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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Irish History in 2016

Witchcraft and Magic in Ireland by Sneddon, Andrew
Rossa's Recollections 1838 to 1898: Childhood, Boyhood, Manhood. Customs, Habits and Manners of the Irish People. by Rossa, O'Donovan
The Princeton History of Modern Ireland by
Siege at Jadotville: The Irish Army's Forgotten Battle by
Phases of Irish History by MacNeill, Eoin
1916: Ireland's Revolutionary Tradition by Allen, Kieran
United Islands? The Languages of Resistance by Kirk, John
Cultures of Radicalism in Britain and Ireland by Kirk, John
Ireland and Empire, 1692-1770 by McGrath, Charles Ivar
Literacy and Orality in Eighteenth-Century Irish Song by Henigan, Julie
The 1641 Depositions and the Irish Rebellion by
The Sinn Fein Rebellion, As I Saw It: Makers of Modern Ireland by Norway, Hamilton
The Expulsion of the Déissi: The ancient Irish saga edited and translated by Kuno Meyer with a new preface by Gerald A. John Kelly by Meyer, Kuno
Leaving the North: Migration and Memory, Northern Ireland 1921-2011 by Trew, Johanne Devlin
The Voyage of Saint Brendan: Modern Spelling Version by Caxton, William, Webb, Simon
Phases of Irish History by MacNeill, Eoin
Ireland: A Very Peculiar History(tm) by Pipe, Jim
Sociolinguistics in Ireland by
Ollam: Studies in Gaelic and Related Traditions in Honor of Tomás Ó Cathasaigh by Ahlqvist, Anders, Kelly, Fergus
Women and the Irish Nation: Gender, Culture and Irish Identity, 1890-1914 by MacPherson, J.
Hesitant Comrades: The Irish Revolution and the British Labour Movement by Bell, Geoffrey
Irish Adventures in Nation-Building by Fanning, Bryan
Phases of Irish History by MacNeill, Eoin
The Insurrection in Dublin by Stephens, James
Utopianism in Eighteenth-Century Ireland by Ní Chuanacháin, Deirdre
Enigmas of Sacrifice: A Critique of Joseph M. Plunkett and the Dublin Insurrection of 1916 by MC Cormack, W. J.
Rebuilding London: Irish Migrants in Post-War Britain by Garcia, Miki
I Never Knew That About Ireland by Winn, Christopher
Remembering 1916 by
Remembering 1916 by
Easter Rising: The Last Words of Patrick Pearse by Sinclair, Brian Gordon
Gender, Nationalism and Conflict Transformation: New Themes and Old Problems in Northern Ireland Politics by Ashe, Fidelma
The Irish Mars: Bilingual Facsimile Edition by Claudianus, Andreas
The Social History of Ireland: Including the Seamy Side by Keenan, Desmond
The Social History of Ireland: Including the Seamy Side by Keenan, Desmond
Sixties Ireland by Daly, Mary E.
William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse: Astronomy and the Castle in Nineteenth-Century Ireland by
Leisure and the Irish in the Nineteenth Century by
The 1916 Irish Rebellion by Nic Dhiarmada, Bríona
The Famine Irish: Emigration and the Great Hunger by Reilly, Ciaran
de Marisco: A family's journey through time by Nyhon, Margaret
People of Derry City, 1921 by Mitchell, Brian
Place Names of County Derry by Mitchell, Brian
Irish Nationalists in America: The Politics of Exile, 1798-1998 by Brundage, David
American Government in Ireland, 1790-1913: A History of the Us Consular Service by Whelan, Bernadette
Great Irish Heroes - Fifty Irishmen and Women Who Shaped the World by Pearson, Stuart
The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore by Anonymous
Ireland's Exiled Children: America and the Easter Rising by Schmuhl, Robert
The Roots of Irish Wisdom: Learning From Ancient Voices by Thomson, Cindy
William Trevor: Revaluations by
The Humanities and the Irish University: Anomalies and Opportunities by O'Sullivan, Michael
The Vanishing Irish: Households, Migration, and the Rural Economy in Ireland, 1850-1914 by Guinnane, Timothy W.
Social Origins of the Irish Land War by Clark, Samuel
The Irish Triangle: Conflict in Northern Ireland by Hull, Roger H.
Years of Turbulence: The Irish Revolution and Its Aftermath by
Easter Witness: From Broken Dream to a New Vision for Ireland by Greaney, Michael D.
Irish Lives and Times - The Easter Rebellion and the Rise of Sinn Fein by
Irish Enlightenment by Brown, Michael
First of Small Nations Ohm C by Keown
Phases of Irish History by MacNeill, Eoin
The History of Ireland to the Coming of Henry II. Vol I by Ua Clerigh, Arthur
A History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century Volume 1 by Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
Consolidating Conquest: Ireland 1603-1727 by Lenihan, Padraig
The American Irish: A History by Kenny, Kevin
The Irish in Early Medieval Europe: Identity, Culture and Religion by Flechner, Roy, Meeder, Sven
Scandinavian Relations with Ireland During the Viking Period: Celtic Classics by Walsh, A.
