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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2022

Critical Muslim 40: Biography by
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe by
Noor Upon Noor by S. Hukr
Psychology of Personality: Islamic Perspectives by
Futuwwah and Raising Males into Sacred Manhood by Walid, Dawud
Ummah: A New Paradigm for a Global World by Jomaa, Katrin A.
The Mughals and the Sufis: Islam and Political Imagination in India, 1500-1750 by Alam, Muzaffar
The Anonymity of a Commentator: Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī and the Rhetoric of Muslim Commentaries by Ingalls, Matthew B.
Storytellers: Bringing Muslims Home by Power, Bernie
El Corán: Edición comentada by Bórnez, Raúl González
The Qur'an With a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation by Qarai, Ali Quli
Do Islam / दो इस्लाम by Ali, Syed Shadab
Scientific Approach in Translating and Interpreting the Qur'an and Traditions by Mustafawi, 'Allamah Hasan
Discover the Best in Your Relationships: Life Coaching for Muslims by Habib, Sayeda
The One and the Many: The Early History of the Qur'an by Deroche, Francois
The Qur'an with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation by Qarai, Ali Quli
Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW Vol 2: Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW by Yaseen, Maria
The Qur'an and Immunity from Distortion by Limba, Mansoor, Ma'rifat, Muhammad Hadi
Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People by Underhill, Evelyn
The Making of Islamic Economic Thought by Al-Daghistani, Sami
Healing Your Marriage by Healing Yourself by Sanford, Salima
Homeward by Ali Sultan, Layla
The Revival of Islamic Thought by Mutahhari, Murtada
Mutahhari is Mutahhari: The Making of a Thinker by Limba, Mansoor
Lamahat Tafsir Surah Luqman by Drame, Fode
Jawahir al-Tawheed by Drame, Fode
The Power of International Quds Day in the Cyberspace by Limba, Mansoor
Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics by
La source lumineuse: commentaire de la sourate " Les Appartements" by Djebiha, Farid
The Struggle for Inclusion: Muslim Minorities and the Democratic Ethos by Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth
Jews and the Qur'an by Bar-Asher, Meir M.
MFAS Journal: Volume 1, Number 1 by Bewley, Abdalhaqq, Ibrahim-Morrison, Uthman
Peace Movements in Islam: History, Religion, and Politics by
The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian-Muslim Relations, 600-1500 by
The Hundred Steps by As-Sufi, Shaykh 'Abd Al-Qadir
The Medieval Islamic Republic of Letters: Arabic Knowledge Construction by Al-Musawi, Muhsin J.
The Theology of Tariq Ramadan: A Catholic Perspective by Baum, Gregory
101 Tips for a Happy Marriage by Khamenei, Ali
Dissecting ADL's 2015 Farrakhan In His Own Words by Lopez, Gabriel
The Islamist Challenge and Africa by Rashid, Samory
Who Is Muhammad's Gabriel? by Philpott, Kent Allan
Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics by
Qur'anic Zakat & Government Taxes by Al Moneer, Firas
The Struggle for Inclusion: Muslim Minorities and the Democratic Ethos by Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Sniderman, Paul M.
Sahih Muslim (Volume 6): With the Full Commentary by Imam Nawawi by Muslim, Imam Abul-Husain
Sahih Muslim (Volume 6) by Muslim, Imam Abul-Husain
The Wisdom of Ramana Maharshi: A Modern Sufi Rendition by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
The Art of Resistance in Islam by Shanneik, Yafa
Prophetic Grappling: Including as-Suyuti's al-Musārʿah ilā al-Muṣārʿah by Shaikh, Nisar
Getting to Pluralism: Political Actors in the Arab World by
Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith by Helwa, A.
