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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Irish History in 2013

A Just Society for Ireland? 1964-1987 by Meehan, C.
Insular Christianity: Alternative Models of the Church in Britain and Ireland, C.1570-C.1700 by
Ulster Presbyterians and the Scots Irish Diaspora, 1750-1764 by Bankhurst, B.
The 'Natural Leaders' and Their World: Politics, Culture and Society in Belfast, C. 1801-1832 by Wright, Jonathan Jeffrey
On Another Man's Wound by O'Malley, Ernie
Northern Ireland's Lost Opportunity: The Frustrated Promise of Political Loyalism by Novosel, Tony
The Use of GIS in Determining the Role of Visibility in the Siting of Early Anglo-Norman Stone Castles in Ireland by McManama-Kearin, Lisa Karen
Ulster Since 1600: Politics, Economy, and Society by
The British Question by Aughey, Arthur
Ireland, Africa & the End of Empire CB: Small State Identity in the Cold War 195575 by O'Sullivan, Kevin
The Peerage of Ireland by Kimber
The Midland Septs and the Pale: An Account of the Early Septs and Later Settlers of the King's County and of Life in the English Pale: An Account of t by Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery
Mother and Child: Maternity and Child Welfare in Dublin, 1922-60 by Earner-Byrne, Lindsey
Catholic Police Officers in Northern Ireland: Voices Out of Silence by Gethins, Mary
The Men Will Talk to Me: Galway Interviews by Ernie O'Malley by O'Malley, Ernie
Irish Women in Medicine, C.1880s-1920s: Origins, Education and Careers by Kelly, Laura
Irish Rebellion of 1641 and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms by Darcy, Eamon
The History of the Great Irish Famine: Abridged and Illustrated by O'Rourke, John
Ireland, Sweden and the Great European Migration: 1815-1914 by Akenson, Donald Harman
A Reading Book in Ancient Irish History: For Young Teens by Joyce, P. W.
Poets and Dreamers: Stories Translated from the Irish by Gregory, Augusta
Irish Vital Records from the Scots Magazine, 1739-1826 by Dobson, David
The Standard Edition of The Ancient Celtic Ancestry of the O'Brien Family: Their Pre-Surname Genealogies, History, Myth and Law by Kelly, Gerald A. John
On an Irish Island: The Lost World of the Great Blasket by Kanigel, Robert
The Standard Edition of the Ancient Celtic Ancestry of the MacMahon Family of Thomond: Their Pre-Surname Genealogies, History, Myth and Law by Kelly, Gerald A. John
The Standard Edition of the Ancient Celtic Ancestry of the MacDonnell Family of Thomond: Their Pre-Surname Genealogies, History, Myth and Law by Kelly, Gerald A. John
Great Deeds in Ireland: Richard Stanihurst's de Rebus in Hibernia Gestis by Morgan, Hiram
Children's Rights and Child Protection: Critical Times, Critical Issues in Ireland by
Cultures of Radicalism in Britain and Ireland by Kirk, John
Civic Guard Mutiny by McCarthy, Brian
The Standard Edition of the Ancient Celtic Ancestry of the Considine Family: Their Pre-Surname Genealogies, History, Myth and Law by Kelly, Gerald A. John
The Northern Ireland Question: Myth and Reality by
Thomas Morton Armstrong, 1836-1908: Pioneer in Cork by Prentis, Henning Webb, Jr.
The Rise of the Celts by Hubert, Henri
The Tresilian Family of County Cork: Landowners and Bandon Merchants by Fitzmaurice, Catherine
Race and Immigration in the New Ireland by
Liturgy, Architecture, and Sacred Places in Anglo-Saxon England by Gittos, Helen
Education and Enmity (Routledge Revivals): The Control of Schooliing in Northern Ireland 1920-50 by Akenson, Donald
A Mirror to Kathleen's Face (Routledge Revivals): Education in Independent Ireland 1922-60 by Akenson, Donald
The Fenians: Irish Rebellion in the North Atlantic World, 1858-1876 by McGovern, Bryan P., Steward, Patrick
Wexford Castles: Landscape, Context and Settlement by Colfer, Billy
O'Sullivan (O'Suilleabhainn), the Earliest Irish Royal Family: History and Genealogy. Third Edition by McCreight, William Randolph
Other People's Diasporas: Negotiating Race in Contemporary Irish and Irish American Culture by Moynihan, Sinéad
The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant Fundamentalism and Ulster Politics by Jordan, Richard Lawrence
Language, Resistance and Revival: Republican Prisoners and the Irish Language in the North of Ireland by Mac Ionnrachtaigh, Feargal
Where Mountainy Men Have Sown: War and Peace in Rebel Cork in the turbulent years 1916-21 by Ó. Súilleabháin, Micheál
The Sweethearts: Tales of love, laughter and hardship from the Yorkshire Rowntree's girls by Russell, Lynn, Hanson, Neil
Women and Exile in Contemporary Irish Fiction by McWilliams, Ellen
Bishop John Jebb and the Nineteenth-Century Anglican Renaissance by Acheson, Alan R.
