• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Iraq History in 2024

In Strange Company: An American Soldier with Multinational Forces in the Middle East and Iraq by Tiso, Roland J.
Religious Minorities in Iraq: Co-Existence, Faith and Recovery After Isis by Corticelli, Maria Rita
Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Friends and Enemies: Borders, Tribes and a History Shared by Yaphe, Joshua
Burning Horizon: British Veteran Accounts of the Iraq War, 2003 by Whippy, Julian
Burning Horizon: British Veteran Accounts of the Iraq War, 2003 by Whippy, Julian
The Achilles Trap: Saddam Hussein, the C.I.A., and the Origins of America's Invasion of Iraq by Coll, Steve
Bring Us Your Wounded by Schulze, Megan
Islamic State in Translation: Four Atrocities, Multiple Narratives by Mustafa, Balsam
Dars-e-Wafa: (History Essay) by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Antiguo Irak: Una guía fascinante sobre Mesopotamia: desde los sumerios y acadios hasta los asirios y persas, los romanos y el Imper by History, Captivating
The Ghosts of Iraq's Marshes: A History of Conflict, Tragedy, and Restoration by Al-Asadi, Jassim, Holmes, Keith, Lonergan, Steve
The Flavors of Iraq: Impressions of My Vanished Homeland by Alani, Feurat
Israel, Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War: Undue Influence, Deceptions, and the Neocon Energy Agenda by Vogler, Gary
A Glimpse at the Travelogues of Baghdad by Al-Attar, Iman
Kurdistan's De Facto Statehood: A New Explanatory Framework by Palani, Kamaran
One Soldier by Hillier, Dillon
Armed Organizations and Political Elites in Civil Wars: Pathways to Power in Syria and Iraq by Van Veen, Erwin
Surviving the Islamic State: Contention, Cooperation, and Neutrality in Wartime Iraq by Knuppe, Austin
Surviving the Islamic State: Contention, Cooperation, and Neutrality in Wartime Iraq by Knuppe, Austin
Iran-Iraq Naval War: Volume 2 - Convoy Battles, 1981-1984 by Cooper, Tom, Hooton, E. R., Nadimi, Farzin
The Royal Inscriptions of Nabopolassar (625-605 Bc) and Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 Bc), Kings of Babylon, Part 1 by Novotny, Jamie, Weiershäuser, Frauke
The Temple of Ningirsu: The Culture of the Sacred in Mesopotamia by Rey, Sébastien
The Untold Story of Iraq by Kubba, Juman
U.S. Militarism and the Terrain of Memory: Negotiating Dead Space by Bechtold, John
Running Towards Gunfire: Courage and Brotherhood in Ramadi by Angell, Jason
Running Towards Gunfire: Courage and Brotherhood in Ramadi by Angell, Jason
Reading in Al-Mushtarak: A System for Democratic Socialism by Allawi, Ibrahim
Labour's Ballistic Missile Defence Policy 1997-2010: A Strategic Relational Analysis by Simpkin, James
The Kurdish War by Adamson, David
A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East: Three Thousand Deities of Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and Elam by Frayne, Douglas R., Stuckey, Johanna H.
Land Between the Rivers: A 5,000-Year History of Iraq by Bull, Bartle
Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Empire by Frahm, Eckart
Supplement to SAA I-XXII: Letters, Treaties, Literary Texts, Legal and Administrative Documents, Astronomical Reports, Oracle Queries, and Ritua by Luukko, Mikko
Supplement to SAA I-XXII: Letters, Treaties, Literary Texts, Legal and Administrative Documents, Astronomical Reports, Oracle Queries, and Ritua by Luukko, Mikko
The Devil's Playground: The Story of Two Charlie and the Arghandab River Valley by Bragg, Andrew
Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía by History, Captivating
Social Glimpses of Iraq's Modern History- Story of the Sharifs and Ibn Saud by Al-Wardi, Ali
Mesopotamian History Trivia: Explore the Cradle of Civilization with 500+ Questions and Answers About Ancient Mesopotamia by Publications, Ahoy
The Victor's Crown of Glory: True, Miraculous Stories of God at Work in the War-Torn Middle East and North Africa by Hoover, Dorcas Sharp, Samara, John, House, Ananias