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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2012

And the Pursuit of Happniness by Ormerod, Paul, Johns, Helen
The Nigerian Banking Sector Reforms: Power and Politics by Apati, S.
Fiscal Decentralization and Development: Experiences of Three Developing Countries in Southeast Asia by
Corporate Management in a Knowledge-Based Economy by
The Gold Standard Peripheries: Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting by Ögren, Anders, Øksendal, Lars Fredrik
Contributions to Stock-Flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley by
Bancassurance in Europe: Past, Present and Future by Ricci, Ornella
Discounting, LIBOR, CVA and Funding: Interest Rate and Credit Pricing by Stamm, R., Kenyon, C.
Credit Guarantee Institutions and SME Finance by Leone, Paola, Vento, Gianfranco A.
From Crisis to Recovery: Old and New Challenges in Emerging Europe by
St. James's Place Tax Guide 2012-2013 by Sinclair, Walter, Lipkin, E. Barry
An Enquiry Into the Ideology and Reality of Market and Market System by Lepper, J.
Finance: The Discreet Regulator: How Financial Activities Shape and Transform the World by
Networked Consumers: Dynamics of Interactive Consumers in Structured Environments by Silver, Steven
Greek Banking: From the Pre-Euro Reforms to the Financial Crisis and Beyond by Pasiouras, F.
The Unbalanced Economy: A Policy Appraisal by Driver, Ciaran, Temple, Paul
Financing Long-Term Care in Europe: Institutions, Markets and Models by
The Euro Crisis by
Consumer Culture and the Media: Magazines in the Public Eye by Iqani, M.
Hedge Fund Replication by
Best Practices in Management Accounting by
Marketing Shares, Sharing Markets: Experts in Investment Banking by Blomberg, J., Kjellberg, H., Winroth, K.
Financial Structures and Regulation: A Comparison of Crises in the Uk, USA and Italy by Roselli, A.
Financialization and Government Borrowing Capacity in Emerging Markets by Hardie, I.
The Spanish Financial System: Growth and Development Since 1900 by
Genesis of the Financial Crisis by MacDonald, R.
The Stock-Flow Consistent Approach: Selected Writings of Wynne Godley by Lavoie, Marc
The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom from 1870 to 2005 by Lee, Clive
Islamic Finance in Western Higher Education: Developments and Prospects by
The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000 by Francks, Penelope
Risk Culture: A Practical Guide to Building and Strengthening the Fabric of Risk Management by Banks, E.
The Portfolio Theorists: Von Neumann, Savage, Arrow and Markowitz by Read, C.
Corporate Income Tax Harmonization in the European Union by Pîrvu, D.
Interstate Apportionment of Business Income for State Income Tax Purposes: With Specific Reference to North Carolina by Ratliff, Charles E.
Basel III Credit Rating Systems: An Applied Guide to Quantitative and Qualitative Models by Vitale, L., Oricchio, G., Izzi, L.
Neoliberalism in Crisis by Overbeek, Henk, Van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan
Basel III, the Devil and Global Banking by Chorafas, D.
Aktuelle Herausforderungen Der Kreditgenossenschaften: Sonderheft Der Zeitschrift Für Das Gesamte Genossenschaftswesen 2012 by
The Future of Private Equity: Beyond the Mega Buyout by Bishop, Mark
Finance for Non-Financial Public Sector Managers by Bean, Jennifer, Hussey, Lascelles
Marketing Public Sector Services by Bean, Jennifer, Hussey, Lascelles
Strategic Financial Planning for Public Sector Services by Hussey, Lascelles, Bean, Jennifer
You Can Profit from a Monetary Crisis by Browne, Harry
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions by
Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise auf die Vermittlung von langfristigen Veranlagungsformen in Wien by Stepan, Alexander
Einfluss der Fondsgröße auf Performance und Anlageverhalten von Investmentfonds by Czech, Robert
Lipstick on a Pig: Why Bail-Outs Fail and People Power Will Succeed by Deane-Johns, Simon
The Age of Deleveraging, Updated Edition: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation by Shilling, A. Gary
A Dynamic Approach to the Language Adjustment of Expatriates and the Interaction of their Hierarchy Level and Assignment Vector: An Empirical Analysis by Eichinger, Michael
The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time by Tabb, William
Encyclopedia of Municipal Bonds: A Reference Guide to Market Events, Structures, Dynamics, and Investment Knowledge by Mysak, Joe
The Hedge Fund Mirage: The Illusion of Big Money and Why It's Too Good to Be True by Lack, Simon A.
Trading Price Action Trading Ranges: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader by Brooks, Al
Technology-Rating: Neue Entscheidungshilfen Für Hightech-Investoren by
Gabler Bank Lexikon by Grill, Wolfgang
Psychology of the Stock Market by Selden, G. C.
