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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2014

My Story with Governance by Houston, Tom
Making the British Muslim: Representations of the Rushdie Affair and Figures of the War-On-Terror Decade by Falkenhayner, N.
The Rushdie Fatwa and After: A Lesson to the Circumspect by Winston, B.
Islamic Ideals by Beevi a., Nabeesathu
The Story Of Moses by Sperling, Karima
Al-Mahad Al-Islami: Bayn Al-Isala Wa Al-Tatweer by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
Lanakoon Khairo Omma by Al-Modarresi Db, Grand Ayatollah S. M. T.
The Impact of Islam by Scott, Emmett
The Story of Joseph by Mohammed, W. Deen
From Medina To Karbala: In The Words Of Imam Al Husayn by Najmi, Ayatollah Muhammad
Kandahar Assassins: Stories from the Afghan-Soviet War by Gumnam, Mohammad Tahir Aziz
The Masnavi, Book Three by Mojaddedi, Jawid, Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
Al-Ma'thurat: The Ultimate Daily Dhikr Collection for Morning and Evening (Large Print Edition) by Al-Banna, Hasan
Muslim Youth Speak: Voices of Today's Muslim Youth by Emerick, Yahiya
Sufism in Britain by
The Crisis of Islamic Masculinities by de Sondy, Amanullah
Tawheed al Mufaddal by Umar, Mufaddal Ibn, Mission, Wilayat
A Series of Very Unfortunate Monsters; Santa Clause, His Elves and A Tooth Fairy by David, Halimah Bint
Al-Amaali by Al-Mufid, Sheikh
Muslims and Jews in France: History of a Conflict by Mandel, Maud S.
al-Qa'im fil Quran: Der Sich-Erhebende im Quran by Shirazi, Ayatullah Sayyed Sadiq
Classical Spirituality in Contemporary America: The Confluence and Contribution of G.I. Gurdjieff and Sufism by Pittman, Michael S.
Sufism, Mahdism and Nationalism: Limamou Laye and the Layennes of Senegal by Thomas, Douglas H.
South Asian Sufis: Devotion, Deviation, and Destiny by
The Writing of Violence in the Middle East: Inflictions by Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak
Practical Mysticism by Underhill, Evelyn
Allah in Love with Mohammad sawaw and his Progeny asws by Naqvi, Alsyyed Abu Mohammad
Naji Firqah: The Successful Sect by Naqvi, Dr Alsyyed Abu Mohammad
Kalima Tayyiba by Naqvi, Dr Alsyyed Abu Mohammad
In the Meadows of Tafsir for the Noble Quran by Niass, Shaykh Ibrahim
Islam Through Western Eyes: From the Crusades to the War on Terrorism by Lyons, Jonathan
The Politics of Writing Islam: Voicing Difference by Mutman, Mahmut
Ters Prizma by Adiloglu, A. Salim
Global Salafism: Islam's New Religious Movement by
A Metahistory of the Clash of Civilisations: Us and Them Beyond Orientalism by Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin
Holy Ignorance: When Religion and Culture Part Ways by Olivier, Roy
Hodallil Muttaqeen by Naqvi, Dr Alsyyed Abu Mohammad
Yeh Ijtihad Ajab Hay by Gilani, Syed Muhammad Kaleem Haider
Studying Islam in Practice by
Sex and the Citadel: Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World by El Feki, Shereen
The Bermuda Triangle Islamic Perspective: Within the Context of Bermuda Muslim History by Brown, Wayne Lonnie
Journey to the Unseen World by Quchani, Ayatullah Najafi
Politics of Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Islam, Youth, and Social Activism in the Middle East by Petersen, M., Sparre, S., Jung, D.
Politics of Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Islam, Youth, and Social Activism in the Middle East by Petersen, M., Sparre, S., Jung, D.
Muslim Merit-Making in Thailand's Far-South by Joll, Christopher M.
