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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2012

Household of Gold by Sardar, Nouri
The Outline of Islam: Muhammed Abdullah al-Ahari by Balihodzic, Adnan, Avdich, Kamil Y.
The Role of the Arab-Islamic World in the Rise of the West: Implications for Contemporary Trans-Cultural Relations by Al-Rodhan, Nayef R. F.
Islam, Security and Television News by Miazhevich, G., Flood, C., Hutchings, S.
Sufism: A Wayfarer's Guide to the Naqshbandi Way by 'Ala Ad-Din An-Naqshbandi, Shaikh Amin
Christian Responses to Islam: Muslim-Christian Relations in the Modern World by
Heavenly Showers by Haqqani, Shaykh Nazim Adil
Revealed Grace: The Juristic Sufism of Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624) by Buehler, Arthur F.
The Conference of the Birds (Bird Parliament) by Attar, Farid Ud
Lefke Automatic / Destiny of Love by Misdaq, Yusuf
The Book of Ascension to the Essential Truths of Sufism: (Mi'raj Al-Tashawwuf Ila Haqa'iq Al-Tasawwuf) a Lexicon of Sufic Terminology by 'Ajiba, Ahmad Ibn
72 Laws of Islamic Managment by Taheri, Belal
ISS 11 Women's Human Rights and the Muslim Question: Iran's One Million Signatures Campaign by Barlow, Rebecca
Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace by El-Nawawy, M., Khamis, Sahar M.
The Emancipation of Europe's Muslims: The State's Role in Minority Integration by Laurence, Jonathan
The Gulen Hizmet Movement and Its Transnational Activities: Case Studies of Altruistic Activism in Contemporary Islam by
Modern Islamist Movements by Armajani, Jon
Many Heavens, One Earth: Readings on Religion and the Environment by Cain, Clifford Chalmers
Der Nahostkonflikt Durch Die Augen Hanzalas: Stereotypische Vorstellungen Im Schaffen Des Karikaturisten Naji Al-'Ali by Kreitmeyr, Nadine
Zur Ordnung Des Staates: Jungosmanische Intellektuelle Und Ihre Konzepte in Der Zeitung 'Hürriyet' (1868-1870) by Czygan, Christiane
When You Get Into Trouble Nurse From Your Holy Qur'an: Allah(God), The Believer and Suffering by Muhammad, Demetric M.
The Muslim World in the 21st Century: Space, Power, and Human Development by
The Global Muslim Community at a Crossroads: Understanding Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Infighting to End the Conflict by Basit, Abdul
The History of Iran by Daniel, Elton L.
The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America by McCarthy, Andrew C.
Islam Through Western Eyes: From the Crusades to the War on Terrorism by Lyons, Jonathan
Glorious Sermons & Sayings of Ameerul Momineen by Mission, Wilayat
Les Sociétés Secrètes Chez Les Musulmans... by (Abbé )., Rouquette
Islam in the Modern World by Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Jannah Jewels Book 2: The Chase in China by Nura, Umm
Islam, Europe and Emerging Legal Issues by Durham, W. Cole, Torfs, Rik
Conversations Between Friends: A Guide to Dialogue and Interfaith Witness Between Monotheists by
Salafism in Yemen: Transnationalism and Religious Identity by Bonnefoy, Laurent
Contextualising Jihadi Thought by
Islam Dismantled: The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad by Das, Sujit
The Devil We Don't Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East by Darwish, Nonie
The Hand of Poetry, Revised Edition by Inayat Khan, Hazrat
Lamp of Mysteries by Anqarawi, Isma'il
The Devil We Don't Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East by Darwish, Nonie
Principles of the Shi'ite Creed by Amini, Ibrahim
Muslim Families in Global Senegal: Money Takes Care of Shame by Buggenhagen, Beth A.
Allah, Liberty and Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom by Manji, Irshad
The 500 Most Influential Muslims 2009: The Muslim 500 - 2009 by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Cent
Messenger Elijah Muhammad Issues..."A Warning to the Hypocrites" by Muhammad, Messenger Elijah
Towards Building a British Islam: New Muslims' Perspectives by Jawad, Haifaa A.
