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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2011

Islam and War: The Disparity Between the Technological-Normative Evolution of Modern War and the Doctrine of Jihad by Dizboni, A. G.
Out of darkness Into Light: True to life stories of Muslim's coming to Jesus Christ Through Visions, Dreams, & Miracles. by Masih, Ali Abdel
The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece 1940-1949 by Papadimitriou, D., Mamarelis, A., Featherstone, K.
Christian and Muslim Dialogues: The Religious Uses of a Literary Form in the Early Islamic Middle East by Bertaina, David
Islam: A Novel About the Islamic World Based on a True Story by DuBois, Caroline
Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal by Diagne, Souleymane Bachir
The Hidden Treasure: Lady Umm Kulthum, daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima by Ladak, Jaffer
This Is Islam: From Muhammad and the Community of Believers to Islam in the Global Community by Elias, Jamal J.
Islam: A Novel About the Islamic World Based on a True Story by DuBois, Caroline
The Last Message: The Political and Divine Will of His Holiness Imam Khomeini (s) by Khomeini
Christianity and Islam by Zinner, Samuel
An Introduction to the Rights and Duties of Women in Islam by Amini, Ibrahim
Bayyenat Min Fiqh Al-Quran (Soorat Al-Hajj): Dirasa Quraniya by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
An Introduction to Islam by Amini, Ibrahim
Islam Exposed: Islam 101 and What It Means to America. Are We in Danger? Are Muslims a Real Threat to Our Freedom? by McElveen, Floyd C.
Qur'an Revealed by Greer, Robert C.
Apocalypse in Islam by Filiu, Jean-Pierre
La Ciencia Sufi de La Auto-Realizacion by Kabbani, Sheik Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece 1940-1949 by Papadimitriou, D., Mamarelis, A., Featherstone, K.
Nietzsche and Islam by Jackson, Roy
Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism by Halverson, J., Corman, S.
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an for Kids: A Textbook for School Children - Juz 'Amma by Emerick, Yahiya
Muslims and Christians in Norman Sicily: Arabic-Speakers and the End of Islam by Metcalfe, Alexander
40 Sufi Comics by Vakil, Mohammed Arif, Vakil, Mohammed Ali
Beyond Islam: A New Understanding of the Middle East by Zubaida, Sami
Isma'ili Modern: Globalization and Identity in a Muslim Community by Steinberg, Jonah
Die Stellung Jesu im Koran und seine Wunder by Kilic, Fatih
Against Smoking: An Ottoman Manifesto by Al-Aqhisari, Ahmad Al-Rumi
Islam's Perfect Stranger: The Life of Mahmud Muhammad Taha, Muslim Reformer of Sudan by Thomas, Edward
Hinduismus - Die indische Familie by Kilic, Fatih
Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory: The Development of the Concepts of ?Urf and Dah in the Islamic Legal Tradition by Shabana, Ayman
The Rise and Fall of Arab Jerusalem: Palestinian Politics and the City Since 1967 by Cohen, Hillel
Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory: The Development of the Concepts of ?Urf and Dah in the Islamic Legal Tradition by Shabana, Ayman
The Rise and Fall of Arab Jerusalem: Palestinian Politics and the City since 1967 by Cohen, Hillel
Citizenship, Identity, and Education in Muslim Communities: Essays on Attachment and Obligation by Merry, M.
Haschimitische Propaganda: Bedingungen für den Erfolg der abbasidischen Revolution by Illerhaus, Florian
Apocalypse Secrets: Baha'i Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by Able MD, John
God and Humans in Islamic Thought: Abd al-Jabbar, Ibn Sina and Al-Ghazali by Elkaisy-Friemuth, Maha
Welche Konsequenzen hat das Internet für das Religionsverständnis und die Religionsausübung im Islam? by Steinigen, Cornelia
Product Development in Islamic Banks by Ahmed, Habib
Product Development in Islamic Banks by Ahmed, Habib
Islamic Asset Management: An Asset Class on Its Own? by Schoon, Natalie
Islamic Asset Management: An Asset Class on Its Own? by Schoon, Natalie
Islamic Financial Services in the United Kingdom by Housby, Elaine
Islamic Financial Services in the United Kingdom by Housby, Elaine
Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection by Jackson, Sherman A.
