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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Israel & Palestine History in 2013

Israeli Identity, Thick Recognition and Conflict Transformation by Strombom, L.
Between Ruin and Restoration: An Environmental History of Israel by
October Earthquake: Yom Kippur 1973 by Schiff, Zeev
Jesus, King of Edessa by Ellis, Ralph
Perspectives of Psychological Operations (Psyop) in Contemporary Conflicts: Essays in Winning Hearts and Minds by Schleifer, Ron
David Ben Gurion: Architect of a State by Biderman, Israel M.
The Tribes of Israel: The Lost and The Dispersed by Avichail, Rabbi Eliyahu
With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature by
Remembering Cosmopolitan Egypt: Literature, culture, and empire by Starr, Deborah
David's Mighty Men by Huffman, John
Israel in World Relations by Bass, Richard
The History of Israel by Barba, Francisco Menchen
Exiled to Palestine: The Emigration of Soviet Zionist Convicts, 1924-1934 by Galili, Ziva, Morozov, Boris
The Arab Spring, Democracy and Security: Domestic and International Ramifications by
Political Theologies in the Holy Land: Israeli Messianism and its Critics by Ohana, David
Samaritan Exegesis: A Compilation Of Writings From The Samaritans by Isaac, Amram Son of, Aaron, Jacob Son of
Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-1948 by Haiduc-Dale, Noah
Imperial Japan: 1926-1938 by Young, A. Morgan
The Jewish War by Josephus, Flavius
A History of Modern Israel by Shindler, Colin
A History of Modern Israel by Shindler, Colin
The American Balfour Declaration: The Origins of U.S. Support for Zionism 1917-1922 by Azous, Paul
Crisis of Zionism by Beinart, Peter
The Political Right in Israel: Different Faces of Jewish Populism by Filc, Dani
Iran and Nuclear Weapons: Protracted Conflict and Proliferation by Khan, Saira
Sword & Shield of Zion: The Israel Air Force in the Arabisraeli Conflict, 1948-2012 by Rodman, David
The Golan Heights: Political History, Settlement and Geography since 1949 by Kipnis, Yigal
Ethnos und Herrschaft by Eckhardt, Benedikt
New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World by
Social Mobilization in the Arab/Israeli War of 1948: On the Israeli Home Front by Naor, Moshe
Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork by
Zion Liberated: Jewish Nation Building Under the British Mandate in Palestine by Cornfield, Giveon, Seligman, Max
The Jewish State by Herzl, Theodor
Understanding the Middle East Peace Process: Israeli Academia and the Struggle for Identity by Ghazi-Bouillon, Asima
The God of the Bible with Chinese Characteristics by Edwardson, Mendel
Israel/Palestine and the Politics of a Two-State Solution by Mitchell, Thomas G.
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, V4: Report to the General Assembly, Annex B: Oral Evidence Presented at Private Meetings by United Nations
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, V5: Report to the General Assembly, Index to the Report and Annexes by United Nations
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, V4: Report to the General Assembly, Annex B: Oral Evidence Presented at Private Meetings by United Nations
United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, V2: Report to the General Assembly, Annexes, Appendix and Maps by United Nations
Histoire de Jérusalem by Biéchy, Amand
The Ring of Myths: Israelis, Wagner and the Nazis by Sheffi, Na'ama
The Nixon Administration and the Middle East Peace Process, 1969-1973: From the Rogers Plan to the Outbreak of the Yom Kippur War by Shalom, Zaki, Vanetik, Boaz
The Jordan River Valley: International Conciliation, No. 506, January, 1956 by Stevens, Georgiana G.
When Peace Is Not Enough: How the Israeli Peace Camp Thinks about Religion, Nationalism, and Justice by Omer, Atalia
Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork by
Jesusanity by Books, The Jesus
Israel, Palestine, & the Quest for Middle East Peace by Deeb, Dennis J.