Questioning French Secularism: Gender Politics and Islam in a Parisian Suburb by Selby, Jennifer
Through the Lens of Cultural Awareness: A Primer for US Armed Forces Deploying to Arab and Middle Eastern Countries by Wunderle, William D.
Localizing Islam in Europe: Turkish Islamic Communities in Germany and the Netherlands by Yükleyen, Ahmet
Muslim Women and Sport by
The Rise of Militancy in Waziristan: The Inside Story of Facing a Faceless Enemy 2001-2012 by Khan, Ghulam Qadir
The West Speaks by Gordon, Jerry
Faithful Education: Madrassahs in South Asia by Riaz, Ali
En el Camino del Santo Profeta by Emerick, Yahiya
Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes by
Sufism by Green, Nile
Running Like Zebras by Yuksel, Edip
Législation Mozabite: Son Origine, Ses Sources, Son Présent, Son Avenir: Leçon d'Ouverture Faite À l'École de Droit d'Alger... by Zeys, Ernest
Islam in Global Politics: Conflict and Cross-Civilizational Bridging by Tibi, Bassam
Islam in Global Politics: Conflict and Cross-Civilizational Bridging by Tibi, Bassam
Allah's Warriors: The Global Islamic Militancy Movement by Sharpes Phd, Donald K.
Radical Islam and the Revival of Medieval Theology by Lav, Daniel
The Questioning God: An Inquiry for Muslims, Jews, and Christians by Greenham, Ant
How to Understand Islam by Jomier, Jacques
Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction by Hughes, Aaron W.
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West: Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society by Jeffery-Street, Isobel
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West: Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society by Jeffery-Street, Isobel
Allah Vs Jesus: Who Is the True God? by Ilyas, Moses
The Qur'an and Its Biblical Subtext by Reynolds, Gabriel Said
A Journey to God: Reflections on the Hikam of Ibn Ata'illah by Auda, Jasser
Jews and Muslims in British Colonial America: A Genealogical History by Yates, Donald N., Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell
Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus by Trousdale, Jerry
Islam In Plain and Simple English by Bookcaps
Interpretation of the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Qur'an: Am'ma Part by Sheikho, Mohammad Amin
The House I Left Behind: A Journey from Islam to Christ by Shayesteh, Daniel
Islam, Migrancy, and Hospitality in Europe by Yegenoglu, M.
Islam, Migrancy, and Hospitality in Europe by Yegenoglu, M.
Peaceful Islamist Mobilization in the Muslim World: What Went Right by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Young British Muslims: Identity, Culture, Politics and the Media by Kabir, Nahid Afrose
The Rational Believer by Bano, Masooda
Muslim Youth: Challenges, Opportunities and Expectations by
When Victory Is Not an Option by Brown, Nathan J.
Muslim Youth: Challenges, Opportunities and Expectations by
The Essentials of Ibadi Islam by Hoffman, Valerie J.
The Heavenly Power of Divine Obedience and Gratitude, Part 1 by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
When Victory Is Not an Option by Brown, Nathan J.
The Way of the Prophet: A Selection of Hadith by Hasan, Shaykh 'Abd Al-Ghaffar, Ohasan, Abd Al-Ghaffaar
How Abraham Abandoned Me by Matur, Bejan
Securitizing Islam: Identity and the Search for Security by Croft, Stuart
Crusade 2.0: The West's Resurgent War Against Islam by Feffer, John
Silent Violence: Neoliberalism, Islamist Politics and the Akp Years in Turkey by
Theological Approaches to Qur'anic Exegesis: A Practical Comparative-Contrastive Analysis by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
Poetic Justice: Quranic Reading for Children by Delane, Jennine Labuzan
Islam: A Very Short Introduction by Ruthven, Malise
The Muslim Next Door: A Practical Guide for Evangelism and Discipleship by Javed, Alfonse
Ana Howa (I Am That) by Mission, Wilayat
The Prodigal Son by Muhammad, Messenger Elijah
Securitizing Islam by Croft, Stuart
The Idea of Personality in S Fism: Three Lectures Delivered in the University of London by Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne
A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the B B: Volume 1, Persian Text: Edited in the Original Persian, and Translated Into En by
A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb by
Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam by
The Arabs and Their Qur'an by Ross, David R.
