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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2020

Emir Muawiyah and Medieval Chroniclers and Traditionalists by Al Hashimi Al Husayni, Hassan Ali Al Saq, Ali Nadwi, Syed Ridwan
Power: Divine and Human: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by Marshall, David, Mosher, Lucinda
Power: Divine and Human: Christian and Muslim Perspectives by Marshall, David, Mosher, Lucinda
Inside The Muslim Brotherhood: Religion, Identity, and Politics by Al-Anani, Khalil
Terrorist in Search of Humanity: Militant Islam and Global Politics by Devji, Faisal
Book of Piety and Islamic Manners: The Beginning of Guidance by Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 1 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Charismatic Leadership in Islam: The Powerful Position of Sufi Shaikhs in Bosnia by Azdajic, Dejan
Arabic Alphabet: Notebook, Black ink and white paper, College Ruled 8.5x11 [21.6x27.9cm] [216x279mm] A4, Cover glosy by Publishing, Arabic Islam
Annals of the early Caliphate, from original sources by William Muir
Thoughtlessness and Decadence in Iran: A Sojourn in Comparative Political Theory by Shomali, Alireza
Emerson in Iran: The American Appropriation of Persian Poetry by Sedarat, Roger
Self-Knowledge by Shomali, Mohammad Ali
Arab Liberal Thought in the Modern Age by Hatina, Meir
Decadent Orientalisms: The Decay of Colonial Modernity by Fieni, David
Decadent Orientalisms: The Decay of Colonial Modernity by Fieni, David
Conquered Populations in Early Islam: Non-Arabs, Slaves and the Sons of Slave Mothers by Urban, Elizabeth
The Emperor Who Never Was: Dara Shukoh in Mughal India by Gandhi, Supriya
The Commanding Self by Shah, Idries
Il Libro del Destino: Kitab al-Qadar by Imam Al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim
Il libro della corretta educazione: Kitab al-Adab by Al-Bukhari, Imam Muhammad
Muhammad Never Ever Was A Prophet Part Two: An Exhaustive Biblical And Topical Analysis Of The Entire Quran by Purushottama, Gautama
America's Other Muslims: Imam W.D. Mohammed, Islamic Reform, and the Making of American Islam by Fraser-Rahim, Muhammad
The Commanding Self by Shah, Idries
The Abrahamic Religions: A Very Short Introduction by Cohen, Charles L.
Then I Was Guided by Al-Tijani, Muhammad
Sasanian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Neo-Persian Empire that Ruled Before the Arab Conquest of Persia and the Rise of Islam by History, Captivating
Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel after 2003: Literature and the Recovery of National Identity by Zeidel, Ronen
Zikr e Jameel by Shafee Okarvi, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad
Lost Archive: Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue by Rustow, Marina
Der Islam im europäischen Zusammenleben: Das Prinzip der Erleichterung nach islamisch-rechtlichen Normen by Aydin, Hakan
Divan-i Kabir, Volume XV: The Fifteenth Meter by Rumi, Jalal Al
Visions of Deliverance: Moriscos and the Politics of Prophecy in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Green-Mercado, Mayte
Mon cahier دفتر المدرسة: Cahier spécial pour écriture de droite à gauche. Petit form by Phylle, Chloro
Muslim Women & The Hijab Veil: Oppression or Liberation? by Seeker, The Sincere
A Geography of Jihad: Sokoto Jihadism and the Islamic Frontier in West Africa by Zehnle, Stephanie
The Shaping Shaikh: The Role of the Shaikh in Lived Islam Among Sufis in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Azdajic, Dejan
Marriage in the Tribe of Muhammad: A Statistical Study of Early Arabic Genealogical Literature by Robinson, Majied
World Tales III: The Food of Paradise and Other Stories by Shah, Idries
On the Muslim Question by Norton, Anne
The Sufi Poets of Isfahan (Large Print Edition) by Hamgar, Imami
The Way to Paradise: Allah's Word in the Holy Bible about Life after Death for Muslims by Bejjani, Renod
Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Can Allah Save Us All? by Demichelis, Marco
Violence in the Name of God: The Militant Jihadist Response to Modernity by Hodge, Joel
Indian Muslim Minorities and the 1857 Rebellion: Religion, Rebels and Jihad by Fuerst, Ilyse R. Morgenstein
Arabic Thought beyond the Liberal Age by
Dayemi Complex Bangladesh (DCB UN Inc.) 700 Years Old Sufi Dynasty of Historic Azimpur Dayera Sharif: DCB UN Inc. Humanitarian Projects for the Suppor by Alam, His Eminency Hazrat S. S. M. N.
