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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2015

The Dr. Stoxx Complete Day-Trading Course: How to Trade for Extra Income by Carr, Thomas K.
Infrastructure Project Finance and Project Bonds in Europe by Stepic, Rok, Alerassool, Mahvash, Rossi, E.
Economic Management in a Volatile Environment: Monetary and Financial Issues by Rajan, Ramkishen S., Gopalan, Sasidaran
Private Equity Fund Investments: New Insights on Alignment of Interests, Governance, Returns and Forecasting by DeMaria, Cyril
Emerging Markets and Sovereign Risk by
The Great Crash of 1929: A Reconciliation of Theory and Evidence by Kabiri, A.
Italian Banking and Financial Law: Supervisory Authorities and Supervision by
Technology Financing and Commercialization: Exploring the Challenges and How Nations Can Build Innovative Capacity by Wonglimpiyarat, J.
Market Mediations: Semiotic Investigations on Consumers, Objects and Brands by Heilbrunn, B.
Managing FDI for Development in Resource-Rich States: The Caribbean Experience by Barclay, L.
The Restructuring of Banks and Financial Systems in the Euro Area and the Financing of SMEs by
Money, Prices and Wages: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Mayhew by
Africans Investing in Africa: Understanding Business and Trade, Sector by Sector by
Managing Risks in the European Periphery Debt Crisis: Lessons from the Trade-Off Between Economics, Politics and the Financial Markets by
Taming Capital Flows: Capital Account Management in an Era of Globalization by
Sharing Profits: The Ethics of Remuneration, Tax and Shareholder Returns by Reynolds, J.
The Chinese Stock Market Volume II: Evaluation and Prospects by
The Corporate Financiers: Williams, Modigliani, Miller, Coase, Williamson, Alchian, Demsetz, Jensen, Meckling by Read, C.
Developments in Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolio Selection by Agarwal, M.
Corporate Governance and Financial Management: Computational Optimisation Modelling and Accounting Perspectives by Nuryanah, S., Islam, S.
The Chinese Stock Market Volume I: A Retrospect and Analysis from 2002 by
An Option Greeks Primer: Building Intuition with Delta Hedging and Monte Carlo Simulation Using Excel by Farid, Jawwad
Macro-Financial Linkages in the Pacific Region by
Quantitative Finance: Back to Basic Principles by Reghai, A.
Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector by Stark, Alastair, Drennan, Lynn T., McConnell, Allan
Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector by Stark, Alastair, Drennan, Lynn T., McConnell, Allan
The Family Bank Strategy: How to create your own personal Tax-Free bank and protect your estate from creditors and predators by Phillips, David T.
The "Complete" Guide to CONSULTING ENGINEERING: How to Start & Manage an Outstanding CONSULTING ENGINEERING PRACTICE by Gaskell, John
The "Complete" Guide to CONSULTING ENGINEERING: How to Start & Manage an Outstanding CONSULTING ENGINEERING PRACTICE by Gaskell, John
Mathematical Finance: Volume I by
Mathematical Finance: Volume II by
Mathematical Finance: Volume III by
Mathematical Finance: Volume IV by
The China Development Model: Between the State and the Market by De Rambures, Dominique
Credit Mastery: Developing Aged Corporations: Build Multiple Companies With High Dollar Credit Lines by Richards, Iron Dane
100 to 1 in the Stock Market: A Distinguished Security Analyst Tells How to Make More of Your Investment Opportunities by Phelps, Thomas William
Investment Risk Management by Baker, H. Kent
Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea by Blyth, Mark
Friday's Nasties: Oolfoolia by Friday, John Tooze
General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2010 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2011 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
General Explanations of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2012 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2013 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2014 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2015 Revenue Proposals by Department of the Treasury