American Muslim Women, Religious Authority, and Activism: More Than a Prayer by Hammer, Juliane
The Fifth Pillar: The Hajj Pilgrimage by Omaar, Rageh, Tavakolian, Newsha
Where the Three Worlds Touch by Kehl, Elisabeth, Walker, Nicolas
Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge by
Statements of the Guiding Scholars of Our Age Regarding Books and Their Advice to the Beginner Seeker of Knowledge by
Desolate Vineyards: A Discipleship Manual for Understanding and Responding to the Muslim Worldview by Sofien, W. a.
Islam: Silencing the Critics: A candid analysis of the most discussed faith in today's world. by Sheikh Phd, Zia U.
Interpretations of Law and Ethics in Muslim Contexts by
Sufism, Mahdism and Nationalism: Limamou Laye and the Layennes of Senegal by Thomas, Douglas H.
Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100-1450 by Akbari, Suzanne Conklin
Conservative Islam: A Cultural Anthropology by Kolig, Erich
Great Traditions in Islamic Ethics: Islamic Ethics by Hejazi, S. M. R.
In the Presence of the Holy Quran: Points, Codes, Studies, and Statistical Information about the Holy Quran by Hejazi, Dr S. M. R.
Learn Islam: Wisdom from Al-Quran: References from the Divine Book by Mustafa, Syeda Hina, Zahid, Syeda Irtiqa, Hussain Bokhari, Syed Zahid
Islam and the Glorious Ka'abah by Alhuseini, Farouq M., Al Huseini, Syed Farouq M., Alhuseini, Sayed M.
Islam and the Glorious Ka'abah by Alhuseini, Farouq M., Al Huseini, Syed Farouq M., Alhuseini, Sayed M.
Al-Rawaeh Al-Qudsiyah by Hejazi, Dr S. M. R.
Shamim Qudsi 3: Interpretation of Quranic Verses by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Shamim Qudsi 2: (persian Translation of Al-Rawaeh Al-Qudsiyah) Interpretation of Quranic Verses by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Shamim Qudsi 4: Interpretation of Quranic Verses (Persian Translation of Al-Rawaeh Al-Qudsiyah) by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Shamim Qudsi by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Jawami` Al-Akhbar: Traditions of Bihar Al-Anwar by Hejazi, Dr S. M. R.
Their Jihad... Not My Jihad: Revised 2nd Edition by Raza, Raheel
Jawami` Al-Akhbar 2: Traditions of Bihar Al-Anwar by Hejazi, Dr S. M. R.
Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia by
Nasimi AZ Shamim Qudsi: A Concise Interpretation of Quranic Verses by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Al-Mowsoo`ah Al-Jami`ah: In the Formula of Praising and Greeting the Holy Prophet and His Household (Peace Be Upon Them) by Hejazi, Dr S. Mohammad Reza
William S. Burroughs vs. The Qur'an by Knight, Michael Muhammad
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur'an by
European Muslims, Civility and Public Life: Perspectives on and from the Gülen Movement by
European Muslims, Civility and Public Life: Perspectives on and from the Gülen Movement by
The Path of Worshippers to the Paradise of the Lord of the Worlds: Minhaj al-abidin ila jannat rabb al-alamin by Al-Ghazzali, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad
Behind Turkish Lattices: The Story of a Turkish Woman's Life ... by Jenkins, Hester Donaldson
The Dome of Provisions, Part 1 by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Faith and Reason in Islam: Averroes' Exposition of Religious Arguments by Averroes
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 25 of 30: Fussilat 047 To Al Jathiya 037 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 29 of 30: Al Mulk 001 To Al Mursalat 050 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 1 of 30: Al Fatiha 001 To Al Baqarah 141 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 16 of 30: Al Kahf 075 To Ta Ha 135 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 21 of 30: Al Ankabut 046 To Al Azhab 030 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 5 of 30: An Nisaa 024 To An Nisaa 147 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 2 of 30: Al Baqarah 142 To Al Baqarah 252 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 9 of 30: Al A'raf 088 To Al Anfal 040 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 3 of 30: Al Baqarah 253 To Al Imran 092 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 4 of 30: Al Imran 093 To An Nisaa 023 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 17 of 30: Al Anbiyaa 001 To Al Hajj 078 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 18 of 30: Al Muminum 001 To Al Furqan 020 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 19 of 30: Al Furqan 021 To An Naml 055 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 