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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Irish History in 2014

Irish Officers in the British Forces, 1922-45 by O'Connor, Steven
Irish Religious Conflict in Comparative Perspective: Catholics, Protestants and Muslims by Wolffe, John
Christianities in the Early Modern Celtic World by
Ground Truths: British Army Operations in the Irish War of Independence by
Modernity and Meaning in Victorian London: Tourist Views of the Imperial Capital by De Sapio, Joseph
All Standing: The Remarkable Story of the Jeanie Johnston, the Legendary Irish Famine Ship by Miles, Kathryn
Protecting the Empire's Frontier: Officers of the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot during Its North American Service, 1767-1776 by Baule, Steven M.
Irish Nationalist Women, 1900-1918 by Paseta, Senia
The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541 1641 by Kane, Brendan
Coire Sois, the Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga by Ó. Cathasaigh, Tomás
Ireland's History: Prehistory to the Present by Campbell, Kenneth L.
Coire Sois, The Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga by Ó. Cathasaigh, Tomás
A History of Ireland, 1800-1922: Theatres of Disorder? by Larkin, Hilary
Religion, Civil Society, and Peace in Northern Ireland by Teeney, Francis, Brewer, John D., Higgins, Gareth I.
The Famine in Ulster by Parkhill, Trevor, Kinealy, Christine
More Celtic Fairy Tales by Jacobs, Joseph
Interesting Place Names and History of Scotland by Stehr, Emily
Celtic Fairy Tales by Jacobs, Jospeh
Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland, AD 400-1100 by Kerr, Thomas R., O'Sullivan, Aidan, McCormick, Finbar
Ma, He Sold Me for a Few Cigarettes: A Memoir of Dublin in the 1950s by Long, Martha
The Radleys of Knockrour by Hammond, Glen Paul
Ireland during the Second World War: Farewell to Plato's Cave by Evans, Bryce
Politics, Pauperism and Power in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland by Crossman, Virginia
The IRA 1956-69: Rethinking the Republic by Treacy, Matt
Michael Logue and the Catholic Church in Ireland, 1879-1925 by Privilege, John
A Pocket Full of Shells by Reinhardt, Jean
Irish Officers in the British Forces, 1922-45 by O'Connor, Steven
Ireland's Ancient Schools and Scholars by Healy, John
Derry-Londonderry: Gateway to a New World. the Story of Emigration from the Foyle by Sail and Steam by Michell, Brian
Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees by Wilkes, Anna
Scotch Irish Pioneers In Ulster And America by Bolton, Charles Knowles
The High Crosses of Ireland by Allen, J. Romilly
The Sinn Fein Rebellion as I Saw It by Norway, Mary
Some Fair Hibernians: Being a Supplementary Volume to Some Celebrated Irish Beauties of the Last Century by Gerard, Frances A.
Secret Societies of Ireland, Their Rise and Progress by Pollard, H. B. C.
Charles O'Malley V1: The Irish Dragoon by Lever, Charles
Charles O'Malley V2: The Irish Dragoon by Lever, Charles
Irish Local Legends by Lageniensis by Lageniensis
The High Crosses of Ireland by Allen, J. Romilly
The Round Towers of Ireland or History of the Tuath de Danaans by O'Brien, Henry
The Irish Dames of Ypres by Nolan, Patrick
The Old Irish World by Green, Alice Stopford
The Irish Contribution to America's Independence by Maginniss, Thomas Hobbs
The Irish at the Front by MacDonagh, Michael
Irish Melodies by Moore, Thomas
The Luck of the Irish by Macgrath, Harold
The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland Their Origin and History by Keane, Marcus
The Humanities and the Irish University: Anomalies and Opportunities by O'Sullivan, Michael
Freedom and the Fifth Commandment: Catholic Priests and Political Violence in Ireland, 1919-21 by Heffernan, Brian
Great Deeds in Ireland: Richard Stanihurst's de Rebus in Hibernia Gestis by Morgan, Hiram
Celtic Cosmology: Perspectives from Ireland and Scotland by
Ireland Unhinged: Encounters With a Wildly Changing Country by Monagan, David
The IRA in Britain, 1919-1923: 'In the Heart of Enemy Lines' by Noonan, Gerard
Seán MacBride: A Republican Life, 1904-1946 by Nic Dháibhéid, Caoimhe
Building Peace in Northern Ireland by
The Men Will Talk To Me: Mayo Interviews by Ernie O'Malley by O'Malley, Cormac, Keane, Vincent, O'Malley, Ernie
Irish Emigrants in North America. Part Eight by Dobson, David
Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America by Bolton, Charles Knowles
The Scarlet Woman and the Red Hand by Searle, Joshua T.
