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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2013

The Persian Mystics: Jami by Davis, Frederick Hadland
The Persian Mystics: Jalalu'd-Din Rumi by Davis, Frederick Hadland
Remembering 9/11: Terror, Trauma and Social Theory by Seidler, V.
Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
Faith, Philosophy and the Reflective Muslim by Ali, Z.
Where the Two Seas Meet: Al-Khidr and Moses--The Qur'anic Story of Al-Khidr and Moses in Sufi Commentaries as a Model for Spiritual Guidance by Halman, H. Talat
A Culture of Sufism: Naqshbandis in the Ottoman World, 1450-1700 by Le Gall, Dina
The Babi Religion. by Edward Granville Browne by Browne, Edward Granville, Browne, E. G.
Encountering the Stranger: A Jewish-Christian-Muslim Trialogue by
Tabari und Co - Methoden und Vielfalt der Koranexegese am Beispiel des "Züchtigungsverses" by Amhaz, Hannah
Ghalib: Selected Poems by Ghalib
The Enlightened Sayings of Hazrat 'Ali: The Right Hand of the Prophet by 'Ali, Hazrat
Between Heaven and Hell: Islam, Salvation, and the Fate of Others by
Tolerance, Democracy, and Sufis in Senegal by
Tolerance, Democracy, and Sufis in Senegal by
Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Koran: Zu den Thesen und Arbeitsmethoden Christoph Luxenbergs by Janson, Göran
Understanding the Ark by Shakir, Abid
Toward an Islamic Enlightenment: The Gulen Movement by Yavuz, M. Hakan
"60 Jahre Kommunismus - 1000 Jahre Islam"...?! - "Das Schwert des Islam" von Peter Scholl-Latour als Beispiel für den populär-wissenschaftlichen Umgan by Amhaz, Hannah
Mediating the Arab Uprisings by
The Muslim Book of Why: What Everyone Should Know about Islam by Umar, Warithudeen
The Medinah ( Madinah)Arabic Course for Children: Textbook Level One by Abdullah Taha, Muhammed
The Muslim Book of Why: What Everyone Should Know about Islam by Umar, Warithudeen
Turning Point: Breaking the Shackles of Dependant Thinking A personal journey in Discovering God and Myself by Ahsanullah, Humera T.
A Matter of FAITH: The Islamic Spring by El-Hewie, Mohamed F.
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in the Light of Comparison by Waldman, Marilyn Robinson
Islamismus - Ideologie oder sozial begründet by Schauer, Marina
Radikalisierung junger Muslime in Deutschland by Schauer, Marina
Würden Sie einen Vegetarier zwingen, Fleisch zu essen?: Islam in Deutschland - eine satirische Betrachtung by Fulan, Fulana Bint
Rumi: A Daybook by Rumi
Neun Einblicke in eine gottverliebte Seele by Fulan, Fulana Bint
Islam und Wahabismus - ein Vergleich by Fulan, Fulana Bint
Politics of Nostalgia in the Arabic Novel: Nation-State, Modernity and Tradition by Ouyang, Wen-Chin
Sufi Poetry of India: A Daybook by Smith, Paul
Islam and the Veil: Theoretical and Regional Contexts by
The Iliad: The Male Totem: The succedaneum theory by Nikoletseas, Michael M.
The Quran and Islam by Tafero, Arthur H.
The Heavenly Power of Divine Obedience and Gratitude, Volume 2 by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Sadi: A Daybook by Sadi
Fiqh Alsyaha Wa Alsafar: Fatawa Ayatullah Al-Udhma Alsayed Mohammad Taqee Almodarresi by Almodarresi Db, Ayatollah Al-Udhma Alsay
Islam and Christianity on the Edge: Talking Points in Christian-Muslim Relations Into the 21st Century by
The Future Master Fard Muhammad by Muhammad, Elijah
The Future Master Fard Muhammad by Muhammad, Elijah
ISS 13 Making Australian Foreign Policy on Israel-Palestine: Media Coverage, Public Opinion and Interest Groups by Rane, Halim, Han, Eulalia
Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons: The Islamic Teachings at the Heart of Alchemy by Von Sebottendorff, Baron Rudolf
Reflexionen über die Liebe: Abhandlung über die Arten der Liebe by Fulan, Fulana Bint
The Epistle on Legal Theory by Al-Shafi'i, Muhammad Ibn Idris
Abu Sa'id & Sarmad: A Sufi Daybook by Sarmad, Sa'id, Abu
The Calamitous and Lamentable 'Arab Spring: An Analysis of the Hypocrisy and Illiteracy of an Arab Muslim by Mus Apha, 'All Ma S. Ni
The Hojjatiyeh Society in Iran: Ideology and Practice from the 1950s to the Present by Cohen, R.
