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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Italian History in 2022

La Grande Storia d'Italia Raccontata Dall'acqua: Dalle Opere Di Difesa Idraulica Alla Transizione Ecologica by D'Angelis, Erasmo, Gargano, Massimo
On the Other Shore: The Atlantic Worlds of Italians in South America During the Great War by Galante, John Starosta
Contemporary Italian Women Philosophers: Stretching the Art of Thinking by
What a Bloody Awful Country: Northern Ireland's Century of Division by Meagher, Kevin
On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague by Mercuriale, Girolamo
On Pestilence: A Renaissance Treatise on Plague by Mercuriale, Girolamo
Les chrétiens ont-ils incendié Rome sous Néron?: Enquête sur les dessous d'une croyance by Allard, Paul
Baroquemania: Italian Visual Culture and the Construction of National Identity, 1898-1945 by Cecchini, Laura Moure
The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini's Italy by Corner, Paul
Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance: Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno by Musto, Ronald G.
Lo Stemma Di Nole E Il Gonfalone: Ricerca storica by Chiarle, Duilio
The Borgias by Strathern, Paul
Trace and Aura: The Recurring Lives of St. Ambrose of Milan by Boucheron, Patrick
Italian Jewish Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Miniati, Monica
Briganti in Ciociaria by Ruggiero, Salvatore M.
Italian Women in Basilicata: Staying Behind but Moving Forward during the Age of Mass Emigration, 1876-1914 by Calabrese, Victoria
Rethinking Fascism: The Italian and German Dictatorships by
Citizens Without a City: Destruction and Despair After the l'Aquila Earthquake by Bock, Jan-Jonathan
Citizens Without a City: Destruction and Despair After the l'Aquila Earthquake by Bock, Jan-Jonathan
The Nation of the Risorgimento: Kinship, Sanctity, and Honour in the Origins of Unified Italy by Banti, Alberto
Roman Fever: Malaria, Transalpine Travelers and the Eternal City by Reilly, Benjamin
The Italian Wars: Volume 3 - Francis I and the Battle of Pavia 1525 by Alberici, Vincenzo, Predonzani, Massimo
The Passenger: Rome by VV Aa
I grandi disastri del '700 a La Valle Agordina: Nel manoscritto di Luigi De Col Tonella by A Cura Di Achille Nobiloni
kujagar / कूज़ागर by Vidwans, Meenal
Country Jumper in Italy by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
The Eleventh and Twelfth Books of Giovanni Villani's "New Chronicle" by
Venise au temps de Goldoni by Decroisette-F
Lucrèce et les Borgia by Chastenet-G
Marquer la ville, affirmer l'identité: Musique, dévotion et espaces nationaux (Italie et anciens Pays-Bas espagnols xvie-xviie siècles) by
County and Nobility in Norman Italy: Aristocratic Agency in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1130-1189 by Fernández-Aceves, Hervin
Byzantine Rome by Labatt, Annie Montgomery
Reforms of Christian Life in Sixteenth-Century Italy by Mazzonis, Querciolo
Reforms of Christian Life in Sixteenth-Century Italy by Mazzonis, Querciolo
Road to Rome: Shots and Memories of a Rhodesian in the RAF by Fagone, Salvo
The divisions of the army of the R.S.I. 1943-1945 - Vol. 2: 3rd Marine Division San Marco 4th Alpine Division Monterosa by Crippa, Paolo, Cucut, Carlo
Rethinking the History of Italian Fascism by
Italianness and Migration from the Risorgimento to the 1960s by
Why Rome Fell: Decline and Fall, or Drift and Change? by Arnheim, Michael
Forged in the Shadow of Mars: Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Florence by Sposato, Peter W.
Italian Victualling Systems in the Early Modern Age, 16th to 18th Century by
The Blackshirts' Dictatorship: Armed Squads, Political Violence, and the Consolidation of Mussolini's Regime by Millan, Matteo
The Vatican and Permanent Neutrality by
Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water by Nooteboom, Cees
The Perfect Fascist: A Story of Love, Power, and Morality in Mussolini's Italy by de Grazia, Victoria
Pompeii Awakened: A Story of Rediscovery by Harris, Judith
Reimagining the Italian South: Migration, Translation and Subjectivity in Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema by Polizzi, Goffredo
Selfhood Series by Bashayar
Storie del Vino in Palazzo Vecchio / Stories of Wine in Palazzo Vecchio: Arte, Politica, Gusto E Società / Art, Politics, Taste and Society by
I Medici: Il Potere Di Una Dinastia by Ricciardelli, Fabrizio
Nel Cerchio Dei Golosi: A Tavola AI Tempi Di Dante by Salemi, Maria Concetta
Un Filo Rosso: Guerra, Spie E Il Sogno Di Ventotene by Stoppioni, Paola, Dancygier, Gabryela
Il Processo Di Dante: Celebrato Il 16 Aprile 1966 Nella Basilica Di San Francesco in Arezzo by
Engaging Italy: American Women's Utopian Visions and Transnational Networks by Madden, Etta M.