United States Model Income Tax Convention of September 20, 1996 by U S Government
Revenue Effects of Major Tax Bills by Tempalski
Le Code General des Impots du Cameroun: En Vigueur by Ndene Mr, Dieudonne Martin
Never Lose A Trade Again by Abbas, Tamer
How to be a Successful Forex Trader: Insider Tips for the Latest Internet Money-Making Sensation by Evans, Laura
Say No to Shark Lenders!: Tips on How to Raise Cash Fast by Davis, Anthony
Wachstumsfinanzierung mit Hilfe eines Börsengangs by Sauer, Holger
Ägypten um die Zeit der Weltwirtschaftskrise. Bank Misr by Tabrizi, Anahita
Economic Analysis of Cryptographic Currencies on the Basis of Bitcoin by Glaeser, Snorri Christian
Inhaltsanalyse in Finance. Auswirkungen des Tons von Ad-hoc-Meldungen auf Aktienkurse von Unternehmen by Völzel, Sebastian
Die Währungspolitik Chinas im Wandel by Küster, Alexander
Sanierungsbedürftigkeit und -maßnahmen mit Zuführung finanzieller Mittel durch Eigentümer by Baqué, Philip
Bitcoin Guide For Beginners: Bitcoin Trading and Mining Made Easy by Blake, Dale
Dead Companies Walking by Fearon, Scott
Money: The Unauthorized Biography--From Coinage to Cryptocurrencies by Martin, Felix
Property Finance: An International Approach by Morri, Giacomo, Mazza, Antonio
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Ausfallrisiko und Credit Spread bei Corporate Bonds by Babic, Philip
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Annual Report Fiscal Year 2013 by Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Methoden der Unternehmensbewertung by Metz, Florian
Investing Strategies by Pow, Tony
Unequal Ageing in Europe: Women's Independence and Pensions by Bettio, F., Georgiadis, T., Betti, G.
Unequal Ageing in Europe: Women's Independence and Pensions by Bettio, F., Georgiadis, T., Betti, G.
Stiftungen in Der PRAXIS: Recht, Steuern, Beratung by Haase-Theobald, Cordula, Heuel, Markus, Wigand, Klaus
The Market for Corporate Control.The Theory and the Empirical Evidence by Beckermann, Marius
The Effects of Monetary Policy on Mortgage Rates by Federal Housing Finance Agency
Bankmagazin - Jahrgang 2012: Für Führungskräfte Der Finanzwirtschaft by
Kapitalmarktorientierte Konzernbewertung by Schirmer, Ulrike
Die Informationsverteilung als Einflussfaktor auf die Kapitalkosten eines Unternehmens by Maciossek, Rafael
Die selbstgenutzte Immobilie als Altersvorsorge by Schäfer, Katrin
The Four Horsemen of the Investor's Apocalypse: The four evils that will crush your portfolio, and how to fight them by Klosterman Cfp, Robert J.
Bitcoin: A how-to guide for small business by Roberts, Glen Lee
Joseph's and Pharaoh's Dream's & the Financial Markets: & Financial Market Crash 2015 by Gumm, Barry
Formelsammlung Aktien-, Zins- Und Währungsderivate by Kruse, Susanne
Lean-Informationstechnik Im Finanzdienstleistungssektor: Wege Zu Prozess- Und Kostenoptimierung Mit Itil & Lean by Schäfer, Daniel
Banking & Innovation 2015: Ideen Und Erfolgskonzepte Von Experten Für Die PRAXIS by
Islamic Finance: Issues in Sukuk and Proposals for Reform by
It's Not Like I'm Poor: How Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World by Halpern-Meekin, Sarah, Edin, Kathryn, Tach, Laura
It's Not Like I'm Poor: How Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World by Halpern-Meekin, Sarah, Edin, Kathryn, Tach, Laura
Plateau to Pinnacle: 9 Secrets of a Million Dollar Financial Advisor by Tamberella, Erin
Starting a Hedge Fund: A Student's Journey into the World of High Finance by Jones, Daniel L.
Invest and Beat the Pros-Create and Manage a Successful Investment Portfolio: Best Research Supported Index Fund Strategy by Friedberg, Barbara
Out of Aces? Fifty Steps to Financial Acuity by Nath, Virendra
Out of Aces? Fifty Steps to Financial Acuity by Nath, Virendra
Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macroprudential Policy--An Asian Perspective by Shin, Hyun Song, Azis, Iwan J.
