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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2023

Critical Muslim 42: Liberty by
Critical Muslim 41: Bodies by
Critical Muslim 37: Virus by
Sous le voile de l'Islam by D'Andurain, Marga
Critical Muslim 44: History by
The Islamic Marriage Guide: According to The Life of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] by Store, Islamic Book
Critical Muslim 38: Humor by
Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities by Jung, Dietrich
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 6 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 2 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 3 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 4 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Riyad As Saliheen: Part 5 by Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf
Safar: Muslim Women's Stories of Travel and Transformation by Malik, Sarah
Remembrance and Supplication from the Quran and Sunnah by Bin Wahaf, Saeed Bin Ali
Islam Is Your Birthright by Al-Rassi, Majed S.
Ayyamullah - Days of God Perspective of Qur'an and Hadith by Abu Shahba, Jerrmein, Khanbaba, Mozhgan
Human and Universe, The Universe is Inside You: Science and Religion by Yazici, Ahmet
100 question and answers regarding Aqidah & Tawhid by Naveed Ayaaz, Abdul Abbaas
The Qur'an - English Meanings by Assami, Emily, Bantley, Amatullah
Del Noble Coran - Traducción comentada del Noble Coran en Lengua Española by Navio, Abdel-Ghani Melara, Sr.
Book of Monotheism, Allah's Right over People by Bin Abdul Wahab, Mohammad
The Athan (The Glorious call for the Glorious worship) by Ahmed, Mohammed Azhar
Radiance of Vicegerency: Froogh-e-Vilayat by Alamdar, Sayyid Hussein
Le Noble Coran - Le sens approximatif de ses versets en Langue Francaise by
Structural Dividers in the Qur'an by
New Approaches to Islam in Film by
Former Muslims in Europe: Between Secularity and Belonging by Vliek, Maria
Knowledge and Beauty in Classical Islam: An Aesthetic Reading of the Muqaddima by Ibn Khaldūn by Lelli, Giovanna
Christian-Muslim Relations in Syria: Historic and Contemporary Religious Dynamics in a Changing Context by Ashdown, Andrew W. H.
Nationalism and Islamism in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: The Emergence of the Kurdistan Islamic Union by Mustafa, Mohammad Salih
Islam as Power: Shi‛i Revivalism in the Oeuvre of Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah by Speidl, Bianka
Secularization of Islam in Post-Revolutionary Iran by Pargoo, Mahmoud
Human Rights in Islamic Societies: Muslims and the Western Conception of Rights by Souaiaia, Ahmed E.
Islam and Religious Change in Pakistan: Sufis and Ulema in 20th Century South Asia by Sumbal, Saadia
Islam and Heritage in Europe: Pasts, Presents and Future Possibilities by
Bridge to Islam: A Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christianity in the Near East by Bethmann, Erich W.
Al Mustasfa Min ilm Al Usul: المستصفى من علم الأ&#1 by Al Ghazali, Abu Hamid
نزاعات البقاء: الإسلام، &#1571 by أمين, عزيز, Amin, A. S.
A Concise Biography of the Prophet and His Special Traits by Bin Mehmood Sarhan, Hessam
A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam by Ia, Ibrahim
Philosophical Sufism: An Introduction to the School of Ibn Al-'Arabi by Ali, Mukhtar H.
Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm by Malik, Shoaib Ahmed
Der edle Qur'an - Übersetzung seiner Bedeutungen in die deutsche Sprache by
Routledge Handbook on Sufism by
Contemplation by Haider Rizwi, Abbaas
The Qur'an - Saheeh International Translation by
The Holy Quran - English Meanings: Saheeh International by
They: What Muslims and Non-Muslims Get Wrong about Each Other by Manzoor, Sarfraz
Wonders and Rarities: The Marvelous Book That Traveled the World and Mapped the Cosmos by Zadeh, Travis
Taming the Messiah: The Formation of an Ottoman Political Public Sphere, 1600-1700 by Gurbuzel, Aslihan
True Path by Saeedi, Ataurehman
Hell-A Vision from within by Muhammad, Abdul Raoof
Forty Hadiths for Young People by Almuhanna, Muhammadibnsulayman
Islam in Prison: Finding Faith, Freedom and Fraternity by Irfan, Lamia, Quraishi, Muzammil, Wilkinson, Matthew
The Abbasid Caliphate of Cairo, 1261-1517: Out of the Shadows by Banister, Mustafa
British Muslims, Ethnicity and Health Inequalities by
Contentment by Ahmed Farooqui, Bilal
Fajr und Noor by S. Hukr
Jewish Muslims: How Christians Imagined Islam as the Enemy by Freidenreich, David M.