Prophetic Grappling: Including as-Suyuti's al-Musārʿah ilā al-Muṣārʿah by Shaikh, Nisar
Menschenrechte Und Das Islambild in Der Deutschen Politik: Diskursanalyse Politischer Darstellungen Über Muslimisch Geprägte Länder by Leifgen, Hans
90 Selected Sayings Of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him): Hadith Book With Arabic translation For Muslim Kid by Publishing, Meramed
Iqtisaduna (Our Economics) Volume Two by Al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir
Iqtisaduna (Our Economics) Volume One by Al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir
The Conference of the Birds: A Sufi Fable by Attar, Farid Ud-Din
The Complete Cure Through Quran and Authentic Prayers by Khan, Muddassir
The Life of Muhammad (with Urdu translation) Volume 2: Propaganda and Truth The Complete Story by Shameem, Ahmad
Shi'ism Revisited: Ijtihad and Reformation in Contemporary Times by Takim, Liyakat
Selections from the Kur-án: A new Large Print Edition, revised and enlarged, with an introduction, by Stanley Lane Poole (Large Print Edition) by Lane, Edward William
An Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries, Volume II: On Women by
The War on the Uyghurs: China's Internal Campaign Against a Muslim Minority by Roberts, Sean R.
Arabic Oration: Art and Function by Qutbuddin, Tahera
Ranks of the Divine Seekers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 1 by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
Ranks of the Divine Seekers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text. Volume 2 by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
A Political Theory of Muslim Democracy by Altuntaş-Çakır, Ravza
What Is Islamic Studies?: European and North American Approaches to a Contested Field by
From Rumi to the Whirling Dervishes: Music, Poetry, and Mysticism in the Ottoman Empire by Feldman, Walter
Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation: A Study of Darʾ Taʿāruḍ Al-ʿaql Wa-L-Naql by Sharif El-Tobgui, Carl
The Qur'ān: Translated with a New Introduction by
Dervish Lions by Ansari, Tiel Aisha
Heaven's Generation جيل الجنّة: نَقْضُ مَن by Almhroos, Karim
Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith by Helwa, A.
The Qur'ān: Translated with a New Introduction by
Practical Mysticism by Underhill, Evelyn
Barren Women: Biology, Medicine and Religion in the Medieval Middle East by Verskin, Sara
Rethinking Islam in Europe: Contemporary Approaches in Islamic Religious Education and Theology by Sejdini, Zekirija
Islamic Leadership and the State in Eurasia by Yemelianova, Galina M.
Shukr: An Inspirational Dua and Gratitude Journal for Women by Deonath, Gabrielle
Wahhabism and the World: Understanding Saudi Arabia's Global Influence on Islam by
The Garden of Mystic Love: Volume II: Turkish Sufism and the Halveti-Jerrahi Lineage by Blann, Gregory
Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad by B. Musa Al-Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad
The Message To Mankind In the 21st Century by Ebrahim, Suliman
Our Legends by Rasheed, Mustafa, Waheed, Abdul Wahab
Noble Character Volume 4 by Foad, Baher S.