In Defense of Deflation by Bagus, Philipp
Financing Transit-Oriented Development with Land Values by Murakami, Jin, Hong, Yu-Hung, Suzuki, Hiroaki
Tax Havens: International Tax Avoidance and Evasion by Congressional Research Service
Forex al alcance de todos: Descubra como usted tambien puede ¡¡GANAR HASTA UN 400 % ANUAL!! by Nogales, Isabel
Comó hacerse rico ¡¡YA!!: Aprende a Solucionar para Siempre Tus Problemas de Dinero by Nogales, Isabel
Write It Off! Deduct It!: The A-to-Z Guide to Tax Deductions for Home-Based Businesses by Kamoroff, Bernard B.
Evolution of Central Banking?: de Nederlandsche Bank 1814 -1852 by Uittenbogaard, Roland
The Ownership of the Firm, Corporate Finance, and Derivatives: Some Critical Thinking by Chang, Kuo-Ping
Corporate Governance and Financial Management: Computational Optimisation Modelling and Accounting Perspectives by Islam, S., Nuryanah, S.
Herausforderungen für die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft beim Produkt Lebensversicherung: Analyse im Kontext des aktuellen Niedrigzinsumfelds by Donner, Mike
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Senkung der Agency Kosten des Eigenkapitals by Wolter, Jan, Knaut, Oliver
Pit Trader's Diary: Income-generating Secrets Wall Street Doesn't Want You to Know: Use "Iron Condor Options Trades" to make money whether by Levine, David a.
Payday!: Congratulations, Your Business Sold. Now What? How to Prepare for & Protect Your Sudden Wealth by Levin, Mitchell
Stock Investing Successfully for Beginners: (w/ FREE BONUSES) Making Money with Stocks in just a FEW HOURS! by Commerce, Fr
Binary Options Unmasked by Coulling, Anna
Playing at Acquisitions: Behavioral Option Games by Moraitis, Thras, Smit, Han T. J.
Finanzierung von Social Entrepreneurship durch Venture Philanthropy: Eine Betrachtung des Marktumfeldes in Deutschland by Sahm, Felix
A Euro Area wide Unemployment Insurance to Improve Macroeconomic Stability by Kitzmueller, Christian
Escaping Oz: Navigating the Crisis by Mosquera, Jim
The Mathematically Correct "wave" Triangulation Rhythm Model: Increase your targeting accuracy to over 95% by Gumm, Barry
Die Schattenbanken. Ein Unterschied der Regulierung in Deutschland und den USA by Müns, Kay
Bedeutung und Inhalte der Segmentberichterstattung nach IFRS 8 by G, Madeline
Quantitative Trading with R: Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant's Perspective by Georgakopoulos, Harry
Quantitative Trading with R: Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant's Perspective by Georgakopoulos, Harry
Basic Income Guarantee: Your Right to Economic Security by Sheahen, A.
Zero Lower Bound Term Structure Modeling: A Practitioner's Guide by Krippner, L.
Aktiv gemanagte Fonds im Vergleich zu Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) und passiv gemanagten Fonds by Steger, Johannes
Dawn of Gold by Barton, Philip
Capital for Keeps: Limit Litigation Risk While Raising Capital by Weigel III, Russell C.
Eigenkapitalausstattungen von mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen im Vergleich by Diering, Fabian
Basel 3. Potenzielle Auswirkungen der geplanten Eigenkapitalanforderungen für Banken by Aslam, Shahnawaz
Life in the Financial Markets: How They Really Work and Why They Matter to You by Lacalle, Daniel
Capital for Keeps: Limit Litigation Risk While Raising Capital by Weigel III, Russell C.
