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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Iraq War (2003-2011) in 2012

Haunted Victory: The American Crusade to Destroy Saddam and Impose Democracy on Iraq by Nester, William
Al-Qaida. the Tribes. and the Government: Lessons and Prospects for Iraq's Unstable Triangle (Middle East Studies Occasional Papers Number Two) by Cigar, Norman, Marine Corps University Press
Private Contractors and the Reconstruction of Iraq: Transforming Military Logistics by Kinsey, Christopher
Iroquois Warriors in Iraq by Clay, Steven E.
On Point: The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM by Tohn, David, Fontenot, Gregory, Degen, E. J.
Kill or Capture: How a Special Operations Task Force Took Down a Notorious al Qaeda Terrorist by Alexander, Matthew
U.S. Marines in Battle: An-Nasiriyah 23 March - 2 April 2003 by Andrew Jr, Rod
U.S. Marines in Battle An-Najaf: August 2004 by Kozlowski, Francis F.
Det One: U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Special Operations Command Detachment, 2003 - 2006: U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism by Piedmont, John P.
Shadow of the Sword: A Marine's Journey of War, Heroism, and Redemption by Workman, Jeremiah
Three Block War: U.S. Marines in Iraq by Zeigler, Matt
Lethal Warriors by Philipps, David
Lessons From A Young Soldier's Life: Finding Success In Life, Love And Career by Grimes, Don
Gulf in the War Story: A US Navy Personnel Manager Confides in You by Graham, Bob
Art of War Papers: Protecting, Isolating, and Controlling Behavior: Population and Resource Control Measures in Counterinsurgency Campaig by Battjes, Mark E., Combat Studies Institute Press
Journal of a Christian Soldier in Iraq by Foley, Greg
The Nation's National Guard by Walsh, Ellard A., Erickson, Edgar C., National Guard
Fragments from Iraq: Diary of a Navy Trauma Surgeon by Stockinger, Zsolt T.
Public Opinion and International Intervention: Lessons from the Iraq War by
Public Opinion and International Intervention: Lessons from the Iraq War by
A Soldier's Dream: Captain Travis Patriquin and the Awakening of Iraq by Doyle, William
Task Force Black by Urban, Mark
Improvised Explosive Devices in Iraq, 2003-2009: A Case of Operational Surprise and Institutional Response: Letort Paper by Smith, Andrew
Problems Of Freedom: South Vietnam Since Independence by
The Rescue of Science and Learning: The Story of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars by Duggan, Stephen, Drury, Betty
Fuel on the Fire: Oil and Politics in Occupied Iraq by Muttitt, Greg
The United States and the Persian Gulf: Reshaping Security Strategy for the Post-Containment Era by University, National Defense
Iraq and After: Taking the Right Lessons for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction by Eisenstadt, Michael, University, National Defense
Fields of Combat: Understanding Ptsd Among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan by Finley, Erin P.
Homecoming: Memoirs of a Deployed Marine by Vineyard, Russell L.
U.S. Military Firearms, 1776-1956 by Hicks, James Ernest
Mercury Project Summary: Including Results of the Fourth Manned Orbital Flight, May 15-16, 1963 by NASA
Transforming for Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations by Binnendijk, Hans, Johnson, Stuart E.
Not in the Wind, Earthquake, or Fire by Sharp, Philip
Lessons of the Iraqi De-Ba'athification Program for Iraq's Future and the Arab Revolutions by Terrill, W. Andrew
Reducing the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Alert Rate and the Impact on Maintenance Utilization by Kravitsky, Stephen M.
Det One: U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Special Operations Command Detachment, 2003-2006 (U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism) by Piedmont, John P., Neimeyer, Charles P., U. S. Marine Corps History Division
Det One: U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Special Operations Command Detachment, 2003-2006 (U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism) by Piedmont, John P., Neimeyer, Charles P., U. S. Marine Corps History Division
We Meant Well by Van Buren, Peter
Protecting, Isolating, and Controlling Behavior: Population and Resource Control Measures in Counterinsurgency Campaigns by Battjes, Mark E.
The Gulf War, 1990-91 by Allison, William Thomas
The Gulf War, 1990-91 by Allison, William Thomas
The Biggest Stick: The Employment of Artillery Units in Counterinsurgency (Art of War Papers series) by Johnson, Richard B., Combat Studies Institute Press
The Biggest Stick: The Employment of Artillery Units in Counterinsurgency by Combat Studies Institute Press, Johnson, Richard B.
You'll Be Fine, Darling: Struggling with PTSD after the Trauma of War by Mena, Pat
Hogs in the Shadows: Marine Snipers in Action by Afong, Milo S.
Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Iraq War: German and Japanese Responses by Ishibashi, N.
Leo's Whaling Voyage by Ireland, Mary Eliza, Hoffmann, Franz
A History of the United States Air Force, 1907-1957 by
Survive Your Tour in Peace & War by Digiovanni, Sebastian
Warrior Police by Cucullu, Gordon
Tip of the Spear: U.S. Army Small-Unit Action in Iraq, 2004-2007 by Hoffman, Jon T.
After Action: The True Story of a Cobra Pilot's Journey by Sheehan, Dan
Buried Alive: The True Story of Kidnapping, Captivity, and a Dramatic Rescue (Nelsonfree) by Hallums, Roy
The Decisive Battles of Modern Times by Whitton, Frederick Ernest
In the Shadow of Greatness: Voices of Leadership, Sacrifice, and Service from America's Longest War by
Biggest Stick: The Employment of Artillery Units in Counterinsurgency by Johnson, Richard B.
Six Against the Secretary: The Retired Generals and Donald Rumsfeld by Deary, David S.
Good Bye Dolly Gray: The Story Of The Boer War by Kruger, Rayne
Strategic Reflections: Operation Iraqi Freedom July 2004 - February 2007 by Casey, George W., Ndu Press
Strategic Reflections: Operation Iraqi Freedom July 2004 - February 2007 by Casey, George W., National Defense University Press
My Men Are My Heroes by Helms, Nathaniel