Everyday Violence in the Irish Civil War by Clark, Gemma
Representing the National Landscape in Irish Romanticism by Wright, Julia
Coercive Confinement in Ireland: Patients, Prisoners and Penitents by Sullivan, Eoin, O'Donnell, Ian
The Irish in the American Civil War by Shiels, Damian
My First Booke of My Life by Thornton, Alice
The Kerry Girls: Emigration and the Earl Grey Scheme by Moloney Caball, Kay
Defensive structures on the Owenabue River: A look at castles, estates and other structures on the Owenabue River by Hartogs, Jorgen Pascal Francisco
Not A Proper Person: The courageous story of Georgina Frost, the first woman elected to political office in England and Ireland and her bat by Eichacker, Joanne Mooney
Memory Ireland: Volume 4: James Joyce and Cultural Memory by
Memory Ireland: Volume 3: The Famine and the Troubles by
The Irish on the Somme (WWI Centenary Series) by MacDonagh, Michael
History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century Volume 1 by Lecky, William Edward
The Rose of Tralee: Illustrated Picture Book of the ballad of The Rose of Tralee. by Whelan, Sarah, Spencer, Edward Mordaunt
Irish Religious Conflict in Comparative Perspective: Catholics, Protestants and Muslims by Wolffe, John
Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish History by Jackson, Alvin
Ireland, Africa and the End of Empire: Small State Identity in the Cold War 1955-75 by O'Sullivan, Kevin
Under One Sceptre by Holt, Emily S.
Massacre in West Cork: The Dunmanway and Ballygroman Killings by Keane, Barry
The Round Towers of Ireland or, the History of the Tuath-De-Danaans by O'Brien, Henry
Modernity and Meaning in Victorian London: Tourist Views of the Imperial Capital by De Sapio, Joseph
New Directions in Irish-American History by Kenny, Kevin
Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland by Curtin, Jeremiah
People of Ireland, 1600-1699. Part Four by Dobson, David
Wish You Were Here!: The Lives, Loves and Friendships of the Butlin's Girls by Hanson, Neil, Russell, Lynn
Our Worst Preference: Reforming the Electoral System by Halligan, Brendan
Ó Meachair: The Story of a Clan by Ní Mheachair, Gabrielle
Interesting Place Names and History of South Africa by Stehr, Emily
The Early Writings of Conor Cruise O'Brien by Edwards, Owen Dudley
William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse: Astronomy and the Castle in Nineteenth-Century Ireland by
Youth Policy, Civil Society and the Modern Irish State by Scanlon, Margaret, Powell, Fred, Geoghegan, Martin
Tuairim, Intellectual Debate and Policy Formulation: Rethinking Ireland, 1954-75 by Finn, Tomas
Ireland and the New Journalism by
Social Origins of the Irish Land War by Clark, Samuel
Prince of Dublin Printers: The Letters of George Faulkner by Ward, Robert E.
Daniel O'Connell and the Repeal Year by McCaffrey, Lawrence J.
The South Sea Bubble and Ireland: Money, Banking and Investment, 1690-1721 by Walsh, Patrick
Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland by
The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland by Prendergast, John P.
The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland [1652-1660], Third Edition by Prendergast, John P.
Christianities in the Early Modern Celtic World by
Reforming Food in Post-Famine Ireland: Medicine, Science and Improvement, 1845-1922 by Miller, Ian
From Prosperity to Austerity: A Socio-Cultural Critique of the Celtic Tiger and Its Aftermath by
The Plantation of Ulster: Ideology and Practice by
From Prosperity to Austerity PB: A Socio-Cultural Critique of the Celtic Tiger and Its Aftermath by
The Triads of Ireland (1906) by Meyer, Kuno
Irish Names and Surnames (1906) by Woulfe, Patrick
Daniel Oconnell: The Irish Patriot by Phillips, Wendell
The Annals of Ireland: Translated from the Original Irish of the Four Masters (1845) by Connellan, Owen
Doing My Bit for Ireland (1917) by Skinnider, Margaret
The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland by Prendergast, John P.
The Annals of Ireland: Translated from the Original Irish of the Four Masters (1845) by Connellan, Owen
Daniel Oconnell: The Irish Patriot by Phillips, Wendell
The Irish Wolfhound (1885) by Graham, George Augustus
Air Wars: A History of 20th Century Irish Radio by Hannan Ba, Gerard John
Clonmacnois: The World's Oldest University to Have Existed by Colvert, Brendon K.
Clonmacnois: The World's Oldest University to Have Existed by Colvert, Brendon K.
Women and Irish Diaspora Identities CB: Theories, Concepts and New Perspectives by
Haunted Historiographies: The Rhetoric of Ideology in Postcolonial Irish Fiction by Schultz, Matthew
Irish Republican Terrorism and Politics: A Comparative Study of the Official and the Provisional IRA by Rekawek, Kacper
Constructing Irish National Identity: Discourse and Ritual During the Land War, 1879-1882 by Kane, A.
Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland by
My Dearest Annie by McCullen, John
Celtic Courage: A Condensed History of Irish Rebellion, Resistance and Resilience by Ardrey, Joan Synnott
Away from Tipperary, Nicholas Sadleir, Australian Gentleman by Hodge, Robert
Economic Assistance and Conflict Transformation: Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland by Byrne, Sean
16 Dead Men by Ryan, Anne-Marie
The Welsh and the Shaping of Early Modern Ireland, 1558-1641 by Morgan, Rhys
About Ireland by Linton, E. Lynn
Global Legacies of the Great Irish Famine: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Fractured Emerald: Ireland by Hahn, Emily
Legión áurea: 1941. La clave del enigma que pudo cambiar la historia by Espin, Manuel
Black Magic and Bogeymen: Fear, Rumour and Popular Belief in the North of Ireland 1972-74 by Jenkins, Richard
Holodomor and Gorta Mór: Histories, Memories and Representations of Famine in Ukraine and Ireland by
Antiquities of Laois by Powell, Philip I.
Interesting Place Names and History of Wales by Stehr, Emily
Irish Rebels In English Prisons: A Record Of Prison Life by Rossa, O'Donovan
The Martyrology Of Donegal: A Calendar Of The Saints Of Ireland by
Visions And Beliefs In The West Of Ireland by
Disturbed Ireland: Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81 by Becker, Bernard H.
Newspapers and Newsmakers: The Dublin Nationalist Press in the Mid-Nineteenth Century by Andrews, Ann
Galway Women in the Nineteenth Century by Langan-Egan, Maureen
Hidden Phase of American History: Ireland's Part in America's Struggle for Liberty.]cillustrated by Ports. from the Emmet Collection, Facsims. of Docu by O'Brien, Michael J.
Ireland: A Luminous Beauty: A Luminous Beauty by
Witchcraft and Whigs: The Life of Bishop Francis Hutchinson (1660-1739) by Sneddon, Andrew
Doubtful and Dangerous: The Question of Succession in Late Elizabethan England by
Country Houses and the British Empire, 1700-1930 by Barczewski, Stephanie
Transatlantic Defiance CB: The Militant Irish Republican Movement in America, 192345 by Wilk, Gavin
The Urban Plays of the Early Abbey Theatre: Beyond O'Casey by Mannion, Elizabeth
The Home Rule Crisis: 1912-14 by
All Dressed Up: Modern Irish Historical Pageantry by Dean, Joan Fitzpatrick
Memoirs of an Old Warrior: Jamie Moynihan's Fight for Irish Freedom 1916-1923 by
Irish Women Dramatists: 1908-2001 by
Letters to the Countess by De Salis, N. C. F.
General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. with a Supp by Burke, Bernard
General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. with a Supp by Burke, Bernard
Elizabeth I and Ireland by
Eternal Paddy: Irish Identity and the British Press, 1798-1882 by De Nie, Michael
Eighteenth Century Ireland 1703-1800 Society and History by Keenan, Desmond
Eighteenth Century Ireland 1703-1800 Society and History by Keenan, Desmond
A Year of Broken Promises by Reinhardt, Jean
George Galphin and the Transformation of the Georgia-South Carolina Backcountry by Morris, Michael P.
The British Navy in the Baltic by Grainger, John D.
Manuscript Recipe Books as Archaeological Objects: Text and Food in the Early Modern World by Shanahan, Madeline
The Revolt of Owain Glyndwr in Medieval English Chronicles by Marchant, Alicia
Consumption and Culture in Sixteenth-Century Ireland: Saffron, Stockings and Silk by Flavin, Susan
An Irish-Speaking Island: State, Religion, Community, and the Linguistic Landscape in Ireland, 1770-1870 by Wolf, Nicholas M.
The Irish Potato Famine: The History and Legacy of the Mass Starvation in Ireland During the 19th Century by Charles River
Agnes Morrogh-Bernard: Foundress of Foxford Woollen Mills by Molloy, Margaret
Revised Interesting Place Names and History of Ireland by Stehr, Emily
The Irish Diaspora by Bielenberg, Andrew
Ireland since 1800: Conflict and Conformity by Hoppen, K. Theodore
What Is to be Done for Ireland? by Ball, John
Policing in Northern Ireland: Delivering the New Beginning? by Rea, Desmond, Masefield, Robin
The Templars, the Witch, and the Wild Irish: Vengeance and Heresy in Medieval Ireland by Callan, Maeve Brigid
Descendancy by Fitzpatrick, David
Sociology in Ireland: A Short History by Fanning, B.
Peter Plymley's Letters, and Selected Essays by Sydney Smith by Smith, Sydney
From Protest to Pragmatism: The Unionist Government and North-South Relations from 1959-72 by McCann, D.
Where Motley Is Worn: Transnational Irish Literatures by
East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90: Espionage, Terrorism and Diplomacy by de Wiel, Jérôme
The Economics of Disability: Insights from Irish Research by