Selbstregulierende Währungen am Beispiel Bitcoins: Chancen und Risiken by Affeldt, Till
The CEO and Board Member's Survival Guide by Kraut, William
An Examination of how Monetary Power within Football impacts Product Prices by Hayre, Amritpal
Alternativen in der privaten Altersvorsorge. Wie kann die Versorgungslücke eines Privatkunden geschlossen werden?: Untersuchung der Vorteilhaftigkeit by Hamacher, Alexander
Der Europäische Schuldentilgungsfonds. Verpasste Chance oder Vorschlag ohne Sachverstand?: Theorie und Empirie von Verschuldungskrisen am Beispiel der by Fett, Matthias
Market Ratio Analyses of Attock Cement Limited, Cherat Cement Limited and Dewan Cement Limited for Financial years 2008, 2009 and 2010 by Athar, Mohammad
Endless Inheritance: Moving from Feuding to Flourishing in Your Affluent Family by Monte, Richard del
Shadow Banking Within and Across National Borders by
China's Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, February 2014 by Cmr of Xiamen University
Fußballvereine Am Kapitalmarkt: Wie Sich Der Fußball an Der Börse Finanziert by Hasler, Peter Thilo
A Practitioner's Guide To Target Accrual Redemption Forwards by Lam, Yat-Fai, Lai, Kin-Keung
Affordable Care "Tax": A Guide to Obama Care (the ACA) for the Individual Tax Payer by Gabra, Cpa Joseph a.
Finanzierung mit Eigenkapital. Vom Familienunternehmen zum DAX Wert by Meister, Jonas
Consumer Optimization Problem Solving by Norman, Alfred L.
Invierte en ti, TU eres el mejor Activo: Clave 5: Resultados Descubrir y Seguir Su Pasión Con Una Nueva Conciencia De Prosperidad by Cardona, Maria Imelda
Innovations in Quantitative Risk Management: Tu München, September 2013 by
Applied Intermediate Macroeconomics by Hoover, Kevin D.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Administrative and Compliance Challenges by Congressional Research Service
Insolvency Tourism. Private and corporate debt relief through insolvency proceedings in the U.K. and Germany by Klasczyk, Benjamin
Steuerrecht Und Betriebliche Steuerlehre Bilanzbuchhalter Ihk: Mit Übungsklausuren Für Die Prüfung by Wünsche, Manfred
Saving Europe: Anatomy of a Dream by Bastasin, Carlo
Economic Growth and Development: A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach by Das, Sibabrata, Mourmouras, Alex, Rangazas, Peter C.
Evaluierung von Kreditverbriefungen aus der Sicht von Kreditinstituten by Safronov, Roman
Existenzgründung in Deutschland. Crowdfunding als Ausweg aus der Finanzierungsklemme? by Winder, David
Governing by Debt by Lazzarato, Maurizio
Financial System Stability, Regulation, and Financial Inclusion by
21st Century Point and Figure: New and Advanced Techniques for Using Point and Figure Charts by Plessis, Jeremy Du
Selektion von Zielmärkten für institutionelle Immobilieninvestitionen mittels ELECTRE by Sawitzky, Mareen
Productivity Accounting by Lovell, C. A. Knox, Grifell-Tatjé, Emili
Productivity Accounting by Grifell-Tatjé, Emili, Lovell, C. A. Knox
Celebrate Recession with a Bottle of Champagne!: An Effective Guide on How to Earn while Businesses are Falling by Foster, Marc
Herdenverhalten speziell bei Finanzentscheidungen und auf Finanzmärkten by Klante, Martin
Capital Budgeting by Goel, Sandeep
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). A Case Study by Moßhammer, Alexander, Danzl, Elias, Altenberger, Kilian
Brand Essense: Using Sense, Symbol and Story to Design Brand Identity by Gains, Neil
Masterminding the Deal: Breakthroughs in M&A Strategy and Analysis by Clark, Peter, Mills, Roger
Neuro-Sell: How Neuroscience Can Power Your Sales Success by Hazeldine, Simon
Financial Capability and Asset Holding in Later Life: A Life Course Perspective by Morrow-Howell, Nancy
Die Börsenaufsicht in Deutschland by Storz, Simon
Issues in Financing of New Economy Firms in India by Tupe, Sanjay
Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Other Restructurings, + Website: A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity by Pignataro, Paul
