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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2016

Islam in Indonesia: The Contest for Society, Ideas and Values by Kersten, Carool
The Qur'anic Theology, Philosophy and Spirituality by Fazli, Abdul Hafeez
The Relationship Between Islamism and Women in Civil Society: A Look at Turkey and Egypt by Naval Postgraduate School
Oriental Magic by Shah, Idries
Never Wholly Other: A Muslima Theology of Religious Pluralism by Lamptey, Jerusha Tanner
FORTY RABBANA - Collection of Short Quranic Duas by Organisation, Fisabilillah, (Kzn) Sa, Jamiatul Ulama Talimi Board
Oriental Magic (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
Oriental Magic (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
Authenticity And Islamic Liberalism: A Mature Vision Of Islamic Liberalism Grounded In The Quran by Khwaja, Jamal
Quest for Islam: A Philosopher's Approach To Religion In The Age Of Science And Cultural Pluralism by Khwaja, Jamal
Oriental Magic by Shah, Idries
The Qur'an - with References to the Bible: A Contemporary Understanding by Kaskas, Safi, Hungerford, David
The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity by Mohammad, Faris
Maometto ed il Corano: alternativa alla restaurazione.: Incongruenze, scopo e collocazione negli ultimi giorni. by Franceschini, Massimo Giuseppe
Die rechtschaffenen Gefährten - Sa'd ibn Al Rabi' by Ale Yaseen, Muhammed Hasan
Islamic Fascism by Abdel-Samad, Hamed
Family, Citizenship and Islam: The Changing Experiences of Migrant Women Ageing in London by Ahmed, Nilufar
Ruba'iyats of Two Great Female Persian Sufi Poets Mahsati Ganjavi & Jahan Khatun by Smith, Paul
Tajwid - Beautifying the Qur'an by South Africa (Kzn), Jamiatul Ulama Talim
Alchemical Wisdom: English, Deutsch, Française by Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat
Islam and Democracy in Indonesia by Menchik, Jeremy
Dua's - The Weapon Of The Muslim: All explanation about dua's in the light of Hadith and Quranic verses by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Muslim Minority-State Relations: Violence, Integration, and Policy by
Islamic Economy and Social Mobility: Cultural and Religious Considerations by Hojjat, Tahereh Alavi, Shahpari, Hasan
Reforging a Forgotten History: Iraq and the Assyrians in the Twentieth Century by Donabed, Sargon
Geschichte des Qorâns by Noldeke, Theodor
Die Heilkunst der Sufis: mit wunderbaren Gedanken, Gebeten und Meditationen für Schutz und Heilung by D'Albert
Politics of Muslim Intellectual Discourse in the West by Mincheva, Dilyana
Crescent Remembered: Islam and Nationalism on the Iberian Peninsula by Hertel
Importance of Maintaining Family Ties in Islam by Kandehlawi (Ra), Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat
Practical Method of Wudhu, Ghusal & Salaah (Shafi Mazhab) by Ta'limi Board, South Africa Jamiatul U.
Deutsche Yeziden: Geschichte, Gegenwart, Prognosen by Kartal, Celalettin
Remedies From The Holy Qur'an: All explanation about remedies in the light of Hadith and Quranic verses by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Beyond Headscarf Culture in Turkey's Retail Sector by Sayan-Cengiz, Feyda
Essential Dua's in the life of a Muslim: 95 Dua's in one Book by Talimi Board, South Africa Jamiatul Ula
In the Path of Allah: 'Umar, An Essay into the Nature of Charisma in Islam' by Willis, John Ralph
Inside a Madrasa: Knowledge, Power and Islamic Identity in India by Alam, Arshad
Gender and Power in Indonesian Islam: Leaders, feminists, Sufis and pesantren selves by
Being Palestinian: Personal Reflections on Palestinian Identity in the Diaspora by
Being Palestinian: Personal Reflections on Palestinian Identity in the Diaspora by
Sharing lives: Course book by De Ruiter, Bert
Foreigners, Minorities and Integration: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain and Germany by Hackett, Sarah
Islam: Islam and the History of Islamic Terror: Understanding the Role God Plays in a Muslim World by Aldred, Timothy
If Allah Wills by Philpott, Kent
The Encompassing Epistle: Al-Risalah al-Jami'ah wa al-Tadhkirah al-Nafi'ah by Al-Habashi, Ahmed Bin Zayn
Preserving a Sunnah - 100 Short Authentic Hadith by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
The Life of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]: Seerah of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] by Ahmad Baandwi Saheb [R a. ]., Hadhrat Moul
Stories of the Prophets by Kathir, Ibn
Iranian Identity and Cosmopolitanism: Spheres of Belonging by
Egypt's Revolutions: Politics, Religion, and Social Movements by
What is Islam ?: The Complete Guide About Islam by Nu'maani Saahib (. R. a. )., Hazrat Moulan
Going for Hajj & Umrah: Time to Turn Back by Farooqi, Sadaf
and the Qur'an says by Perry, David M.
