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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2013

US Withholding Tax: Practical Implications of QI and FATCA by McGill, R.
Submerging Markets: The Impact of Increased Financial Regulations on the Future Growth Rates of BRICS Countries by Marino, R.
The Technological Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Central East Europe by Stephan, J.
Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets by
Modern Bank Behaviour by
The Renminbi Rises: Myths, Hypes and Realities of RMB Internationalisation and Reforms in the Post-Crisis World by Lo, C.
Financial Crises and the Nature of Capitalist Money: Mutual Developments from the Work of Geoffrey Ingham by Pixley, Jocelyn
International Debt: Economic, Financial, Monetary, Political and Regulatory Aspects by Stephanou, Constantine
Risk-Based Investment Management in Practice by Cowell, Frances
The Front Office Manual: The Definitive Guide to Trading, Structuring and Sales by Sutherland, A., Court, J.
St. James's Place Tax Guide 2013-2014 by
Fair Trade, Sustainability and Social Change by Hudson, I., Fridell, M.
Strategy, Value and Risk: A Guide to Advanced Financial Management by Rogers, J.
Bank Behaviour and Resilience: The Effect of Structures, Institutions and Agents by Bakir, C.
Global Asset Management: Strategies, Risks, Processes, and Technologies by
The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects: What Will Migration Look Like in 2045? by Ghosh, Bimal
Asset Pricing, Real Estate and Public Finance Over the Crisis by
Retail Credit Risk Management by
Investor Relations: Principles and International Best Practices in Financial Communications by Guimard, Anne
OTC Derivatives: Bilateral Trading & Central Clearing: An Introduction to Regulatory Policy, Market Impact and Systemic Risk by Murphy, David
Rethinking Social Distinction by Daloz, J.
The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the Late 19th Century to the Present: Actors, Networks, Power by
Wage-Led Growth: An Equitable Strategy for Economic Recovery by Stockhammer, Engelbert
Advances in Financial Risk Management: Corporates, Intermediaries and Portfolios by Batten, Jonathan A.
Money, Capital Formation and Economic Growth: International Comparison with Time Series Analysis by Amano, Masanori
Coffee Activism and the Politics of Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption in the Global North: Political Consumerism and Cultural Citizenship by Lekakis, Eleftheria J.
Investing in Asian Offshore Currency Markets: The Shift from Dollars to Renminbi by
Capitalist Discipline: On the Orchestration of Corporate Games by Wassenberg, Arthur
Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy by
Understanding Investment Funds: Insights from Performance and Risk Analysis by
Bank Performance, Risk and Securitization by Falzon, Joseph
Bank Stability, Sovereign Debt and Derivatives by
Organizational Innovation in Public Services: Forms and Governance by
The Politics of IMF Lending by Breen, M.
Macroprudential Policy: Taming the Wild Gyrations of Credit Flows, Debt Stocks and Asset Prices by Barwell, R.
Intelligent Investing: A Guide to the Practical and Behavioural Aspects of Investment Strategy by Fraser-Sampson, Guy
Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt by Coffman, D'Maris
The Efficient Market Hypothesists: Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin and Shiller by Read, Colin
The Complete Guide to Hedge Funds and Hedge Fund Strategies by Capocci, D.
Luxury, Lies and Marketing: Shattering the Illusions of the Luxury Brand by Sicard, M.
Wine Economics: Quantitative Studies and Empirical Applications by
Developing China's Capital Market: Experiences and Challenges by
Spanish Money and Banking: A History by Tortella, G., Ruiz, J. García
282 Simple Ways to Face the Financial Crisis by Coutoupis, Thalis
Arbitraging Japan: Dreams of Capitalism at the End of Finance by Miyazaki, Hirokazu
Genossenschaftliche Regionalbanken Und Bankenregulierung: Sonderheft Der Zeitschrift Für Das Gesamte Genossenschaftswesen 2013 by Peemöller, Volker H.
Household Finance: Adrift in a Sea of Red Ink by Chorafas, D.
The Gold Cartel: Government Intervention in Gold, the Mega-Bubble in Paper, and What This Means for Your Future by Speck, D.
US Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 3 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Us Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 1 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Us Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 2 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Collected Papers on Monetary Theory by Lucas, Robert E.
Arbitraging Japan: Dreams of Capitalism at the End of Finance by Miyazaki, Hirokazu
Trading the China Market with American Depository Receipts: How to Play Greater China with a Winning Edge by Voon, Alan
Financial Strategic Project Management Spomp: Implementing Change: Five New Strategies to Influence Stakeholders, Sell Your Ideas, and Boost Your Fina by Hielkema, Leon M.
