• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Italian Cooking in 2009

Roman Cookery: Ancient Recipes for Modern Kitchens by Grant, Mark
Making Artisan Gelato: 45 Recipes and Techniques for Crafting Flavor-Infused Gelato and Sorbet at Home by Kopfer, Torrance
Frank Stitt's Bottega Favorita: A Southern Chef's Love Affair with Italian Food by Stitt, Frank
Italian Cookbook - 1919 Reprint: The Art Of Eating Well by Gentile, Maria
Chef Pasquale's Italian Recipes by Macri, Pasquale
A Culinary Traveller in Tuscany: Exploring and Eating Off the Beaten Track by Elon, Beth
The Oxford Companion to Italian Food by Riley, Gillian
Food Wine Rome by Downie, David
Lucia's Survival Guide and Cookbook by Campilongo, Lucille
La Vera Cucina: Andiamo a Mangiare!! by Pecoraro, Joanne
La Vera Cucina: Andiamo a Mangiare!! by Pecoraro, Joanne
The Sarcastic Italian Chef Cookbook: Read along with Joe and learn. Duh!! by Nevola, Joe
Il Parmigiano Servitor Di Piazza Ovvero Dialoghi Di Frombola (1796) by Affo, Ireneo
Il Granchio; Laspina; La Tancia (1750) by Giunta, Cosimo, Buonarroti, Michelangelo, Salviati, Lionardo
The Italian Cook Book: The Art of Eating Well (1919) by
Cucina del Paradiso by Rozzo, Tino
Cucina Del Paradiso by Rozzo, Tino
Mangiare Veneto -Veneto Cookbook: sette province in cucina - seven provinces, one kitchen by Sandri, Amedeo, Falloppi, Maurizio, Vicentini, Valeria
Gluten-Free Italian: Over 150 Irresistible Recipes Without Wheat -- From Crostini to Tiramisu by Mallorca, Jacqueline
The Finest Wines of Tuscany and Central Italy: A Regional and Village Guide to the Best Wines and Their Producers by Belfrage, Nicholas
Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy: A Feast of 175 Regional Recipes: A Cookbook by Bastianich, Lidia Matticchio, Bastianich Manuali, Tanya
Cucina Creativa by Prada, Gilberto Barrera
La Cucina: The Regional Cooking of Italy by The Italian Academy of Cuisine
The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by Pranaitis, I. B.
The Longo Family Italian-American Cookbook by Longo, Tony
Ricettario Fiorentino, Part 1 (1789) by Anonymous
Vecchia Cucina: Antique original family recipes from my grandma's secret kitchen by Costa, Riccardo