Death and Hereafter by Yawar Baig, Mirza
Companion of Hajj: Your Step by Step Guide to Perform Hajj Correctly by Ul Haq, Mufti Ikram, Uosmaanai, Muftai Muohammad Rafa
Companion of Hajj: Your Step by Step Guide to Perform Hajj Correctly by Ul Haq, Mufti Ikram, Uosmaanai, Muftai Muohammad Rafa
Muhammed: Messenger of Peace and Tolerance by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
Muhammed: Messenger of Peace and Tolerance by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
Arab Feminisms: Gender and Equality in the Middle East by
SIHA Journal: Women in Islam (Issue One) by Siha
The Thread of Mu?awiya: The Making of the Marj?aiya by Walbridge, Linda Strickland
Gender, Sainthood, and Everyday Practice in South Asian Shi'ism by Ruffle, Karen G.
Sufi Parables by Zubkova, Anna
The Principles of Sufism by Al-Bāʿūniyyah, ʿĀʾishah
Rise of Turkey: The Twenty-First Century's First Muslim Power by Cagaptay, Soner
40 Questions and Answers on the Virtues and Sufferings of Hazrate Zahra by Sadegh Rohani, Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad
Anwar-ul-Quran: The Holy Quran with English Translation by Fode Drame by Drame, Fode
What Is an American Muslim?: Embracing Faith and Citizenship by Naaim, Abd Allaah Aohmad
Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda by Gerges, Fawaz A.
The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad by Hazleton, Lesley
H. M. Baagil's Muslim-Christian Dialogue: A Reply, Refutation and Rebuttal by Al-Katib, A. Yousef
What is Islamic Philosophy? by Jackson, Roy
Islam in Liberal Europe: Freedom, Equality, and Intolerance by Hafez, Kai
Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia by Khalid, Adeeb
The Message by Subhani, Ayatullah Ja'far
Heart of the Quran: A Commentary to Surah Yasin by Shirazi, Ayatullah Dastghaib
Rediscovering Genuine Islam: The Case for a Quran-Only Understanding by Rab, Abdur
Slavery in the Islamic Middle East by Collins, Robert O., Hunwick, John, Ayalon, David
Islamic Education and Indoctrination: The Case in Indonesia by Tan, Charlene
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse: Volume III by Wherry, E. M.
THE Complete Infidel's True Guide to the Real Koran by Faisal by Fahim, Faisal
THE Complete Infidel's True Guide to the Message of the Holy Koran by Faisal by Fahim, Faisal
Mohammed by Essad Bey
The Quran the Final Testament from Allah VS The Bible the words of Men by Fahim, MR Faisal
The Shrines of the 'Alids in Medieval Syria: Sunnis, Shi'is and the Architecture of Coexistence by Mulder, Stephennie
Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes by
What is Islamic Philosophy? by Jackson, Roy
Muslim Spain Reconsidered: From 711 to 1502 by Hitchcock, Richard
Muslim Spain Reconsidered: From 711 to 1502 by Hitchcock, Richard
Feminizing the West: Neo-Islam's Concepts of Renewal, War and the State by Al Da'mi, Muhammed
The Study of Shi'i Islam: History, Theology and Law by
The Original Sources Of The Qur'an: Its Origin In Pagan Legends and Mythology by Tisdall, W. St Clair
Secularizing Islamists?: Jama'at-e-Islami and Jama'at-ud-Da'wa in Urban Pakistan by Iqtidar, Humeira
Origin and Fate of Universe: A Synthesis of Revealed and Scientific Perspectives by Akhtar, Jamshed
The Messiah Elijah Muhammad is Still Physically Alive!: How Strong is the Foundation? by Muhammad, Boris
Jesus Christ - True Man, True Prophet: An Islamic Approach to Understanding the Scriptures by Noor, Omar W.
The Muslim World in the 21st Century: Space, Power, and Human Development by
A Tribute to the Sadr Martyrs by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
A Tribute to the Sadr Martyrs by Al-Jibouri, Yasin T.
The Biography of Muhammad: Nature and Authenticity by Schoeler, Gregor
Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia: The Quest for Political Change and Reform by Alshamsi, Mansoor Jassem
Islamic Reform and Conservatism Al-Azhar and the Evolution of Modern Sunni Islam by Gesink, Indira Falk
Islam: And the Glorious Ka'abah by Al-Huseini, Syed Farouq M.
Islam: And the Glorious Ka'abah by Al-Huseini, Syed Farouq M.
