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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Iraq War (2003-2011) in 2009

The Fighting 69th: From Ground Zero to Baghdad by Flynn, Sean Michael
Heroes Among Us: Firsthand Accounts of Combat From America's Most Decorated Warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan by
Soldiers and Citizens: An Oral History of Operation Iraqi Freedom from the Battlefield to the Pentagon by Mirra, C.
Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians by Al-Arian, Laila, Hedges, Chris
Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience by U. S. Department of State, Inspector General Iraq Reconstruction
Return to Equilibrium: The Proceedings of the 7th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference by
Evaluation and Stance in War News by
Mass Media, Mass Propaganda: Understanding the News in the 'War on Terror' by Dimaggio, Anthony
How to Get Out of Iraq with Integrity by O'Leary, Brendan
Soldier's Promise by Hendrex, First Sgt Daniel
The Defense of Jisr al-Doreaa: With E. D. Swinton's "The Defence of Duffer's Drift" by Burgoyne, Michael L.
Soldiers Of The Sea: The Story Of The United States Marine Corps (1918) by Abbot, Willis John
Washington's War: The American War of Independence to the Iraqi Insurgency by Rose, Michael
American Foreign Policy and The Politics of Fear: Threat Inflation since 9/11 by
War in Iraq: Planning and Execution by
Embedded: A Marine Corps Adviser Inside the Iraqi Army by Gray, Wesley R.
The Fortifications Of Today: Fire Against Models Of Coast Batteries And Parados, Horizontal And Curved Fire In Defense Of Coasts (1883) by
The Rise And Progress Of British Opium Smuggling: The Illegality Of The East India Company's Monopoly Of The Drug (1856) by Alexander, R.
The Second Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers In The South African War: With A Description Of The Operation In The Aden Hinterland (1908) by Mainwaring, Arthur Edward, Romer, Cecil Francis
On Tactics And Organization: Or English Military Institutions And The Continental Systems (1888) by Maude, Frederic Natusch
Moltke's Tactical Problems: From 1858-1882 (1894) by Moltke, Helmuth
Trigger Men by Halberstadt, Hans
The H.A.C. In South Africa: A Record Of The Services Rendered In The South African War By Members Of The Honorable Artillery Company (1908) by
American Foreign Policy and The Politics of Fear: Threat Inflation since 9/11 by
Wiser in Battle: A Soldier's Story by Sanchez, Ricardo S., Phillips, Donald T.
Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives by Sheeler, Jim
The Ballad of Abu Ghraib by Gourevitch, Philip, Morris, Errol
As You Were: To War and Back with the Black Hawk Battalion of the Virginia National Guard by Davenport, Christian
Sound Targets: American Soldiers and Music in the Iraq War by Pieslak, Jonathan
American Soldiers in Iraq: McSoldiers or Innovative Professionals? by Ender, Morten G.
Viagens: America Oceania E Asia (1903) by Prado, Eduardo
Travels In Upper And Lower Egypt V2: In Company With Several Divisions Of The French Army (1803) by Denon, Vivant
Friends for Life: Strangers Brought Together by the War in Iraq by Donahue, Patti, Mackinday, Jennifer
American Soldiers in Iraq: McSoldiers or Innovative Professionals? by Ender, Morten G.
Eight Lives Down: The Most Dangerous Job in the World in the Most Dangerous Place in the World by Hunter, Chris
Warrior King by Sassaman, Nathan
Criminals, Militias, and Insurgents Organized Crime in Iraq by Lovelace, Douglas C., Jr., Willliams, Phil, Strategic Studies Institute
The Forever War: National Book Critics Circle Award Winner by Filkins, Dexter
Company M, And Adams In The War With Spain (1899) by Hicks, Herbert O., Simmons, Fred A.
A Brief History Of The Thirteenth Regiment, P.A.L.I., In South Africa: During The Transvaal And Zulu Difficulties, 1877-79 (1880) by McToy, Edward D.