Divan-i Kabir, Volume XIX: The Twenty-first, Twenty-second & Twenty-third Meters by Rumi, Jalal Al
Cultural Imperialism: ISF Monograph 6 by Cecil, Robert
A Place Between Two Places: The Quranic Barzakh by Archer, George
A Muslim's True Life Purpose by Mohammad, Ramzi
Crossing Confessional Boundaries: Exemplary Lives in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions by Renard, John
Crossing Confessional Boundaries: Exemplary Lives in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions by Renard, John
Islam and Politics in Bangladesh: The Followers of Ummah by Hasan, Mubashar
Easy Steps Towards Becoming A Patient Muslim by Khan, Muddassir
Reconnecting with God: 40 Divine Promises by Rizvi, Afrah
Evenings with Idries Shah by Shah, Idries
Muslim-Christian Relations in Late-Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect by Freas, Erik
Qala'id al-Iqyan: The Golden Pendant by Al-Balbani, Muhammad Badr Al-Din
Divan-i Kabir, Volume XX: Various Rare Meters & The Remainders by Rumi, Jalal Al
Defending Muḥammad in Modernity by Tareen, Sherali
The Delights of Modesty by Mubashir, Arnab
Ключи к Корану Глава 3. Сур&#1 by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Defending Muḥammad in Modernity by Tareen, Sherali
Bridges' Translation of the Ten Qira'At of the Noble Qur'An (Colored) by Soliman, Fadel
Arab Political Thought: Past and Present by Corm, Georges
Learn To Write The Quran Made Easy With Letter Tracing: Include 6 Basic Easy Quranic Surahs: Great Practice Workbook For Young Little Muslim Kids, Adu by Press, Kawkabnour
Interpretations of Desire: Mystical love poems by the Sufi Master Muyhiddin Ibn 'Arabi by Hill, Keith
The Transnational Mosque: Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East by Rizvi, Kishwar
Easy Umrah Guide: Performing Umra Made Easy by Khan, Saifullah
Observations by Shah, Idries
Letters and Lectures by Shah, Idries
Activity Book For Muslim Kids: Word Searches, Word Tracings, Mazes, Coloring Pages: A Simple & Fun Puzzle Book For Young Islamic Kids Age 7 - 9 by Press, Kawkabnour
Big Little Steps: A Woman's Guide to Embracing Islam by Loujayne, Mathilde
Sunnis and Shi'a: A Political History by Louër, Laurence
A Treasury of Rumi: Guidance on the Path of Wisdom and Unity by Waley, Muhammad Isa, Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
Al Asma Ul Husna: 99 Names Of Allah: Mandala Coloring Book: Volume 3: 25 Unique Designs With Attributes Of God Written In Arabic & Engli by Press, Aasiya Alwan
Ahmadiyya Islam and the Muslim Diaspora: Living at the End of Days by Balzani, Marzia
A Constructive Critique of Religion: Encounters Between Christianity, Islam, and Non-Religion in Secular Societies by
Muslim and Supermuslim: The Quest for the Perfect Being and Beyond by Jackson, Roy
Shi'i Islam and Sufism: Classical Views and Modern Perspectives by
Muraqaba: The Art and Science of Sufi Meditation by Azeemi, Khwaja Shamsuddin
Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Awais, Ammar
The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
The Ahlul - Bayt 2nd Edition, The Assassination of Eleven Imams, THE COLLAPSE OF THE CALIPHATE: Rise of Tyranny & Oppression in Islam by Alam, His Eminency Hazrat S. S. M. N., Ahmed, Rafiq, Rabbani, Golam
Healthy Life In Islam Based from The Holy Quran and Al-Hadith English Edition Lite Version by Mediapro, Jannah Firdaus
The Idea of Tradition in the Late Modern World by
The Idea of Tradition in the Late Modern World by
World Tales I: Tales Of A Parrot And Other Stories by Shah, Idries
Bridges' Translation of the Ten Qira'At of the Noble Qur'An (Black and White) by Soliman, Fadel
Candle of Hope: A Series of Lectures on the Awaited Savior Imam al-Mahdi by Redha Al-Shirazi, Sayed Mohammad
The Wonders of Creation and the Singularities of Painting: A Study of the Ilkhanid London Qazvīnī by Carboni, Stefano
Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed an Intellectual Tradition by El Shamsy, Ahmed
The Uyghurs: Strangers in Their Own Land by Bovingdon, Gardner
Defence Against Disaster: in Accurately Determining the Positions of the Companions after the Death of the Prophet by Ibn Al-'arabi, Abu Bakr
Defence Against Disaster: in Accurately Determining the Positions of the Companions after the Death of the Prophet by Ibn Al-'arabi, Abu Bakr
Encounters with the Hidden Imam in Early and Pre-Modern Twelver Shīʿī Islam by Ghaemmaghami, Omid
Courting Islam: US-British Engagement with Islam since the European Colonial Period by Oliver-Dee, Sean
Muhammad's Heirs by Brockopp, Jonathan E.
World Tales V: The Land Where Time Stood Still And Other Stories by Shah, Idries
The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin (Large Print Edition) by Shah, Idries
The Book of Prayer (Salat) Travellers by Kanat, Hasan
The Political Writings: Political Regime and Summary of Plato's Laws by Alfarabi
Zaheer Learns The Tafseer Of Surah Al-Fatiha by Khan, Muddassir
Sufi Thought and Action by Shah, Idries
Terrorist Movements and the Recruitment of Arab Foreign Fighters: A History from 1980s Afghanistan to Isis by Warren, Roger
The Architecture of a Deccan Sultanate: Courtly Practice and Royal Authority in Late Medieval India by Sohoni, Pushkar
Qur'anic Hermeneutics: Between Science, History, and the Bible by Galadari, Abdulla
Salafism Goes Global: From the Gulf to the French Banlieues by Adraoui, Mohamed-Ali
Eine islamische Sichtweise über Gog und Magog in der Welt der Moderne by Hosein, Imran N.
Qur'anic Reasoning: Volume II in The Qur'an Unchained Series by Ahmed, J. R.
In Search of Comforting the Human Soul: A convert's guide to finding peace and happiness. Find Paradise in Your Heart! by Basyyoni, Shareefa
Business in Islam by Stefan, Robert J.
Business in Islam by Stefan, Robert J.
Hanafi Maturidism: Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī's Kitāb al-H&#25 by Aldosari, Ayedh S.