Politics of Vaccination: Practice and Policy in England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, 1800-1874 by Brunton, Deborah
Polly of Bridgewater Farm: an unknown Irish story by McKenty, Catharine Fleming
Common Law and Enlightenment in England, 1689-1750 by Rudolph, Julia
The Leaving of Loughrea: An Irish Family in the Great Famine by Lally, Stephen
The Leaving of Loughrea: An Irish Family in the Great Famine by Lally, Stephen
Guerilla Days in Ireland by Barry, Tom
That's That by Broderick, Colin
Possessed by the Devil: The Real History of the Islandmagee Witches and Ireland's Only Mass Witchcraft Trial by Sneddon, Andrew
Correspondence Between Lloyd George and James Craig on the Position of Ulster: Articles of Agreement Establishing the Irish Free State by American Assn International Concil
Ireland's Queen Maeve by O. Connor, Tom
The People's Courts: Ireland's Dáil Courts, 1920-24 by
Spacing Ireland CB: Place, Society and Culture in a Post-Boom Era by
Science, Politics & Society in Early CB: The Reverend William Richardson by Blackstock, Allan
Ireland: 1641: Contexts and Reactions by
Official Varieties and Synonymes of Surnames and Christian Names in Ireland for the Guidance of Registration Officers and the Public in Searching the by Matheson, Robert E.
James Joyce by Bowker, Gordon
Ireland 1494 1905 by Dunlop, Robert, O'Connor Morris, William
Big Jim: Jim Larkin and the 1913 Lockout by Lynch, Paddy, McConville, Rory
ANTIQUITIES of KILDARE: Guide To by Powell, Philip I.
The Ancient and Modern History of the Maritime Ports of Ireland by Marmion, Anthony
Partitioned Lives: The Irish Borderlands by Nash, Catherine, Reid, Bryonie
An Historical, Environmental and Cultural Atlas of County Donegal by
The Dynamics of War and Revolution: Cork City, 1916-1918 by Borgonovo, John
The Great Famine: Ireland's Agony 1845-1852 by Ó. Murchadha, Ciarán
War of Independence in Kildare by Durney, James
Irish Insanity: 1800-2000 by
Making the Grand Figure: Lives and Possessions in Ireland, 1641-1770 by Barnard, Toby
The Graves Are Walking: The Great Famine and the Saga of the Irish People by Kelly, John
Irish London: Middle-Class Migration in the Global Eighteenth Century by Bailey, Craig
Transforming 1916: Meaning, Memory and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Easter Rising by Higgins, Roisín
1820: Disorder and Stability in the United Kingdom by Chase, Malcolm
A Most Diabolical Deed': Infanticide and Irish Society, 1850-1900 by Farrell, Elaine
Reading the Irish Woman: Studies in Cultural Encounters and Exchange, 1714-1960 by Meaney, Gerardine, O'Dowd, Mary, Whelan, Bernadette
Notre Visite En Irlande (7-14 Octobre 1916) by Batiffol, Pierre
North Belfast by Weir, Peggy
Policing Twentieth Century Ireland: A History of an Garda Síochána by Conway, Vicky
15 Sports Myths and Why They're Wrong by Winfree, Jason, Fort, Rodney
A History of Medieval Ireland (Routledge Revivals): From 1086 to 1513 by Curtis, Edmund
Irish Historical Documents, 1172-1972 (Routledge Revivals) by
Interesting Place Names and History of England by Stehr, Emily
From One End of the Rainbow: A Story about the Life Inside the Irish Defence Forces and Beyond by Sumner, Frank
Saints' Cults in the Celtic World by
Literacy and Identity in Early Medieval Ireland by Johnston, Elva
Enlightenment in Ruins: The Geographies of Oliver Goldsmith by Griffin, Michael
Buddhism and Ireland: From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond by Cox, Laurence
Buddhism and Ireland: From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond by Cox, Laurence
The 'Local' Irish in the West of Scotland 1851-1921 by Vaughan, G.
Traditional Irish Fairy Tales by Stephens, James
Geographies of the Romantic North: Science, Antiquarianism, and Travel, 1790-1830 by Byrne, A.
Geographies of the Romantic North: Science, Antiquarianism, and Travel, 1790-1830 by Byrne, A.