Ground Zero Mosque: The Confessions of a Western-Middle-Eastern Muslim by Naïf, Waleed
Ground Zero Mosque: The Confessions of a Western-Middle-Eastern Muslim by Naïf, Waleed
Death by Petrowski, Robert
Death by Petrowski, Robert
19 Nineteen: God's Signature in Nature and Scripture by Yuksel, Edip
Allah Is Dead: Why Islam Is Not a Religion by Bynum, Rebecca
Knowing God by Amini, Ibrahim
A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty by Khan, Hazrat Inayat
Dala'il Al-Khayrat (Original Arabic, Transliteration and Translation to English) by Al-Jazuli, Imam Muhammad Ibn Sulayman
تجديد الخطاب الإسلامي - ا&#160 by بكار, عبدا&#
Jewels from History by Mubashar, Yahya
Arabic Thought and its Place in History by O'Leary, De Lacy
Islamic Art of War by Lamba, Bikram
Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader by Kaltner, John
How to Tell Others About Islam by Emerick, Yahiya
Release Restore Rejoice: Mend and Your Mission Will Manifest by Jean, Renee, J. an, Ren E.
Release Restore Rejoice: Mend and Your Mission Will Manifest by J. an, Ren E., Jean, Renee
Children of Dust: A Portrait of a Muslim as a Young Man by Eteraz, Ali
Are Muslims Distinctive?: A Look at the Evidence by Fish, M. Steven
Islam and Modernity in Turkey by Silverstein, B.
Islam and Modernity in Turkey by Silverstein, B.
The Spirituality of Shi'i Islam: Beliefs and Practices by Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali
The Well-Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire 1876-1909 by Deringil, Selim
Secularism in Afghanistan by Zardushtian, Shukoor
Secularism in Afghanistan by Zardushtian, Shukoor
Infidel Behind the Paradoxical Veil: A Western Woman's Experience in Saudi Arabia by English, Jeanette M.
Ibn 'Arabî - Time and Cosmology by Haj Yousef, Mohamed
Al-Ghazali and the Qur'an: One Book, Many Meanings by Whittingham, Martin
Infidel Behind the Paradoxical Veil: A Western Woman's Experience in Saudi Arabia by English, Jeanette M.
Islamic Radicalism and Multicultural Politics: The British Experience by Abbas, Tahir
Islamic Radicalism and Multicultural Politics: The British Experience by Abbas, Tahir
Take Another Look: The Quran, the Sunnah and the Islam of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad by Muhammad, Wesley
Being Human in Islam: The Impact of the Evolutionary Worldview by Howard, Damian
Wars, Insurgencies and Terrorist Attacks: A Psycho-Social Perspective from the Muslim World by Unaiza Niaz
Mystics and Saints of Islam by Field, Claud
Islam by Ali, Syed Ameer
Concepts of Islam by Abdullah, Naeem
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality by Winkler, Lewis E.
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality by Winkler, Lewis E.
Concepts of Islam by Abdullah, Naeem
The Seven Days of the Heart: Prayers for the Nights and Days of the Week by Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin
Shi'i Jurisprudence and Constitution: Revolution in Iran by Boozari, A.
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Shi'i Jurisprudence and Constitution: Revolution in Iran by Boozari, A.
A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran: With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text by Penrice, John
'Islam' Means Peace: Understanding the Muslim Principle of Nonviolence Today by Pal, Amitabh
Mahdis and Millenarians: Shiite Extremists in Early Muslim Iraq by Tucker, William F.
Perils of Self-Righteousness: An Anecdotal Evaluation of the Muslim Mind-Set - A Self-Criticism by Sein, Faqeer
Islam: A Short Guide to the Faith by
Islamic Activists: The Anti-Enlightenment Democrats by Abdelkader, Deina Ali
Sufism and Saint Veneration in Contemporary Bangladesh: The Maijbhandaris of Chittagong by Harder, Hans
Detained Without Cause: Muslims' Stories of Detention and Deportation in America After 9/11 by Shiekh, I.
Political Liberalism in Muslim Societies by Bilgin, Fevzi
Islam and Christianity: Theological Themes in Comparative Perspective by Renard, John
Islam and Christianity: Theological Themes in Comparative Perspective by Renard, John
Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar by Lebling, Robert
Louis Massignon: The Vow and the Oath by Laude, Patrick
Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism: The Teachings of al-Ghazali and al-Dabbagh by Abrahamov, Binyamin
The Muslim Brotherhood: Hasan al-Hudaybi and ideology by Zollner, Barbara
Popular Sufism in Eastern Europe: Sufi Brotherhoods and the Dialogue with Christianity and 'Heterodoxy' by Norris, H. T.
Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet by Powers, David S.
Energy in Islam: A Scientific Approach to Preserving Our Health and the Environment by Turfe, Tallal Alie
Entstehung des Kreuzzugsgedankens und sein heutiger Einfluss auf die Beziehung zum Westen im islamischen Denken by Abdelrahem, Mohammed
Der Eine Und Das Andere: Beobachtungen an Islamischen Häresiographischen Texten by Ess, Josef Van
Women's oppression, suppression and repression in Islam - A total blocade to their leadership quest by Orjinta, Ikechukwu Aloysius
The Sufilive Series, Vol 5 by Kabbani, Muhammad Hisham, Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Questioning the Veil: Open Letters to Muslim Women by Lazreg, Marnia
Islamic Education and Indoctrination: The Case in Indonesia by Tan, Charlene
Wandering Lonely in a Crowd: Reflections on the Muslim Condition in the West by Imtiaz, S. M. Atif
Vernunft als Religion - Gazzalis religiös-mystische Ethik im Vergleich zu Kants kategorischem Imperativ by Kam, Hureyre
Jawanmardi: A Sufi Code of Honour by Ridgeon, Lloyd
Die Universalität des Qurans: Das Ewige Wort Gottes oder nur Heilgeschichte? Überlegungen zur Deutung und Bedeutung der Botschaft des Qurans by Kam, Hureyre
Islam and the Baha'i Faith: A Comparative Study of Muhammad 'Abduh and 'Abdul-Baha 'Abbas by Scharbrodt, Oliver
Ethnicity and Urban Life in China: A Comparative Study of Hui Muslims and Han Chinese by Zang, Xiaowei
Religion and Mysticism in Early Islam: Theology and Sufism in Yemen by Aziz, Muhammad Ali
Sufi Castigator: Ahmad Kasravi and the Iranian Mystical Tradition by Ridgeon, Lloyd
Ottoman Ulema, Turkish Republic: Agents of Change and Guardians of Tradition by Bein, Amit
Literature, Gender, and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Egypt: The Life and Works of `A'isha Taymur by Hatem, M.
Islamophobia: The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century by
Withdrawing Under Fire: Lessons Learned from Islamist Insurgencies by Gleis, Joshua L.
Reconfiguring Islamic Tradition: Reform, Rationality, and Modernity by Haj, Samira
Imamate and the Imams by Amini, Ibrahim
Sufism and the Way of Blame: Hidden Sources of a Sacred Psychology by Toussulis Phd, Yannis
The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis by Reilly, Robert R.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. [The editor's preface signed: T. L. W., i.e. Thomas L. Wolley. With illustrations and map by Burton, Richard Francis, Wolley, Thomas Lamplugh
The Flourishing of Islamic Reformism in Iran: Political Islamic Groups in Iran (1941-61) by Taghavi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
The Formation of Hanbalism: Piety into Power by Hurvitz, Nimrod
The Twelver Shi'a as a Muslim Minority in India: Pulpit of Tears by Howarth, Toby
Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America by Kull, Steven
Muslim Saints of South Asia: The Eleventh to Fifteenth Centuries by Suvorova, Anna
Resurrection (Qiyamah) in the Qur'an by Amini, Ibrahim
Adat und Islam in Indonesien: Spezifika des indonesischen Familienrechts sowie das Beispiel der Minangkabau als regionale Variante islamischer Famil by Wöhrle, Jannic
Reformkonzepte der 'Neuen Theologen' Irans: Am Beispiel von M. Kadivar, M. Shabestari und H.Y. Eshkevari by Wöhrle, Jannic
Wife Beating in Islam? The Quran Strikes Back! by Muhammad, W.
Women, Islam and Everyday Life: Renegotiating Polygamy in Indonesia by Nurmila, Nina
An Islam of Her Own: Reconsidering Religion and Secularism in Womenas Islamic Movements by Hafez, Sherine
Political Islam in Central Asia: The challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir by Karagiannis, Emmanuel
An Islam of Her Own: Reconsidering Religion and Secularism in Womenas Islamic Movements by Hafez, Sherine
Islam in Focus by Hammudah, Abdalati, Abdal-Ati, Hammudah
Desert Wisdom: A Nomad's Guide to Life's Big Questions from the Heart of the Native Middle East by Douglas-Klotz, Neil
A Prelude to the Quran by Alam M. D., Khalid
Awakening Islam: The Politics of Religious Dissent in Contemporary Saudi Arabia by LaCroix, Stéphane
Muhammad: A Very Short Introduction by Brown, Jonathan A. C.
