• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Italian History in 2020

Transcultural Italies: Mobility, Memory and Translation by
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
Blood in the Streets: Histories of Violence in Italian Crime Cinema by Fisher, Austin
Precarious Objects: Activism and Design in Italy by Vanni, Ilaria
History of Italy: A Captivating Guide to Italian History, Starting from the First Settlements through the Middle Ages to the Modern Peri by History, Captivating
History of Italy: A Captivating Guide to Italian History, Starting from the First Settlements through the Middle Ages to the Modern Peri by History, Captivating
The Borgias: Power and Fortune by Strathern, Paul
Italian History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Italy and Rome by History, Captivating
Italian History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Italy and Rome by History, Captivating
An Institutional History of Italian Economics in the Interwar Period -- Volume I: Adapting to the Fascist Regime by
A Short History of the Etruscans by Riva, Corinna
A Short History of the Etruscans by Riva, Corinna
Photographing Mussolini: The Making of a Political Icon by Antola Swan, Alessandra
The Civilisation of the Period of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
La fortezza del destino by Fasce, Vittorio
The Beloved Face of the Country: The First Movement for Nature Protection in Italy, 1880-1934 by Piccioni, Luigi
A Handbook For Travellers In Southern Italy: Being A Guide For The Continental Portion Of The Kingdom Of The Two Sicilies by Unknown
Orvieto as It Was... and Is: A Personal Journal by Bizzarri, Erika
After Charlemagne by
Cultures of Counterterrorism: French and Italian Responses to Terrorism After 9/11 by D'Amato, Silvia
New Theatre in Italy: 1963-2013 by Valentini, Valentina
The Rise and Fall of Communist Parties in France and Italy: Entangled Historical Approaches by Di Maggio, Marco
Italy and the Military: Cultural Perspectives from Unification to Contemporary Italy by
Italy and the Middle East: Geopolitics, Dialogue and Power During the Cold War by
Fezzano 2200 anni di storia by Bagnato, Vinicio