Was der Suchende braucht: Ein Leitfaden für den, der Allah nahe kommen will by Arabi, Muhiyy Ad
Turkish & Urdu Sufi Poets A Daybook by Smith, Paul
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
The Logic of Law Making in Islam by Sadeghi, Behnam
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
In the Shadow of the Sword: The Birth of Islam and the Rise of the Global Arab Empire by Holland, Tom
The Devil's Deception of the Modern Day Salafi Sect: A Contemporary Study of Salafist Extremism in The United States by Ahmad, Imam Luqman
Hazardous Associations: In the Name of Al- Islam by Razzaq, Khidr Abdul
Hazardous Associations: In the Name of Al- Islam by Razzaq, Khidr Abdul
Moslems of Soviet Central Asia: Trends and Prospects by Pipes, Richard
Living the Ethics and Morality of Islam: How to Live As A Muslim by Unal, Ali
An Introduction to Islamic Faith and Thought: How to Live as a Muslim by Unal, Ali
The Holy Quran: English translation of Muslims first book by Alkharraz, Saad
Warum Muslime gefährlich sind: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by Fulan, Fulana Bint
Mystics and Saints of Islam by Field, Claud
Story of the Qur'an 2e by Mattson, Ingrid
Kodex und Kanon by Wallraff, Martin
Sufi & Dervish Ruba'iyat (9th -14th century): A Daybook by Smith, Paul
Risk Management for Islamic Banks by Salem, Rania Abdelfattah
Mystics and Saints of Islam by Field, Claud
Von den Eigenschaften des Ehemannes im Islam by Elleisy, Magdy
Desolate Vineyards (English-Arabic): Reflections on Objections to Christianity by Sofien, W. a.
Yesterday's Reflections: A Repository of Memories by Schmid, Albert F.
Yesterday's Reflections: A Repository of Memories by Schmid, Albert F.
The Medinah (Madinah) Arabic Course for Children: Workbook Level One by Abdullah, Muhammed Taha
Egypt After Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and Democracy in the Arab World by Rutherford, Bruce K.
On the Muslim Question by Norton, Anne
Queen Sheba Talking by El-Amili, Hisham
Queen Sheba Talking by El-Amili, Hisham
Radical Islam In The House: The Plan to Take America for the Global Islamic State by Mathieson, Kate, Coffman Ph. D., Michael S.
Islam in the Nordic and Baltic Countries by
The Hedaya, or Guide 4 Volume Set: A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws by Burhan Al-Din Al-Marghinani
The Qu'ran The Final Evidence They Dont Want You To Know by Fahim, Faisal
Young Muslims, Pedagogy and Islam: Contexts and Concepts by Khan, M. G.
Young Muslims, Pedagogy and Islam: Contexts and Concepts by Khan, M. G.
Spiritual Gems of Islam: Insights & Practices from the Qur'an, Hadith, Rumi & Muslim Teaching Stories to Enlighten the Heart & Mind by Rahman, Imam Jamal
Spiritual Gems of Islam: Insights & Practices from the Qur'an, Hadith, Rumi & Muslim Teaching Stories to Enlighten the Heart & Mind by Rahman, Imam Jamal
An Introduction to Islam in the 21st Century by
Islam, Development, and Urban Women's Reproductive Practices by Hughes Rinker, Cortney
An Introduction to Islam in the 21st Century by
The Dawn of Islamic Literalism: Rise of the Crescent Moon by Butta, Joseph A., Jr., Butta, Joseph A.
The Dawn of Islamic Literalism: Rise of the Crescent Moon by Butta, Joseph A., Butta, Joseph A., Jr.
A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot's Fight to Save His Faith by Jasser, M. Zuhdi
Islam: The Alien Faith by Eid, Hadi F.
The Great Deceiver: Allah-Muhammad VS Jesus-God-Yahweh by Smeltz Sr, David N.
