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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2010

Arab Society and Culture: An Essential Guide by
Peacemaker's Guide to Warmongers: Exposing Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, and Other Enemies of Peace by Yuksel, Edip
Radical Islam in the Former Soviet Union by
Political Islam in Central Asia: The challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir by Karagiannis, Emmanuel
The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam by Al-Ghazali, Imam
In the Early Hours: Reflections on Spiritual and Self Development by Murad, Khurram
Tombeau of Ibn Arabi and White Traverses by Meddeb, Abdelwahab
Christianity in Persia and the Status of Non-Muslims in Modern Iran by Van Gorder, Christian A.
They Must Be Stopped by Gabriel, Brigitte
The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands by Harry J. Sweeney, J. Sweeney, Harry J. Sweeney
The Restless Wind and Shifting Sands by Harry J. Sweeney
Power in the Portrayal: Representations of Jews and Muslims in Eleventh- And Twelfth-Century Islamic Spain by Brann, Ross
An Introduction to Islam by Denny, Frederick
A Journey through the Holy Qur'an by Emerick, Yahiya
Tactics of Islam: Conquering America from Within by Mizell, Aland D.
In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God by El-Soudani, Sami M., El-Soudani, Nabawia J.
In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God by El-Soudani, Sami M., El-Soudani, Nabawia J.
Jihad and Genocide by Rubenstein, Richard L.
In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God - Volume 3: Islam by El-Soudani, Sami M.
In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God - Volume 3: Islam by El-Soudani, Sami M.
Test Your Quranic Knowledge by Yuksel, Edip
Islam, Politics, Anthropology by
Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Rise of Muslim Consciousness by Meer, N.
Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Rise of Muslim Consciousness by Meer, N.
Europe and Its Muslim Minorities by Nachmani, Amikam
Picturing Islam by George, Kenneth M.
Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi by
Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul by Johnson, Will
Towards Understanding Islam: Updated for a Modern World by Maududi, Abul A'La
Selections From The Qur'an: Rodwell's Translation (1922) by
Worte Mohammeds (1908) by Kruger-Westend, Herman
The Life Of Mohammed: Founder Of The Religion Of Islam, And Of The Empire Of The Saracens (1833) by Bush, George
The Maasir-I-Alamgiri Of Muhammad Saqui Mustaidd Khan (1871) by Ali, Maulawi Agha Ahmad
The Muntakhab Al-Lubab Of Khafi Khan, Part 2 (1874) by Ahmed, Maulavi Kabir Al-Din
The Nafahtaal-Ons Min Hadharat Al-Qods: Or The Lives Of The Soofis (1859) by Jami, Mawlana Noor Al-Din
The Sharaya Ool Islam: A Treatise On Lawful And Forbidden Things (1839) by Kasim, Abool
The Qur'an: Part 2, Chapters 17-114 (1880) by Palmer, Edward Henry
The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals by Dale, Stephen F.
Islamic Fundamentalism: The Story of Islamist Movements by Choueiri, Youssef M.
Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia by
Prophet's Ascension: Cross-Cultural Encounters with the Islamic Mi'raj Tales by
The Glorious Qur'an: Text, Translation & Commentary by Daryabadi, Abdul Majid
Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims by Kugle, Scott Siraj Al-Haqq
Studying Islam: The Critical Issues by Bennett, Clinton
Islamic History: A Very Short Introduction by Silverstein, Adam J.
The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research Into Its Early History by
الإسلام عام 2000 by هوفمان, مر&#
Jesus the Muslim Prophet: History Speaks of a Human Messiah Not a Divine Christ by Fatoohi, Louay
An Introduction to Islamic Archaeology by Milwright, Marcus
An Introduction to Islamic Archaeology by Milwright, Marcus
Christliche Minderheiten in der Türkei by Kehribar, Pinar
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an in Today's English by Emerick, Yahiya
Values and Perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics by
Light Within Me by
Learning from the Life of Prophet Muhammad: Peace and Blessing of God Be Upon Him by Janneh, Sabarr
Bilali Muhammad: Muslim Jurisprudist in Antebellum Georgia by Muhammad, Bilali, Al-Ahari, Muhammed Abdullah
Studying Islam by Bennett, Clinton
Al-Ġazālī und der theologisch-philosophische Diskurs im mittelalterlichen Islam by Werner, Britta
Mirage: The Love Language of Islam! Wake Up America...Before It's Too Late by Ibrahim, David
Negotiating Development in Muslim Societies: Gendered Spaces and Translocal Connections by Lachenmann, Gudrun, Dannecker, Petra
The Qur'an: Part 2, Chapters 17-114 (1880) by Palmer, Edward Henry
The Maasir-I-Alamgiri Of Muhammad Saqui Mustaidd Khan (1871) by Ali, Maulawi Agha Ahmad
The Life Of Mohammed: Founder Of The Religion Of Islam, And Of The Empire Of The Saracens (1833) by Bush, George
The Concept of Labor in Islam by Rehman, Khalil Ur
The Concept of Labor in Islam by Rehman, Khalil Ur
The Holy Qur'an in Today's English by Emerick, Yahiya
Das Familien, Sklaven Und Erbrecht Im Qoran (1908) by Roberts, Robert
Le Djihad Ou Guerre Sainte Selon L'Ecole Malekite (1908) by Fagnan, E.