Inspirational Islamic Wisdom: With wisdom from the Quran, of Muhammad, of Rumi and of the four great caliphs by Akdag, Pinar
Quran Sage: Quran English Translation & Interpretation by Elgayar, Mohamed
My Perfect World Plus Warning by Wiseman, Adam
Political Thought in the Mamluk Period: The Unnecessary Caliphate by El-Merheb, Mohamad
Man in Islam: Inner Dimensions of Prophetic Tradition by Ramin, Amin
Do Islaam: Haqeeqi deen aur Takhleeqi deen me farq by Ali, Syed Shadab
On Pain and Suffering: A Qur'anic Perspective by Hasan, Abla
Sustainable Development and Infrastructure: An Islamic Finance Perspective by Gundogdu, Ahmet Suayb, Diallo, Amadou Thierno
The Challenge of Islam to Christians by Pawson, David
The Book of Tawhid by As-Sufi, Shaykh Abdalqadir
The Book of Tawhid by As-Sufi, Shaykh Abdalqadir
The 50 Common Bid'ah (Religious Innovations) by Abdullahi, Abdullateef Lanre
Das Duas-Buch Mit 200 Islamischen Bittgebeten Für Ihre Tägliche Gesundheit Und Die Ihrer Lieben: Steigern Sie Ihr spirituelles Wachstum durch Bittgebe by Abdallah, Mohamed
Al-Mulk: A Brief Commentary From the Classes of Sheikh Khalil Majdalawi by Breiannis, Wm Halim
The Height of Prophet Adam: At the Crossroads of Science and Scripture by Zaman, Muntasir
Ramadan Bedtime Stories: Thirty Stories for the Thirty Holy Nights of Ramadan! (Ramadan Books for Kids) by Mohamed, Zainab
The Height of Prophet Adam: At the Crossroads of Science and Scripture by Zaman, Muntasir
Beyond the Wonderful: Transforming the World with the Light of Your Being by Weiner, Donald E., Weiner M. S., Diane
A Treasury of Iqbal by Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid
Secularism, Islam and Public Intellectuals in Contemporary France by Kiwan, Nadia
Ramadan Beschäftigungsbuch: Islamisches und pädagogisches Ramazan-buch für Jungs von 6 bis 10 Jahren Islamische Kinderbücher auf Deutsch by Bücher, R-S Islamische, Rochdi, Said
Muslims of the Heartland: How Syrian Immigrants Made a Home in the American Midwest by Curtis IV, Edward E.
The Shia-Sunni Debate: An Intellectual Argument by Chakaroun, Hassan Sharif
Among the Eunuchs: A Muslim Transgender Journey by Jagiella, Leyla
Muslims, Islams and Occidental Anxieties: Conversations about Islamophobia by Strenski, Ivan
Agents of the Hidden Imam by Hayes, Edmund
Marwa - Ramadan Journal 2022 by Sharif, Marwa
L'éveil spirituel du musulman: Le coeur, trône de l'âme by Kurb, Denay
The Return of Jesus: Conquest of Rome by Yazici, Ahmet
La Base Islámica Para La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa by Elasrag, Hussein
Ramadan Kalender: Ramadan Planer mit täglicher Dua und Hadith, Gebets-Checkliste, Koran Leseprotokoll und mehr Design: Sakura by Moujahed, Salah
Rumis Book of Comfort by Ammaar, Abu
An Essay on the Statement "Humanity before Religion": Foundations and Analysis by Bin Umar Bin Hafiz, Hamid
The Holy Quran: English Translation of The Noble Qur'an by El Guenbour, Muhammed
Ramadan Coloring Book For Adults: An Adult Coloring and Activity Book with 50 Amazing Ramadan Coloring Page for Muslim Adults, Perfect Gift Idea for T by Schuppe Press, Palma
Ramadan Coloring Book For Adults: An Adult Coloring Book With 50 Fun And Relaxing Designs for Muslim Adults Perfect Gift For Girls and Teens To Celebr by Schuppe Press, Palma
Ramadan Coloring Book For Adults: An Adult Islamic Activity Coloring Book With Beautiful Collection of 50 Ramadan Coloring Pages, Ramadan gift for wom by Schuppe Press, Palma
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: A Fun Islamic Colouring Book For Muslim Kids with 50 Simple Colouring Pages For Toddlers And Kids To Color An by Stehr Publishing, Zachery
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: A Coloring Book To Celebrate Ramadan Gift of Ramadan, Cute Ramadan Coloring Pages For Little Muslim kids, Per by Stehr Publishing, Zachery
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: Islamic Coloring Activity Book for Kids with 50 Amazing Coloring Pages to Color with Ramadan, Perfect Gift Id by Stehr Publishing, Zachery