Le Coran: Le Saint Coran en Islam: les piliers de la Tajwid, les lectures coraniques et ses mérites by Mhamed, Aicha
Islam's Teachings And How They Solve Past and Current Problems by Muhammad, Muhammad Al-Sayed
Divine Gifts by Ibn'abdal-'Aziz, Dr 'Abdullaah
Jawame Duaa by Aljuraisy, Khalid
Foundation Of The Sunnah by Ibn Hanbal, Imaam Ahmed
Essentials of Ramadan, The Fasting Month by B. Shu`aib, Tajuddin
How to Study the History of the Family of Prophet (Saw) and His Companions (Ra) by Bin Khaalid Al-Harbi, Abd Al-Kareem
Islam a comprehensive guide to the reality by Burbank, Saad Dawud
Islamic Legal Rulings on Fasting by Baqaullah, Omer
The importance of Ethics and Values in Islamic Civilization by Al-Sarjani, Ragib
How He Treated Them? by Al-Munajjid, Muhammad Saalih
Visualizing Sufism: Studies on Graphic Representations in Sufi Literature (13th to 16th Century) by
The Muslim Brotherhood and State Repression in Egypt: A History of Secrecy and Militancy in an Islamist Organization by Zalaf, Ahmed Abou El
Piety by Salih Al-Munajjid, Sheik Muhammed
Springs of Wisdom: The Thoughts and Moral Teachings of Āyatullāh Muḥammad Taqī Bahjat Fūmanī by Bahjat, Muḥammad Taqī
Easy Tajweed: Part 1 by Eissa, Tahany M.
Prophet Muhammad The Glad Tidings of Jesus by Abdullah Al-Ghannam, Ibrahim Ibn
The Key to Happiness by Abdulkarim Al- Sheha, Abdulrahman Bin
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists: Ibn Taymiyya's Raf' Al-Malām 'an Al-A'Imma Al-A'Lām in Translation by Abdul-Hakim Al-Matroudi
The Muslim Woman And Her Husband by Haider, Hasn Ibn
Why Did Prophet Muhammad marry Ayesha a young girl by Al-Ghoudairy, Fawzy
The Prophet as a Husband by Rahman Ashar, Mujeeb Ur
Worldly Difficulties - Reality, Causes and Benefits by A. Aziz, Shawana
The Wolf King: Ibn Mardanish and the Construction of Power in Al-Andalus by Balbale, Abigail Krasner
The Quran and Modern Science Compatible or Incompatible by Naik, Zakir
Rethinking Islamism beyond jihadi violence: Fighting ideas leaving the sword aside by
The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law: Volume 1 - Al Muwafaqat fi Usul al Shari'a: الموافق&# by Al Shatibi, Ibrahim Ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law: Volume 1 - Al Muwafaqat fi Usul al Shari'a: الموافق&# by Al Shatibi, Ibrahim Ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
The way to Salvation in the light of Surah Al Asr: سورة العصر by Ahmad, Israr
Al - Ahkam As Sultaniyyah: The Laws of Islamic Governance: English Translation of the Classical Arabic Text الاحك&# by Al Mawardi, Abu'l Hasan
Palestinian Rituals of Identity: The Prophet Moses Festival in Jerusalem, 1850-1948 by Halabi, Awad
The Debate on Participation in Social Life and on Face Uncovering by Shuqqah, Abd Al-Halim Abu
Commentary on the Creed of At-Tahawi: English Translation of the Arabic Classical Text شرح العقي&#1583 by Al Izz, Ibn Abi
Halal Supply Chain Integrity: Concept, Constituents and Consequences by Shamsudin, Mohd Farid, Abdul Rahman, Nor Aida, Majid, Zawiah Abdul
Ethics and Politics from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini by Islami, Sayyid Hasan
The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law: Volume 2 - Al Muwafaqat fi Usul al Shari'a: الموافق&# by Al Shatibi, Ibrahim Ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
101 Helpful Illusions by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Fulfilment Now by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Backbiting and Its Harmful Effects on Muslims by Al-Awayishah, Husayn
Travel with Hiba and Mobeen: Islamic Coloring Book for Kids by Raza, Taseer
Our Fatima of Liverpool: The Story of Fatima Cates, the Victorian woman who helped found British Islam by Mahmood, Hamid, Birt, Yahya
General Precepts of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah by Al-Aql, Naasir Bin Abdulkarim
How to read a book by Sheik Al-Munajjid, Muhammed Salih
Our Fatima of Liverpool: The Story of Fatima Cates, the Victorian woman who helped found British Islam by Birt, Yahya, Mahmood, Hamid
Ahmed's Journey from Screen Time to Reading Time: Coloring Books by Sow, Ibrahim
Muslim Christian dialogue by Baagil, H. M.