L'Esprit De La Philosophie Du Droit Musulman (1901) by Choaib, Abdesselam Ben
Mohammed Und Der Koran (1889) by Sprenger, Aloys
Bosquejo De Un Diccionario Tecnico De Filosofia Y Teologia Musulmanas (1903) by Palacios, Miguel Asin
Der Islamische Orient Berichte Und Forschungen V1-10 (1905) by Hartmann, Martin
Die Burda Ein Lobgedicht Auf Muhammad (1860) by Behrnauer, Walter Friedrich Adolf, Busiri, Sharaf Al-Din Muhammad
Les Congregations Religieuses Chez Les Arabes Et La Conquete De L'Afrique Du Nord (1887) by De Constant, Paul H. B. D'Estournelles
Reglement Sur Le Pelerinage De La Mecque (1895) by Pierre Fontana Publisher
Uber Die Blutrache Bei Den Vorislamischen Arabern Und Mohammeds Stellung Zu Ihr (1899) by Procksch, Otto
Fables De Lokman: Surnomme Le Sage (1847) by Helot, Henri, Helot, Leon
La Philosophie Musulmane (1900) by Gauthier, Leon
Beitrage Zur Erklarung Des Koran (1886) by Hirschfeld, Hartwig
Das Moslemische Recht: Aus Den Quellen Dargestellt (1855) by Tornauw, Nicolaus Von
Muhammeds Lehre Von Der Offenbarung (1898) by Pautz, Otto
Der Islam Im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert (1875) by Vambery, Hermann
Uber Die Upsalaer Handschrift Dala'il Alnubuwwa Des Abu Bakr Ahmed Albaihaqi (1891) by Nylander, K. U.
Das Leben Muhammed's (1863) by Noldeke, Theodor
Der Einfluss Des Islam: Auf Das Hausliche, Sociale Und Politische Leben Seiner Bekenner (1881) by Pischon, Carl Nathanael
Al'Abri Or The Tent Pitch'd (1839) by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Die Widerspruche Der Philosophie Nach Al-Gazzali Und Ihr Ausgleich Durch Ibn Rosd (1894) by De Boer, Tjitze
Beitrage Zur Erklarung Des Mufassal (1878) by Trumpp, Ernst
Der Einfluss Des Isla m Auf Das Hausliche, Sociale Und Politische Leben Seiner Bekenner (1881) by Pischon, Carl Nathanael
Der Islam In Seinem Einfluss Auf Das Leben Seiner Bekenner (1882) by Hauri, Johannes
Ibn Akil's Commentar Zur Alfijja Des Ibn Malik: Aus Dem Arabischen Zum Ersten Male Bersetzt (1852) by
Mohammed Der Prophet, Sein Leben Und Seine Lehre (1843) by Weil, Gustav
Averroes Et L'Averroisme (1861) by Renan, Ernest
Beidhawii Commentarius In Coranum V2: Ex Codd. Parisiensibus Dresdensibus Et Lipsiensibus (1848) by
Averroes Et L'Averroisme: Essai Historiqe (1867) by Renan, Ernest
Les Saints De L'Islam: Legendes Hagiologiques Et Croyances Algeriennes (1881) by Trumelet, Corneille
Das Leben Und Die Lehre Des Mohammad V3 (1865) by
Fath Al-Qarib La Revelation De L'Omnipresent (1894) by Van Den Berg, Lodewijk W. Christiaan
Muhammeds Religion Aus Dem Koran (1809) by Cludius, Hermann Heimark
Le Liberalisme-Catholique Et Les Elections Du 23 Juin 1896; Un Manifeste Liberal, Part 1-2; La Campagne Politico-Religieuse De 1896-1897 (1896) by Lapatrie, C.
