis of Investment Hunger and Fluctuation by Sun, Laixiang
Investment, Volume 3: Lifting the Burden: Tax Reform, the Cost of Capital, and U.S. Economic Growth by Jorgenson, Dale W., Yun, Kun-Young
Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking by Shim, Jae K., Constas, Michael
Insurance: From Underwriting to Derivatives: Asset Liability Management in Insurance Companies by de Varenne, François, Briys, Eric
Cooking the Books: Mythologies of Money by Kassulke, Anna
The Asian Financial Crisis and the Ordeal of Hong Kong by Jao, Y. C.
Export Credit Agencies: The Unsung Giants of International Trade and Finance by Gianturco, Delio
Risk and Return in Transportation and Other Us and Global Industries by Kavussanos, Manolis G., Marcoulis, Stelios
Mathematical Programming and Financial Objectives for Scheduling Projects by Kimms, Alf
Twenty Years of Wall Street on Main Street: An Insider's Perspective on Retail Stockbrokerage by Boulton, Craig P.
J.K.Lasser Pro Keeping Clients for Life: How to Build a Successful Financial Practice by Altfest, Karen Caplan
Real Estate-Backed Securities by Dunlevy, John N., Fabozzi, Frank J.
The Measurement of Market Risk: Modelling of Risk Factors, Asset Pricing, and Approximation of Portfolio Distributions by Moix, Pierre-Yves
Roots of the Italian School of Economics and Finance: From Ferrara (1857) to Einaudi (1944), Volume 1 by
Risk Management by Lane, Malcolm R., Martin, Julia H., Bowden, Adrian R.
European Banking: Efficiency, Technology and Growth by Molyneux, Philip, Wilson, John O. S., Goddard, John A.
Loan Workouts and Debt for Equity Swaps: A Framework for Successful Corporate Rescues by Chatterji, Subhrendu, Hedges, Paul
Roots of the Italian School of Economics and Finance: From Ferrara (1857) to Einaudi (1944): Volume 2 by
What Global Economic Crisis? by
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