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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Italian History in 2012

La Coltivazione Degli Olivi... by Arici, Cesare
Il Secolo Di Dante... by Arrivabene, Ferdinando
The Risorgimento Revisited: Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Italy by
Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929-40 by Ferris, K.
Female Sexual Inversion: Same-Sex Desires in Italian and British Sexology, c.1870-1920 by Beccalossi, Chiara
Writing History in Renaissance Italy: Leonardo Bruni and the Uses of the Past by Ianziti, Gary
Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily by
Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily by
The Enemy of the New Man: Homosexuality in Fascist Italy by Benadusi, Lorenzo
Friedensnobelpreis Und Historische Grundlagenforschung: Ludwig Quidde Und Die Erschließung Der Kurialen Registerüberlieferung by
Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burkhardt, Jacob
Roman Monarchy and the Renaissance Prince by Stacey, Peter
Niccolò Machiavelli E I Suoi Tempi... by Villari, Pasquale
Niccolò Machiavelli E I Suoi Tempi, Volume 2... by Villari, Pasquale
Believe, Obey, Fight: Political Socialization of Youth in Fascist Italy, 1922-1943 by Koon, Tracy H.
Nationalists Who Feared the Nation: Adriatic Multi-Nationalism in Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste, and Venice by Reill, Dominique Kirchner
I Libri Commemoriali Della Republica Di Venezia: Regestri by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Appendice by
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato - Volume 2 by
Memory and Massacre: Revisiting Sant' Anna Di Stazzema by Pezzino, P.
Black-Gloss Ware in Italy: Production management and local histories by Giuseppe, Helga Di
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato 15 Volume Set: Series I, II and III by
Renaissance In Italy: Italian Literature, Volume 4... by Symonds, John Addington
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Raccolte, Annotate... by Albèri, Eugenio
Giorgio Vasari's Prefaces: Art and Theory- With a foreword by Wolfram Prinz by Cheney, Liana De Girolami
I Borboni di Napoli al cospetto di due secoli vol. I by Buttà, Giuseppe
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
The Two First Centuries of Florentine History: The Republic and Parties at the Time of Dante... by Villari, Pasquale
Storia D'italia Nel Medio Evo, Colla Notizia Dei Maggiori Stati D'europa... by Zamponi, Florido
Drawn and Dangerous: Italian Comics of the 1970s and 1980s by Castaldi, Simone
Niccolò Machiavelli E I Suoi Tempi, Volume 1... by Villari, Pasquale
Imperial Designs: Italians in China 1900-1947 by Smith, Shirley Ann
Renaissance In Italy: The Age Of The Despots. V. 2. The Revival Of Learning. V. 3. The Fine Arts. V. 4. Italian Literature, Pt. 1-2... by Symonds, John Addington
The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy by Witt, Ronald G.
Music at the Gonzaga Court in Mantua by Sanders, Donald
Italian Literature: A Very Short Introduction by Hainsworth, Peter, Robey, David
Pius XI: The Pope and the Man by Aradi, Zsolt
Saggio storico su "Una partita a scacchi di Giuseppe Giacosa": saggio storico by Giacosa, Giuseppe, Chiarle, Duilio
The Story of the Giro d'Italia: A Year-by-Year History of the Tour of Italy, Volume Two: 1971-2011 by McGann, Bill, McGann, Carol
The Social Teaching Of Pope John XXIII by Cronin, John Francis
Siège de Rome En 1849 (Éd.1851) by Sans Auteur
The Kings' Mistresses: The Liberated Lives of Marie Mancini, Princess Colonna, and Her Sister Hortense, Duchess Mazarin by Goldsmith, Elizabeth C.
Italy and the Potato: A History, 1550-2000 by Gentilcore, David
Renaissance In Italy: . Italian Literature. Pt.1, 2nd Ed. by Symonds, John Addington
The Art of War in Italy, 1494-1529: the Transition From Mediaeval to Modern Warfare During the Renaissance by Taylor, F. L.
The Art of War in Italy, 1494-1529: the Transition From Mediaeval to Modern Warfare During the Renaissance by Taylor, F. L.
The Prince & The Art of War: Two Classic Works of Strategy, Tactics and Politics by One of the Foremost Proponents by Machiavelli, Niccolo
The Prince & The Art of War: Two Classic Works of Strategy, Tactics and Politics by One of the Foremost Proponents by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Lucretia Borgia: An Exceptional and Notorious Woman of the Renaissance Papacy by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Verzeichnis Der in Den Supplikenregistern Der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. Vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen Und Orte Des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) by
Above All A Shepherd: Pope John XXIII by Groppi, Ugo, Lombardi, Julius S.