Rechnungslegung, Steuerung Und Aufsicht Von Banken: Kapitalmarktorientierung Und Internationalisierung by
Protecting and Growing Your Money in Any Market: 5 Powerful Strategies Designed to Reduce Risk and Create Income for Life by Began, Patrick, Bornemann, Darin
Anatomy of Global Stock Market Crashes: An Empirical Analysis by Chakrabarti, Gagari, Sen, Chitrakalpa
Die Dynamische Organisation: Mit Managementprozessen Kundennutzen Steigern, Wirtschaftlichkeit Sichern by
The Financial Systems of Industrial Countries: Evidence from Financial Accounts by
Fusion Analysis: Merging Fundamental, Technical, Behavioral, and Quantitative Analysis for Risk-Adjusted Excess Returns by Palicka, V. John
Inside Washington: Government Resources for International Business, Sixth Edition by Delphos, William A.
Dark Markets: Asset Pricing and Information Transmission in Over-The-Counter Markets by Duffie, Darrell
Modelling for Financial Decisions: Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on "Financial Modelling" Held in Catania, 20-21 April, 198 by
Foreign Exchange: The Complete Deal: A Comprehensive Guide to the Theory and Practice of the Forex Market by Sharpe, James
Radical Change Attempt in Healthcare - Competing Logics in Hospital Mergers by Choi, Soki
The Art of M&A Strategy: A Guide to Building Your Company's Future Through Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures by Lajoux, Alexandra Reed, Smith, Kenneth
Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge by Dreman, David
Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World by Cohan, William D.
Evolved FOREX Trading: Step-by-step guide to FOREX trading with many explanatory illustrations. It is intended both for beginners and advance by Burgoyne, Adam
Wall Street: The Real Deal by Lawrence, Andrew
Property Valuation Principles by O'Leary, John, Isaac, David
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Initial Public Offering: Analyse des Börsenganges eines erfolgsorientierten Unternehmens by Stjepanovic, Miljko
Portfolio for the Planet: Lessons from 10 Years of Impact Investing by Newmark, Tammy, Pena, Michele
Banking in California and Beyond: The Winners, Losers and Players in America's Banking Empires by Hawkins, M. D.
Banking in California and Beyond: The Winners, Losers and Players in America's Banking Empires by Hawkins, M. D.
Banking in California and Beyond: The Winners, Losers and Players in America's Banking Empires by Hawkins, M. D.
Financial Literacy: Implications for Retirement Security and the Financial Marketplace by
Hedge Funds and Financial Markets: An Asset Management and Corporate Governance Perspective by Holler, Julian
Possibility Theory and the Risk by Georgescu, Irina
Economic Growth and Development (Second Edition) by Van Den Berg, Hendrik
Fremdfinanzierung als Einflussfaktor bei der entscheidungs- und marktorientierten Unternehmensbewertung: Eine Analyse der Prämissen und der resultiere by Astabatsyan, Albert
Portfolio Representations: A Step-By-Step Guide to Representing Value, Exposure and Risk for Fixed Income, Equity, FX and Derivatives by Tugwell, Jem
Pay Check: Are Top Earners Really Worth It? (Updated Edition) by Bolchover, David
Risiko versichern: Risiko - vom Umgang mit dem Ungewissen by Tanner, Rolf
Investmentstrategien von Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften: Analyse der Gründe für eine zunehmend zurückhaltendere Investitionsbereitschaft in der Early by Petzolt, Stefan
Credit Guarantee Institutions and SME Finance by Leone, Paola, Vento, Gianfranco A.
Global Banking by Smith, Roy C., Walter, Ingo, DeLong, Gayle
Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management by Hubbert, Simon
Trading Etfs: Gaining an Edge with Technical Analysis by Wagner, Deron
Aktiv gemanagte Fonds versus Indexzertifikate: Ein Performancevergleich by Hagel, Matthias
The Art of Speculation by Carret, Philip L.
Vat Shackles Business by Dyball, Alex J.
IRS Secrets from the Nation's Cash Register by Chitta, Julian
Welfare Effects of Value-Added Tax Harmonization in Europe: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis by Fehr, Hans, Rosenberg, Christoph, Wiegard, Wolfgang
Financial Mathematics: Theory and Problems for Multi-Period Models by Runggaldier, Wolfgang J., Pascucci, Andrea
My Tax Tutor for Small Business Owners - 2012: What Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Their Taxes by Becker Cpa, Joni M.