20 of 30: An Naml 056 To Al Ankabut 045 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 22 of 30: Al Azhab 031 To Ya Sin 027 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 23 of 30: Ya Sin 028 To Az Zumar 031 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 24 of 30: Az Zumar 032 To Fussilat 046 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 26 of 30: Al Ahqaf 001 To Az Zariyat 030 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S., Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 27 of 30: Az Zariyat 031 To Al Hadid 029 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 28 of 30: Al Mujadila 001 To At Tahrim 012 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 30 of 30: An Nabaa 001 To An Nas 006 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad S.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 6 of 30: An Nisaa 148 To Al Ma'idah 081 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 7 of 30: Al Ma'idah 082 To Al An'am 110 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 8 of 30: Al An'am 111 To Al A'raf 087 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 10 of 30: Al Anfal 041 To At Tauba 092 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 11 of 30: At Tauba 093 To 10: Hud 005 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 12 of 30: Hud 006 To Yusuf 052 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 13 of 30: Yusuf 053 To Ibrahim 052 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 14 of 30: Al Hijr 001 To An Nahl 128 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Part 15 of 30: Al Israa 001 To Al Kahf 074 by Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad Saed
A History of the Nation of Islam: Race, Islam, and the Quest for Freedom by Gibson, Dawn-Marie
Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk: Existentialism and Politics by
Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk: Existentialism and Politics by
Adaptable Autocrats: Regime Power in Egypt and Syria by Stacher, Joshua
Adaptable Autocrats: Regime Power in Egypt and Syria by Stacher, Joshua
The Writing of Violence in the Middle East: Inflictions by Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak
Sense and Sensibility in Islam: Linguistics, Context and Rationality by Nazer, Abdul Elah
Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America by Mawyer, Martin, Pierucci, Patti
Sense and Sensibility in Islam: Linguistics, Context and Rationality by Nazer, Abdul Elah
The Imam's Daughter: My Desperate Flight to Freedom by Shah, Hannah
Zum Dissens in der Debatte um die Zulässigkeit des Klonens am Menschen im Islam by Fülle, Katharina
The Lost Words by Bintali, Safiyya
The Path of Worshippers to the Paradise of the Lord of the Worlds: Minhaj al-abidin ila jannat rabb al-alamin by Al-Ghazzali, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad
Pèlerinage À La Mecque Et À Médine: Précédé d'Un Aperçu Sur l'Islamisme (Éd.1894) by Soubhy, Saleh
Tribus Du Sud-Ouest Marocain: Bassins Côtiers Entre Sous Et Drâa (Éd.1891) by Le Chatelier, Alfred
Les Femmes Arabes En Algérie (Éd.1900) by Auclert, Hubertine
Marabouts Et Khouan: Étude Sur l'Islam En Algérie (Éd.1884) by Rinn, Louis
Notes Sur l'Islâm Magribin: Les Marabouts (Éd.1900) by Doutté, Edmond
Recherches Sur l'Origine Et Les Migrations Des Tribus de l'Afrique Septentrionale (Éd.1853) by de la Tour, Henri
God's Unruly Friends: Dervish Groups in the Islamic Later Middle Period, 1200-1550 by Karamustafa, Ahmet T.
Qur'an Liberation and Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity Against Oppression by Esack, Farid
Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism by Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn
Muhammad's ALLAH by Hulusi, Ahmed
South Asian Sufis: Devotion, Deviation, and Destiny by
Islamist Politics in the Middle East: Movements and Change by
Islamist Politics in the Middle East: Movements and Change by
Islam and the Fate of Others: The Salvation Question by Khalil, Mohammad Hassan
The Vernacular Qur'an: Translation and the Rise of Persian Exegesis by Zadeh, Travis
Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam by Donner, Fred M.
Shi'ism: A Religion of Protest by Dabashi, Hamid
A Code of Conduct: A Treatise on the Etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili Mission by
Islam, Security and Television News by Miazhevich, G., Flood, C., Hutchings, S.
The Black Muslim Manifesto II: A Luta Continua by Lukman
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