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean by Cassano, Franco
Séjour d'Un Officier Français En Calabre (Éd.1820) by Duret de Tavel
Les Fiancés: Histoire Milanaise Du Xviie Siècle (Nouvelle Édition) (Éd.1859) by Manzoni, Alessandro
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean by Cassano, Franco
La Vie Privée À Venise, Depuis Les Premiers Temps Jusqu'à La Chute de la République (Éd.1882) by Molmenti, Pompeo
Journal d'Un Volontaire de Garibaldi (Éd.1861) by Maison, Émile
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt Par Lui-Même Et Fragments Mémoi. Du Prince de Ligne T1 (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Mémoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt, Écrits (Éd.1880) by Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo
Expédition Des Deux-Siciles: Souvenirs Personnels (Éd.1861) by Du Camp, Maxime
Campagne Et Bulletins de la Grande Armée d'Italie Commandée (Éd.1866) by Luette de la Pilorgerie, Jules
L'Invasion de la Savoie (Éd.1892) by Duval, César
Death and the Dolce Vita: The Dark Side of Rome in the 1950s by Gundle, Stephen
Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929-40 by Ferris, K.
Franciscan Social Reform: A Study of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis as an Agency of Social Reform, According to Certain Papal Documents by Zaremba, Theodore Anthony
Lucrezia Borgia by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Lucrezia Borgia by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
A Guide To The Encyclicals Of The Roman Pontiffs From Leo XIII To The Present Day, 1878-1937 by
Renaissance in Italy: The Revival of Learning, Part 2 by Symonds, John Addington
Ël Dòge E d'Àutre Stòrie by Chiarle, Duilio
Sicily, Island of Fire by Ordway, Donald
Opere Inedite: Ill. Da Giuseppe Canestrini, Volume 2 by Guicciardini, Francesco, Guicciardini, Piero
The Liberation Of Italy, 1943-1947 by Villari, Luigi
Stardom and the Aesthetics of Neorealism: Ingrid Bergman in Rossellini's Italy by Gelley, Ora
Louis XII Et Ludovic Sforza: (8 Avril 1498-23 Juillet 1500). Tome 1 (Éd.1896) by Pélissier, Léon-Gabriel
Louis XII Et Ludovic Sforza: (8 Avril 1498-23 Juillet 1500). Tome 2 (Éd.1896) by Pélissier, Léon-Gabriel
Domesticating Foreign Struggles: The Italian Risorgimento and Antebellum American Identity by Gemme, Paola
Byzantium for Rome: The Politics of Nostalgia in Umbertian Italy, 1878-1900 by Drake, Richard
La Diplomatie Française Au Xviie Siècle (Éd.1877) by Valfrey, Jules
Histoire de Florence. T. 3 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Histoire de Florence. T. 4 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Histoire de Florence. T. 6 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Chroniques de Louis XII. T. 1 (Éd.1889-1895) by D' Auton, Jean
Les Fiancés, Histoire Milanaise Du Xviie Siècle, Découverte Et Refaite (Éd.1832) by Manzoni, Alessandro
Histoire de Florence. T. 1 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Histoire de Florence. T. 2 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Histoire de Florence. T. 5 (Éd.1877-1883) by Perrens, François-Tommy
Histoire Des Italiens. T. 10 (Éd.1859-1862) by Cantù, Cesare
Histoire Des Italiens. T. 6 (Éd.1859-1862) by Cantù, Cesare
The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy by Muehlebach, Andrea
The South Tyrol Question, 1866-2010: From National Rage to Regional State by Grote, Georg
Hadrian's Wall and the End of Empire: The Roman Frontier in the 4th and 5th Centuries by Collins, Rob
Italian Light Tanks: 1919-45 by Battistelli, Pier Paolo, Cappellano, Filippo
Italian Neorealist Cinema by Haaland, Torunn
Pareto And Pantaleoni: Personal Reminiscences Of Two Italian Economists by Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson
How to Live in Italy: Essays on the charms and complications of living in paradise by Helm-Ropelato, Rebecca
I Mille: da Genova a Capua by Bandi, Giuseppe
The Holocaust in Italian Culture, 1944-2010 by Gordon, Robert
The Holocaust in Italian Culture, 1944a 2010 by Gordon, Robert
New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies: Definition, Theory, and Accented Practices by
Pascal D'Angelo: Son of Italy by D'Angelo, Pascal
After La Dolce Vita: A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy by Ricciardi, Alessia
After La Dolce Vita: A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy by Ricciardi, Alessia
Sixteen Encyclicals of His Holiness Pope Pius XI, 1926-1937 by Pope Pius XI
Cheese, Pears, & History in a Proverb by Montanari, Massimo
Machiavelli's God by Viroli, Maurizio
Gentrification and Schools: The Process of Integration When Whites Reverse Flight by Stillman, J.