Red Sauce: How Italian Food Became American by Macallen, Ian
1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance by Menzies, Gavin
Right Career Guidance / सही कैरियर मार्गदर्&#235 by Tandan, Vinaypal
Italy Through the Red Lens: Italian Politics and Society in Communist Propaganda Films (1946-79) by Fantoni, Gianluca
The Italian Literature of the Axis War: Memories of Self-Absolution and the Quest for Responsibility by Bartolini, Guido
A History of Italian Fascist Culture, 1922-1943 by Tarquini, Alessandra
Parihas / পরিহাস by Pramanick, Biswarup
The African Slave Trade and Cannibalism: This is a true story! by Rothmiller, Bestselling Author Mike Mike
The Queen Who Sold Her Crown by McLachlan, Jane Ann
Italian Cinema Audiences: Histories and Memories of Cinema-going in Post-war Italy by O'Rawe, Catherine, Treveri Gennari, Daniela, Hipkins, Danielle
The Life of Pope Pius IX: And The Great Events in the History of the Church During his Pontificate by Shea, John Gilmary
Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy: The Legacy of the Great Jurists by
Early Medieval Venice: Cultural Memory and History by Berto, Luigi Andrea
Authority, Gender, and Midwifery in Early Modern Italy: Contested Deliveries by Kosmin, Jennifer F.
Child Migration and Biopolitics: Old and New Experiences in Europe by
French Rule in the States of Parma, 1796-1814: Working with Napoleon by Harsanyi, Doina Pasca
In the Shadow of the Swastika: The Relationships Between Indian Radical Nationalism, Italian Fascism and Nazism by Casolari, Marzia
Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy: Melodrama and the Nation by Sorba, Carlotta
Learning Organizational Time Management Strategy by Lok, John
Battle Of The Alps 1940: Italian Invasion Of France by Sobski, Marek
Italian Jewish Musicians and Composers Under Fascism: Let Our Music Be Played by
War, Massacre, and Recovery in Central Italy, 1943-1948 by Belco, Victoria
Mafia and Antimafia: A Brief History by Santino, Umberto
Italian Colonial Troops 1882-1960 by Esposito, Gabriele
The 29th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division Italienische Nr.1: And Italians in Other Units of the Waffen-SS: An Illustrated History by Afiero, Massimiliano
The Atomic Archipelago: Us Nuclear Submarines and Technopolitics of Risk in Cold War Italy by Orsini, Davide
Adventurer: The Life and Times of Giacomo Casanova by Damrosch, Leo
25 Greatest Underdog Stories in Sports: Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up by Gupta, Shantanu
Geographies of Federalism During the Italian Risorgimento, 1796-1900 by Ferretti, Federico
Italy and the Suez Canal, from the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Cold War: A Mediterranean History by
The Heirs to the Savoia Throne and the Construction of 'Italianità', 1860-1900 by Marchi, Maria Christina
The King's Daughter: Divinely Orchestrated by Davidson, Michelle
Anglophobia in Fascist Italy by Pili, Jacopo
Ethnic Identity, Memory, and Use of the Past in Italy's 'Dark Ages' by Berto, Luigi Andrea
Ethnic Identity, Memory, and Use of the Past in Italy's 'Dark Ages' by Berto, Luigi Andrea
The Communes Of Lombardy From The Vi. To The X. Century: An Investigation Of The Causes Which Led To The Development Of Municipal Unity Among The Lomb by Williams, William Klapp
Transitional Justice in Italy and the Crimes of Fascism and Nazism by Caroli, Paolo
Learn Beyond Yourself... Become a Military Wife by Nelson-Freeman, Louise
Dante's Gluttons: Food and Society from the Convivio to the Comedy by Callegari, Danielle
Immigrant Secrets: The Search for My Grandparents by Mancini, John F.
Holy War: The Untold Story of Catholic Italy's Crusade Against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church by Campbell, Ian
Rodolfo Graziani: Story of an Italian General by Cova, Alessandro
From Medieval Frontiers to Early Modern Borders in Central and South-Eastern Europe by
The Fall of the House of Borgia by Chamberlin, E. R.