Risikoanalyse: Modellierung, Beurteilung Und Management Von Risiken Mit Praxisbeispielen by Döhler, Sebastian, Cottin, Claudia
Health Care Financing and Insurance: Options for Design by Paolucci, Francesco
Prometheus Shackled: Goldsmith Banks and England's Financial Revolution After 1700 by Temin, Peter, Voth, Hans-Joachim
Handelsstrategien anhand des 52-Wochen-Hochs für Aktien des Eurostoxx600 by Pretis, Bernhard
Honorarberatung in der Versicherungswirtschaft: Rahmenbedingungen und Auswirkungen ihrer Umsetzung by Lange, Christian
Boot Camp for Financial Advisors Workbook "Your Battle Plan" by Clemenko, David
Steuervorteile Mit Kindern: Leitfaden Für Familien Und Steuerberater by Deutsch, Markus
Introduction to Financial Forecasting in Investment Analysis by Guerard Jr, John B.
Wie kommt Kooperation in Gesellschaften zustande? Der Ansatz der evolutorischen Ökonomik by Borin, Leonid
The Complete Debt Relief Manual: Step-By-Step Procedures for: Budgeting, Paying Off Debt, Negotiating Credit Card and IRS Debt Settlements, Avoiding B by Oswald, John
The Executive's Guide to Financial Management: Improving Risk, Strategy, and Financial Performance by Norton, D.
Tax Strategies for the Small Business Owner: Reduce Your Taxes and Fatten Your Profits by Fox, Russell
Tax Insight: For Tax Year 2012 by Murdock, M. Casey
The Complete Debt Relief Manual: Step-By-Step Procedures for: Budgeting, Paying Off Debt, Negotiating Credit Card and IRS Debt Settlements, Avoiding B by Oswald, John
International Corporate Tax Rate Comparisons and Policy Implications by Gravelle, Jane G.
Ethical Reflections on the Financial Crisis 2007/2008: Making Use of Smith, Musgrave and Rajan by Ver Eecke, Wilfried
Shoptimism: Why the American Consumer Will Keep on Buying No M by Eisenberg, Lee
The Average Americans Guide to Buying Gold and Silver by Menefee, Randy
Financial Institutions: Causes and Consequences of Recent Bank Failures by Office, U. S. Government Accountability
U.S. Postal Service: Status, Financial Outlook, and Alternative Approaches to Fund Retiree Health Benefits by Office, U. S. Government Accountability
Reform of U.S. International Taxation: Alternatives by Gravelle, Jane G.
Dodd-Frank Act: Agencies' Efforts to Analyze and Coordinate Their Rules by Office, U. S. Government Accountability
The Global Stock Market: Issuers, Investors, and Intermediaries in an Uneven World by Wójcik, Dariusz
E-banking: An Essential Sector in Banking Industry: E-banking in Pakistan by Ahmed, Salman
Nachhaltige Geldanlagen in Deutschland by Krasowitzki, Ludmila
18 Geheimnisse zur absoluten finanziellen Freiheit by Gelder Sg, Soeren
The Public Debt Problem: A Comprehensive Guide by LeMieux, P.
The Public Debt Problem: A Comprehensive Guide by LeMieux, P.
Implementing An Offshore Banking Presence: Strategic Tax Avoidance And Money Laundering by Zottl, Brendan
Potenzialorientierte Personaleinsatzplanung im Retail-Geschäft von Kreditinstituten by Rieksneuwöhner, Robin
The general use of futures contracts in risk management companies can use trading on US exchanges by Heerdt, Hedwig
An Analysis on the Financial Performance and Production Efficiency of Selected Sugar Mills in the State of Tamilnadu, India by Nair, Girish
Analysis of patterns in office rents in England and Wales by Schabsky, Tim
Multi-Asset Investing: A Practical Guide to Modern Portfolio Management by Lustig, Yoram
Finanzielle Freiheit trotz Unternehmensinsolvenz by Büge, Dieter
Aktien- und Bondmärkte in China by Sandner, Andreas
Interessenkonflikte, Reputation und empirische Performancemessung von Ratingagenturen by Höhme, Florian
Tax Coordination in the European Community by Cnossen, Sijbren
Investing in Municipal Bonds: How to Balance Risk and Reward for Success in Today's Bond Market by Fischer, Philip
Invest to Win: Earn & Keep Profits in Bull & Bear Markets with the Gainsmaster Approach by Turner, Toni, Scott, Gordon
Investing: The Last Liberal Art by Hagstrom, Robert
How to Make Money with Commodities by Hecht, Andrew
How to Make Money in Stocks Success Stories: New and Advanced Investors Share Their Winning Secrets by Smith, Amy
Die Bedeutung der WTO für die Liberalisierung des Welthandels: Aufarbeitung einer Kontroverse by Borin, Leonid
Master Traders: Strategies for Superior Returns from Today's Top Traders by Hamzei, Fari
The Golden Compass: Your Gold Investment Resource Guide by Spiers, Graham
Currency Options by Dececco, Dana
Music Rights: The Venture Class by James, Jaycee
The Hungry Dragon: How China's Resource Quest is Reshaping the World by Ear, Sophal, Burgos Cáceres, Sigfrido
Building Financial Risk Management Applications with C++ by Brooks, Robert
Statistics of Financial Markets: Exercises and Solutions by Borak, Szymon, López-Cabrera, Brenda, Härdle, Wolfgang Karl
Economics and Social Conflict: Evil Actions and Evil Social Institutions in Virtual Worlds by Mildenberger, C.
The Review of Austrian Economics: Volume 4 by
Kundenbindung im Virtual-Banking by Stermann, Dirk
Inside and Outside Liquidity by Holmstrom, Bengt, Tirole, Jean
The Small Stock Trader by Mika
Marketing to the Ageing Consumer: The Secrets to Building an Age-Friendly Business by Stroud, D., Walker, K.
Marketing to the Ageing Consumer: The Secrets to Building an Age-Friendly Business by Stroud, D., Walker, K.
Geldpolitische Strategie und Instrumente der EZB by Horn, Eva
The Net Current Asset Value Approach to Stock Investing: A Guide to Purchasing Stocks Trading below Liquidation Value by Wendl, Victor J.
Eine kritische Würdigung der Kennzahl der Eigenkapitalrentabilität in Banken by Käseberg, Patrick
Liquiditätsmanagement: Neue Anforderungen an die Kreditinstitute by Melis, Anne-Kathrin
Gestaltung Öffentlicher Verwaltungen by
Business For Intermediate Students: Finance and Bernanke Macroeconomics by Tafero, Arthur H.
Savings Groups at the Frontier by
401k Tune-Up: Do You Really Want to Work 'Til 80?: Do You Really Want to Work 'Til 80? by Connelly, Hugh W.
Private Equity vs. Venture Capital by Käseberg, Patrick
Value of Uncertainty, The: Dealing with Risk in the Equity Derivatives Market by Kaye, George J.
401k Tune-Up: Do You Really Want to Work 'Til 80?: Do You Really Want to Work 'Til 80? by Connelly, Hugh W.
Family and Business Tax Cut Certainty Act of 2012 by Lewis, Phillip
Governing Banking's Future: Markets vs. Regulation by England, Catherine
Yield Curve Modeling and Forecasting: The Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Approach by Rudebusch, Glenn D., Diebold, Francis X.
Savings Groups at the Frontier by
Causes of Business Failure by Incompetent Managers by Bangniyel, Paul
Stochastic Programming: Applications in Finance, Energy, Planning and Logistics by
A Beginners Guide to Making a Million: 16 Golden Money Secrets to Becoming a Millionaire by Cheung, Michael
The Most Important Thing Illuminated: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor by Marks, Howard
Digital Virtual Currency and Bitcoins: The Dark Web Financial Markets - Exchanges & Secrets by Paganini, Pierluigi, Amores, Richard
The Altucher Confidential: Ideas for a World Out of Balance by Altucher, James
Empirische Organisations- Und Entscheidungsforschung: Ansätze, Befunde, Methoden by
Traders at Work: How the World's Most Successful Traders Make Their Living in the Markets by Mango, Nicholas, Bourquin, Tim
U.S. International Trade and Freight Transportation Trends by Department of Transportation, U. S.
Introduction of a New Conceptual Framework for Government Debt Management: With a Special Emphasis on Modeling the Term Structure Dynamics by Hubig, Anja
Going Private aus Sicht eines Fremdkapitalgebers im Zuge einer strukturierten Finanzierung by Gerhardt, Matthias
Venture Capital und Private Equity - Eine Chance für Privatinvestoren?: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des österreichischen Marktes by Sacher, Albert
The Problem of HFT: Collected Writings on High Frequency Trading & Stock Market Structure Reform by Bodek, Haim
The History of Bankruptcy: Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe by
Praxishandbuch Baufinanzierung Für Wohneigentümer: Planung - Kosten - Realisierung by Keller, Helmut
Own Your Future: Wisdom for Wealth and a Better Tomorrow by Fairley, Grant D., Lanthier, Michael H.