The Cameo by Humphery-Smith, Cecil
Gentrification and Schools: The Process of Integration When Whites Reverse Flight by Stillman, J.
Property rights and their violations - La propriété violée: Expropriations and confiscations, 16 th -20 th Centuries- Expropriations et confiscations, by
Selections from Cultural Writings by Gramsci, Antonio
Excavating Modernity by Arthurs, Joshua
A Rugged Nation: Mountains and the Making of Modern Italy by Armiero, Marco
Carnal Commerce in Counter-Reformation Rome by Storey, Tessa
1960-2010: Game Over for Italy's Most Criminal Goverments by Giuliano, Adriano
The Makers of Florence by Oliphant, Margaret
Mussolini's National Project in Argentina by Aliano, David
Lost Girls: Sex and Death in Renaissance Florence by Terpstra, Nicholas
In the Society of Fascists: Acclamation, Acquiescence, and Agency in Mussolini's Italy by
In the Society of Fascists: Acclamation, Acquiescence, and Agency in Mussolini's Italy by
As If God Existed: Religion and Liberty in the History of Italy by Viroli, Maurizio
Ventidue secoli a Parma: Lo scavo sotto la sede centrale della Cassa di Risparmio in piazza Garibaldi by
Numismatic and Archaeological Collecting in Northern Sicily during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century by Crisà, Antonino
History Of Florence And Of The Affairs Of Italy by Machiavelli, Niccolo
The Valtellina and UNESCO: Making a Global Landscape by Puleo, Thomas J.
How Peter Became Pope by Dallmann, William
The Anointment of Dionisio: Prophecy and Politics in Renaissance Italy by Kuntz, Marion Leathers
The Importance of Place in Contemporary Italian Crime Fiction: A Bloody Journey by Pezzotti, Barbara
I Borboni di Napoli al cospetto di due secoli vol. II by Buttà, Giuseppe
I Borboni di Napoli al cospetto di due secoli vol. III by Buttà, Giuseppe
Spanish Milan: A City Within the Empire, 1535-1706 by D'Amico, S.
Spanish Milan: A City Within the Empire, 1535-1706 by D'Amico, S.
Polentoni: How and Why the North Has Been Betrayed by Del Boca, Lorenzo
Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice by Wolff, Larry
Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice by Wolff, Larry
The Makers of Venice: Doges, Conquerors, Painters, and Men of Letters by Oliphant, Margaret
Paesaggi etruschi in terra di Siena: L'agro tra Volterra e Chiusi dell'età del Ferro all'èta romana by Acconcia, Valeria
The Tigress of Forli: Renaissance Italy's Most Courageous and Notorious Countess, Caterina Riario Sforza De' Medici by Lev, Elizabeth
Making Sense of Anarchism: Errico Malatesta's Experiments with Revolution, 1889-1900 by Turcato, Davide
Roman Farm Management: The Treatises of Cato and Varro by Cato, Marcus Porcius
Polish Risorgimento: Visions of the Modern Polish Nation and their Italian Foundations by Jurek, Lidia
Rome: A Cultural, Visual, and Personal History by Hughes, Robert
Mussolini's policemen: Behaviour, ideology and institutional culture in representation and practice by Dunnage, Jonathan
Preaching in Medieval Florence: The Social World of Franciscan and Dominican Spirituality by Lesnick, Daniel R.
New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies: The Arts and History by
The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, Its Regions, and Their Peoples by Gilmour, David
Konversionen in ROM in Der Frühen Neuzeit: Das Ospizio Dei Convertendi 1673-1750 by Matheus, Ricarda
The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, C.1958-C.1974 by Marwick, Arthur
Piazza San Marco by Fenlon, Iain
Postcolonial Italy: Challenging National Homogeneity by Lombardi-Diop, Cristina
Postcolonial Italy: Challenging National Homogeneity by Lombardi-Diop, Cristina
The War in Italy: the Second Italian War of Independence, 1859 by Tuel, John E.
The War in Italy: the Second Italian War of Independence, 1859 by Tuel, John E.
Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933-40 by Arielli, N.
Rome, Naples Et Florence by Stendhal
Nuntiaturen Des Orazio Malaspina Und Des Ottavio Santacroce. Interim Des Cesare Dell Arena (1578-1581) by
Genoa and the Sea: Policy and Power in an Early Modern Maritime Republic, 1559-1684 by Kirk, Thomas Allison
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob