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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2017

Straying from the Straight Path: How Senses of Failure Invigorate Lived Religion by
New Horizons in Qur'anic Linguistics: A Syntactic, Semantic and Stylistic Analysis by Abdul-Raof, Hussein
Questions & Answers for the Young: & Indispensable to Elders by Al-Tawil, Salim
Ahmadiyya in the Gold Coast: Muslim Cosmopolitans in the British Empire by Hanson, John H.
El libro del libro by Shah, Idries
El libro del libro by Shah, Idries
Taweez: Amulets in Light of the Quran and Sunnah by Al-Suhaymi, Fahd
The Mysteries of Purification: Book 3 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences by Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Das Alter Imam Mehdis (ajf) by As-Sabzawari (Hz), Sayyed Ali
Ist die westliche Demokratie mit dem Islam überhaupt vereinbar? by Amamra, Linda
Sufisme Dalam Islam Dan APA Makna Dhikr? by German, Harun
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study by Shah, Idries
Female Islamic Education Movements: The Re-Democratisation of Islamic Knowledge by Bano, Masooda
Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia: Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind by
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study by Shah, Idries
A History of Conversion to Islam in the United States, Volume 2: The African American Islamic Renaissance, 1920-1975 by Bowen, Patrick D.
Rediscovering the Second Pillar of Islam by Saeh, Ahmad Bassam
Islamic Law: Cases, Authorities and Worldview by Ahmad, Ahmad Atif
Islamic Law: Cases, Authorities and Worldview by Ahmad, Ahmad Atif
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam by Dalin, David
Al-Ghazali's "Moderation in Belief" by Al-Ghazali
El Santo Koran Del Templo De la Ciencia Moro de America: Holy Koran Circle Seven by Ali, Noble Drew
Connecting the Dots to the Caliphate: A Primer for the Thinking Person by Shanbreen
The Promise of Patriarchy: Women and the Nation of Islam by Taylor, Ula Yvette
The Promise of Patriarchy: Women and the Nation of Islam by Taylor, Ula Yvette
Imam Mahdi: Heir of HRH King David [as], the King of Israel: Messianic Age by A. Sign of the Hour, Ibrahim the Beast
Der neue Terrorismus by Lammert, Markus
Introduction to Islam by Ramadan, Tariq
Islamism and Cultural Expression in the Arab World by
Le Double Discours: Tariq Ramadan le jour, Tariq Ramadan la nuit... by Canovi, Lucia
Sahih Muslim by Imam Muslim
Islam in Modern Thailand: Faith, Philanthropy and Politics by Brown, Rajeswary Ampalavanar
Mahe Muharram Aur Ashoora Se Mutalliq 33 Faide by Salih Al M., Mr Sheikh Muhammad
The Jurist and the Theologian: Speculative Theology in Shāfiʿī Legal Theory by Eissa, Mohamed Abdelrahman
The Ahmadiyya in the Gold Coast: Muslim Cosmopolitans in the British Empire by Hanson, John H.
Zauq - Life & Poems by Zauq
Lust and Grace: Sex & Eroticism in the Works of Muslim Scholars by Ghandour, Ali
The Influence of the 9/11 novel on Muslim Writing by Dickert, Matthias
The Walled Garden of the Truth by Sana'i
The Two Greatest Egyptian Poets - Ibn al-Farid & Ahmed Shawqi: Selected poems by Shawqi, Ahmed, Al-Farid, Umar Ibn
Zauq: Sufi Poet-Laureate & Spiritual Master of the Last Mughal Emperor, the Sufi Poet Zahar by Zauq, Zafar
Remember Who You Are: 28 Spiritual Verses from the Holy Quran to Help You Discover Your True Identity, Purpose, and Nourishment in God (for by Snow, Rahim
Islam in Victorian Britain: The Life and Times of Abdullah Quilliam by Geaves, Ron
Transgression and the Inexistent: A Philosophical Vocabulary by Kacem, Mehdi Belhaj
Medieval Empires and the Culture of Competition: Literary Duels at Islamic and Christian Courts by England, Samuel
Alchemy of the Quran: A Gateway to the Supernatural by Davati, Faramarz Franco
From Hell To Heaven: Testimony of Ashegh Masih by Masih, Ashegh
Reflections (Pocket Edition) by Shah, Idries
Islam on Youtube: Online Debates, Protests, and Extremism by Al-Rawi, Ahmed
Islamic Gender Apartheid: Exposing a Veiled War Against Women by Chesler, Phyllis
Islam and God-Centricity: A Theological Basis for Human Liberation by Abdul Hussain, Arif
Islamicity Indices: The Seed for Change by Askari, Hossein, Mohammadkhan, Hossein
Muhammad the Prophet of Peace & Reconciliation: Followed by His Khulifa-E-Rashdun Abubakr - Umar - Uthman - Ali by Din, Haji Waheed U.