The Surge: A Military History by Kagan, Kimberly
Occupying Iraq: A History of the Provisional Authority by Dobbins, James
Private Contractors and the Reconstruction of Iraq: Transforming Military Logistics by Kinsey, Christopher
The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan by Jamail, Dahr
Balance Sheet: The Iraq War and U.S. National Security by Duffield, John S., Dombrowski, Peter J.
Institutions Militaires Pour La France Ou Le Vegece Francois (1762) by De Bilistein, Charles Leopold Andreu
La Politique De La Maison D'Autriche (1689) by (Antoine) Varillas, Monsieur Varillas
The Siege Of Colchester: Or An Event Of The Civil War, 1648 (1874) by Townsend, George Fyler
The Final Tally by Cobley Mbe, Late Para Colonel Philip
The Final Tally by Cobley Mbe, Late Para Colonel Philip
The Iraq War: Origins and Consequences by DeFronzo, James
Iraqigirl: Diary of a Teenage Girl in Iraq by Iraqigirl
Sailor Life On Man Of War And Merchant Vessel (1884) by Nordhoff, Charles
How Do I Save My Honor?: War, Moral Integrity, and Principled Resignation by Felice, William F.
Vienne Deux-Fois Assiegee Par Les Turcs, 1529 Et 1683 Et Heuresement Delivree (1684) by Rocoles, Jean-Baptiste
Naval History of the United States V2: From the Commencement of the Revolutionary War to the Present Time (1814) by Clark, Thomas a.
With The Boers In The Transvaal And Orange Free State In 1880-1881 (1882) by Norris-Newman, Charles L.
Modern Ships Of War (1888) by Reed, Edward James, Simpson, Edward
Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq by Robinson, Linda
The Strongest Tribe: War, Politics, and the Endgame in Iraq by West, Bing
Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America's Enemies by Galbraith, Peter W.
Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq by
A King's Mistress V2: Or Charles VII And Agnes Sorel And Chivalry In The Fifteenth Century (1887) by Capefigue, Jean Baptiste Honore Raymond
Artillery In Offensive Operations (1917) by Army War College
Cavalry Drill Manual (1887) by New Zealand Defence Department
A Treatise On American Military Laws: And The Practice Of Courts Martial (1846) by O'Brien, John Paul Jones
Ugly War, Pretty Package: How CNN and Fox News Made the Invasion of Iraq High Concept by Jaramillo, Deborah L.
Big Boy Rules: America's Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq by Fainaru, Steve
Sniper One by Mills, Dan
Tip of the Spear: U.S. Army Small Unit Action in Iraq, 2004-2007 by Center of Military History
Tip of the Spear: U.S. Army Small Unit Action in Iraq, 2004-2007 by Hoffman, Jon T.
Israel in the Second Iraq War: The Influence of Likud by Pelletiere, Stephen
The Choice of War: The Iraq War and the Just War Tradition by Weeks, Albert Loren
Etudes Sur La Chine Contemporaine (1866) by Irisson, Maurice
Le Pilori Des Communeux (1871) by Morel, Henry
Framing the Iraq War Endgame: War's Denouement in an Age of Terror by King, E., Wells, R.
Onze Krijgs-Officieren Album Van Portretten Met Levens-Schetsen Der Transvaalse Generaals En Kommandanten (1904) by Preller, Gustav Schoeman, Engelenburg, Frans Vredenrijk
Russia's Sea-Power, Past And Present: Or The Russian Navy (1898) by Clarke, George Sydenham
Religion, Conflict and Military Intervention by Durward, Rosemary
Blood on Their Hands: How Callous Conservatives Capitalize on Clueless Constituents by Redd, Forrest P.
Al-Anbar Awakening: American Perspectives (Volume I) by
Al-Anbar Awakening: American Perspectives (Volume I) by McWilliams, Timothy S.
Al-Anbar Awakening: Iraqi Perspectives (Volume II) by Montgomery, Gary W.
Al-Anbar Awakening: Iraqi Perspectives (Volume II) by