Use Of Hemant Kanade Factor (HKF) In Technical Analysis: With Revolutionary Success Rate by Kanade, Madhur Hemant, Kanade, Hemant Narayan
Europa und die Schuldenkrise - Das Londoner Schuldenabkommen als Wegweiser? by Gürkan, Çağlayan
Ursachen der Euro-Krise by Graß, Mandy Melanie
Retail Banking Im Informationszeitalter: Integrierte Gestaltung Der Geschäfts-, Prozess- Und Applikationsebene by
Unsicherheit der AnlegerInnen bei ineffizienten Märkten - Wie kann der Einsatz von Behavioral Finance im Gespräch mit Bankkundschaft helfen Anlageents by Baumgart, Dany
Fondsbetas in der Baisse - Eine empirische Analyse by Liefke, Oliver
Successful Investing Is a Process: Structuring Efficient Portfolios for Outperformance by Lussier, Jacques
Unleash Your Cash Flow Mojo - The Business Owner's Guide to Predicting, Planning, and Controlling Your Company's Cash Flow by Simmons, Sandra S.
The Bretton Woods Transcripts by
Global Finance in Emerging Market Economies by Knoop, Todd
The European Monetary System: Past, Present and Future by Coffey, P.
Regulation of Banks in the Member States of the EEC by
International Economic Institutions by Van Meerhaeghe, M. a.
Commodity Risk Management: Theory and Application by Poitras, Geoffrey
Modern Portfolio Theory, + Website: Foundations, Analysis, and New Developments by Kim, Dongcheol, Francis, Jack Clark
Rethinking Expectations: The Way Forward for Macroeconomics by
China's Superbank (Bloomberg) by Forsythe, Michael, Sanderson, Henry
The Aig Story, + Website by Greenberg, Maurice R., Cunningham, Lawrence A.
Swing and Day Trading by Bulkowski, Thomas N.
China and East Asia: After the Wall Street Crisis by
Pirate Trials: Hung by the Neck Until Dead by Rossignol, Ken
Spank the Bank: The Guide to Alternative Business Financing by Sinclair-Robinson, Karlene
Quantifying Systemic Risk by
Financial Crisis, Labour Markets and Institutions by
The U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Background and Issues by Villarreal, M. Angeles
Private Equity - wie weiter? by Vazzano, Francesco, Erny, Fabian
Commodity Risk Management: Theory and Application by Poitras, Geoffrey
Islamic Banking - ein alternatives Finanzsystem ohne Zinsen by Mansouri, Tatjana
Economic Institutions and Human Welfare by Clark, John Maurice
Some Chapters in Macro and Micro Economics: Preliminary Edition by Evans, George Heberton, Jr.
Ökonomische Folgen einer Einheitswährung by Walczyk, Bettina
Portfoliomanagement unter Hinzunahme der Assetklasse Corporate Bonds by Walczyk, Bettina
Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensions: With Applications to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Gawarecki, Leszek, Mandrekar, Vidyadhar
Auswirkung der Finanzmarktkrise auf den Interbankenhandel by Frigger, Lukas
Stock Trading Tips: for beginners by Dececco, Dana
Beschwerdemanagement in Versicherungsunternehmen als Instrument der Kundenbindung by Gugel, Sebastian
Sind die Empfehlungen von Aktienanalysten profitabel? Vergleich der Profitabilität von Buyside, Sellside und unabhängigen Analysten by Tymoszuk, Max
Characteristics and Challenges of Microinsurance Operations in Developing Countries by Tischer, Eva
The Pricing of already issued Contingent Convertible Bonds (CoCo-Bonds) by Prossliner, Melanie
Fonds als Möglichkeit für Privatanleger zur Berücksichtigung extrafinanzieller Faktoren bei Anlageentscheidungen by Borm, Oliver
International Tax Preparation Guide: The only guide you will need for preparing your tax return for Americans living overseas by Price, Christopher B.
Retail Credit Risk Management by
Their Fair Share: Taxing the Rich in the Age of FDR by Thorndike, Joseph J.
The Coffeehouse Investor: How to Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street, and Get on with Your Life by Schultheis, Bill
Technology Tools (Bloom Fin) by Bruckenstein, Joel P., Drucker, David J.
Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy by Beckwith, Harry
Contemporary Islamic Finance: Innovations, Applications, and Best Practices by Hunt-Ahmed, Karen
The Wealth Code 2.0 by Vanclef, Jason
The Mechanics of Securitization by Baig, Suleman, Choudhry, Moorad
Universal- oder Trennbankensystem?: Eine empirische Analyse in Bezug auf Effizienz, Profitabilität und Stabilität by Osterloh, Jonathan
Financial Strategies And Tips: Making and Saving Money In Today's Economy by Cooper, Melina
Follow the Money: The Money Trail Through History by Alvarado, Ruben
The Global Financial Crisis: Genesis, Policy Response and Road Ahead by Nayak, Satyendra
State Government Budget Stabilization: Policy, Tools, and Impacts by Hou, Yilin
Consumption Culture in Europe: Insight into the Beverage Industry by
Hayek and Behavioral Economics by
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