The Church under the Shadow of Shariah: A Christian Assessment by
Union with God in Christ: Early Christian and Wesleyan Spirituality as an Approach to Islamic Mysticism by Friedman, Matthew
Union with God in Christ: Early Christian and Wesleyan Spirituality as an Approach to Islamic Mysticism by Friedman, Matthew
THE JOURNEY OF PEACE of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke by Lo, Cheikh
Medieval Islamic Medicine and Medical Luminaries by Afifi, Adel K.
Indian Muslim Minorities and the 1857 Rebellion: Religion, Rebels and Jihad by Fuerst, Ilyse R. Morgenstein
Miracles et signes divins dans le Coran by Lippold, Abdessalam
Ninety-Nine Names of the Beloved: Intimations of the Beauty and Power of the Divine by Helminski, Camille Hamilton Adams
Ninety-Nine Names of the Beloved: Intimations of the Beauty and Power of the Divine by Helminski, Camille Hamilton Adams
Muslim Cosmopolitanism: Southeast Asian Islam in Comparative Perspective by Aljunied, Khairudin
Constructing Civility: The Human Good in Christian and Islamic Political Theologies by Park, Richard S.
Sufism: A New History of Islamic Mysticism by Knysh, Alexander
From Belonging to Belief: Modern Secularisms and the Construction of Religion in Kyrgyzstan by McBrien, Julie
Don't Panic, I'm Islamic: Words and Pictures on How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Neighbour Next Door by
What Is Islam?: The Importance of Being Islamic by Ahmed, Shahab
Meine Wallfahrt nach Mekka: Reise zum Herzen des Islams - Haddsch aus einer anderen Perspektive by Von Maltzan, Heinrich
Der Sieg des Islams - Die islamischen Eroberungen auf drei Kontinenten, das Kalifat und die Triumphe: Umwälzungen in Persien + Die Spaltung der orient by Sporschil, Johann, Gibbon, Eduard
Die rechtschaffenen Gefährten - Al-Hubub ibn Al-Mundhir by Ale Yaseen, Shaykh Muhammed Hasan
The Sufis by Shah, Idries
Questions that Islam can't answer - Volume one by Sheindlin, J. K.
Il Corano: Testo Arabo E Traduzione Italiana: Per Ordine Cronologico Secondo l'Azhar Con Rinvio Alle Varianti, Alle Abrogazioni E by Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a. Aldeeb
Islam and Britain: Muslim Mission in an Age of Empire by Geaves, Ron
Islam and Health Policies Related to HIV Prevention in Malaysia by Barmania, Sima, Reiss, Michael J.
Imperial Muslims: Islam, Community and Authority in the Indian Ocean, 1839-1937 by Reese, Scott S.
The Qur'an Discussions: What Would a Muslim Say (Volume 2) by Rashed, Ahmed Lotfy
Six Important Long Sufi Teaching Poems: The Walled Garden of the Truth, Treasury of Mysteries, The Masnavi, Pand-Nama (Book of Wisdom) Rose Garden of by Rumi, Sadi, Nizami
Eight Sufi 'Winebringer' Poems in Masnavi Form by Hafiz, Khan, Zargun, Fuzuli
Proofs of Prophecy and the Refutation of the Isma'iliyya: The Kitab Ithbat Nubuwwat Al-Nabi by the Zaydi Al-Mu'ayyad Bi-Ilah Al-Haruni (D. 411/1020) by Lika, Eva-Maria
Living in Allah's Presence by Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid
Islam, the Faith of Love and Happiness by Bagir, Haidar
The Arabs: A History by Rogan, Eugene
Dschihad aus der Perspektive der islamischen Ethik by Zorlu, Ömer
Takfir in Islamic Thought by Timani, Hussam S.
