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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2004

Foreign Investment in Developing Countries by
Pro LOGO: Brands as a Factor of Progress by Mazzalovo, G., Chevalier, M.
The Future of Retail Banking by Divanna, J.
The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy-Making: From the Gold Standard to the Euro by Kettell, S.
Political Globalization: State, Power and Social Forces by Ougaard, Morten
Corporate Accountability: With Case Studies in Pension Funds and in the Banking Industry by Chorafas, D.
Derivatives and Internal Models, Third Edition by Deutsch, H.
Wage Labour in Southeast Asia Since 1840: Globalization, the International Division of Labour and Labour Transformations by Kaur, A.
Euro on Trial: To Reform or Split Up? by Brown, B.
Economists in Discussion: The Correspondence Between G.L.S. Shackle and Stephen F. Frowen, 1951-1992 by Frowen, S.
The Euroarea and the New EU Member States by
Reforming the Financial Sector in Central European Countries by
Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends by Gorrod, M.
Explaining and Forecasting the Us Federal Funds Rate: A Monetary Policy Model for the Us by Clements, M.
Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Controls and Ethics by Banks, E.
The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives by Banks, E.
Creating Value Through International Strategy by Ricart, Joan E., Ghemawat, Pankaj
Interest Rate Modelling by Svoboda, S.
Hedge Fund of Funds Investing: An Investor's Guide by Nicholas, Joseph G.
Excellence in Banking Revisited! by Davis, S.
The Interaction of Monetary Policy and Wage Bargaining in the European Monetary Union: Lessons from the Endogenous Money Approach by Dullien, S.
Corporate Treasury and Cash Management by Cooper, R.
Foreign Direct Investment and Tax Competition by Mutti, John
The Biotech Investor: How to Profit from the Coming Boom in Biotechnology by Abate, Tom
Local Government Financial Condition Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide with Spreadsheet Tools by Kittredge, William P.
Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns by
Gold, Freedom, and Free Markets: Economic Philosophy for Prudent Investors by Rothbard, Murray N., Skousen, Mark, Sennholz, Hans F.
Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area: A Study by the Eurosystem Monetary Transmission Network by
Financial Derivatives by Baz, Jamil, Chacko, George
Environmental and Resource Policy for Consumer Durables by Runkel, Marco
How to Finance Any Real Estate, Any Place, Any Time: Strategies That Work by Misko, James A.
Nachhaltige Entwicklung Im Personenverkehr: Eine Quantitative Analyse Unter Einbezug Externer Kosten by Weinreich, Sigurd
Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes by Collins, Chuck, Gates, William H.
Communication Skills for Effective Management by Tourish, Dennis, Hargie, Owen, Dickson, David
Financial Markets and Martingales: Observations on Science and Speculation by Bouleau, Nicolas
Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered: The Cross Section of Stock Returns by Külpmann, Mathias
Credit Risk Pricing Models: Theory and Practice by Schmid, Bernd
Barbara Villiers: A History of Monetary Crimes by Del Mar, Alexander
Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economy by Das, Dilip K.
Pricing in (In)Complete Markets: Structural Analysis and Applications by Esser, Angelika
Die Rolle der Geldpolitik in Währungskrisen: Implikation einer neuen Modellgeneration by Heyden, Boris
Interest Rate Models: An Introduction by Cairns, Andrew J. G.
Computational Finance: Numerical Methods for Pricing Financial Instruments by Levy, George
Recent Developments on Exchange Rates by
Pension Security in the 21st Century: Redrawing the Public-Private Debate by
Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking and Finance: What Works, What Fails, and Why by Walter, Ingo
Strategische Implikationen Des Kreditrisikomanagements Von Banken by Germann, Stephan
Risikomanagement Bei Immobilieninvestments: Entscheidungshilfen Für Institutionelle Anleger by Baumeister, Alexander
Investmentbanken in M&a-Transaktionen: Mandatsvergabe Und Erfolgsbeitrag Aus Sicht Deutscher Käuferunternehmen by Beitel, Derick
Transaktionskosten Im Aktienhandel: Wettbewerbliche Analyse Institutioneller Und Alternativer Handelssysteme in Europa by Böhme, Philip
Ungewisse Verbindlichkeiten in Der Internationalen Rechnungslegung: Zur Zweckadäquaten Passivierung Und Bewertung by Pisoke, Marc
Investment Risk Management by Chong, Yen Yee
Consumption and Market Society in Israel by
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions by
Consumption and Market Society in Israel by
Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers by Quart, Alissa
Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets Into Tangible Outcomes by Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David P.