Je valorise ma start-up: Comment et pourquoi déterminer une valeur transactionnelle avant de solliciter des investisseurs ? by Robyn, Carl-Alexandre
Arbitragemöglichkeiten bei ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) und ihrem Underlying in Abhängigkeit von der Volatilität by Antonov, Vladimir
Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain by Georges, Patrick M., Bayle-Tourtoulou, Anne-Sophie, Badoc, Michel
Pricing for Profit: How to Develop a Powerful Pricing Strategy for Your Business by Hill, Peter
Auto Brand: Building Successful Car Brands for the Future by Parment, Anders
Being Human in a Consumer Society by Martínez, Alejandro Néstor García
Zertifikate. Eine innovative Geldanlage mit optimiertem Chance-Risiko-Profil by Peter, Christian
Complex-Valued Modeling in Economics and Finance by Svetunkov, Sergey
The Interval Market Model in Mathematical Finance: Game-Theoretic Methods by Bernhard, Pierre, Engwerda, Jacob C., Roorda, Berend
The Debatable Distance between Theory and Practice: An Analysis of Financial Ratios Theory by Moustafa, Alaa Eldin
Aufbau und Instrumente der Europäischen Zentralbank und des amerikanischen Federal Reserve System]: Eingehende Analyse der unkonventionellen Maßnahmen by Schönfelder, Stephanie Isabella
An analysis of the ROPO effect in the field of agricultural insurance in Germany by Seitz, Matthias
Quick and Easy Guide to Bank Reconciliations - Get to grips with your cash flow and know what goes where and why by Goodwin, Anna
Sustainability and Optimality of Public Debt by Carlberg, Michael, Hansen, Arne
Taxation of Hybrid Financial Instruments and the Remuneration Derived Therefrom in an International and Cross-Border Context: Issues and Options for R by Bärsch, Sven-Eric
Bridging the Gap between Strategy & Valuation: A Real Option Approach to R&D Valuation by Skjodt, Philip
Interest Rates, Prices and Liquidity by
Separating Fools from Their Money: A History of American Financial Scandals by MacDonald, Scott B.
Risk and Trading on London's Alternative Investment Market: The Stock Market for Smaller and Growing Companies by Hartavi, Y., Board, J., Dufour, A.
Just One More Hand: Life in the Casino Economy by Mutari, Ellen, Figart, Deborah M.
The Change in the Stock Price Based on the Information Resulting from the Financial Ratios: Evidence from Palestine Stock Exchange by Al-Ghalayini, Shakir
Sell Well by Sanders, Bruce D.
Smarter Bank: Why Money Management Is More Important Than Money Movement to Banks and Credit Unions by Shevlin, Ron
Wachstumsfinanzierung mit Hilfe eines Börsengangs by Kartmann, Christoph
Love Letters from the IRS: The Insider by Dubrow Cpa, Skylar
Handbook of Research on Behavioral Finance and Investment Strategies: Decision Making in the Financial Industry by
Understanding Consumer Behavior and Consumption Experience by Rajagopal, Castaño, Raquel
Comparative Case Studies on Entrepreneurship in Developed and Developing Countries by
A Guide to Sales and Use Tax: You'll discover vital information on important topics ranging from opening a tax account to surviving a state audit. by Dufort, Frank
Customer Service DNA (New): Building Blocks That Drive Customer Loyalty by Hill, Curtis, Browne, Kelly
Series 7 Exam Secrets Study Guide: Series 7 Test Review for the General Securities Representative Exam by
Corporate Strategies in Recession and Recovery (Routledge Revivals): Social Structure and Strategic Choice by Whittington, Richard
The Small Business Tax Guide - To Health Care by Stranger Ea, Crystal
Think Round: How To Own The Future By Focusing 100% Of Your Company On Customers & Consumers 100% Of The Time by Campbell, Michael J., Pease, Martha R.
Customer Analytics for Dummies by Sauro, Jeff
Credit Rating Governance: Global Credit Gatekeepers by Naciri, Ahmed
Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation: National and Global Issues by
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