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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Israel & Palestine History in 2023

Sous le voile de l'Islam by D'Andurain, Marga
Yotvata: The Ze'ev Meshel Excavations (1974-1980): The Iron I "Fortress" and the Early Islamic Settlement by Ayalon, Etan, Singer-Avitz, Lily
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine by Wick, Livia
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine by Wick, Livia
Walking the Land: A History of Israeli Hiking Trails by Rabineau, Shay
The Social and Cultural History of Palestine: Essays in Honour of Salim Tamari by
Invited to Witness: Solidarity Tourism Across Occupied Palestine by Kelly, Jennifer Lynn
Invited to Witness: Solidarity Tourism across Occupied Palestine by Kelly, Jennifer Lynn
The Templars: The Rise, Fall, and Legacy of a Military Religious Order by
The Palestinian Prisoners Movement: Resistance and Disobedience by Norman, Julie M.
Truth not meant to be Hidden: Becoming like Jesus by Linzey, S. Eugene
Israel Always: Experiencing God's Pursuit of You Through His Chosen People by Katulka, Christopher J.
Solidarity and the Palestinian Cause: Indigeneity, Blackness, and the Promise of Universality by Zalloua, Zahi
Settling for Less: The Planned Resettlement of Israel's Negev Bedouin by Dinero, Steven C.
Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon by Parkinson, Sarah E.
Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon by Parkinson, Sarah E.
The Triangular Connection: America, Israel and American Jews by Glick, Edward Bernard
Palestinian Rituals of Identity: The Prophet Moses Festival in Jerusalem, 1850-1948 by Halabi, Awad
The Lives and Deaths of Jubrail Dabdoub: Or, How the Bethlehemites Discovered Amerka by Norris, Jacob
The Lives and Deaths of Jubrail Dabdoub: Or, How the Bethlehemites Discovered Amerka by Norris, Jacob
Prison Hunger Strikes in Palestine: A Strategic Perspective by Gould, Rebecca Ruth, Shwaikh, Malaka Mohammed
The Jewish Agency and Syria During the Arab Revolt in Palestine: Secret Meetings and Negotiations by Muhareb, Mahmoud
Documentary Cinema in Israel-Palestine: Performance, the Body, the Home by Bahar, Shirly
Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Islamist Writings on Resistance and Religion by Skare, Erik
Solomonic Justice by Joseph, Joel D.
Sayeret Matkal: The Greatest Operations of Israel's Elite Commandos by Halevi, Aviram, Shur, Avner
The History of Ancient Israel: Completely Synchronizing the Extra-Biblical Apocrypha Books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees: Book 6 From Goshen to Sina by Lilburn, Ahava
From the River to the Sea: Palestine and Israel in the Shadow of "Peace" by
Yisrael by Silwimba, Shannel S.
The History of Ancient Israel: Completely Synchronizing the Extra-Biblical Apocrypha Books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees: Book 5 From Egypt to Goshe by Lilburn, Ahava
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict by Kessler, Oren
Israel by Shindler, Colin
Being a Nation State in the Twenty-First Century: Between State and Synagogue in Modern Israel by Friedman, Shuki
From Gaza to Jerusalem: The Campaign for Southern Palestine 1917 by Hadaway, Stuart
Owning Books and Preserving Documents in Medieval Jerusalem: The Library of Burhan Al-Din by Aljoumani, Said, Hirschler, Konrad
The Melting-Pot by Zangwill, Israel
The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine: From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace by Scott-Baumann, Michael
Jewish Women and the Defense of Palestine: The Modest Revolution, 1907-1945 by Chazan, Meir
A Tale of Two Narratives by Wermenbol, Grace
Jewish Self-Determination beyond Zionism: Lessons from Hannah Arendt and Other Pariahs by Graubart, Jonathan
Jewish Self-Determination Beyond Zionism: Lessons from Hannah Arendt and Other Pariahs by Graubart, Jonathan
Identity in Persian Egypt: The Fate of the Yehudite Community of Elephantine by Becking, Bob
Nakam: The Holocaust Survivors Who Sought Full-Scale Revenge by Porat, Dina
The One State Reality: What Is Israel/Palestine? by
The One State Reality: What Is Israel/Palestine? by
Galilaea and Northern Regions: 5876-6924 by
Galilaea and Northern Regions: 6925-7818 by
Ahab's House of Horrors: A Historiographic Study of the Military Campaigns of the House of Omri by Greenwood, Kyle R., Schreiner, David B.