Cash-Flow Appraisal for Property Investment by Fraser, Will
Managing Communications in a Crisis by Ruff, Peter, Aziz, Khalid
Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management by Potters, Marc, Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe
Intermarket Analysis: Profiting from Global Market Relationships by Murphy, John J.
Economic Foundation of Asset Price Processes by Lüders, Erik Paul
If It's Raining in Brazil, Buy Starbucks by Navarro, Peter
The Econometrics of Sequential Trade Models: Theory and Applications Using High Frequency Data by Kokot, Stefan
Sports Marketing and the Psychology of Marketing Communication by
Observations on the Market of Stocks by Hansen, John R.
Observations on the Market of Stocks by Hansen, John R.
What Is Short Selling? by Taulli, Tom
Understanding International Bank Risk by Fight, Andrew
Global Credit Management: An Executive Summary by Wells, Ron
Call Center Excellence: Erfolgreiche Call Center Im Porträt by
Financial Statistics No 502 February 2004 by Na, Na
Solutions Manual for Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets by Cvitanic, Jaksa, Zapatero, Fernando
Diversity in Advertising: Broadening the Scope of Research Directions by
Fonds-Lebensversicherungs-Kombinationen: Mindestrendite Und Restrisiko by Müller, Frank
Profit an Der Börse -- Der Blick Nach Vorne: Strategien Zum Langfristigen Erfolg by Peeters, Roger
Altersvorsorgebesteuerung in Deutschland, USA Und Europa: Eine Ökonomische Und Steuerrechtliche Analyse by Schwarz, Sandra
Bewertung Personalintensiver Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Die Integration Von Intellektuellem Kapital in Die Unternehmensbewertung by Dreyer, Dirk
Marktgerechte Bewertung Von Optionen by Brunner, Bernhard
Institutioneller Wandel Von Börsen: Eine Evolutionsökonomische Analyse by Hartmuth, Armin
Finanzierung Und Beratung Junger Start-Up-Unternehmen: Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse Aus Gründerperspektive by Fischer, Barbara
Value at Risk-Quantifizierung Unter Verwendung Von Hochfrequenzdaten: Empirische Analyse Am Beispiel Des Aktienkursrisikos by Neukomm, Mark
Trade Liberalization and Apec by Okamoto, Jiro
209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash Into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate by Hicks, Tyler G.
Das Haus des Erfolgs: Wege und Bausteine für den beruflichen Erfolg by Pascoe, Nicholas S.
Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques by Williams, Bill M., Gregory-Williams, Justine
Elusive Consumption by
Elusive Consumption by
Marginal Gains: Monetary Transactions in Atlantic Africa by Guyer, Jane I.
Euro on Trial: To Reform or Split Up? by Brown, B.
The Road to International Financial Stability: Are Key Financial Standards the Answer? by
Wall Street Speculation: Its Tricks and Its Tragedies by Keyes, Franklin C.
The Law of Values an Exposition of the Primary Causes of Stock and Share Fluctuations by Sepharial
Trade Like a Hedge Fund: 20 Successful Uncorrelated Strategies and Techniques to Winning Profits by Altucher, James
Global Capital Markets by Obstfeld, Maurice, Taylor, Alan M.
Wage Labour in Southeast Asia Since 1840: Globalization, the International Division of Labour and Labour Transformations by Kaur, A.
Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron by Watkins, Sherron, Swartz, Mimi
Grundzüge Der Analytischen Makroökonomie by Hens, Thorsten, Strub, Carlo
Achieving Post-Merger Success: A Stakeholder's Guide to Cultural Due Diligence, Assessment, and Integration by Carleton, J. Robert, Lineberry, Claude
Global Securitisation and CDOs by Deacon, John
A Currency Options Primer by Shamah, Shani
The Art of M&A Structuring: Techniques for Mitigating Financial, Tax and Legal Risk by Reed Lajoux, Alexandra, Nesvold, H. Peter
A Game Theory Analysis of Options: Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation in Continuous Time by Ziegler, Alexandre C.