Beidhawii Commentarius In Coranum V1: Ex Codd. Parisiensibus Dresdensibus Et Lipsiensibus (1848) by Fleischer, Heinrich
Doctrine Et Devoirs De La Religion Musulmane (1826) by
Science Des Religions: L'Islamisme D'Apres Le Coran (1874) by De Tassy, Garcin
De Strijd Over Het Dogma In Den Islam Tot Op El-Ash'ari (1875) by Houtsma, Martinus Theodorus
Das Leben Muhammed's (1863) by Noldeke, Theodor
Averroes Et L'Averroisme: Essai Historique (1852) by Renan, Ernest
Ibn Akil's Commentar Zur Alfijja Des Ibn Malik: Aus Dem Arabischen Zum Ersten Male Bersetzt (1852) by
Averroes Et L'Averroisme: Essai Historiqe (1867) by Renan, Ernest
Mohammed Der Prophet, Sein Leben Und Seine Lehre (1843) by Weil, Gustav
Road to Pakistan: The Life and Times of Mohammad Ali Jinnah by Nanda, B. R.
Surrogate Terrorists: Iran's Formula for Success by Kramer, Stephen
Al-Yahud: Eternal Islamic Enmity and the Jews by Al-Maqdisi, Elias, Solomon, Sam
Lessons in Post-War Reconstruction: Case Studies from Lebanon in the Aftermath of the 2006 War by
The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom by Durie, Mark
The Banality of Suicide Terrorism: The Naked Truth about the Psychology of Islamic Suicide Bombing by Kobrin, Nancy Hartevelt
Behind the Wall: Life, Love, and Struggle in Palestine by Wiles, Rich
Al-Islam Wa Masalih Al-Bashar: Arabic Version by Yahya, Dr Hasan a.
Islam: Finds Its Way by Yahya, Hasan a.
Sharing Lives: Overcoming Our Fear of Islam by De Ruiter, Bert
Alfiqh Al-Islami (2): Ahkam Al-Moamilat by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Alfiqh Al-Islami (3): Ahkam Alwilayat by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Alfiqh Al-Islami (1): Ahkam Al-Ibadat by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Bayyenat Min Fiqh Al-Quran (Soorat Loqman): Dirasa Quraniya by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Bayyenat Min Fiqh Al-Quran (Soorat Al-Noor) by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Role of the State in the Economy: An Islamic Perspective by Siddiqi, Muhammad Nejatullah
Role of the State in the Economy: An Islamic Perspective by Siddiqi, Muhammad Nejatullah
Muslim Civilization: The Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform by Chapra, M. Umer
Muhammad: Man and Prophet by Salahi, Adil
I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced: A Memoir by Ali, Nujood, Minoui, Delphine
Saffron Dreams (Academic Edition) by Abdullah, Shaila
Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel by Cooper, Barbara M.
The Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain by Yonge, Charlotte Mary
The Last Word: Judaism, Christianity & Islam by Munisoglu, Ibrahim Urfi
Articles About Islam by El-Manzalawy, Wael
La Vie De Mahomed: Avec Des Réflexions Sur La Religion Mahometane, & Les Coutumes Des Musulmans by Boulainvilliers, Henri
25 Icons of Peace in the Qur'an: Lessons of Harmony by Mary Saad Assel
25 Icons of Peace in the Qur'an: Lessons of Harmony by Mary Saad Assel
Verzeichnis Der Stichworter, Book 1, Der Buchstabe A: Fur Die Encyklopadie Des Islam (1905) by Houtsma, Martijn Theodoor, Herzsohn, Paul
Muhammed Abul Casem Der Grosse Prophet Von Mekka, Part 1: Ein Seitenstuck Zur Naturlichen Geschichte Des Grossen Lehrers Von Nazareth (1802) by Venturini, Carl
Le Livre De Zoroastre, Zaratusht Nama: De Zartusht-I Bahram Ben Pajdu (1904) by
Le Livre De La Certitude, Kitab-El-Ikan: Un Des Livres Sacres Du Behaisme (1904) by Beha-Ullah, M.
Diwan Des Umeir Ibn Schujeim Al-Qutami (1902) by
Muhammed Und Der Islam (1907) by Reiner, Julius
Vida Religiosa De Los Moriscos (1915) by Longas, Pedro
Le Livre De La Certitude, Kitab-El-Ikan: Un Des Livres Sacres Du Behaisme (1904) by Beha-Ullah, M.