The Fall of the House of Borgia by Chamberlin, E. R.
Speaking Spirits: Ventriloquizing the Dead in Renaissance Italy by Roush, Sherry
Internal Exile in Fascist Italy: History and Representations of Confino by Garofalo, Piero, Leake, Elizabeth, Renga, Dana
The Enigma of Modern Italy by Pightling, Avis
The Enigma of Modern Italy by Pightling, Avis
A History of Italy 1700-1860: The Social Constraints of Political Change by Woolf, Stuart
Italy and the Middle East: Geopolitics, Dialogue and Power During the Cold War by
Modern Italy's Founding Fathers: The Making of a Postwar Republic by White, Steven F.
The Time of the Stick and the Carrot: Story of a Year, October 1942 to September 1943 by Mussolini, Benito
Jewish Women in the Early Italian Women's Movement, 1861-1945: Biographies, Discourses, and Transnational Networks by Nattermann, Ruth
Rethinking Life: Italian Philosophy in Precarious Times by
Who and Where are the Real Christians? by Redman, Joseph
Souvenirs and the Experience of Empire in Ancient Rome by Popkin, Maggie
Ethan vit sa dernière journée de classe by Andrews, Jackeline
The Hero's Way: Walking with Garibaldi from Rome to Ravenna by Parks, Tim
The Time of the Stick and the Carrot: Story of a Year, October 1942 to September 1943 by Mussolini, Benito
Towards and Beyond the Italian Republic: Adriano Olivetti's Vision of Politics by Cadeddu, Davide
Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean by Hawthorne, Camilla
The Lands of St Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance by Partner, Peter
Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean by Hawthorne, Camilla
The Lands of St Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance by Partner, Peter
Revolutionary Domesticity in the Italian Risorgimento: Transnational Victorian Feminism, 1850-1890 by Moore, Diana
In der Schmiede des "neuen Menschen" by Wolf, Jana
Jüdinnen in der frühen italienischen Frauenbewegung (1861-1945) by Nattermann, Ruth
Mussolini, Architect: Propaganda and Urban Landscape in Fascist Italy by Nicoloso, Paolo
Trieste and Friuli History, and Tourism by Massetti, Enrico
Garibaldi's Radical Legacy: Traditions of War Volunteering in Southern Europe (1861-1945) by Acciai, Enrico
The Future of the World Is Open: Encounters with Lea Melandri, Luisa Muraro, Adriana Cavarero, and Rossana Rossanda by Roncalli, Elvira
London Calling Italy: BBC Broadcasts During the Second World War by Lo Biundo, Ester
The Romanian Orthodox Diaspora in Italy: Eastern Orthodoxy in a Western European Country by Guglielmi, Marco
Chiaro di Luna by Bo, Rosi
The Befana Is Returning: The Story of a Tuscan Festival by Siporin, Steve
Roman Myths: Gods, Heroes, Villains and Legends of Ancient Rome by Dougherty, Martin J.
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism by Gregor, A. James
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism by Gregor, A. James
Guida di Procida: per il viaggiatore curioso - edizione 2022 by Miranda, Rosario
Italians in Africa and the Japanese in South East Asia: Stark Differences and Surprising Similarities in the Age of Expansion by Mavropoulos, Nikolaos
The Trial of Giordano Bruno by Maifreda, Germano
Feminism and Art in Postwar Italy: The Legacy of Carla Lonzi by
Niccolò Ridolfi and the Cardinal's Court: Politics, Patronage and Service in Sixteenth-Century Italy by Byatt, Lucinda
The Scramble for Italy: Continuity and Change in the Italian Wars, 1494-1559 by Sherer, Idan
Histoire Littéraire D'italie: Tome 5 by Ginguené, Pierre Louis
A History of Italian Wine: Culture, Economics, and Environment in the Nineteenth Through Twenty-First Centuries by Tedeschi, Paolo, Maffi, Luciano, Vaquero Piñeiro, Manuel
Lascivia mascherata by Fingerle, Maddalena
The Godmother: Murder, Vengeance, and the Bloody Struggle of Mafia Women by Latza Nadeau, Barbie
Blood and Power: The Rise and Fall of Italian Fascism by Foot, John
Heroism and Wisdom, Italian Style: From Roman Imperialists to Sicilian Magistrates by Belliotti, Raymond Angelo
Urban Lessons of the Venetian Squares by Moffett, Kenneth
British/Commonwealth Cruiser Vs Italian Cruiser: The Mediterranean 1940-43 by Konstam, Angus
Victorian Crusaders: British and Irish Volunteers in the Papal Army 1860-70 by Schofield, Nicholas
A Journey to Crete, Costantinople, Naples and Florence: Three Months Abroad by Vivanti, Anna
The Italian City-Republics by Dean, Trevor, Waley, Daniel
The Italian City-Republics by Dean, Trevor, Waley, Daniel
Entrepreneurship and Social Mobility: Two Cosmopolitan Lives in Renaissance Genoa by Grancelli, Bruno
The Count of Virtue: Giangaleazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan by Chamberlin, E. R.