Sayyiduna Abu 'Ubaidah Bin Jarraah (ra) by Institute, Ibnu Masood
Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Masood (ra) by Institute, Ibnu Masood
Fiqh Al Zakah - Volume 1: A Comparative Study of Zakah, Regulations and Philosophy in The light of Quran And Sunnah by Al Qaradawi, Yusuf
Fiqh Al Zakah - Volume 2: A Comparative Study of Zakah, Regulations and philosophy in the Light of Quran and Sunnah by Al Qaradawi, Yusuf
Transregional and Regional Elites - Connecting the Early Islamic Empire by
Foundational principles Regarding the Science of Hadith by Al-Maliki, Shaykh Muhammad Bin 'alawi
Al-Arba'in - Collection of Forty Hadiths on the Miracles of the Final Messenger (saw) by Muhammad Adam S. B., Hadhrat Mawlana
Sayyidah Ruqayyah & Sayyidah Ummu Kulthoom (Radhiyallahu 'Anhuma) by Muslimah, Uswatul
Pensamiento y acción Sufi by Shah, Idries
Pensamiento y acción Sufi by Shah, Idries
Die Absicht: 300 Absichten für Allah. Eine praktische Anleitung zur Perfektionierung der Niyyah. by Bin Fulan, Fulan
The Practicing Muslim by Ahmad, N.
A Few Islamic Facts: War on Western Civilization by Fookes, Ken
The Revival of Islamic Rationalism: Logic, Metaphysics and Mysticism in Modern Muslim Societies by Bano, Masooda
Sufi Thought and Action by Shah, Idries
The Prophet of Mercy: Prophet Muhammad as a Family Man, Statesman, General and Judge by Arif, Nadeem
Psychoanalysis and the Love of Arabic: Hall of Mirrors by Bou Ali, Nadia
Sayyidah Saarah & Sayyidah Haajar ('alaihimas salaam): Mothers of the Nations by Muslimah, Uswatul
Sayyidah Safiyyah (radhiyallahu 'anha) by Muslimah, Uswatul
Sayyidah Zainab (RA): The Eldest Daughter of Rasulullah (SAW) by Muslimah, Uswatul
The Twelve Signs of the Ulama who have concern for the hereafter: An Excerpt from the Ihya 'Ulum Al-Din of Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali by Kandhalawi, Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya
Advices Regarding Etiquettes by Qamaruzzaman Allahbadi, Maulana Muhammad
A gift for the Youth: تُحفَةُ الشَبَاب by Talimi Board, Jamiatul Ulama (Kzn)
Minorities and Populism - Critical Perspectives from South Asia and Europe by
Dear Hafiz by Dhorat, Muhammad Saleem
In Your Why Lies Your Way: Find your purpose, Mend your heart by Saeed, Iqra
Bonne fête Aïd El Fitr: L'Aïd El Fitr (appelée aussi Aïd as-Saghir) est la fête de la rupture du jeûne qui clôt le mois du Ramadan. Voici une by Saïd M.
The Qur'an: What Everyone Needs to Know(R) by McAuliffe
Times of the Prayers (Salat): كِتَابٌ مَوَاقِيت&#161 by Kanat, Hasan
Moorish Vision: Advancing the Thought for 2020 and Beyond by Ma'at Bey, Rakem
Catechism for Understanding the Moorish Holy Koran by Ma'at Bey, Rakem
Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam by Crone, Patricia
Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires by Cole, Juan
The Obligation of Taqlid: The harms of abandoning it, with special regards to making Taqlid of an Individual by Azmi, Shaykhul Hadith Hadrat Maulana Faz
Renounce your Atheism by Talaat, Haitham
Der deutsche Islam by Sahinöz, Cemil
The Idea of European Islam: Religion, Ethics, Politics and Perpetual Modernity by Hashas, Mohammed
Coloring Book For Muslim Kids: -Islamic coloring activities book for kids (girls and boys) with 114 pages and 8,5x11 in. Eid and birthday gift for ki by Art, Tamoh
Al Aqida Al Tahawiyya: العقيدة الطحاوية Arabic text by Al Tahawi, Abu Jafar
Tabligh - e - Deen: The Forty foundations of the Religion Imam Ghazali by Kajee, Maulana Moosa
Perfecting the Journey: Spiritual and Legal Dimensions of Hajj: Spiritual Insights from Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad by Abdul Sattar, Shaykh Husain
How to study the history of the Family of Prophet (saw) and his companions (Ra) by Al-Harbi, Abd Al-Kareem Bin Khaalid
The Island of Black Waters (Kala Pani) by Thanseri Sahib, Hadrat Maulana Muhammad
Have you ever wondered why: Reflections on aspects of Faith by Chothia, Mawlana Feizel
Seeking the Shade of the Arsh: Guidance for the Youth by Patel Saheb, Hazrat Maulana Yunus
The Etiquette and Interpretation of Dreams by Farid, Ahmed
Blasting the Foundations of Atheism: Its Pseudoscience and Pseudo-reason: Answering Richard Dawkins' (The God Delusion) by Ibn Mass'oud, Abul Feda'
Fawaaid Madaniyyah: فوائد مدنية by Muzaffar Nagri, Qari Muhammad Waliyullah
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love by Johnston, David L.