Muslims in Modern Turkey: Kemalism, Modernism and the Revolt of the Islamic Intellectuals by Karasipahi, Sena
A System of Life: Mawdudi and the Ideologisation of Islam by Hartung, Jan-Peter
How the Arabian Nights Inspired the American Dream, 1790-1935 by Nance, Susan
Constructing Bangladesh: Religion, Ethnicity, and Language in an Islamic Nation by Uddin, Sufia M.
The Headscarf Controversy: Secularism and Freedom of Religion by Elver, Hilal
Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction by Hughes, Aaron W.
Islam and the Challenge of Human Rights by Sachedina, Abdulaziz
Muhammad: The Story of a Prophet and Reformer by Conover, Sarah
Islamic Management of Poverty. The Management Created in the Early Days of Islam by Omar, Taha
Islam and the Problem of Black Suffering by Jackson, Sherman A.
Die Niyya im Islam: und deren Bedeutung für das soziale Leben by Akinci, Harun
Applying Ibn Khaldūn: The Recovery of a Lost Tradition in Sociology by Farid Alatas, Syed
The Age of Deception by Munir, M.
Visions in the Desert: The Revelation of Muhammad Part 1 by Dennis, Mark F.
The Court of Reason by Abdullah (Rah), M. S. M.
Meine Aschaffenburger Predigten, Gedichte, Gedanken und Antwortschreiben an den evangelischen Landesbischof in Bayern by Akinci, Harun
The Moral Economy of the Madrasa: Islam and Education Today by
Islamist Radicalisation in North Africa: Politics and Process by
Sufism and Society: Arrangements of the Mystical in the Muslim World, 1200-1800 by
New Perspectives on the Qur'an: The Qur'an in Its Historical Context 2 by
Being Human in Islam: The Impact of the Evolutionary Worldview by Howard, Damian
The Quran: With 2 English Translations, Commentary Plus 1 Quran and Science Book, 3in1 by Ali, Yusuf, Fahim, MR Faisal, Naik, Dr Zakir
The Koran for Dummies, Islam: What the West Needs To Know, The Message of the Quran, (The Complete Guide to the Koran and Islam) by Fahim, MR Faisal
Refugee Women: Beyond Gender versus Culture by Bassel, Leah
Aden and the Indian Ocean Trade: 150 Years in the Life of a Medieval Arabian Port by Margariti, Roxani Eleni
Salawat D'Immenses Benedictions by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham, Haqqani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil
The Quran: Three Translations of The (KORAN) in Plain and Simple English for A Better Easier Understanding by Abdel, Saheeh, Ali, Yusuf, Authors, Multiple
English Translation of the Qur'an, The Holy Qur'an with English Translation and Commentary by Abdel, Saheeh, Authors, Multiple, Ali, Yusuf
The Secrets of the Koran By Faisal Fahim by Bucaille, Maurice, Fahim, MR Faisal
English Translation of the Qur'an, The Meaning of the Quran, The Message of the Quran, The Secrets of The Koran by Abdel, Saheeh, Authors, Multiple, Ali, Yusuf
Marx and the End of Orientalism (Routledge Revivals) by Turner, Bryan S.
Women in the Islamic World by Schneider, Irene
Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment by Anjum, Ovamir
A History of Race in Muslim West Africa, 1600 1960 by Hall, Bruce S.
Light Up The Midnight: Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke by Lo, Cheikh
Moors in America: For the Education and Enlightenment of the Moorish American Community - Black and White Student's Edition by
Ancient Religions, Modern Politics: The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective by Cook, Michael A.
Islam, Democracy, and Cosmopolitanism by Mirsepassi, Ali, Fernée, Tadd Graham
Die weiße Revolution im Iran (1958-1978) vor dem Hintergrund der Autokratie des Muhammad Reza Pahlavi by Raffetzeder, Natalie
Stairs of purification in Islam by Belamine, C.