The Sufi Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam by Khayyam, Omar
Abu Nuwas & Obeyd Zakani - 'Controversial' Dervish/Sufi Poets: Selected Poems & Prose by Zakani, Obeyd, Nuwas, Abu
Access to Justice in Iran by Maranlou, Sahar
The Qur'an: A Monotheist Translation (with Arabic Text) by Group, The Monotheist
The Alchemy of Happiness by Al-Ghazzali, Abu Hamid
Said the Prophet of God: Hadith Commentary Across a Millennium by Blecher, Joel
An Islamic Worldview from Turkey: Religion in a Modern, Secular and Democratic State by Selçuk, Mualla, Valk, John, Albayrak, Halis
Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt: Studies in the Writings of 'Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Sha 'Rani by Winter, Michael
Sufi Poets of the Nineteenth Century: Selected Poems by Shad, Khusrawi, Iqbal
'Aishah al-Ba'uniyah: Sufi Poet & Female Perfect Master: Selected Poems by Al-Ba'uniyah, 'Aishah
Said the Prophet of God: Hadith Commentary Across a Millennium by Blecher, Joel
Al-Hikam, by Ibn Ataillah Al-Iskandari: The Path to Allah by Graphic, Hikma, Al-Iskandari, Ataillah
The Qur'an: A Monotheist Translation by Group, The Monotheist
Mahmud Muhammad Taha: Bayn Al-Qur'an Al-Makki Wal-Qur'an Al-Madani by Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a. Aldeeb
The Persian & Turkish Jokers Obeyd Zakani & Mulla Nasr ud-din: Selected Jokes & Rude & Hilarious Stories by Zakani, Obeyd, Nasr Ud-Din, Mulla
Aatish - Lucknow's Great Urdu Sufi Poet: Selected poems by Aatish
The Collected Ghazals of Hafiz - Volume 4: With the Original Farsi Poems, English Translation, Transliteration and Notes by Shirazi, Hafez- Shams-Ud-Din Muhammad
The Collected Ghazals of Hafiz - Volume 3: With the Original Farsi Poems, English Translation, Transliteration and Notes by Shirazi, Hafez- Shams-Ud-Din Muhammad
The Collected Ghazals of Hafiz - Volume 2: With the Original Farsi Poems, English Translation, Transliteration and Notes by Shiraz, Shams-Ud-Din Muhammad Hafiz
Stories of the Prophets: Selected Stories Retold by Aqtar Mohamed Ummar by Mohamed Ummar, Aqtar
Boko Haram: The History of an African Jihadist Movement by Thurston, Alexander
The Qur'an and the Just Society by Harvey, Ramon
In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power by Pipes, Daniel
European Muslims and New Media by
Veiled Superheroes: Islam, Feminism, and Popular Culture by Arjana, Sophia Rose
Models of Leadership in the Adab Narratives of Joseph, David, and Solomon: Lament for the Sacred by Helewa, Sami
Handbook on Islam by Fodio, Uthman Dan
Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilisation from the Past by Alkhateeb, Firas
Imperial Russia's Muslims by Tuna, Mustafa
Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran: Mulla Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummi's Ḥikmat Al-ʿĀrifīn by
Handbook on Islam by Fodio, Uthman Dan
Phrases of the Holy Quran: Selected Verses of the Holy Quran in Certain Theological Topics by Hejazi, S.
Terror im Islam? by Mohamed Hamroune, Andrea
The Unity of Being - Ibn 'Arabi & his follower/poets - Auhad ud-din, 'Iraqi, Shabistari, Maghribi, Jili, Shah Da'i & Jami: Selected Poems by 'Iraqi, Shabistari, Auhad Ud-Din
El camino del Sufi by Shah, Idries
Reflections (Pocket Edition) by Shah, Idries
El camino del Sufi by Shah, Idries
Jinnealogy: Time, Islam, and Ecological Thought in the Medieval Ruins of Delhi by Taneja, Anand Vivek
Jinnealogy: Time, Islam, and Ecological Thought in the Medieval Ruins of Delhi by Taneja, Anand Vivek
A Treasury of Ghazali by Al-Ghazali, Imam
Secrets, Volume III: The Eclipse of Khalifate by Zaky, Sakina Nura
99 Names of God: An Illustrated Guide for Young & Old (Tp): An Illustrated Guide for Young & Old (Tp) by Dyer, Daniel Thomas
Islamistische Radikalisierung: Biografische Verläufe Im Kontext Der Religiösen Sozialisation Und Des Radikalen Milieu by Aslan, Ednan, Erşan Akkılıç, Evrim, Hämmerle, Maximilian
Yuregimde Rabbim by Bozdag, Dr Muhammed
The Guarded Treasure: Al-Kanz Al-Masun Wa'Lu'Lu Al-Maknun by Niasse, Shaykh Ibrahim
Sonsuzluk Yolculugu by Bozdag, Dr Muhammed
Human Character and Behavior: An Islamic Perspective by Hafeez, Muhammad A.