Body of Victim, Body of Warrior: Refugee Families and the Making of Kashmiri Jihadists by Robinson, Cabeiri Debergh
A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty by Khan, Pir-O-Murshid Inayat
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History by O'Leary, De Lacy
Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam: Explaining the Conservative Turn by
The Neglected Duty: The Creed of Sadat's Assassins by Jansen, Johannes J. G.
Hostage Spaces of the Contemporary Islamicate World: Phantom Territoriality by Lukic, Dejan
Attachment to Abandoned Heritage: The Case of Suakin, Sudan by Taha, Shadia
Schools of Qur'anic Exegesis: Genesis and Development by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
Sufis of Andalucia: The Ruh al-Quds and Al-Durat Fakhirah by Ibn 'Arabi, M.
Theologie(n) an der Universität by
Pilgrimage "Hajj": The Fifth High Grade of Al-Taqwa by Sheikho, Mohammad Amin
L'Interdiction Des Violences Conjugales En Islam by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham, Ziad, Homayra
Sufism and the 'modern' in Islam by
History of the Middle East by Halm, Heinz, Gronke, Monike, Faroqhi, Suraiya
Muslim Secular Democracy: Voices from Within by Rahim, Lily Zubaidah
Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia by
Islamophobia in America: The Anatomy of Intolerance by
The Holy Prophet's Kingdom by Yaar Khan Na'imi Ashrafi, Mufti Ahmed
Fallacies of the Anti Hadith argument by Ali, Zubair
The Search for Truth about Islam: A Christian Pastor Separates Fact from Fiction by Daniel, Ben
Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus by Safran, Janina M.
The Sources of Spring Water in the World: A dialogue between two scholars, "Sir John G. Bennett" & "Mohammad Amin Sheikho" by Sheikho, Mohammad Amin
Arabic Thought and its Place in History by O'Leary, De Lacy
Pointers to Presence: A Collection of Aphorisms for the Wayfarer by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Islam, Orientalism and Intellectual History Modernity and the Politics of Exclusion Since Ibn Khaldun by Salama, Mohammad R.
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami (Fiqh Al-Khums): Dirasa Istidlaliya by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Future of Islam by Esposito, John L.
Vom Wesen Gottes: Die Majestät und die Schönheit Allahs by Ibn Arabi, Muhiyuddin Muhammad
Mosalmane Masih, Muslim for Messiah: Outreach to Muslims by Noori, Yahya
Approximation to the Meanings of Universal Message, the Word of Allah: A Linguistic Analysis by Khan, Muhammad
Approximation to the Meanings of Universal Message, the Word of Allah: A Linguistic Analysis by Khan, Muhammad
Sayyid Qutb: The Life and Legacy of a Radical Islamic Intellectual by Toth, James
Unsettling Sikh and Muslim Conflict: Mistaken Identities, Forced Conversions, and Postcolonial Formations by Sian, Katy P.
Depraved Borderlands: Encounters with Muslims in Dutch Literature and the Public Debate by Moenandar, Sjoerd-Jeroen
The Prophet and Islam: Abridged from an Edition of 1879 by Poole, Stanley Lane
In the Valley of Mist: Kashmir: One Family in a Changing World by Hardy, Justine
The Logic of the Qur'an by Campbell, James
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence, Vol. 2 by Al-Jibouri, Yasin
What God Says About Jesus by Campbell, I. D.
FAQs About Islam by Campbell, I. D.
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence, Vol. 2 by Al-Jibouri, Yasin
Muslim Identities: An Introduction to Islam by Hughes, Aaron
The Muslim Brotherhood: From Opposition to Power by Pargeter, Alison
Yemen by
Muslim Identities: An Introduction to Islam by Hughes, Aaron
Heaven on Earth: A Journey Through Shari'a Law from the Deserts of Ancient Arabia to the Streets of the Modern Muslim World by Kadri, Sadakat
Islamic Sufism in the West by Idrissi, Aziz El Kobaiti
Sufis in Western Society: Global networking and locality by
25 Myths About Islam by Campbell, I. D.
Salawat de Inmensas Bendiciones by Haqqani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil, Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Sons of Ishmael: Muslims Through European Eyes in the Middle Ages by Tolan, John V.