What to Do When a Muslim Dies? by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Sadi & Hafiz of Shiraz: Selected Poems by Smith, Paul
Imam Al Mehdi (ajf) in Surah Al Kahf by Al Musawi, Sayyed Ghaith
The Shias of Pakistan: An Assertive and Beleaguered Minority by Rieck, Andreas
Quran Bujhar Mulniti: Usoolut Tafseer by Philips, Dr Bilal
The Shopping Malls of Heaven: and the Meaning of Life by Kauser, Saeed
The Dermis Probe by Shah, Idries
The Prophet Muohammad: A Role Model for Muslim Minorities by Siddiqi, Muhammad Yasin Mazhar
Virtues and Etiquettes of Visiting the Sick by Ahmad Fareedi Saheb, Moulana Mufti Rashe
Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Hirsi Ali, Ayaan
Practical Mysticism in Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Meister Eckhart by Zarrabi-Zadeh, Saeed
Red, White, and Muslim: My Story of Belief by Hasan, Asma Gull
Salaah of Women in the Light of the Sunnah by Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen, South Africa M.
Mir: Life & Poems by Mir
The Book of Mir: Selected Poems of Mir Taqi Mir by Mir
Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan by Tobin, Sarah A.
Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan by Tobin, Sarah A.
The Four Great Urdu Poets: Mir, Nazir, Ghalib & Iqbal: Selected Poems by Iqbal, Nazir, Ghalib
Islam and Secular Citizenship in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and France by Ivanescu, Carolina
Pitfalls of Scholarship: Lessons from Islamic Studies by Ahmad, Ahmad Atif
Moral Key Words in the Holy Quran 2: A Quranic Interpretation of Moral Key Words by Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Islam and International Relations: Contributions to Theory and Practice by
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume One: Islam and the Ideology of Enslavement by
Pioneers of Islamic Scholarship by Salahi, Adil
The Path to Wisdom: Guidance for Humanity by Rouass, Saeida
Sufism: The Nameless Faith by Hamdani, Basem
A Mansion With Many Rooms by Kringle, Dawoud
The Library of Great Sufi Poets: Book One: Abu Sa'id, 'Aishah Al-Ba'uniyah, Al-Ma'arri, Amir Khusrau, Ansari, Anvari, ?Attar, Auhad ud-Din, Baba Azfal by Smith, Paul
Wisdom Of AHadith: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad (PBUH) by Hosein, Kamruz Zaman
The Book of Lesser-Known Urdu Sufi Poets by Smith, Paul
For Humanity or for the Umma?: Aid and Islam in Transnational Muslim NGOs by Petersen, Marie Juul
Veiled and Unveiled in Chechnya and Daghestan by Falkowski, Maciej, Kaliszewska, Iwona
Le Présent de l'Homme lettré pour réfuter les partisans de la Croix by Turmeda, Anselm
Rediscovering the Umma: Muslims in the Balkans Between Nationalism and Transnationalism by Merdjanova, Ina
New Horizons of Muslim Diaspora in Europe and North America by
Jihadist Threat: The Re-Conquest of the West? by Moorcraft, Paul
The Holy Sites of Islam by Khadem, Ehsan
Capital Punishment in Islam: Fatwas and Honor Killings by Murphy, Robert J.
Islamic Charities and Islamic Humanism in Troubled Times by Benthall, Jonathan
Teach Your Children the Truth About Islam: Parents & Teachers: Safeguard Your Families Against Miseducated Media & Apologist Educators by Revere, Paul
Prophetic Traditions in Islam by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Lights of Consciousness: A sufi view of Science and Spirituality by Al Adnani, Adnan
Safety & Security: In the light of Hadith and Quranic verses by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
NIKAH - A Form Of Ibadah by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Muslim-Christian Relations in Late-Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect by Freas, Erik
The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH in the Holy Quran: A concise Interpretation of Divine Names in the Holy Quran by Hejazi, S. M. R.