Veiled Employment: Islamism and the Political Economy of Women's Employment in Iran by
Christians and Muslims: From History to Healing by Cragg, Kenneth B.
Innovation in Islam: Traditions and Contributions by
Christians and Muslims: From History to Healing by Cragg, Kenneth B.
Innovation in Islam: Traditions and Contributions by
The Quran: God's Word or Satan's Great Deception? by Tharp, John W.
The Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650 to the Present by Gunny, Ahmad
Bridging the Divide Between Immigrant and African American Muslims by Utilizing the Concept of Tawheed as the Catalyst: Between Immigrant and African by Muhammad, Salahuddin M.
Islam: The Basics by Turner, Colin
Textual Criticism and Qur'an Manuscripts by Small, Keith E.
The Science of the Greater Jihad: Essays in Principial Psychology by Upton, Charles
Jesus and Moses in India by Farooq, Asad
Jesus and Moses in India by Farooq, Asad
Beyond the Quran by Paul-Magidi, James
Mohammed: Founder Of The Religion Of Islam by Pike, E. Royston
Target America: A 2011 Muslim Journey in America by Hussein, Umar Abdullah
Finding Purpose In His Word: A 30 Journal of Spiritual Inspiration by Guy, Linda J.
Islamization from Below: The Making of Muslim Communities in Rural French Sudan, 1880-1960 by Peterson, Brian J.
The Meaning Of The Glorious Koran by Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke
Spiritual Quest: Reflections on Quranic Prayer According to the Teachings of Imam Ali by Shah-Kazemi, Reza
Essentials of Quranic Arabic: Volume 1 by Ranginwala, Masood
Modern Movements Among Moslems by Wilson D. D., Samuel Graham
An Introduction to Said Nursi: Life, Thought, and Writings by Markham, Ian S., Pirim, Suendam Birinci
An Introduction to Said Nursi: Life, Thought, and Writings by Pirim, Suendam Birinci, Markham, Ian S.
Islam, Modernity, and the Human Sciences by Zaidi, A.
A Manual of Hadith by Muhammad Ali, Maulana
Jihad in the West by Egerton, Frazer
Jihad in the West by Egerton, Frazer
Islamist Terrorism and Democracy in the Middle East by Dalacoura, Katerina
Radical Islam in America: Salafism's Journey from Arabia to the West by Heffelfinger, Chris
Islam, Christianity and the Mystic Journey: A Comparative Exploration by Netton, Ian Richard
Islam, Christianity and the Mystic Journey: A Comparative Exploration by Netton, Ian Richard
Manasik Al-Hajj by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam by Berger, J. M.
The Dream in Islam: From Qur'anic Tradition to Jihadist Inspiration by Edgar, Iain R.
Ibn al-ʿArabī's Barzakh: The Concept of the Limit and the Relationship between God and the World by Bashier, Salman H.
Muhammad Iqbal and the Spirit of Muslim Revival by Zulfikary, Ihsan, Avdich, Kamil Yousef, Al-Ahari, Muhammed Abdullah
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa by Shabeeny, Abd Salam
Prophethood and the Prophet of Islam by Amini, Ibrahim
رحلة إلى مكة by هوفمان, مر&#
Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel by Littman, David G.
Spiritual Purification in Islam: The Life and Works of Al-Muhasibi by Picken, Gavin
Not Just a Soccer Game: Colonialism and Conflict Among Palestinians in Israel by Shihade, Magid
The Conference of Birds: the Sufi's journey to God by Ud-Din Attar, Farid
Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza: Engaging the Islamist Social Sector by Roy, Sara
A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty by Khan, Pir-O-Murshid Inayat
The Social Structure Of Islam by Levy, Reuben
Lived Space; Reconsidering Transnationalism among Muslim Minorities by
Rhetorische Aspekte in den Reden Osama Bin Ladens by Berg, Melanie
Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam by Ernst, Carl W.
Hajj: The Ultimate Goal by Akbar, Ai-Hajjah Zahirah I. S.
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