The Madman, His Parables And Poems (1918) by Gibran, Kahlil
Az Iszlam: Tanulmanyok A Muhammedan Vallas Tortenete Korebol (1881) by Goldziher, Ignacz
Ad-Dourra Al-Fakhira La Perle Precieuse De Ghazali: Traite D'Eschatologie Musulmane (1878) by Gautier, Lucien
Muhammed's Religion Nach Ihrer Inneren Entwicklung Und Ihrem Einflusse Auf Das Leben Der Volker: Eine Historische Betrachtung (1838) by Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz Von
Anecdotes Musulmanes Texte Arabe Ou Cours D'Arabe Elementaire (1847) by Cherbonneau, Auguste
Die Persischen Handschriften Der Herzoglichen Bibliothek Zu Gotha (1859) by Pertsch, Ludwig Karl Wilhelm
Civilite Musulmane Ou Recueil: De Sentences Et De Maximes Extraites De L'Ouvrage Du Celebre Auteur Arabe L'Iman Essiyouthi (1851) by
Annales Islamismi (1825) by Rasmussen, Jens Lassen
Die Papstlichen Registerbande Des 13 Jhs. Und Das Inventar Derselben Vom J. 1339 (1886) by Denifle, Heinrich
Ad-Dourra Al-Fakhira La Perle Precieuse De Ghazali, Part 1: Texte Arabe Et Traduction Francaise (1877) by Gautier, Lucien
De Origine Et Compositione Surarum Qoranicarum Ipsiusque Qorani (1856) by Noeldeke, Theodorus
Allahnlichlehre, Und Stammlerbrief And Die Gesehrten (1865) by Siesz, Martin
Muhammedanische Eschatologie: Nach Der Leipziger Und Der Dresdner Handschrift (1872) by
Chrestomathia Baidawiana: The Commentary Of El-Baidawi On Sura III (1894) by
Muhammed In Medina: Das Ist Vakidi's Kitab Almaghazi In Verkurzter Deutscher Wiedergabe (1882) by
Muhammed Abul Casem Der Grosse Prophet Von Mekka, Part 2: Ein Seitenstuck Zur Naturlichen Geschichte Des Grossen Lehrers Von Nazareth (1803) by Venturini, Carl
Muhammed Abul Casem Der Grosse Prophet Von Mekka, Part 1: Ein Seitenstuck Zur Naturlichen Geschichte Des Grossen Lehrers Von Nazareth (1802) by Venturini, Carl
Commentar Zu Zamachsari's Mufassal V2 (1886) by Jais, Ibn
Apollon Klarios: Untersuchungen Zum Orakelwesen Des Spateren Altertums (1889) by Buresch, Karl
Les Lois Morales, Religieuses Et Civiles De Mahomet V1-2 (1850) by
Pend-Nameh: Ou Le Livre Des Conseils De Ferid-Eddin Attar (1819) by De Sacy, A. I. Silvestre
Faith in the Unseen by Rashid Seyal
Faith in the Unseen by Rashid Seyal, Rashid Seyal, Seyal
Die Methodik aṭ-Ṭabarīs: Am Beispiel der Verse 2:21 und 2:22 by Werner, Britta
The Sword and the Rose by Sufiana, Tara
Veiled Atrocities: True Stories of Oppression in Saudi Arabia by Sami Alrabaa
The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday: Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East by Macfarquhar, Neil
I Can Color My Muslim World by Emerick, Yahiya
Discovering the Ottomans by Ortayli, Ilber
Al-Hokm Al-Islami Fee Madrasat Al-Imam Ali by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Die Islampolitik Napoleons während der Ägyptenexpedition (1798-1801) by Steinigen, Cornelia
The A to Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism by Wheeler, Brannon M., Noegel, Scott B.
Seven Steps to Moral Intelligence: Based on Imam Ghazali's Teachings by Hussain, Musharraf
Hizbullah (Hezbollah): The Story from Within by Qassem, Naim
War and Peace in the Law of Islam by Khadduri, Majid
War and Peace in the Law of Islam by Khadduri, Majid
The Gospel of Barnabas by Ragg, Lonsdale
The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam by Griffith, Sidney H.
Gender and Diversity in the Middle East and North Africa by
The Crisis of Islamic Civilization by Allawi, Ali a.
Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization by Aslan, Reza
Partisans of Allah: Jihad in South Asia by Jalal, Ayesha
Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation by Makdisi, Saree
The Court of Reason by Abdullah (Rah), M. S. M.
The Court of Reason by Abdullah (Rah), M. S. M.
The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom by Durie, Mark
The Other Muslims: Moderate and Secular by
Islamic Ethics: Divine Command Theory in Arabo-Islamic Thought by Al-Attar, Mariam
The Other Muslims: Moderate and Secular by
The War on Islam by Masud, Enver
Die Charidschiten Unter Den Ersten Omayyaden: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Ersten Islamischen Jahrhunderts (1884) by Brunnow, Rudolf Ernst
Die Zahiriten: Ihr Lehrsystem Und Ihre Geschichte (1884) by Goldziher, Ignaz
Geschichte Des Qorans (1860) by Noldeke, Theodor
Al-Hidaja 'Ila Fara'id Al-Qulub Des Bachja Ibn Josef Ibn Paquda Aus Andalusien (1912) by
Al-Hidaja 'Ila Fara'id Al-Qulub Des Bachja Ibn Josef Ibn Paquda Aus Andalusien (1912) by
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