The Count of Virtue: Giangaleazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan by Chamberlin, E. R.
The Battles for Monte Cassino: Then and Now by Plowman, Jeffrey, Rowe, Perry
Giovanni's Last Shoe: A Historical Narrative of the Giovanni and Rosaria di Bartolomeo Family by Bartolomeo, Mark
Aiutando l'arte: Les inscriptions dans les décors post-tridentins d'Italie Le iscrizioni nella pittura post-tridentina italiana" by
The Building of Chinese Ethnicity in Rome: Networks Without Borders by Ravagnoli, Violetta
At the Roots of Italian Identity: 'Race' and 'Nation' in the Italian Risorgimento, 1796-1870 by Barsotti, Edoardo Marcello
Italian Elitism and the Reshaping of Democracy in the United States by Volpe, Giorgio
Mussolini's Army Against Greece: October 1940-April 1941 by Carrier, Richard
Slavery in the Roman Empire by Barrow, R. H.
Save Venice Inc.: American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Italy, 1966-2021 by Carlsmith, Christopher
Water in the Making of a Socio-Natural Landscape: Rome and Its Surroundings, 1870-1922 by Valenti, Salvatore
Neofascism in Europe (1945-1989): A Long Cultural Journey by Albanese, Matteo
The Culture and Politics of Regime Change in Italy, C.1494-C.1559 by
Engaging Italy: American Women's Utopian Visions and Transnational Networks by Madden, Etta M.
Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia by Dickie, John
Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia by Dickie, John
Writing Plague: Jewish Responses to the Great Italian Plague by Einbinder, Susan L.
The Best Weapon for Peace: Maria Montessori, Education, and Children's Rights by Moretti, Erica
The Death Company by Baseggio, Cristoforo
The Mythological Origins of Renaissance Florence by Chernetsky, Irina
Revolutionary Times: A Comparative View of the Long 1960s in Japan and Italy by
Les chrétiens ont-ils incendié Rome sous Néron?: Enquête sur les dessous d'une croyance by Allard, Paul
The Rebirth of Italian Communism, 1943-44: Dissidents in German-Occupied Rome by Broder, David
Groundwork: A History of the Renaissance Picture by Kim, David Young
Tales from My Zia Faustina: Folklore of Old Umbria by Mazzoli, Angelo
The Calabrian Code by Prezio, Anna Maria, Cristofaro, Silvano
The Battle for Sicily's Soul: The Rise of the Mafia and the Fight to Free Sicily from Its Evil Tyranny by Cassar, Claudine
Plants and Politics in Padua During the Age of Revolution, 1820-1848 by Dröscher, Ariane
Wissenschaft des Judentums zwischen Norditalien und Deutschland by Paolin, Francesca
Der Feldherr by Mondini, Marco
Red Sauce: How Italian Food Became American by Macallen, Ian
Red Sauce: How Italian Food Became American by Macallen, Ian
Trees Are Shape Shifters: How Cultivation, Climate Change, and Disaster Create Landscapes by Mathews, Andrew S.
The Roman Republic and the Founder of the Empire by Holmes, T. Rice
The Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus. With Introd. by J.B. Bury by Stuart, Hay John
La civiltà del rinascimento in Italia by Valbusa, Diego, Burckhardt, Jacob
La Mimica Degli Antichi Investigata Nel Gestire Napoletano... by Jorio, Andrea De
Notitia Dignitatum: Accedunt Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae Et Laterculi Provinciarum by Seeck, Otto
Storia Delle Signorie Italiane Dal 1313 Al 1530... by (Conte )., Carlo Cipolla
The Makers of Modern Italy Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. Three Lectures Delivered at Oxford by Marriott, J. a. R.
Cosimo De Medici by Dorthea
La Mimica Degli Antichi Investigata Nel Gestire Napoletano... by Jorio, Andrea De
Romeo Y Julieta... by Shakespeare, William
Un Souvenir De Solferino by Dunant, Henry
Garibaldi and the Thousand by Trevelyan, George Macaulay
The History of Rome by Mommsen, Theodore
La Storia di Venezia Nella Vita Privata by Molmenti, Ernesto P.
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