Marriage in Islam by Sayyed Saabiq
The Chosen Names by Adel, Taher
Muhammad the Greatest by Deedat, Ahmed
100 Sunnah: Learn about the Sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad that many Muslims overlook by Mhamed, Aicha
Muslim Slaves In The Chesapeake 1634 to 1865 by Vicchio, Stephen J.
Taraweeh Prayer: Why and How to Pray Tarawih in Islam (Ramadan Kareem) by Mhamed, Aicha
Explanation of Ibn Qayyim's Thirteen Conditions for an Accepted Dua by Badr, Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq Al
Mala'Ika: Angels In Islam by Vicchio, Stephen J.
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Proper Jihad by Heary, Gregory
Sufism: The Sufi Path to Spiritual Awareness by Lalvani, Theo
The Creed of the Four Imams by Al Ubair, Shaikh Lasa Bin Mohammad
Removal of Doubts by Bin Abdul Wahab, Mohammad
Blasphemy and Apostasy in Islam: Debates in Shi'a Jurisprudence by Kadivar, Mohsen
Reporting Islam: Muslim Women in the New York Times, 1979-2011 by
Greatness of Islam by Ahmad, Javed
The Message of Islam by Ashhiya, Abdur Rehman Abdul Karim
Qur'ānic Stories: God, Revelation and the Audience by Ozgur Alhassen, Leyla
Causes of the Revelation of the Verses of the Quraan by As-Suyuti, Imam
SIHA Journal. Women in Islam (Issue Six) by
Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Islamist Writings on Resistance and Religion by Skare, Erik
Medina Virtue, Manners of Visiting and Residence by Bin Ahmed Al Abbad, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin
Blessings-of-Jumuah by Ilyas, Muhammad
Les-Benedictions-Du-Joumouah by Ilyas, Muhammad
Misconceptions about Islam by H. Al-Hazmi, Manea
mother's day by Salih Al-Munajjid, Sheikh Muhammed
How to Debate the So-Called Salafiyyah: A Handbook for Methodically Refuting Wahhabis about the Attributes, Madhhabs, Innovations And Tawassul by Abu-Jannah, Fuqayyir
Muslim parents and cyberculture by Al-Hazmi, Manea H.
Muhammad (Pbuh) Who Is He? by Emara, Osama
Muhammad, the prophet of mercy by Emara, Osama
Re-Centering the Sufi Shrine: A Metaphysics of Presence by Khan, Irfan Moeen
'Abdurra'uf Fitrat in Istanbul: Quest for Freedom by Abdirashidov, Zaynabidin
Arab Worlds Beyond the Middle East and North Africa by
Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 7 Sūrat al-An'ām - Cattle & Sūrat al-A'rāf - The Ramparts by Al-Qurtubi, Abu 'abdullah Muhammad
¿Quién es Muhammad, el mensajero de Allah by Sabri, Faten
Tafsir al-Qurtubi Vol. 7 Sūrat al-An'ām - Cattle & Sūrat al-A'rāf - The Ramparts by Al-Qurtubi, Abu 'abdullah Muhammad
穆斯林信仰丛书 伊斯兰信仰概要: A Summary of the Islamic Faith by 'Ussemin, Muhammad Bin Saliha
From Science to Faith: Using a Scientific Approach to Strengthen Faith by Chauvet, Adrien
The Ship of Salvation (Safinat al-Naja) - The Doctrine and Jurisprudence of the School of al-Imam al-Shafii: A classical manual of Islamic doctrine an by Al-Hadrami Al-Shafii, Salim Ibn Abdul
Anecdotes for Reflection by Sadaqat, Sayyid Ali Akbar
The Sharia Inquiry, Religious Practice and Muslim Family Law in Britain by
Prayers for the Week by Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin
The Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheries of East Africa by Panjwani, Sibtain Akberali
Taleemul Haq: The guidance of Personal Life according to the Islam by Store, Islamic Book
伊斯兰教 尊贵的《古兰经》和《圣训》中&#208 by Author, Independent
Islamic Prophecy of "yāwm al-dīn" by M. Jawad, Asraa
Commentary of Surah al-Najm: In the Rays of Light: Living The Quran Through The Living Quran by Qara'ati, Muhsin
Eruditos cristianos reconocen las contradicciones en la Biblia by Sabri, Fatin
El Ojo De La Verdad by Faten Sabri, Faten Sabri
El ateísmo ¿Una declaración de éxito o de fracaso? by Sabri, Fatin
Taraweeh Gebet: Warum und wie man Tarawih betet im Islam (Ramadhan Kareem) by Hamed, Aicha M.