Al-'aqidah At-Tahawiyyah by At-Tahawi, Abu Jafar
The Qur'an and Its Readers Worldwide: Contemporary Commentaries and Translations by
Islam's Teachings And Terror, The Full Truth, ISLAMOPHOBIA AND THE POLITICAL PROSTITUTION by El-Hakani, Abo-Elhak
Tanah Amanillah: Land Under The Protection of God by Fernandez, Hector M.
Virtues of Madinah Munawwarah by Zakariyya Kaandhelwi Saahib [R a. ]., Shei
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume Two: The Servile Estate by
Islam And Violent Separatism by Swain, Ashok
The Elephant in the Dark: Christianity, Islam and the Sufis (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
The Elephant in the Dark: Christianity, Islam and the Sufis (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
The Elephant in the Dark: Christianity, Islam and the Sufis by Shah, Idries
Muted Modernists: The Struggle Over Divine Politics in Saudi Arabia by Al-Rasheed, Madawi
Islam in the 21st Century by Khan, Adnan
Islam at the Crossroads by Fananapazir, Lameh
The Elephant in the Dark: Christianity, Islam and the Sufis by Shah, Idries
Islamic Meditation Coloring Book, Volume 1: Large print, 30 illustrations with teachings and verses from the Holy Quran. by Positive Mind Media
Engineers of Jihad: The Curious Connection Between Violent Extremism and Education by Hertog, Steffen, Gambetta, Diego
The Light of the World: Astronomy in Al-Andalus Volume 1 by Ibn Nahmias, Joseph
Islam in Liberalism by Massad, Joseph A.
Hafiz: Book of Divination by Hafiz
The Qur'an and the Aramaic Gospel Traditions by El-Badawi, Emran
Hajj & Umrah: Journey of Life Time - A Complete Guide for Hajj & Umrah by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Le Jihad Dans l'Islam: Interprétation Des Versets Coraniques Relatifs Au Jihad À Travers Les Siècles by Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a.
Syrian Civil War: History, facts and future by Jonathan, David L.
Africana Islamic Studies by
The Struggle for the State in Jordan: The Social Origins of Alliances in the Middle East by Allinson, Jamie
Modern Perspective on Quran Verses by Kubba, Mrs Layla H.
Saudi Clerics and Shi'a Islam by Ismail, Raihan
Khalid Ibn Al-Walid by Yilmaz, Omer
Fatima Bint Muhammad by Yilmaz, Omer
Islam and Kung Fu?: Understandings and Practices of ancient traditional ways through Islam in our contemporary times by Adam Banu Hashim, Abdelwahid Habibullah
El Coran / The Qur'an by Varios Autores
Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward by Qureshi, Nabeel
The Course of History: A Study in the Peak of Eloquence by Chamseddine, Muhammad Mahdi
The Victors of Imam Hussain by Chamseddine, Muhammad Mahdi
Transcending on the Wings of Gabriel: Collected Metaphysical Aphorisms of Gabriel Iqbal by Iqbal, Gabriel
The Masnavi: The Spiritual Couplets of Rumi by Rumi
Guardians of Shi'ism: Sacred Authority and Transnational Family Networks by Corboz, Elvire
Freethinkers of Medieval Islam: Ibn Al-Rāwandī, Abū Bakr Al-Rāzī, and Their Impact on Islamic Thought by Stroumsa, Sarah
The Future of Islam by Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
The Crisis in Islam: Is Islam in a Crisis or Is the Crisis in Islam? by Al-Ani Author, Abdul-Haq
Hussain's Revolution by Chamseddine, Muhammad Mahdi
North Africa Under Byzantium and Early Islam by
The Lives of Muhammad by Ali, Kecia
An Anthology of Arabic Literature: From the Classical to the Modern by
On British Islam: Religion, Law, and Everyday Practice in Shariʿa Councils by Bowen, John R.