The Never Ending Polemic: Yet Another Humorously Unsympathetic View of Islam by Cotechino, Jafar
A Word of Advice by Ibn Qudamah, Muwaffaq Ud
Life of Muhammad by Ramsey, Syed
The Sufi Quatrains of Farid al-din 'Attar by 'Attar, Farid Al-Din
Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia by Kloos, David
Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia by Kloos, David
Engineers of Jihad: The Curious Connection Between Violent Extremism and Education by Hertog, Steffen, Gambetta, Diego
Saladin: The Sultan Who Vanquished the Crusaders and Built an Islamic Empire by Man, John
HeartSoft: Physical World: Quranic Verses That Affect The Heart Through Science by Ali, Nasima
Advice to Youth by Al-Sistani, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali
Advice to Youth: Subtitle: Advice from Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani by Al-Sistani, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali
Advice to Youth by Al-Sistani, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali
In der Audienz Imam Mehdis (ajf) by As-Sadr, Sayyed Ali Sayyed Muhammed Al-H
Islamic Spirituality: Theology and Practice for the Modern World by Saritoprak, Zeki
Islamic Spirituality: Theology and Practice for the Modern World by Saritoprak, Zeki
Ethics and Poetry in Sixth-Century Arabia by Jamil, Nadia
World Tales by Shah, Idries
World Tales by Shah, Idries
Divan-I Kabir, Volume II: The Quatrains by Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
Soviet and Muslim: The Institutionalization of Islam in Central Asia by Tasar, Eren
Sufi Poets of the Ninth Century: Selected Poems by Sumnun, Dhu'l-Nun, 'ata, Ibn
Sufi Poets of the Sixteenth Century: Selected Poems by Mirza, Nef'i
Fitra Journal ⼁Muslim Homeschooling There's No One Way To Do It by
Enlightenment from the Sacred Precinct by Lutfullah, Ahmed Ibn
Islam After Liberalism by
The Arabic Historical Tradition & the Early Islamic Conquests: Folklore, Tribal Lore, Holy War by Shoshan, Boaz
Religion as Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace by Ahmad, Irfan
Religion as Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace by Ahmad, Irfan
The Practice of Islam in America: An Introduction by
The Practice of Islam in America: An Introduction by
Eastern Rome and the Rise of Islam: History and Prophecy by Heilo, Olof
NGOs in the Muslim World: Faith and Social Services by
Reclaiming Sacred Spaces: Muslim Women's Struggle for Entry into Haji Ali Dargah by Soman, Zakia, Safia Niaz, Noorjehan
The Development of the Babi/Baha'i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives by Ioannesyan, Youli
The Sufi Poets of the Sixteenth Century: Selected Poems by Smith, Paul
Sciences in Qur'an by Al-Ali, Muneer
Religion and Extremism: Rejecting Diversity by Pratt, Douglas
Religion and Extremism: Rejecting Diversity by Pratt, Douglas
Bones of Contention: Muslim Shrines in Palestine by Petersen, Andrew
Muhammad, Mecca and the Qur'an: : In Search of the Original Qur'anic Community Vol. II by Becket, H. Thomas
Muhammed: New Vision to Islam by Al-Abadi, Nadhim
The Sufi Poets of the Ninth Century: Selected Poems by Smith, Paul
Contemporary Sufism: Piety, Politics, and Popular Culture by Dickson, William Rory, Sharify-Funk, Meena, Shobhana Xavier, Merin
Trace Quraan Juz 'Amma by Jannah, Qylah Umm
World Tales by Shah, Idries
World Tales by Shah, Idries
The Cabana Chronicles Conversations About God Islam and Christianity by Bartholomew, John B.
The World Almanac of Islamism 2017 by Policy Council, American Foreign
Jihad, Radicalism, and the New Atheism by Khalil, Mohammad Hassan
Jihad, Radicalism, and the New Atheism by Khalil, Mohammad Hassan
Ghazals of Sadi by Sadi
Wahabbism: The History of the Conservative Islamic Religious Movement in Saudi Arabia by Charles River
Wahabbism: The History of the Conservative Islamic Religious Movement in Saudi Arabia by Charles River
The Forbidden Relationship: A Handbook on Love, Lust & Heartbreaks by Yousaf, Maryam
Crescent Moon Rising: The Islamic Invasion of America by Decker, Ed
Islamic Law, Gender, and Social Change in Post-Abolition Zanzibar by Stockreiter, Elke
Understanding Deradicalization: Methods, Tools and Programs for Countering Violent Extremism by Koehler, Daniel
The Library of Great Sufi Poets -Book Eight: Majnun, Rab?ia al-Adawiyya, Mahsati Ganjavi, Hasan Dehlavi & Aatish by Smith, Paul
Awaken the Pure Heart by Turfe, Tallal Alie
Awaken the Pure Heart by Turfe, Tallal Alie
Secular Jinnah & Pakistan: What the Nation Doesn't Know (Revised & Enlarged) by Karim, Saleena
Die rechtschaffenen Gefährten - U'bada ibn As-Samit by Ale Yaseen (Qs), Shaykh Muhammed Hasan
Does Religion Cause Violence?: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World by
SIHA Journal: Women in Islam (Issue Three) by Siha
Jami - Joseph and Zulaikha: and Other Poems by Jami
Prince Dara Shikoh & his Niece Princess Zeb-un-Nissa (Makhfi): Two Sufi Poet-Martyrs under the Fundamentalist Mughal Emperor of India, Aurangzeb Lives by Makhfi, Shikoh, Dara
Le livre descendu: essai d'exégèse coranique, Volume 2 by Mégarbané, Patrick
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