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: A Fun Kid Workbook for Muslim Girls to Celebrate Ramadan, Coloring & Activity Book for Toddlers, Islamic Colo by Mitchell Press, Eladio
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids: Cute Islamic Colouring Book Gift Ideas for Little Girls and Boys With 50 Simple Colouring Pages Ramadan Gift Idea for by Gutmann Publishing, Carolyne
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids: Fun and Amazing Ramadan Activity And Islamic Coloring Book For Muslim Kids Perfect Present For Girls and Boys To Celeb by Monahan Press, Elvis
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids: A Fun & Educational Coloring Book For Little Muslim kids with 50 Amazing Coloring Pages to Color, Ages 4-8 by Monahan Press, Elvis
The Most Beautiful Dua 2: Ask Allah All That Actually Matters & Is Really Important...!!! by Ahmed, Tehseen
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids: A Fun Islamic Colouring Book For Muslim Kids with 50 Coloring and Activity Pages for Kids And Preschoolers, Ages 4-8 by Gutmann Publishing, Carolyne
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids: A Fun Islamic Colouring Book For Muslim Kids with 50 Coloring and Activity Pages for Children and Preschoolers, ages 8 by Gutmann Publishing, Carolyne
Ramadan Coloring Book For Adults: An Adult Coloring and Activity Book with 50 Amazing Ramadan Coloring Page for Muslim Adults and Teens for Stress rel by Schuppe Press, Palma
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: A Fun Kid Workbook for Muslim Girls to Celebrate Ramadan, Coloring & Activity Book for Toddlers, Islamic Colo by Mitchell Press, Eladio
Ramadan Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-8: A Fun & Educational Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers And Preschool Kids, Great Ramadan Activity and Colorin by Mitchell Press, Eladio
Un islam reconcilié avec les chrétiens arabes by Sarkis, Guy-Raymond
Conciliation in the Qurʾan: The Qurʾanic Ethics of Conflict Resolution by Fazaluddin, Shafi
L'Islam en questions by Barbulesco-L+cardinal-P
L'islam, la République et le monde by Gresh-A
Marianne et le Prophète by Bencheikh-S
L'Archange empourpré: Quinze traités et récits mystiques by Sohravardi
La fracture islamique: demain le soufisme ? by Meriboute-Z
Le Livre de l'Homme Parfait by Nasafi-A
Islam avenir du monde by Al Tourabi-H+chevalieras
Peace in the Name of Allah: Islamic Discourses on Treaties with Israel by Winter, Ofir
Offenbarung, Exegese und Ratio by Sadr, Seyed Ali
Bibliothèque Orientale (Éd.1697) by Herbelot de Molainville B
The Sound of Salvation: Voice, Gender, and the Sufi Mediascape in China by Ha, Guangtian
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A Fun Islamic Colouring Book For Muslim Toddlers with 50 Easy and Amazing Ramadan Coloring Pages For Kids, Toddler by Daugherty Publishing, Madisyn
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A fun educational islamic Activity and Coloring book for Toddler & Preschool, Perfect Gift For children To Celebra by Daugherty Publishing, Madisyn
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A Collection of Fun & Easy Ramadan Coloring pages For children To Celebrate Ramadan, Islamic Coloring Book For Kid by Daugherty Publishing, Madisyn
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A Collection of Fun & Easy Ramadan Coloring pages For children To Celebrate Ramadan, Islamic Coloring Book For Tod by Daugherty Publishing, Madisyn
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A fun educational islamic coloring book For Little Muslim Toddler, Islamic Coloring Book For Muslim Kids, Great Ra by Botsford Press, Tremaine
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A Fun and Educational Coloring Book for Toddler with 50 Easy and Cute Ramadan Coloring Pages For Children, Prescho by Botsford Press, Tremaine