The Global Emerging Market in Transition: Articles, Forecasts, and Studies by Kvint, Vladimir
What Is Value Investing? by Cunningham, Lawrence
The Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide by Rubenstein, Doris
Warren Buffett Wealth: Principles and Practical Methods Used by the World's Greatest Investor by Miles, Robert P.
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions, University Edition by Bruner, Robert F.
Political Economy of Public Finance in Britain, 1767-1873 by Dome, Takuo
Interessenkonflikte von Wertpapierdienstleistern und -analysten bei der Wertpapieranalyse by Göres, Ulrich L.
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions Workbook by Bruner, Robert F.
A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing by Au, Thomas P.
Restoring Fiscal Sanity: How to Balance the Budget by
Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures: Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading by Ehlers, John F.
Integrating Newly Merged Organizations by Gendron, Michael P.
Valuation of Convertible Bonds When Investors ACT Strategically by Koziol, Christian
Die Bewertung Von Convertible Und Exchangeable Bonds Bei Stochastischer Zinsentwicklung by Wöster, Christoph
Steuerung Und Kontrolle Von Investitionsprozessen: Theoretischer Ansatz Und Konkretisierung Für Das Öffentliche Beteiligungscontrolling by Schaefer, Christina
Strategische Unternehmensentwicklung: Krisensignale Frühzeitig Erkennen Und Abwenden by Glazinski, Bernd
Erfolgsfaktoren Im Bankmarketing: Fallstudien Zu Produkt-, Entgelt-, Vertriebs- Und Kommunikationspolitik by
Behavioral Finance Und Werbung Für Investmentfonds: Beeinflussung Der Risko-Rendite-Wahrnehmung Privater Anleger by Jordan, Jennifer
Statistics and Finance: An Introduction by Ruppert, David
The Rise of the Hispanic Market in the United States: Challenges, Dilemmas, and Opportunities for Corporate Management by Nevaer, Louis E. V.
Cross-Border Investing: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe by Djarova, Julia
Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Its: Making the Business Case for Its Investments by
Quality Management in the Nonprofit World by Kennedy, Larry W.
Fixing Financial Crises in the Twenty-First Century by
The Origins of the American Income Tax: The Revenue Act of 1894 and Its Aftermath by Joseph, Richard J.
The Philosophy of Money by Simmel, Georg
The Philosophy of Money by Simmel, Georg
Pocketbook Power: How to Reach the Hearts and Minds of Today's Most Coveted Consumers - Women by Kanner, Bernice
22 Keys to Sales Success: How to Make It Big in Financial Services by Karasik, Paul, Benson, James M.
The Interesting History of Income Tax by Federer, William J.
Risk Measures for the 21st Century by
Modelling Prices in Competitive Electricity Markets by
Finance for Strategic Decision-Making: What Non-Financial Managers Need to Know by Narayanan, M. P., Nanda, Vikram K.
A History of the Precious Metals from the Earliest Times to the Present by Del Mar, Alexander
Speculation on the Stock and Produce Exchanges of the United States by Emery, Henry Crosby
A History of the Precious Metals from the Earliest Times to the Present by Del Mar, Alexander
Forex Made Easy: 6 Ways to Trade the Dollar by Dicks, James
Aktuelle Entwicklungen Im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich: 3. Liechtensteinisches Finanzdienstleistungs-Symposium an Der Fachhochschule Liechtenstein by
Asset Pricing: Modeling and Estimation by Kellerhals, B. Philipp
Modelling Irregularly Spaced Financial Data: Theory and Practice of Dynamic Duration Models by Hautsch, Nikolaus
How to Get Started in Active Trading and Investing by Nassar, David
The ABCs of IPOs: Investment Strategies and Tactics for New Issue Securities by Chechile, Robert Anthony
The ABCs of IPOs: Investment Strategies and Tactics for New Issue Securities by Chechile, Robert Anthony
Nature of Money: New Directions in Political Economy by Ingham, Geoffrey
Operational Risk with Excel and VBA: Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management, + Website by Lewis, Nigel Da Costa
Nature of Money: New Directions in Political Economy by Ingham, Geoffrey
Optimal Portfolios with Stochastic Interest Rates and Defaultable Assets by Kraft, Holger
The Number: How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America by Berenson, Alex
PRAXIS Des Börsengangs: Ein Leitfaden Für Mittelständische Unternehmen by Bösl, Konrad
Produktion Von Dienstleistungen by
Bank and Financial Market Efficiency: Global Perspectives by
Monetary Integration, Markets and Regulations by
The Commodification of Childhood: The Children's Clothing Industry and the Rise of the Child Consumer by Cook, Daniel Thomas
Financial Statistics No 504 April 2004 by Na, Na
A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics: How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators by Person, John L.