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love by Johnston, David L.
A Practical Guide to Funeral Rites In Islam by Noor, Maulana Ebrahim
Discourses of Rumi: Fihi Ma Fihi by Arberry, A. J.
Ahl - Al - Bait: Between the Two schools: The search of the true identity of Ahl - Al - Bait across moderate and extremist schools by Al-Khidhr, Muhammad Salim
Understanding Taqlid: Following one of the four Great Imams by Sajaad, Mufti Muhammad
The Caravan by Hegghammer, Thomas
Sharia Transformations: Cultural Politics and the Rebranding of an Islamic Judiciary by Peletz, Michael G.
Sharia Transformations: Cultural Politics and the Rebranding of an Islamic Judiciary by Peletz, Michael G.
The Quran: In Transcription by Wardini, Elie
How To Pray Book For Muslim Kids: Islamic Prayers Learning Book For Kids 95 pages and 8x10 in. A learning prayer book for muslim kids. Great gift for by Art, Tamoh
Provokation durch Radikalisierung. Salafismus als jugendkulturelles Phänomen by Anonymous
Between the God of the Prophets and the God of the Philosophers: Reflections of an Athari on the Divine Attributes by Al-Haj, Hatem
Spiritual Subjects: Central Asian Pilgrims and the Ottoman Hajj at the End of Empire by Can, Lale
A Perfumed Scorpion by Shah, Idries
Lessons from Surah Al-Kahf by Qadhi, Yasir
A Perfumed Scorpion by Shah, Idries
Spiritual Subjects: Central Asian Pilgrims and the Ottoman Hajj at the End of Empire by Can, Lale
Lessons from Surah Al-Kahf by Qadhi, Yasir
Ammaar Learns The Harmful Effects Of Sins by Khan, Muddassir
World Tales IV: The Water of Life and Other Stories by Shah, Idries
Why Muhammad (pbuh) is the Final Messenger of God: A linguistic Approach by Fog
World Tales II: The Happiest Man in the World and Other Stories by Shah, Idries
Arabic-English Dictionary of Qurʾanic Usage by Haleem, Muhammed Abdel, Badawi, Elsaid
The Sokodae: a West African Dance: ISF Monograph 7 by Williams, Drid
Decorative Textiles from Arab and Islamic Cultures: Selected Works from the Al Lulwa Collection by Scarce, Jennifer, Wearden, Jennifer
Mansa Musa: Emperor of The Wealthy Mali Empire by Titans, History
Die grammatischen Schulen der Araber by Flügel, Gustav
Water, Islam and Art: Drop by Drop, Life Falls from the Sky by
May Peace Be Upon You: Salaam Alaikum by Tajammul Abdul Quadeer
A History of Christian-Muslim Relations by Goddard, Hugh
Gender and Succession in Medieval and Early Modern Islam: Bilateral Descent and the Legacy of Fatima by Gabbay, Alyssa
Koran by Noaha Foundation
Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam by Helwa, A.
Raising Children in Islam by Hasan, Suhaib
In Search of the Treasure of Faith by Wieland, Robert J.
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