Palestine in the World: International Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Movement by
The History of the Ten "Lost" Tribes: Anglo-Israelism Examined by Baron, David
In the Shadow of the Wall: The Life and Death of Jerusalem's Maghrebi Quarter, 1187-1967 by Lemire, Vincent
Meat Matters: Ethnographic Refractions of the Beta Israel by Salamon, Hagar
In the Shadow of the Wall: The Life and Death of Jerusalem's Maghrebi Quarter, 1187-1967 by Lemire, Vincent
Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After Its Creation, Has Israel Fulfilled Its Founders' Dreams? by Gordis, Daniel
Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After Its Creation, Has Israel Fulfilled Its Founders' Dreams? by Gordis, Daniel
General Moshe Dayan: A Photo Salute to Israeli Hero & Statesman Moshe Dayan by Starr, Joyce
A Lost Peace: Great Power Politics and the Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1967-1979 by Jackson, Galen
Bible Lands: A Tour of Scriptural Israel by Holtvluwer, Marshall, Miller, Nelson, Holtvluwer, Tammy
One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel by Karmi, Ghada
The End of the End Times by Nagy, James
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Ringside View by Kumaraswamy, P. R.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Ringside View by Kumaraswamy, P. R.
The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine: From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace by Scott-Baumann, Michael
In Search of the River Jordan: A Story of Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Water by Fergusson, James
My Israel: Seventy Faces of the Land by
What Jerusalem Means to Us: Jewish Perspectives and Reflections: by Sarsar, Saliba
The Miasma of Unity: Jews and Israel by Solomon, Abba A.
A Double Burden: Israeli Jews in Contemporary Germany by Kranz, Dani, Sünker, Heinz, Rebhun, Uzi
Islamicate Textiles: Fashion, Fabric, and Ritual by Shirazi, Faegheh
Yad Vashem: The Challenge of Shaping a Holocaust Remembrance Site, 1942-1976 by Bar, Doron
The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety: Literature, Papyrology, Ethics by
Harry Truman: The Man Who Divided the World (Harry Truman and the Four Months That Changed the World) by Brunt, Jack
Jerusalem, Song of Songs by Uris, Jill, Uris, Leon
The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel's Battle for Its Inner Soul by Kershner, Isabel
The Promised Land of Israel: An In-Depth Look at Zionism in the Quran and in Jewish History by Pournia, Solomon
The Unknown History of Jewish Women Through the Ages: On Learning and Illiteracy: On Slavery and Liberty by Elior, Rachel
Solving the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Practical Way Forward that Allows Both Sides to Negotiate a Solution in Good Faith by Phillips, Grenville, II
The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People by Mead, Walter Russell
The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People by Mead, Walter Russell
The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem and the Fall of Masada: From Josephus by Church, Alfred J., Hirsch, Brian
Crossing Borders: The Search For Dignity In Palestine by Bruhn, Christa
Crossing Borders: The Search For Dignity In Palestine by Bruhn, Christa
Blackness in Israel: Rethinking Racial Boundaries by
Nakba: Palestinians' Ongoing Dispossession by Watfa, Sandra
My Hijacking: A Personal History of Forgetting and Remembering by Hodes, Martha
My Hijacking: A Personal History of Forgetting and Remembering by Hodes, Martha
Patriarchal Palestine by Sayce, A. H.
The Punished Wound by Lichman, Simon
Israel and the Question of Reparations from Germany: Post-Holocaust Reckonings (1949-1953) by Tovy, Jacob
The Saga of Survival: Armenian Palestinians, the British Mandate and the Nakba by Aghabekian, Varsen
Israela: Final Edition (Large Print Edition) by Casper, Batya
For Palestine: Essays from the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture Group by
For Palestine: Essays from the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture Group by
Esther by Barkin, Nir
Hesi After 50 Years and 130 Years: Beginning a New Generation of Hesi Research by
A Language of One's Own: Literary Arabic, the Palestinians and Israel by Nashef, Ismail
Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus: A Jewish-Christian Unfolds the Great Mystery by Bar, Eitan
Templarios, Los by Jones, Dan
Decolonizing the Study of Palestine: Indigenous Perspectives and Settler Colonialism After Elia Zureik by
Diamonds and War: State, Capital, and Labor in British-Ruled Palestine by Vries, David De
Stories from Palestine: Narratives of Resilience by Dunsky, Marda
From Abraham to Zion: Communİty and Cultural Specİfİc Hİstory of Jewİsh People by Daves, Homer
Out There: My PTSD Odyssey by Ginzburg, Omri
Letters From Jerusalem by Clawson, Mary
Jewish Influences in American Life; Volume III of the International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem;; 3 by
La Chronique De Godefroid De Bouillon Et Du Royaume De Jérusalem, Première Et Deuxième Croisades (1080-1187): Avec L'histoire De Charles-Le-Bon, Récit by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
The Land That Is Desolate: An Account Of A Tour In Palestine by Treves, Frederick
Presbyterian Church in Canada, Missions to the Jews: Historical Sketch: the Story of Our Church's Interest in Israel by
The Economic Conditions of Judaea After the Destruction of the Second Temple by Büchler, Adolf
Letters From Palestine by Paxton, John D.
