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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Italy in 2012

Sea and Sardinia by Lawrence, D. H.
Milan to Venice: Cities and Courts In the Po Valley by Massetti, Enrico
Sea and Sardinia by Lawrence, D. H.
A Family Farm in Tuscany: Recipes and Stories from Fattoria Poggio Alloro by Fioroni, Sarah
Sydney Travels to Milan: A Guide for Kids - Let's Go to Italy Series! by Svagerko, Sydney, Svagerko, Keith
Scratching the toe of Italy: Expecting the unexpected in Calabria by Allsop, Niall
Barolo by Frank, Matthew Gavin
Palmento: A Sicilian Wine Odyssey by Camuto, Robert V.
Voyage Pittoresque Des Isles de Sicile, de Malte Et de Lipari. 4 (Éd.1782-1787) by Houel, Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent
Voyage de Jacques Le Saige, de Douai À Rome, Notre-Dame-De-Lorette, Venise (Éd.1851) by Le Saige, Jacques
St. Peter's by Miller, Keith
Travels With George: A Memoir Through the Italy of My Childhood by Vannucci, Olga
Pictures From Italy by Dickens, Charles
Relation d'Un Voyage En Italie Suivie d'Observations Sur Les Anciens. Tome 1 (Éd.1826) by Dupré, Alphonse
Les Italiens d'Aujourd'hui (Éd.1894) by Bazin, René
Les Trois Rome. Journal d'Un Voyage En Italie. T. 1 (Éd.1856-1857) by Gaume, Joseph
Promenades Hors de Mon Jardin (Éd.1856) by Karr, Alphonse
A Travers l'Apulie Et La Lucanie: Notes de Voyage. by Lenormant, François
Wintering in the Riviera: With Notes of Travel in Italy and France (Éd.1879) by Miller, William
Lettre À La Présidente: Voyage En Italie, 1850 (Éd.1890) by Gautier, Théophile
Bergeret Et Fragonard: Journal Inédit d'Un Voyage En Italie, 1773-1774 (Éd.1895) by Bergeret de Grancourt, Pierre-Jacques-Onésyme
A Travers l'Apulie Et La Lucanie: Notes de Voyage. T1 (Éd.1883) by Lenormant, François
Voyage Idéal En Italie: l'Art Ancien Et l'Art Moderne (Éd.1899) by Anet, Claude
Le Capitaine Aréna. T. 1 (Éd.1842) by Dumas, Alexandre
L'Italie Pittoresque (2e Éd.) (Éd.1886) by Gourdault, Jules
Il Faut Aller À Rome. Souvenir d'Un Grand Pèlerinage (Octobre 1882), (Éd.1884) by Sans Auteur
Le Parfum de Rome. T. 1 (Éd.1862) by Veuillot, Louis
Journal d'Un Voyage En Italie: Impressions Et Souvenirs (2e Éd.) (Éd.1882) by de Ségur, Louis-Gaston
Voyage Pittoresque Des Isles de Sicile, de Malte Et de Lipari. 2 (Éd.1782-1787) by Houel, Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent
Top 10 Guide to Key Rome Sights by Whiting, Sharri
Scotty's Postcards from Rome by Drake, Jennifer, Feltham, Sarah
L'Italie (Éd.1877) by Gourdault, Jules
Lettres Sur l'Italie En 1785. T. 1 (Éd.1788) by Dupaty, Charles-Marguerite-Jean-Baptiste Mercier
Lettres Sur l'Italie En 1785. T. 2 (Éd.1788) by Dupaty, Charles-Marguerite-Jean-Baptiste Mercier
Voyages En Corse, À l'Île d'Elbe Et En Sardaigne. 1 (Éd.1837-1838) by Valery, Antoine-Claude
Eating Your Way Through Tuscany & Umbria: A Field Guide by Lanier, Linda &. Sterling
Pictures From Italy by Dickens, Charles
The Other Italy by Price, David Clive
An Insider's Guide to Italy: Travel Tips, Tidbits, and Tales by Riccobon, Bruna a.
Old Calabria by Douglas, Norman
Memoirs of a Solo Traveler - My Love Affair with Italy by Miklas, Margie
An Art Lover's Guide to Florence by Testa, Judith
Finding Rome on the Map of Love by Jobson, Estelle
Venice Italy Holiday: Italia, Vacaciones Venecia, Viajes, Turismo by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Venice Italy Holiday: Italia, Vacanze, Venezia, Viaggi, Turismo by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Venice Italy Holiday: Italia, Oporrak, Venezia, Travel, Turismo by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Venice Italy Holiday: Italien, Urlaub, Venedig, Reisen, Tourismus by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Venice Italy Holiday: Italie, vacances, Venise, voyage, tourisme by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Venice Italy Holiday: Italia, Feriados, Veneza, Viagens, Turismo by Pritchard, Llewelyn
HOW TO EAT IN ITALY...If Chicken Parm is Your Favorite Italian Dish by Coviello-Malzone, Carol
At Least You're in Tuscany: A Somewhat Disastrous Quest for the Sweet Life by Criswell, Jennifer
How to Speak Italian in 20 Words or Less by Ermini, Dave
Cooking with Giovanni Caboto: Regional Italian Cuisine by
Italienische Reise by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, Its Regions, and Their Peoples by Gilmour, David
Photographs of Rome Italy by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Turning Tuscan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Going Native by Hilt, Sam
Cities and the Grand Tour: The British in Italy, C.1690 1820 by Sweet, Rosemary
Piazza San Marco by Fenlon, Iain
Mailand zwischen den Zeilen: Episodenhafte Einblicke in eine Stadt und ihre Bewohner by Höge, Monika
27 Scoops of Gelato by Crawford, Annie
Pravoslavnyi Putevoditel Po Rimu by Fursova, Anastasia
Mornings in Florence by Ruskin, John