Revisions on Orientalism Issues by Hussein, Abdul Rahman Obeid
From Shamanism to Sufism: Women, Islam and Culture in Central Asia by Sultanova, Razia
101 Ways to Concentrate in Prayer by Al-Hilli, Ali
Spiritual Purification in Islam: The Life and Works of Al-Muhasibi by Picken, Gavin
Morals and Mysticism in Persian Sufism: A History of Sufi-Futuwwat in Iran by Ridgeon, Lloyd
40 Tage by Ozelsel, Michaela M.
The Influence of Animism on Islam: An Account of Popular Superstitions by Zwemer, Samuel M.
The Sayings of Muhammad by
Our Moslem Sisters: A Cry Of Need From Lands Of Darkness Interpreted By Those Who Heard It by Sommer, Annie Van, Zwemer, Samuel M.
The Koran: Or Alcoran Of Mohammed by
In The Outer Court by Besant, Annie
The Spirit Of Islam by Syed, Ameer Ali
Coffee Wives: Polygamous Muslims by Ayers, Linda
Coffee Wives: Polygamous Muslims by Ayers, Linda
Basic Islamic Dynamics by Mufti, Siraj I.
Islam: Its Origin, Genius and Mission by Lake, John Joseph
Mormonism: The Islam of America by Kinney, Bruce
Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People by Underhill, Evelyn
The Teachings of Islam by Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
The Sword Of Islam by Wollaston, Arthur Naylor
The Saracens from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Baghdad by Gilman, Arthur
The Spirit of Islam by Syed, Ameer Ali
The Birth and Evolution of the Soul by Besant, Annie Wood
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran V3: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations by Wherry, E. M.
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran V1: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations by Wherry, E. M.
The Life Of Mahomet by Muir, William
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran V2: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations by Wherry, E. M.
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran V4: Comprising Sale's Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations by Wherry, E. M.
The Koran: Or Alcoran of Mohammed by
England And Islam by Maitland, Edward
Essays On Islam by Sell, Edward
The Revolt of Islam by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Islam Under the Khalifs of Baghdad by Osborn, Robert Durie
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam by Wilkins, W. H., Burton, Richard F.
Notes on Muhammadanism: Being Outlines of the Religious System of Islam by Hughes, T. P.
Mystics And Saints Of Islam by Field, Claud
The History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman by Razik, Salil-Ibn
Mohammed And Mohammedanism by Smith, Reginald
Mohammed And The Rise Of Islam by Margoliouth, David Samuel
Our Moslem Sisters: A Cry of Need from Lands of Darkness Interpreted by Those Who Heard It by Sommer, Annie Van, Zwemer, Samuel M.
Muhammad And His Power by Johnstone, P. de Lacy
Islam in Africa: Its Effects; Religious, Ethical and Social; Upon the People of the Country by Atterbury, Anson P.
The Mahomedan Rebellion: Its Premonitory Symptoms, the Outbreak and Suppression by
The Influence of Animism on Islam: An Account of Popular Superstitions by Zwemer, Samuel M.
Islam and Its Founder by Stobart, J. W. H.
The Moslem World by Zwemer, Samuel M.
The Faith of Islam by Sell, Edward
Studies in a Mosque by Lane-Poole, Stanley
The Mohammedan World of Today 1906 by
Mohammed and Mohammedanism 1876 by Smith, R. Bosworth
Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates by Blunt, Lady Anne
Islam Under the Arabs by Osborn, Robert Durie
The Sayings of Muhammad by
Russian Translation of Quran by
Nahj Al-Hikma Wa Ul-Balagha by Ibn Abi Talib (As), Imam Ali
Islamic Jurisprudence: Tahir al-Wasilah by Khomeini, Ayatollah Uzma Imam
The Impulse of Freedom in Islam by Gruwez, Christine, Ter Horst, Cilia, Van Schaik, John
House of Service: The Gulen Movement and Islam's Third Way by Tittensor, David
Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mulla's Comic Teaching Stories and Other Islamic Wisdom by Rahman, Imam Jamal
Inside Jihad: Understanding and Confrontng Radical Islam by Hamid, Tawfik M.
La Hierarchie Des Saints by Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hicham
Sacred Laughter of the Sufis: Awakening the Soul with the Mulla's Comic Teaching Stories and Other Islamic Wisdom by Rahman, Imam Jamal
The Divine Prophets` Teachings: The Quranic Interpretation by Hejazi, Dr S. M. R.
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