Ramadan Coloring Book For Toddlers: A Fun and Educational Coloring Book for Toddler with 50 Easy and Cute Ramadan Coloring Pages For Children, Prescho by Botsford Press, Tremaine
Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West by
The Sound of Salvation: Voice, Gender, and the Sufi Mediascape in China by Ha, Guangtian
The Qur'an: Abdullah Yusuf Ali by Ali, Abdullah Yusuf
Divine Timeless Secrets In the Amazing Story of Musa and Khidr by Khan, Muddassir
Central Asian Ismailis: An Annotated Bibliography of Russian, Tajik and Other Sources by Dagiev, Dagikhudo
The Fragmentation of Palestine: Identity and Isolation Since the Second Intifada by Rickard, Joshua
Muslims Under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Religious Tolerance by Yasmin, Robina
Laughter in Occupied Palestine: Comedy and Identity in Art and Film by Lionis, Chrisoula
Non-Sunni Muslims in the Late Ottoman Empire: State and Missionary Perceptions of the Alawis by Alkan, Necati
Central Asian Ismailis: An Annotated Bibliography of Russian, Tajik and Other Sources by Dagiev, Dagikhudo
Self-Knowledge and Spiritual Yearning: The Role of Spirituality in Psychological Health by Brown, E. Douglass
Self-Knowledge and Spiritual Yearning: The Role of Spirituality in Psychological Health by Brown, E. Douglass
Don't Neglect Prayers, Become True Muslims Heart & Soul by Saad, Mohd Mursalin
La vie de Mahomet by Irving, Washington
The Royal Workshops of the Alhambra: Industrial Activity in Early Modern Granada by
Selections from the Writings of The Promised Messiah by Ghulam Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza
The Truth Revealed by Ghulam Ahmad, Hadrat Mirza
Star of the Empress by Ghulam Ahmad, Hadrat Mirza
Testimon y of the Holy Quran by Ghulam Ahmad, Hadrat Mirza
Proceedings of the Prayer Meeting by Ghulam Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza
Refuge of the Distressed by Mubashir, Arnab
The Dua book: This Book contains a collection of Everyday Duas - Supplications and Invocations for Muslims with transliteration and by Nassar, Ahmed
The holy Quran: Clear & Easy To Read With English in black by El Alaoui, Alae
مختصر تاريخ المذاهب الإس by سعيد راشد
In Search of the True Religion: Monk Jurjī and Muslim Jurists Debating Faith and Practice by Ibrahim, Ayman S., Hackenburg, Clint
Mantle of Mercy: Islamic Chaplaincy in North America Volume 1 by
Islam and God-Centricity: Plurality and Mutability of Religion by Abdul Hussain, Arif
The Prophet (Hindi) by Gibran, Kahlil
Esoteric Transfers and Constructions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
They: What Muslims and Non-Muslims Get Wrong about Each Other by Manzoor, Sarfraz
Hajj - How to Perform Hajj & Umrah - Aaye Hajj Kare by Razzaq, Mufti Saad Abdur
Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa by
Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa by
Al Hizbul Azam - Selected Duas from Al-Hizbul A'zam by Alqaari, Shaikh Ali Ibn Sultaan Muham
The Unknown Imams: The Life and Thought of Their Eminences, the Imams Musa Ibn Ja'far Al-Kadhim, Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Jawad, Ali Ibn Muham by Rahimi, Mehdi, Taherkhani, Abdullah
Will You Not Reason?: God's arguments in the Qur'an by Mirza
Jailhouse Islam: Where Sex Offenders, Law Enforcement Informants, Jailhouse Snitches, and the Most Vulnerable Prisoners Turn to the Ult by Rwa
Jihad: What Everyone Needs to Know: What Everyone Needs to Know (R) by Afsaruddin, Asma
An Authenticated Summary of the Prophet's Prayer ﷺ: by Ḥāfiẓ Zubāir 'Alī Za'ī [raḥimahullāh] by Ali Zai, Hafiz Zubair
Routledge Handbook of Islam in Southeast Asia by
An Anxious Inheritance: Religious Others and the Shaping of Sunni Orthodoxy by Hughes, Aaron W.
Courting Islam: Us-British Engagement with Islam Since the European Colonial Period by Oliver-Dee, Sean
Principles of Islamic Theoretical Mysticism by Rahimian, Saeed
Psychological Tricks of The Enemy: Resurrecting The Dead by Muhammad, Ismael Muwakkil
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