An Anthology of Arabic Literature: From the Classical to the Modern by
Trading Worlds: Afghan Merchants Across Modern Frontiers by Marsden, Magnus
Dilchasp Aur Anokhi Kahanian: Islami Malomaat Par Mabni Bachon Keliye by Kisana, Mr Arif Mahmud
The Principles of Sufism by Al-Bāʿūniyyah, ʿĀʾishah
The Book of Islaamic Lists: People, Places, Things, and Ideas to Study, Memorize and Provoke Future Study by Abd'al-Rahim, C. Islaah
Islamic Charities and Islamic Humanism in Troubled Times by Benthall, Jonathan
Two Great Arabic Sufi Poets - Ibn al-Farid & 'Aishah al-Ba'uniyah: Their Qasidas in the Rhyme of ?T? by Al-Farid, Umar Ibn, Smith, Paul, Al-Ba'uniyah, 'Aishah
Everyday Lived Islam in Europe by Woodhead, Linda, Dessing, Nathal M., Jeldtoft, Nadia
Shi'i Reformation in Iran: The Life and Theology of Shari'at Sangelaji by Rahnema, Ali
The Book of Bidel Dehlavi by Bidel, Mirza Abdul-Qader
The Shopping Malls of Heaven: and the Meaning of Life by Kauser, Saeed
The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies by
Islam and Its Challenges in the Globalised World: Volume 2 by Muda, Ahmad Akil Bin
The Alchemy of Happiness by Ghazzali, Al
The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue: Plurality, Conflict and Elitism in Hindu-Christian-Muslim Relations by Swamy, Muthuraj
Minority Jurisprudence in Islam: Muslim Communities in the West by Olsson, Susanne
Poro by Hayat, Sharif Abu, Zabir, Omar Al
National Information Network Connection, Resistive Economy & Decrease of Poverty by Drowgar, Ali Akbar, Nikniya, Mohamad, Mosallanejad, Ali
The Quran The Final Evidence They Don't Want You To Know by Deedat, Ahmed, Bucaille, Dr Maurice, Naik, Dr Zakir
Die Wirkung des Bittgebets auf die Seele by Al Musawi, Sayyed Ghaith
Iblis il Satana del Terzo Testamento: Letture coraniche II by Saccone, Carlo
Crossing the Kingdom: Portraits of Saudi Arabia by Danforth, Loring M.
Crossing the Kingdom: Portraits of Saudi Arabia by Danforth, Loring M.
Zionism in Arab Discourses by Shavit, Uriya, Winter, Ofir
The Politics of Iconoclasm: Religion, Violence and the Culture of Image-Breaking in Christianity and Islam by Noyes, James
Islamic Nursery Rhymes by Lymer, Elizabeth
The Us, the UK and Saudi Arabia in World War II: The Middle East and the Origins of a Special Relationship by Hinds, Matthew
Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States by Lockman, Zachary
Boko Haram: Inside Nigeria's Unholy War by Smith, Mike
Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States by Lockman, Zachary
Juz 'Amma - Part 30 of the Qur'an: Arabic and English Language with English Translation by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Power, Sect and State in Syria: The Politics of Marriage and Identity Amongst the Druze by Kastrinou, A. Maria a.
Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia by Ricci, Ronit
Destination Mecca by Shah, Idries
The Dream in Islam: From Qur'anic Tradition to Jihadist Inspiration by Edgar, Iain R.
"The Damascus Road Encounter": If the Lord be God, follow him, but if Baal, then follow him? (1 Kings 18:21). by Roland, Michael
Les secrets du prophete arabe by Prince, Christian
Eat the Heart of the Infidel: The Harrowing of Nigeria and the Rise of Boko Haram by Walker, Andrew
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth by Moore, Kieron D.
Sufi Prayer and Love by Javid (Sarwari Qaderi) Faap, Ahmad
Életünket megosztva: Kurzuskönyv by De Ruiter, Bert
Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier by Brophy, David
Lewe met Moslems: Kursusboek by De Ruiter, Bert
O! You who Believe by Baig, Mirza Yawar
Republican Islam: Power and Authority in Iran by Pay, Vahid Nick
Sufism and Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Derekh Avraham Order in Israel by Randall, Yafia
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an: Complete Translation with Selected Notes by
Salah - Half of Faith: In the light of Hadith and the Quranic verses by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Zakah - The Obligation of Purity by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Fitra Journal ⼁Getting Started with Muslim Homeschooling: Issue One by
IMAN - The First Pillar Tanets of Faith by Authenticate Ulama's Organization, Fisa
Papst Pius II. an Sultan Mehmet II.: Die Übersetzung Der 'Epistola AD Mahumetem' Durch Michael Christan by
Who Was Muhammad? An Analysis of the Prophet of Islam in Light of the Bible and the Quran by Hardt, Doug
My Ordeal with the Qur'an and Allah in the Qur'an: A Journey from Faith to Doubt by Noor, Abbas Abdul
History of The Prophets: Special Edition for Children by South Africa, Jamiatul Ulama Talimi Boar
Etiquettes of Companionship: an English translation of Adab as-Suhbah by Ash-Sha'rani, Abdulwahhab
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