Risk and Financial Management: Mathematical and Computational Methods by Tapiero, Charles S.
Controlling Currency Mismatches in Emerging Markets by Turner, Philip, Goldstein, Morris
Zinsderivate: Modelle Und Bewertung by Schlag, Christian, Branger, Nicole
Accounts Payable Best Practices by Schaeffer, Mary S.
Sound Practice in Government Debt Management by Wheeler, Graeme
Economists in Discussion: The Correspondence Between G.L.S. Shackle and Stephen F. Frowen, 1951-1992 by Frowen, S.
Forbes Greatest Investing Stories by Phalon, Richard
Land Value Taxation in Britain: Experience and Opportunities by Connellan, Owen, Lichfield, Nathaniel
Besteuerung Von Optionen: Analyse Auf Basis Der Wirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise Und Der Finanzmathematischen Grundlagen by Lindner, Ariane
Public Private Partnership for Urban Rail Transit: Forms, Regulatory Conditions, Participants by Schneider, Joachim
Der Künstler Im Internationalen Steuerrecht: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zu Den Grundfragen Des Internationalen Einkommen- Und Umsatzsteuerrechts by Lucassen, Ariane
Analyzing and Managing Banking Risk: A Framework for Assessing Corporate Governance and Financial Risk by Bratanovic, Sonja Brajovic, Brajovic Bratanovic, Sonja, Van Greuning, Hennie
Arbitrage, Hedging, and Speculation: The Foreign Exchange Market by Ghosh, Dilip, Clark, Ephraim
Bailouts or Bail-Ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies by Roubini, Nouriel, Setser, Brad
Trend Trading: A Seven Step Approach to Success by Guppy, Daryl
Creating an Investment Policy Statement by Boone, Norman M., Lubitz, Linda S.
Tearing Down the Walls: How Sandy Weill Fought His Way to the Top of the Financial World...and Then Nearly Lost It All by Langley, Monica
Mastering Futures Trading by Yoder, Bo
Measuring and Managing Credit Risk by de Servigny, Arnaud, Renault, Olivier
A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market by Paulos, John Allen
Great Companies, Great Charts: Effective Stock Trading Techniques to Beat the Markets by Dunn, Andy
The Glitter of Gold: France, Bimetallism, and the Emergence of the International Gold Standard, 1848-1873 by Flandreau, Marc, Leeming, Owen
Energy, the State, and the Market: British Energy Policy Since 1979 by Helm, Dieter
Dividend Policy and Corporate Governance by Renneboog, Luc, Correia Da Silva, Luis, Goergen, Marc
Consuming Kids: The Hostile Takeover of Childhood by Linn, Susan
Great Companies, Great Charts: Effective Stock Trading Techniques to Beat the Markets by Dunn, Andy
Neoliberalism in Crisis, Accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's Legacy by
Lessons from the Greatest Stock Traders of All Time by Boik, John
Investitionscontrolling by
Nonprofit Mergers Workbook Part II: Unifying the Organization After a Merger by La Piana Associates
Nonprofit Mergers Workbook Part II: Unifying the Organization After a Merger by La Piana Associates
Credit Relations: Erfolgreiche Kommunikation Mit Anleiheinvestoren by Grunow, Hans-Werner G., Oehm, Georg F.
Elements of International Economics by Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Corporate Governance Und Controlling by
Financial Statistics No 505 May 2004 by Na, Na
The Crisis in Tax Administration by
Global Markets and Financial Crises in Asia: Towards a Theory for the 21st Century by Khan, H.
Globalization of Financial Markets: Causes of Incomplete Integration and Consequences for Economic Policy by Buch, Claudia M.
Managing Uncertainties in Networks: Public Private Controversies by Koppenjan, Joop, Klijn, Erik-Hans
Managing Uncertainties in Networks: Public Private Controversies by Koppenjan, Joop, Klijn, Erik-Hans
Venture-Capital-Geber Und Ihre Portfoliounternehmen by Welpe, Isabell
Multinationale Unternehmen Und Sequentielle Direktinvestitionen by Lukas, Elmar
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