The Irish in Early Medieval Europe: Identity, Culture and Religion by Flechner, Roy, Meeder, Sven
The Anglo-Irish Agreement: Rethinking Its Legacy by
Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, Ll.D.: Dean of Ross, (And Afterwards Dean of Cork, ) From March 8, 1688-9, to September 29, 1690 by Davies, Rowland
Gaelic Martial Arts by Cullen, Q.
Tell the Truth: The Collected Columns of Billy Frank Jr. by Frank, Billy, Jr.
Irish History: Beyond Shamrocks & Shillelaghs by Holden, Dan
The Stuart Restoration and the English in Ireland by McCormack, Danielle
Churchill and Ireland by Bew, Paul
The Irish Parliamentary Party at Westminster, 1900-18 by Mulvagh, Conor
Sixties Ireland by Daly, Mary E.
Rosie: Essays in Honour of Rosanna 'rosie' Hackett (1893-1976): Revolutionary and Trade Unionist by
Imperial Violence and the Path to Independence: India, Ireland and the Crisis of Empire by Ilahi, Shereen
Full Life: James Connolly the Irish Rebel by
Irish Adventures in Nation-Building by Fanning, Bryan
Charity Movements in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: Philanthropy and Improvement by Sonnelitter, Karen
Poverty, Philanthropy and the State: Charities and the Working Classes in London, 1918-79 by Bradley, Katherine
Land Questions in Modern Ireland by
Doubtful and Dangerous: The Question of Succession in Late Elizabethan England by
A Most Diabolical Deed': Infanticide and Irish Society, 1850-1900 by Farrell, Elaine
Spacing Ireland: Place, Society and Culture in a Post-Boom Era by
Roger Casement's German Diary, 1914-1916: Including 'A Last Page' and associated correspondence by Dudgeon, Jeffrey
The Men Will Talk to Me: Clare Interviews by Ernie O'Malley by O'Malley, Ernie
Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic History by Ó. Gráda, Cormac
Staging Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland by
Irish Nationality: Irish Classics by Green, Alice Stopford
Changing Gender Roles and Attitudes to Family Formation in Ireland by Fine-Davis, Margret
A Short View of the State of Ireland, Written in 1605 by Harington, John
A History of Ireland by Curtis, Edmund
Sean Lester: The Guardian of a Small Flickering Light by Fox, John, Fosse, Marit
'the man from MENSA' - 1 of 600: Mensa research by Mulholland, Bernard J.
'the man from MENSA' - 1 of the 600: Politics 1990-1995 by Mulholland, Bernard J.
Ireland in the Age of the Tudors, 1447-1603: English Expansion and the End of Gaelic Rule by Ellis, Steven G.
L'Irlande et les causes de sa misère by De Lasteyrie, Jules
Easter Rising: A History From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
International Politics and the Northern Ireland Conflict: The Usa, Diplomacy and the Troubles by MacLeod, Alan
Fighters of Derry: Their Deeds and Descendants, Being a Chronicle of Events in Ireland during the Revolutionary Period, 1688-91 by Young, William R.
Tartan Gangs and Paramilitaries: The Loyalist Backlash by Mulvenna, Gareth
Tartan Gangs and Paramilitaries: The Loyalist Backlash by Mulvenna, Gareth
My 1916: What the Easter Rising Means to Me by Naughton, Celine
This Man's Wee Boy: A Childhood Memoir of Peace and Trouble in Derry by Doherty, Tony
Two Dry Sods: Tales From Old Mayo by Coen, Joe
Schools and the Politics of Religion and Diversity in the Republic of Ireland: Separate But Equal? by Fischer, Karin
Colford/Lipsett - The Story of a Family by Colford, Joseph E., III
Poor Bugger's Tool: Irish Modernism, Queer Labor, and Postcolonial History by Mullen, Patrick R.
For All Their Wars are Merry: An Examination of Irish Rebel Songs by Konecsni, John, Finn, Declan
The Picts: A History by Clarkson, Tim
Uncertain Futures: Essays about the Irish Past for Roy Foster by
Freedom and the Fifth Commandment: Catholic Priests and Political Violence in Ireland, 1919-21 by Heffernan, Brian
Ireland and the Land Question 1800-1922 by Winstanley, Michael J.
Packy Jim: Folklore and Worldview on the Irish Border by Cashman, Ray
Handbook of the Irish Revival: An Anthology of Irish Cultural and Political Writings 1891-1922 by
Packy Jim: Folklore and Worldview on the Irish Border by Cashman, Ray
Handbook of the Irish Revival: An Anthology of Irish Cultural and Political Writings 1891-1922 by
Atlantic Canada's Irish Immigrants: A Fish and Timber Story by Campey, Lucille H.
The Tudor Wolfpack and the Roots of Irish America by Bray, Jack
Descendancy by Fitzpatrick, David
Voices of Medieval England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life by Mitchell, Linda
Everything You Know about London Is Wrong by Brown, Matt
Wild Arabs and savages: A history of juvenile justice in Ireland by Sargent, Paul
Figures in a Famine Landscape by Ó. Murchadha, Ciarán
Figures in a Famine Landscape by Ó. Murchadha, Ciarán
The Stars of Ballymenone, New Edition by Glassie, Henry
Conflict & Generational Memory in Tipperary Ireland: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis by Hanisko, Sarah Rose
An Irish Christmas and the Storyteller by Folsom, Helen Walsh
Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Enshrining a Fateful Memory by Kelly, Mary
Siege at Jadotville: The Irish Army's Forgotten Battle by Power, Declan
Divergent Paths: Family Histories of Irish Emigrants in Britain, 1820-1920 by Herson, John
The Economics of Disability: Insights from Irish Research by
Sacred Stones of Ireland by Zucchelli, Christine
Heroes or Traitors?: Experiences of Southern Irish Soldiers Returning from the Great War 1919-1939 by Taylor, Paul
An Unlikely Success Story: The Belfast Shipbuilding Industry 1880 - 1935 by Lynch, J. P.
Hales Brothers and the Irish Revolution by Gillis, Liz
Standish O'Grady's Cuculain: A Critical Edition by
The Big Yank: Memoir of a Boy Growing Up Irish by Sexton, J. P.
A History of the British Isles by Black, Jeremy
Standish O'Grady's Cuculain: A Critical Edition by
Medicine, Health and Irish Experiences of Conflict, 1914-45 by
The Forgotten Irish: Irish Emigrant Experiences in America by Shiels, Damian
A State in Denial: British Collaboration with Loyalist Paramilitaries by Urwin, Margaret
O'Donovan Rossa: An Irish Revolutionary in America by O. Luing, Sean
Ireland's 1916 Rising: Explorations of History-Making, Commemoration & Heritage in Modern Times by McCarthy, Mark
The Story of IRELAND by Igoe M. a., Brian
A History of the British Isles by Black, Jeremy
Celtic Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs by History, Hourly
Defying the Ira?: Intimidation, Coercion, and Communities During the Irish Revolution by Hughes, Brian
Governing Hibernia: British Politicians and Ireland 1800-1921 by Hoppen, K. Theodore
The Policing of Belfast 1870-1914 by Radford, Mark
Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200 by O. Croinin, Daibhi
Country Houses and the British Empire, 1700-1930 by Barczewski, Stephanie
People of Dublin, 1600-1799 by Dobson, David
The Cavan Leahys: Origins by Leahy M. Sc, David
Migration and Performance in Contemporary Ireland: Towards a New Interculturalism by McIvor, Charlotte
Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200 by O. Croinin, Daibhi
Leahy Land Deed Notes 1708-1950 by Leahy M. Sc, David
No Solution: The Labour Government and the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1974-79 by Aveyard, Stuart C.
Limerick Folk Tales by Marshall, Ruth
Irish Nationalist Women, 1900-1918 by Paseta, Senia
1916: One Hundred Years of Irish Independence by Coogan, Tim Pat
The Irish Amateur Military Tradition in the British Army, 1854-1992 by Butler, William
Death by Discourse? by Foley, Tadhg
Grim Bastilles of Despair by Mahoney, Paschal
Across the Western Ocean by Moloney, Mick
Leaves of Hungry Grass by Woods, Vincent
Voices Underfoot by Bourke, Angela
George Galphin and the Transformation of the Georgia-South Carolina Backcountry by Morris, Michael P.
Partitioned Lives: The Irish Borderlands by Reid, Bryonie, Nash, Catherine
Hugh de Lacy, First Earl of Ulster: Rising and Falling in Angevin Ireland by Brown, Daniel
The Road to Home Rule: Anti-imperialism and the Irish National Movement by Townend, Paul a.
The Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: Impacts, Engagements, Legacies and Memories by
The Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: Impacts, Engagements, Legacies and Memories by
Irish Impressions by Chesterton, G. K.
Community Action in a Contested Society: The Story of Northern Ireland by Kilmurray, Avila
Studia Hibernica Vol. 42 by
Anglo-Irish Relations in the Early Troubles: 1969-1972 by Williamson, Daniel C.
The Book of Celtic Myths: From the Mystic Might of the Celtic Warriors to the Magic of the Fey Folk, the Storied History and Folklore of Ireland by Emick, Jennifer
The Origins of the Present Troubles in Northern Ireland by Kennedy-Pipe, Caroline
The Rise and Fall of Catholic Ireland: And the Republican Tradition by Sullivan, Eugene B.
Political Acts: Women in Northern Irish Theatre, 1921-2012 by Coffey, Fiona Coleman
Political Acts: Women in Northern Irish Theatre, 1921-2012 by Coffey, Fiona Coleman
Margaret Thatcher: At Her Zenith: In London, Washington and Moscow by Moore, Charles
Home Rule and the Irish Question by Morton, Grenfell
Everyday Violence in the Irish Civil War by Clark, Gemma
An Irish Sanctuary: German-Speaking Refugees in Ireland 1933-1945 by Holfter, Gisela, Dickel, Horst
Anu Productions: The Monto Cycle by Singleton, Brian