Setenta asuntos relacionados con el ayuno by Al-Munajjid, Sheij Muhammad Salih
穆斯林的堡垒-- 真主在古 兰经和圣训中的话&# by Wahaif Ghartoni, Saeed Ali
Hisnul Muslim The Fortress of the Muslim by Sab, Naz
Al-'Amaali Al-Saduq by
True Success: The Life Purpose of Muslims by Salaam, Adam
Restraint... by Al-Munajjid, Sheikh Muhammed Salih
Reasons to Embrace Islam by Al-Hazmi, Manea H.
Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology by Harvey, Ramon
Islamic Theology in the Turkish Republic by Dorroll, Philip
Christian Monastic Life in Early Islam by Bowman, Bradley
Sufi Deleuze: Secretions of Islamic Atheism by Knight, Michael Muhammad
Hamas in Power: The Question of Transformation by Hamed, Qossay
Hamas in Power: The Question of Transformation by Hamed, Qossay
Prophet Muhammad's Mercy by Al-Laboon, Dr Mohammad Bin Abdullah
Sufi Deleuze: Secretions of Islamic Atheism by Knight, Michael Muhammad
The Gift for the Seeker by Shaikh, Mohammed Zaqir
The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline and Fall by Muir, William
Tres principios y sus fundamentos by Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Ibn
The Great Martyrs of Karbala by Zahara, Fasiha
Imam Ali: Lion of Allah by Zahara, Fasiha
A Nostalgic Remembrance: Sufism and the Breath of Creativity by Hussain, Ali
Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition: Ibn Quṭlūbughā's Commentary on the Compendium of Qudūrī by Al-Azem, Talal
Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice by
Cenazelere Dair Hükümler Ve Bid'atleri by Al-Albaanee, Muhammad Naasiruddeen
Kur'an'ı Nasıl Anlayalım by Zeeno, Muhammad Jameel
Ahirete Iman ve Ahirete Imanin Muslumanin Hayatindaki Etkisi by Al-Athari, Abdullah Bin Abdulhameed
Allah'tan Başkasından Yardım Dilemenin Hükmü by Abdullah Bin Baz, Abdul Aziz Bin
الصحيح المختار من علوم ا&#1604 by Al-Ajri, Mohammed Bin Al-Hassan
Was Muhammad crazy? by Joi, Frédéric
The Important Lessons for the Muslim Ummah by Bin Abdullah, Sheikh Abdul Aziz
Islam Explained by Salim, Ahmad
Valores Civilizatorios En El Mensaje del Islam: Civilization Values in the Message of Islam by Lah, Muhammad Bin Abdal-
Sharh Al-Aqeedah An-Nasafiyyah: A Commentary on the Creed of Imaam an-Nasafi by At-Taftaazaani, Imaam Sa'd-Ud-Deen
Luqman's Fifty Pearls of Wisdom by Badr, Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq Al
Qué es el Islam by Zarabozo, Jamaal Al-Din M.
Resumen Útil Para El Nuevo Musulmán by Ash-Shihri, Muhammad
Los dos testimonios de Fe by Al-Yibrin, Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman
Por Qué EL Islam by Sabri, Faten
Açık Deliller by Alalowsy, Noman
Names of Allah: Attributes of the Supreme by A'Azeez, Lukman
Democratic Criticism: Poetics of Incitement and the Muslim Sacred by Raja, Masood Ashraf
Ethical Teachings of Abū Ḥāmid Al-Ghazālī: Economics of Happiness by Al-Daghistani, Sami
The Truth and the Light: Jesus was a Servant and Prophet of God by Sanusi, Adebola
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