Bank Inspection by Oluitan, Roseline Oluwatoyin
Market Risk and Financial Markets Modeling by
Ethische Investments: Rendite Mit "Sauberen" Fonds by Pinner, Wolfgang
The U.S. Payment System: Efficiency, Risk and the Role of the Federal Reserve: Proceedings of a Symposium on the U.S. Payment System Sponsored by the by
U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Consequences, and Cures: Proceedings of the Twelth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo by
Gerke Börsen Lexikon by
International Finance: Theory and Policy in Africa by Gbetnkom, Daniel
Trading Price Action Reversals: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader by Brooks, Al
How to Performance Benchmark Your Risk Management: A practical guide to help you tell if your risk management is effective by Jakeman, Miles, Talbot, Julian
Theoretische Grundlegung Ethischer Bankbetriebslehre: Die Lehren Aus Dem Islamic Banking by Valeva, Milena
European Monetary Integration: From German Dominance to an EC Central Bank? by
Solvency II & Risikomanagement: Umbruch in Der Versicherungswirtschaft by
4 Keys to Profitable Forex Trend Trading: Unlocking the Profit Potential of Trending Currency Pairs by Weaver, Christopher
Erfahrung Und Technik in Der Produktion by Schneider, Robert, Fleig, Jürgen
Die T-Aktie ALS Marke: Staatliche Und Private Einflussnahme Zur Kurspflege Einer "Volksaktie" by Munk, Nicole
Own the Clouds: The First Guide to Investing in Cloud Computing Companies by Blonskij, Joyce
Valuing the Future. a Conversation about Investment by Paton, Ben
Valuing the Future a Conversation about Investment by Paton, Ben
Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy by Lindstrom, Martin
Ertragsorientiertes Bankmanagement: Band 3: Fallstudien Mit Lösungen by Schierenbeck, Henner
Responsible Investment in Times of Turmoil by
The Instant Economist: Everything You Need to Know about How the Economy Works by Taylor, Timothy
Islamic Finance in the UK by Khan, Sheryar
Behavior Matters: And a Long Term Approach to Investing and Life by Sherr, Jason
The Post-Reform Guide to Derivatives and Futures by Peery, Gordon F.
Know Stealing by Coley, M. Shane
Behavior Matters: And a Long Term Approach to Investing and Life by Sherr, Jason
Bankruptcy Taxation 4E +websit by Newton, Grant W., Liquerman, Robert
Commodity Activism: Cultural Resistance in Neoliberal Times by
Fiscal Implications of an Aging Population by
A Study of the Federal Reserve and Its Secrets by Mullins, Eustace Clarence
Transfer Pricing: A Diagrammatic and Case Study Introduction, with Special Reference to China by Paisey, Alan, Li, Jian
How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation by Browne, Harry
Taxation and Debt in the Early Modern City by
Moderne Methoden Der Risiko- Und Präferenzmessung: Konzeption, Entscheidungstheoretische Implikationen Und Finanzwirtschaftliche Anwendungen by Brandtner, Mario
Kapitalstrukturpolitik Deutscher Börsennotierter Aktiengesellschaften: Eine Empirische Analyse Von Kapitalstrukturdeterminanten by Jaeger, Sarah
The Transformation of Wall Street: A History of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Modern Corporate Finance by Seligman, Joel
User Experience Innovation: User Centered Design That Works by Kraft, Christian
Como Tener Exito En La Consultoria Fiscal by Morales, Gabriel Montiel
Vorteilhaftigkeit Zwischen Leasing Und Kreditfinanziertem Kauf: Eine Untersuchung Unter Berücksichtigung Von Investoren, Leasinggesellschaften Und Ban by Beigler, Michael
Como Tener Exito En La Consultoria Fiscal by Morales, Gabriel Montiel
Investition - Investitionsrechnung an einem Beispiel by Wildauer, Kim
Privatbankiers in Deutschland - Stand und Perspektive by Wolf, Robert
Ein Offshore Containerterminal in der Nordsee: Empfehlung eines Standortes und Berechnung der Amortisationszeit by Sander, Olaf, Prüser, Christof, Behrend, Ralf
Die LTCM-Krise 1998: Ursachen und Folgen by Birke, Thorsten
Soziale Sicherheit und Vorsorge von Einzelunternehmern by Feldle, Steffen
The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley by Hwang, Victor W., Horowitt, Greg
Finanzspekulationen an den Rohstoffmärkten für Soft Commodities am Beispiel Kaffee by Román, Alexander
Die Entwicklungen der Edelmetalle als Assetklasse: Fokussierung auf Gold und Silber by Franz, Oliver
Die Problematik einer einheitlichen Geldpolitik in Europa by Klein, Christopher
Proposals for the Regulation of Venture Capital and Private Equity after the Financial Crisis by Weißmacher, Silvia
Islamic Bond - Sukuk - Chancen und Risiken auf dem internationalen Markt by Konzack, Ronny
Globalisierung und die Auswirkungen auf die Asset Allocation by Widmer, Thomas
The Role of Central Bank Independence in a World of Capital Mobility by Baumgarten, Matthias
Islands Kaupthing Bank in der Finanzkrise: Eine Analyse der Einlagensicherung und Liquiditätsvorsorge aus Sicht des deutschen Anlegers by Bierzynski, Markus
The Complete Guide to Portfolio Construction and Management by Snopek, Lukasz
Empirical Finance for Finance and Banking by Sollis, Robert
Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) - Are ETFs a cost-efficient way for institutional investors to invest in the DAX?: ETFs vs. INDEX FUNDS - Example DAX by Vu, Minh
Know Stealing by Coley, M. Shane
Crm Für Den Mittelstand: Voraussetzungen Und Ideen Für Die Erfolgreiche Implementierung by Brendel, Michael
Praxishandbuch Finanzierung by Henne, Antje, Reichling, Peter, Beinert, Claudia
PRAXIS Des Börsengangs: Ein Leitfaden Für Mittelständische Unternehmen by Bösl, Konrad
Globalisierung Der Finanzindustrie: Beiträge Zum Duisburger Banken-Symposium by
A Fundraising Guide for Nonprofit Board Members by Walker, Julia I.