Poverty and the Poor Law in Ireland, 1850-1914 by Crossman, Virginia
Ireland Through European Eyes: Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973 by
Drogheda by Curtis, Joe
Ireland's Huguenots and Their Refuge, 1662-1745: An Unlikely Haven by Hylton, Raymond
Songs of Freedom: The James Connolly Songbook by Connolly, James
Irish Brigades Abroad: From the Wild Geese to the Napoleonic Wars by McGarry, Stephen
The Northern Ireland Question: Nationalism, Unionism and Partition by
The Famine Plot: England's Role in Ireland's Greatest Tragedy by Coogan, Tim Pat
Conflict to Peace CB: Politics and Society in Northern Ireland Over Half a Century by Hayes, Bernadette, McAllister, Ian
Irish Catholic Identities by
The Secret Life of Eleanor: Rebel Countess of Desmond by Williams, T. Evan
The Little Book of Ireland by Boylan, Ciara
Wreck of the Neva: The Horrifying Fate of a Convict Ship and the Irish Women Aboard by Todd, Kevin, McCarthy, Cal
Interesting Place Names and History of Northern Ireland by Stehr, Emily
Leaving the North: Migration and Memory, Northern Ireland 1921-2011 by Trew, Johanne Devlin
The Warden's Punishment Book of All Souls College, Oxford, 1601-1850 by Mandelbrote, Scott, Davis, John H. R.
Scandal Work: James Joyce, the New Journalism, and the Home Rule Newspaper Wars by Backus, Margot Gayle
A Just Society for Ireland? 1964-1987 by Meehan, C.
The Politics of Memoir and the Northern Ireland Conflict by Hopkins, Stephen
Shaun O'Day of Ireland by Brandeis, Madeline
J. B. Yeats: Letters to His Son W. B. Yeats and Others, 1869-1922 by
Paddy the Cope by Gallagher, Patrick
Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids by Macdari, Conor
Northern Ireland in the Second World War: Politics, Economic Mobilisation and Society, 1939-45 by Ollerenshaw, Philip
William Trevor: Revaluations by
Gender, nation and conquest in the high Middle Ages: Nest of Deheubarth by Johns, Susan M.
Trinity Tales: Trinity College Dublin in the Eighties by McGuinness, Katy
From Pogrom to Civil War: Tom Glennon and the Belfast IRA by Glennon, Kieran
Prisoners of War: Ballykinlar Interment Camp 1920-1921 by O. Duibhir, Liam
Two Centuries of Irish History (Routledge Revivals): 1691-1870 by
The Irish Revolution, 1916-1923 by Coleman, Marie
Shadow of a Year: The 1641 Rebellion in Irish History and Memory by Gibney, John
Historical Dictionary of Ireland by Biletz, Frank A.
Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Enshrining a Fateful Memory by Kelly, Mary
The Assassination of Michael Collins: What Happened at Béal na mBláth? by Sigerson, S. M.
The Presbyterians of Ulster, 1680-1730 by Whan, Robert
The Irish Revolution, 1916-1923 by Coleman, Marie
Ulster Presbyterians and the Scots Irish Diaspora, 1750-1764 by Bankhurst, B.
Commemorating the Irish Famine: Memory and the Monument by Mark-Fitzgerald, Emily
Homicide in Pre-Famine and Famine Ireland by McMahon, Richard
The Irish-American Experience in New Jersey and Metropolitan New York: Cultural Identity, Hybridity, and Commemoration by
American Literature and Irish Culture, 1910-55: The Politics of Enchantment by Stubbs, Tara
Land Questions in Modern Ireland by
The Cruelty Man: Child Welfare, the Nspcc and the State in Ireland, 1889-1956 by Buckley, Sarah-Anne
Motherhood and Infertility in Ireland: Understanding the Presence of Absence by Allison, Jill
Migrations CB: Ireland in a Global World by
Renaissance Humanism and Ethnicity Before Race: The Irish and the English in the Seventeenth Century by Campbell, Ian
Dissenting Voices: Rediscovering the Irish Progressive Presbyterian Tradition by Courtney, Roger
Charity and the Great Hunger in Ireland: The Kindness of Strangers by Kinealy, Christine
Charity and the Great Hunger in Ireland: The Kindness of Strangers by Kinealy, Christine
Finding Your Irish Ancestors in New York City by Buggy, Joseph
A Concise History of Ireland by Joyce, P. W.
A Union Forever by Sim, David
Beyond the Shamrocks: The Golden Age of Ireland by Moroney, Paul
Beyond the Shamrocks: The Golden Age of Ireland by Moroney, Paul
A Tour in Ireland: With General Observations on the Present State of That Kingdom Made in the Years 1776, 1777 and 1778 by Young, Arthur
The Reluctant Heroes: The second installment in the Layburn Chronicles by Wakeling, Doug
Irish Nationalists and the Making of the Irish Race by Nelson, Bruce
Troubled Geographies: A Spatial History of Religion and Society in Ireland by Cunningham, Niall A., Ell, Paul S., Gregory, Ian N.
Truth Recovery in Northern Ireland: Critically Interpreting the Past by Simpson, Kirk