Light Without Fire: The Making of America's First Muslim College by Korb, Scott
Can a Bridge Build Itself?: Essays on Belief and Moral Values by Ergi, Omer
Muhammad and the Supernatural: Medieval Arab Views by Williams, Rebecca
The Development of the Babi/Baha'i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives by Ioannesyan, Youli
Slavery, the State, and Islam by Ennaji, Mohammed
La Allakum Tuflehoon: That Ye May (Really) Prosper by Zoha, Syed Shaukat
Muslim Ethiopia: The Christian Legacy, Identity Politics, and Islamic Reformism by Østebø, Terje
Muslim Ethiopia: The Christian Legacy, Identity Politics, and Islamic Reformism by Østebø, Terje
Maqasid Foundations of Market Economics by El-Din, Seif Ibrahim Tag
Maqasid Foundations of Market Economics by El-Din, Seif Ibrahim Tag
Science and Religion in Mamluk Egypt: Ibn Al-Nafis, Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection by Fancy, Nahyan
Bausteine des Fiqh: Kernbereiche der ´Uṣūl al-Fiqh- Quellen und Methodik der Ergruendung islamischer Beurteilungen by Bauer, Wolfgang Johann
Mulla Sadra and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being by Rizvi, Sajjad H.
Middle Eastern Belongings by
Islam and China's Hong Kong: Ethnic Identity, Muslim Networks and the New Silk Road by Ho, Wai-Yip
The Construction of Muslim Identities in Contemporary Brazil by Maria De Castro, Cristina
Syrian Episodes: Sons, Fathers, and an Anthropologist in Aleppo by Borneman, John W.
Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice by Katz, Marion Holmes
Islam and the Challenge of Civilization by Meddeb, Abdelwahab
Slavery, the State, and Islam by Ennaji, Mohammed
Great Sufi Poets of the Punjab & Sindh: An Anthology by Smith, Paul
The Qur'an: A New Annotated Translation by Droge, A. J.
The Qur'an: A New Annotated Translation by Droge, A. J.
Arab-Islamic Groups and Organizations: From Muhammad to the Present by Fathi, Saul Silas
The Madinah [Medinah] Arabic Course for Children: Textbook Level Two by Abdur Rahim, V.
Études Sur l'Islam Au Sénégal. Les Doctrines Et Les Institutions by Marty, Paul
Critical Muslim 5: Love and Death by
Études Sur l'Islam Au Sénégal. Les Personnes by Marty, Paul
Fiqh Al-Istinbaat (1): Dirasat Fee Mabade ILM Al-Osool by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Fiqh Al-Istinbaat (2): Dirasat Fee Mabade Bahth Al-Alfaadh by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Discourses by As-Sufi, Shaykh Abdalqadir
Commentaries by As-Sufi, Shaykh Abdalqadir
Legislating Authority: Sin and Crime in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey by Miller, Ruth
Heavenly Counsel: From Darkness Into Light by Haqqani, Shaykh Nazim Adil
Mirror for the Muslim Prince: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft by
Les Traditions Islamiques. Tome 1 by Ibn Ismail Al-Buhari, Muhammad
Les Traditions Islamiques. Tome 2 by Ibn Ismail Al-Buhari, Muhammad
Les Traditions Islamiques. Tome 3 by Ibn Ismail Al-Buhari, Muhammad
Les Traditions Islamiques. Tome 4 by Ibn Ismail Al-Buhari, Muhammad
What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur'an by White, James R.
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence, Vol. 3 by Al-Jibouri, Yasin
Nahjul-Balagha: Path of Eloquence, Vol. 3 by Al-Jibouri, Yasin
The Scorpion's Tail: The Relentless Rise of Islamic Militants in Pakistan-And How It Threatens America by Hussain, Zahid
Structural and Thematic Coherence in the Qur'an by Al-Massri Phd, Ismat M.
Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice by Katz, Marion Holmes
Faith, Philosophy and the Reflective Muslim by Ali, Z.
Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East, Second Edition by Bayat, Asef
Islam, Economics, and Society (RLE Politics of Islam) by
Recognizing Islam: An Anthropologist's Introduction by Gilsenan, Michael
Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East by Bayat, Asef
Sirat E Batool (Sa) by Sarhadi, Aga Abdul Hasan, Mission, Wilayat
Have Muslims Abandoned the Quran? by Saeed, M.
In Defense of the Religion of Peace by Abdul-Muntaqim Ph. D., Askari
Al'lah is Greater Be Kind to Animal by Sheikho, Mohammad Amin
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