The Business Owner's Guide to Reading and Understanding Financial Statements by Epstein, Lita
King of Capital: The Remarkable Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Steve Schwarzman and Blackstone by Carey, David, Morris, John E.
Market Wizards, Updated: Interviews with Top Traders by Schwager, Jack D.
New Perspectives on Asset Price Bubbles by Evanoff, Douglas D.
Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Intersection of Money and Politics by Balding, Christopher
Clearing the Bull: The Financial Crisis and Why Banks Need a Human Transformation by Ledwidge, Jonathan
Bausparen als langfristige Geldanlage by Pröger, Kevin
Food Choice, Acceptance and Consumption by Macfie, H. J. H., Meiselman, Herbert L.
Mittelstandsanleihen: Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by
Regulatory Reform of Stock and Futures Markets: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research by
The Financial Services Revolution: Policy Directions for the Future by
Clearing the Bull: The Financial Crisis and Why Banks Need a Human Transformation by Ledwidge, Jonathan
Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Intersection of Money and Politics by Balding, Christopher
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Outsourcings von Marktfolgeprozessen im Bankbetrieb by Hansky, Jens
Chancen Und Risiken Von Rohstoffinvestments: Eine Quantitative Analyse Von Rohstoffen ALS Anlageklasse by Klett, Timo
Redefining German Health Care: Moving to a Value-Based System by Guth, Clemens, Porter, Michael E.
Deemer on Technical Analysis: Expert Insights on Timing the Market and Profiting in the Long Run by Cragin, Susan, Deemer, Walter
Die Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf die Europäische Versicherungsaufsicht by Kopitzki, Isabel
Die Bilanzierung finanzieller Verbindlichkeiten im Bankensektor - Eine kritische Betrachtung der fair value Option nach IFRS by Rueb, Georg-Christian
European Monetary Union: Transition, International Impact and Policy Options by
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2013 (Budget of the United States Government) by Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2013 (Budget of the United States Government) by Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
Me? An Economic Expert?: Are You Kidding?! by Johnson, Glenn L.
Como Mejorar Su Credito: En Espanol by Hurtado, Johanna
Me? An Economic Expert?: Are You Kidding?! by Johnson, Glenn L.
The Changing Face of Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 9th Annual British Robot Association Conference, 13-14 May 1986, Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK by
Kompakt Edition: Immobilienfinanzierung: Grundbegriffe Und Definitionen by Trübestein, Michael, Pruegel, Michael
The Secret of Candlestick Charting: Strategies for Trading the Australian Markets by Bedford, Louise
Ratingagenturen. Ihre Funktion und Bedeutung by Henze, Jochen
Basic Income Reconsidered: Social Justice, Liberalism, and the Demands of Equality by Birnbaum, S.
Overlapping Structures as a Model of Money: An Analytical Review by Schönfelder, Bruno
Basic Income Reconsidered: Social Justice, Liberalism, and the Demands of Equality by Birnbaum, S.
Standortverlagerung: Durch Brückenschlag Ins Ausland Steuern Und Kosten Sparen Mit Zahlreichen Checklisten Und Aktuellen Länderinformatione by Merten, Hans-Lothar
Volatility Investing for Asset Managers by Wattenström, Johan
Essentials of Advanced Macroeconomic Theory by Olsson, Ola
Capital Structure and Firm Performance by Ghosh, Arvin
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