• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 1992

Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization by
Das Fest Des Fastenbrechens ('id Al-Fitr) in Ägypten: Untersuchungen Zu Theologischen Grundlagen Und Praktischer Gestaltung by Nabhan, Laila
Von Kairo Nach Mekka: Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Der Pilgerfahrt Nach Den Berichten Des Ibrahim Rif'at Basa: Mir'at Al- Haramain by Stratkötter, Rita
The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought by Murata, Sachiko
Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History, and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center by Ernst, Carl W.
Sufism by Grisell, R., Grisell, Ronald
The Principles of Epistemology in Islamic Philosophy: Knowledge by Presence by Yazdi, Mehdi Ha'iri
The Qurʾan and Its Interpreters: The House of 'Imrān by Ayoub, Mahmoud M.
Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self by Helminski, Kabir Edmund
Islamic Da'wah in the West: Muslim Missionary Activity and the Dynamics of Conversion to Islam by Poston, Larry A.
In the Path of the Holy Prophet: Classic Traditions for Contemplation by Emerick, Yahiya
Revealing Reveiling: Islamist Gender Ideology in Contemporary Egypt by Zuhur, Sherifa
Islam in European Thought by Hourani, Albert
The Shiites by Na, Na
Event: The Koran: Surate LVI / L'Événement: Le Coran: sourate LVI by Miquel, André
Family Planning in the Legacy of Islam by
Faith and Practice of Islam: Three Thirteenth-Century Sufi Texts by Chittick, William C.
An Essay in Aid of A Grammar of Assent by Newman, John Henry Cardinal
Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500 by Harvey, L. P.
Perfecting Women: Maulana Ashraf 'Ali Thanawi's Bihishti Zewar by
Josef Van Ess: Theologie Und Gesellschaft Im 2. Und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra. Band 3 by Ess, Josef Van
The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam by Mernissi, Fatima