Who Cares About the Palestinians? by Andersen, Jon
International Legitimacy and the Politics of Security: The Strategic Deployment of Lawyers in the Israeli Military by Craig, Alan
The Middle East: Everything That You Always Wanted to Know and No One Would Tell You: "Walking in Jesus Footsteps" by Carnovale, Antonio
The Middle East: Everything That You Always Wanted to Know and No One Would Tell You: "Walking in Jesus Footsteps" by Carnovale, Antonio
Orde Wingate And the British Internal Security Strategy During the Arab Rebellion in Palestine, 1936-1939 by Lehenbauer, Mark
Pressed Flowers From The Holy Land by Greene, Harvey B., Side LLC, Light
Soldiering Under Occupation: Processes of Numbing Among Israeli Soldiers in the Al-Aqsa Intifada by Grassiani, Erella
Soldiering Under Occupation: Processes of Numbing Among Israeli Soldiers in the Al-Aqsa Intifada by Grassiani, Erella
ISRAEL and the Palestinian nightmare: 3rd Edition by Shemer, Ze'ev
Anarchists Against the Wall: Direct Action and Solidarity with the Palestinian Popular Struggle by
The Politics of Israel's Past: The Bible, Archaeology and Nation-Building by
Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948 by Wawrzyn, Heidemarie
Gerson Stern: Zum Leben Und Werk Des Jüdisch-Deutschen Schriftstellers (1874-1956) by Voit, Friedrich
The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel by Pappé, Ilan
Histoire de Jérusalem by Biéchy, Amand
Turkey's Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: State Identity and Security in the Middle East and Caucasus by Murinson, Alexander
Israel's New Future Revisited: Shattered Dreams and Harsh Realities, Twenty Years After the First Oslo Accords by Gerstenfeld, Manfred
Pioneers of Zionism: Hess, Pinsker, Rülf: Messianism, Settlement Policy, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Schoeps, Julius H.
Our Harsh Logic by Breaking the Silence
Current Events: Israel and Her Enemies by Charles River
Contested Land, Contested Memory: Israel's Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe by Roberts, Jo
The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem: Judah Under Babylonian Rule by Lipschits, Oded
The Religion of Israel: A Historical Sketch by Ottley, R. L.
Prolegomena to the History of Israel: With a Reprint of the Article Israel' from the Encyclopaedia Britannica by Wellhausen, Julius
Current Events: Decoding the Conflict Between Israel and the Palestinians by Charles River
Loving the Real Israel: An Educational Agenda for Liberal Zionism by Sinclair, Alex
Fortress Israel by Tyler, Patrick
Jerusalem From the Ottomans to the British by Mazza, Roberto
The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904-1948 by Jawhariyyeh, Wasif
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction by Bunton, Martin
Citizen Strangers: Palestinians and the Birth of Israel's Liberal Settler State by Robinson, Shira N.
Citizen Strangers: Palestinians and the Birth of Israel's Liberal Settler State by Robinson, Shira N.
The Jewish State: A Readable New Translation by Herzl, Theodor
Rhetorics of Belonging: Nation, Narration, and Israel/Palestine by Bernard, Anna
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Changing Women, Changing Society by Moore, Dahlia
Bride and the Dowry: Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinians in the Aftermath of the June 1967 War by Raz, Avi
Language of Life: answers to modern crises in an ancient way of speaking by Miller, Ruth L., Markewitz, Milt
All the Trees of the Forest: Israel's Woodlands from the Bible to the Present by Tal, Alon
The Seer of Babylon: Studies in the Book of Daniel by Hewitt, Clarence H.
Jericho Sands by Borden, Mary
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection by Auerbach, Leo
The Rebirth of the State of Israel: Is It of God or of Men? by Kac, Arthur W.
Ludolph Von Suchem's Description of the Holy Land, and of the Way Thither: Written in the Year A.D. 1350 by Von Suchem, Ludolf
Jewish Identities in Iran: Resistance and Conversion to Islam and the Baha'i Faith by Amanat, Mehrdad
Right of Return: A History of Modern Israel by Froman, Colin
The Church of the Nativity by Strickert, Fred
Israeli Identity, Thick Recognition and Conflict Transformation by Strombom, L.
Current Flow: The Electrification of Palestine by Shamir, Ronen
Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power by
The Struggle for Jerusalem's Holy Places by Sternberg, Maximilian, Kyriacou, Lefkos, Pullan, Wendy
The Origins of Palestinian Art by Hon, Gordon, Makhoul, Bashir
The Origins of Palestinian Art by Hon, Gordon, Makhoul, Bashir
Do Not Provoke Providence: Orthodoxy in the Grip of Nationalism by Salmon, Yosef
Zionist Architecture and Town Planning: The Building of Tel Aviv (1919-1929) by Harpaz, Nathan
Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East by Shikaki, Khalil, Aly, Abdel Monem Said, Feldman, Shai
Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East by Shikaki, Khalil, Aly, Abdel Monem Said, Feldman, Shai
Zionism and Land Tenure in Mandate Palestine by Essaid, Aida
One Hundred Years of Kibbutz Life: A Century of Crises and Reinvention by Reinharz, Shulamit
Us Policy Towards Israel: The Role of Political Culture in Defining the 'Special Relationship' by Stephens, Elizabeth
Ethnic Politics in Israel: The Margins and the Ashkenazi Centre by Ghanem, As'ad
Mo(ve)Ments of Resistance: Politics, Economy and Society in Israel/Palestine, 1931-2013 by Grinberg, Lev Luis
Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, and Society by
Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, and Society by
Ibos: Hebrew Exiles from Israel: Reprinting: Amazing Facts & Revelations by Alaezi, O.