Palestine, Historical and Descriptive; Or, the Home of God's People by Gage, William Leonard
Palestine Or the Holy Land: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With a Map and Nine Engravings by Russell, Michael
A Zionist Primer: Essays by Various Writers by Sundel Doniger, Edited
Catalogue Of Photographs: Taken Expressly For The American Palestine Exploration Society, During A Reconnaissance East Of The Jordan In The Autu by Society, Palestine Exploration
Palaestina, Ex Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata, In Tres Libros Distributa, ... by Reelant, Adriaan
Translations of a Letter Addressed by Sir Moses Montefiore...: To the Jewish Congregations in the Holy Land, On the Promotion of Agriculture and Other by Montefiore, Moses
Zionism and the Future of Palestine: The Fallacies and Dangers of Political Zionism by Jastrow, Morris
Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question; With Texts of Protocols, Treaty Stipulations and Other Public Acts and Official Documents by Wolf, Lucien
The Antiquities of Israel by Ewald, Heinrich
Chronique Du Roi Pierre Ier De Lusignan by Guillaume
La Monarquia Hebrea; Volume 2 by San Felipe, Vicente Bacallar y. Sanna
Skizzen Und Vorarbeiten, Issue 2 by Wellhausen, Julius
Narrative of a Journey Through Syria and Palestine in 1851 and 1852, Transl by Van De Velde, Carel Willem M.
Jerusalem: As It Was And As It Is by Ball, Karl Johann
Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Leibniz-Gymnasiums zu Berline, De recuperatione Terre Sancte by Zeck, Ernst
The International Jew: the World's Foremost Problem; v. 2 by Anonymous
Stirring Times, Or: Records From Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856 by Finn, Elizabeth Anne McCaul, Finn, James
La France Juive Devant L'opinion: La France Juive Et La Critique, La Conquete Juive, Le Système Juif Et La Question Sociale, L'escrime Sémitique, Ce Q by Drumont, Édouard Adolphe
Paloestina Ex Manumentis Vterilens Illustrata In Tres Libros Distrilenta Relandi by Reeland, Adriaan
Hadriani Relandi Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata by Reelant, Adriaan 1676-1718, Goeree, Jan 1670-1731, Wandelaar, Jan 1690-1759
Catalogue Of Photographs: Taken Expressly For The American Palestine Exploration Society, During A Reconnaissance East Of The Jordan In The Autu by Society, Palestine Exploration
Palestine Or the Holy Land: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With a Map and Nine Engravings by Russell, Michael
Refuge and Resistance: Palestinians and the International Refugee System by Irfan, Anne
Partition of Palestine; A Lesson in Pressure Politics by Roosevelt, Kermit 1916-2000
The National Jewish Monthly; v.6-7(1913-1915) by
The Palestine Reality by Shibli, Jabir 1886-
Crisis in Palestine by Miller, Moses
Colonial and Early Federal Furniture, Silver and Porcelains "One Hundred Important American Antiques" by
Palaestina, Ex Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata; Volume 2 by Reeland, Adriaan
Letters From Jerusalem by Clawson, Mary
La Chronique De Godefroid De Bouillon Et Du Royaume De Jérusalem, Première Et Deuxième Croisades (1080-1187): Avec L'histoire De Charles-Le-Bon, Récit by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon
The International Jew: the World's Foremost Problem; v.1 by Anonymous
Jerusalem's Locust Plague by Whiting, John D.
Itinéraires De La Terre Sainte Des Xiiie, Xive, Xve, Xvie Et Xviie Siècle [I.E. Siècles] by Carmoly, Eliakim
Palestine and its Transformation by Huntington, Ellsworth
Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question; With Texts of Protocols, Treaty Stipulations and Other Public Acts and Official Documents by Wolf, Lucien
Those Holy Fields: Palestine by Manning, Samuel 1822-1881
You Gentiles by Samuel, Maurice 1895-1972
The Survey of Western Palestine: Memoirs of the Topography, Orography, Hydrography, and Archaeology; Volume 1 by Besant, Walter, Palmer, Edward Henry, Conder, C. R. 1848-1910
Letters From Palestine by Paxton, John D.
Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright; an Analysis of the Prophecies of Scripture in Regard to the Regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the Many by
Palaestina, Ex Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata; Volume 2 by Reeland, Adriaan
Refuge and Resistance: Palestinians and the International Refugee System by Irfan, Anne
La Palestine Ancienne Et Moderne... by Arnaud, Edouard
Biblical Researches in Palestine and the Adjacent Regions: A Journal of Travels in the Years 1838 & 1852 by Edward Robinson, Eli Smith and Others; Vol by Robinson, Edward, Smith, Eli
Geographia Sacra: Seu Phaleg Et Chanaan by Bochart, Samuel
Remarks Upon The Present Condition And Future Prospects Of The Jews In Palestine by
Picturesque Palestine, Arabia and Syria; the Country, the People and the Landscape by Grober, Karl
La France Juive Devant L'opinion: La France Juive Et La Critique, La Conquete Juive, Le Système Juif Et La Question Sociale, L'escrime Sémitique, Ce Q by Drumont, Édouard Adolphe
The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem, From Josephus by Church, Alfred John
Hadriani Relandi Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata by Wandelaar, Jan 1690-1759, Reelant, Adriaan 1676-1718, Goeree, Jan 1670-1731
Erasing Palestine: Free Speech and Palestinian Freedom by Gould, Rebecca
The Lost Ten Tribes by Wild, Joseph
Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism by
Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism by
Tracing Homelands: Israel, Palestine, and the Claims of Belonging by Dittmar, Linda
La Conjura de Moises by Berniger, David
The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology: Between Hegemony and Marginalization by Katz, Hayah
British Rule & Islam in Palestine by Kable, Taylah
Melancholy Acts: Defeat and Cultural Critique in the Arab World by Gana, Nouri
Displacement and Erasure in Palestine: The Politics of Hope by Shaindlinger, Noa
Melancholy Acts: Defeat and Cultural Critique in the Arab World by Gana, Nouri
Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War Against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II by Küntzel, Matthias
Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War Against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II by Küntzel, Matthias
Churches of Jerusalem: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Sacred Sites by Press, Ibl
The Angel by Bar-Joseph, Uri
Inventing Palestine: A Journey by Hildreth, Douglas L.
Enigmatic Petroglyphs: Deciphering Ancient Rock Art by Reynolds, Rebecca
A History of the Modern Middle East by Decker, David, Risso, Patricia
A History of the Modern Middle East by Risso, Patricia, Decker, David
Global Media Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Reporting the Sheikh Jarrah Evictions by
Genocide, the Holocaust and Israel-Palestine: First-Person History in Times of Crisis by Bartov, Omer
Elusive Dreams: Letters to Zion by Miller, Ronnie
No Room for Small Dreams by Peres, Shimon
Elusive Dreams: Letters to Zion by Miller, Ronnie
Coins and Economy in Magdala/Taricheae: From the Hasmoneans to the Umayyad Period by Callegher, Bruno
Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites by Wellman, Billy
The Breakup of India and Palestine: The Causes and Legacies of Partition by
Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba by Sabbagh-Khoury, Areej
Palestine and Israel by Dijkstra, Meindert
Palestine and Israel by Dijkstra, Meindert
Holocaust Education and the Semiotics of Othering in Israeli Schoolbooks by Peled-Elhanan, Nurit
The History of Galilee, 1538-1949: Mysticism, Modernization, and War by Silver, M. M.
The History of Galilee, 47 BCE to 1260 CE: From Josephus and Jesus to the Crusades by Silver, M. M.
Visual Evidence and the Gaza Flotilla Raid: Extraterritoriality and the Image by Amir, Maayan
The Fragmentation of Palestine: Identity and Isolation Since the Second Intifada by Rickard, Joshua
Ben Ammi Ben Israel: Black Theology, Theodicy and Judaism in the Thought of the African Hebrew Israelite Messiah by Miller, Michael T.
Annice Carter's Life of Quaker Service by Alexander, Betsy, Marcinko, Sarabeth, Carter, Max L.
In Search of the River Jordan: A Story of Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Water by Fergusson, James
In Search of the River Jordan: A Story of Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Water by Fergusson, James
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