• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Israel & Palestine History in 2025

The Palestinian Lie: Shattering the Myths by Isaac, O.
The Palestinian National Revival: In the Shadow of the Leadership Crisis, 1937-1967 by Shemesh, Moshe
Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt Peace Process: Between Ideology and Political Realism by Steinberg, Gerald M., Rubinovitz, Ziv
The Destruction of Palestine Is the Destruction of the Earth by Malm, Andreas
Moral Abdication: How the World Failed to Stop the Destruction of Gaza by Fassin, Didier
The Thinking Heart: Essays on Israel and Palestine by Grossman, David
Palestinianism: A Burlesque of Jewish History by Winkler, H. Ben
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict by Kessler, Oren
The Silence Of The World by Ramadan, Saadi
To See in the Dark: Palestine and Visual Activism Since October 7 by Mirzoeff, Nicholas
Israel-Palestine: Federation or Apartheid? by Sand, Shlomo
Israel's Single-Handed War on Islamic Terrorism: The Simultaneous Eight-Front Enduring War by Israeli, Raphael
Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East by Khalidi, Rashid
Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East by Khalidi, Rashid
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel by Capek, Filip
The Dead Sea: A 10,000 Year History by Arielli, Nir
Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning by Beinart, Peter
Colonial Vocabularies: Teaching and Learning Arabic, 1870-1970 by
Israel: Burn But Not Consumed: : A History of the Most Persecuted Nation by Shin, Howard
Men, Masculinities and Intermarriage in Ezra 9-10 by Cook, Elisabeth M.
Cultures of Counterproliferation: The Making of US and Israeli Policy on Iran's Nuclear Program by Benlevi, Raphael
To Stand with Palestine: Transnational Resistance and Political Evolution in the United States by Dana, Karam
To Stand with Palestine: Transnational Resistance and Political Evolution in the United States by Dana, Karam
Another Zionism, Another Judaism: The Unrequited Love of Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis by Rosenberg, Göran
The Victorians and the Holy Land: Adventurers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in the Lands of the Bible by Chapman, Allan
The World After Gaza: A History by Mishra, Pankaj
Israel Odyssey: Coming of Age and Finding Peace in the Middle East by Hornik, P. David
The House Divided: Sunni, Shia and the Making of the Middle East by Rogerson, Barnaby
Theatre and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Identity, Resistance and Contested Narratives by Harras, Azza
Palestine in the Air: A Cultural History of Palestinian Aviation by Yap, Chin-Chin
Between Reality and Documentary: A Historical Representation of Gaza Refugees in Colonial, Humanitarian and Palestinian Documentary Film by Abusalama, Shahd
The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1951 by Pappé, Ilan
Conflict in the Holy Land: From Ancient Times to the Arab-Israeli Conflicts by
Understanding Palestine & Israel by Bennis, Phyllis
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967: Part 1: 1954-1957 by
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967: Part 2: 1957-1961 by
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967: Part 3: 1961-1964 by
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967: Part 4: 1965-1967 by
Beyond Division: The Resilient Lives of Thirty Diverse Israeli Women Leaders by Chesner Fish, Bilha
Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic by Pappe, Ilan
Our American Israel: The Story of an Entangled Alliance by Kaplan, Amy
Genocide Bad: Notes on Palestine, Jewish History, and Collective Liberation by Kern, Sim
Megiddo VII: The Shmunis Excavations of a Monumental Middle Bronze Tomb and Its Environs by
Por Nuestras Libertades (Antes de Que Sea Demasiado Tarde) / For Our Freedoms (B Efore It's Too Late) by Cherem, Silvia
A Territory in Conflict: Eras of Development and Urban Architecture in Gaza by Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina
Redefining Reparations: Wassenaar 1952 and the Global Politics of Repair by
Hamas: A Beginner's Guide by Hroub, Khaled
Naseej: Life-Weavings of Palestine by
The Rescue: October 7 Through the Eyes of Israel's Para-Rescue Commandos by M, Guy
Christ in the Rubble: Faith, the Bible, and the Genocide in Gaza by Isaac, Munther
Islamicate Textiles: Fashion, Fabric, and Ritual by Shirazi, Faegheh
A Genocide Foretold: Reporting on Survival and Resistance in Occupied Palestine by Hedges, Chris
The Holy and the Broken: A Cry for Israeli-Palestinian Peace from a Land That Must Be Shared by Flescher, Ittay
Secrets I Won't Take with Me: Home, War, and the Struggle for Peace in Israel by Beilin, Yossi
Secrets I Won't Take with Me: Home, War, and the Struggle for Peace in Israel by Beilin, Yossi
No Place Left to Go: Why Palestine Matters by Wagner, Donald E.
White City, Black City: Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa by Rotbard, Sharon
Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism, and the Challenge for Israel by
On the Pleasures of Living in Gaza: Remembering a Way of Life Now Destroyed by Almoghayer, Mohammed Omer
Road to October 7: A Brief History of Palestinian Islamism by Skare, Erik
Mapping My Return: A Palestinian Memoir, with a New Afterword by Sitta, Salman Abu
Enemy of the Sun: Poetry of Palestinian Resistance by
Gaza Apocalypse by Rabbani, Mouin
Israel's Forever War: Israel, Palestine and the Last Hopes for Peace by Moorcraft, Paul
The June 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Volume 2: The Southern Front by Cooper, Tom, Sandler, Efim
The Breakup of India and Palestine: The Causes and Legacies of Partition by
Palestinian History and Politics: An Introduction and Documentary Reader by
Palestinian History and Politics: An Introduction and Documentary Reader by
Messiah Mode by Sheen, David
The Virtue of Nationalism by Hazony, Yoram
The Palestinians and East Jerusalem: Under Neoliberal Settler Colonialism by Huberman, Bruno
Recognition Politics in Settler Colonial States: Normalizing Dispossession and Elimination in Palestine by Badarin, Emile
The Israeli Armored Corps: History, Equipment, Operations, 1948 to 2024 by Bühler, Stefan, Lenzin, Marc
Jerusalem in Memory and Eschatology: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Visions of the Past and Future of Jerusalem by Polyakov, Emma O'Donnell
Agents of Change: American Jews and the Transformation of Israeli Judaism by Ferziger, Adam S.
Palestine: Imperialism, Fossil Capitalism and Race by Hanieh, Adam, Ziadah, Rafeef, Knox, Rob
Freeing Palestine: The Making of the Palestinian Resistance: The Making of the Palestinian Resistance by Omar, Abdaljawad
Making Death and Life in Palestine: Social Reproduction in Settler Colonialism by
My Brother, My Land: A Story from Palestine by Hermez, Sami
While Israel Slept: How Hamas Surprised the Most Powerful Military in the Middle East by Katz, Yaakov, Bohbot, Amir
Gaza's Gravediggers by
On Antisemitism: A Word in History by Mazower, Mark
Israel: A Personal History by Rosenberg, Göran
Resisting Domination in Palestine: Mechanisms and Techniques of Control, Coloniality, and Settler Colonialism by
Israel and the Middle East Conflict: What the Headlines Haven't Told You by Rydelnik, Michael