• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Japanese History in 2006

The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Benedict, Ruth
Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan by Keene, Donald
Government and Local Power in Japan 500-1700: A Study Based on Bizen Province by Hall, John Whitney
Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan by Maruyama, Masao
Manchuria Under Japanese Dominion by Yamamuro, Shin'ichi
Kyoto: A Cultural History by Dougill, John
The Conquest of Ainu Lands: Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion,1590-1800 by Walker, Brett L.
Origins of Japanese Wealth and Power: Reconciling Confucianism and Capitalism, 1830-1885 by Sagers, J.
Origins of Japanese Wealth and Power: Reconciling Confucianism and Capitalism, 1830-1885 by Sagers, J.
Kyoto: A Cultural History by Dougill, John
Think Global, Fear Local: Sex, Violence, and Anxiety in Contemporary Japan by Leheny, David
Toward the Rising Sun: Russian Ideologies of Empire and the Path to War with Japan by Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oye, David
The Sacred Scriptures Of The Japanese by Wheeler, Post
The Essentials Of Buddhist Philosophy by Takakusu, Junjiro
Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945: War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion by
Nature, Ritual, and Society in Japan's Ryukyu Islands by Røkkum, Arne
Discourse and Ideology in Medieval Japanese Buddhism by
Japanese-American Civilian Prisoner Exchanges and Detention Camps, 1941-45 by Elleman, Bruce
The Ghosts of Iwo Jima: Volume 102 by Burrell, Robert S.
We Japanese by De_garis
Grassroots Pacifism in Post-War Japan: The Rebirth of a Nation by Yamamoto, Mari
Nationalism and Internationalism in Imperial Japan: Autonomy, Asian Brotherhood, or World Citizenship? by Stegewerns, Dick
Farmers and Village Life in Japan by
Japanese Army Stragglers and Memories of the War in Japan, 1950-75 by Trefalt, Beatrice
Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective: Place, Power and Memory in Kyoto, EDO and Tokyo by
Japan's Foreign Aid: Old Continuities and New Directions by
We Are Not Garbage!: The Homeless Movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002 by Hasegawa, Miki
The Dog Shogun: The Personality and Policies of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi by Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice M.
The Dog Shogun: The Personality and Policies of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi by Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice M.
Earthquake Nation: The Cultural Politics of Japanese Seismicity, 1868-1930 by Clancey, Greg
Institutional Change in Japan by
Things Japanese: Being Notes On Various Subjects Connected With Japan, For The Use Of Travelers And Others by Chamberlain, Basil Hall
Things Japanese: Being Notes On Various Subjects Connected With Japan, For The Use Of Travelers And Others by Chamberlain, Basil Hall
The Power Of A Symbol: To Which Is Added Worship Of Priapus; Phallicism In Japan; And Prostitution In Antiquity by Stone, Lee Alexander, Jennings, Hargrave, Buckley, Edmund
Japanese Heraldry by McClatchie, Thomas R. H.
Japan; Its History, Arts and Literature by Brinkley, F.
Keramic Art Of Japan by Audsley, George a., Bowes, James L.
Japan In History, Folklore, And Art by Griffis, William Elliot
A Short History Of The Twelve Japanese Buddhist Sects by
The Golden Lotus And Other Legends Of Japan by Greey, Edward
On The Manners And Customs Of The Loochooans: Transactions Of The Asiatic Society Of Japan V21 by Chamberlain, Basil Hall
The Bear-Worshippers Of Yezo And The Island Of Karafuto (Saghalin) Or The Adventures Of The Jewett Family And Their Friend Oto Nambo by Greey, Edward
Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan by
Japanese Plays: Versified by McClatchie, Thomas R. H.
Beauty Up: Exploring Contemporary Japanese Body Aesthetics by Miller, Laura
New Times in Modern Japan by Tanaka, Stefan
Deaf in Japan: Signing and the Politics of Identity by Nakamura, Karen
Deaf in Japan: Sinign and the Politics of Identity by Nakamura, Karen
The Life Of Toyotomi Hideyoshi by Dening, Walter
The Craft Of The Japanese Sculptor by Warner, Langdon
Air Victory Over Japan by Editorial
The Constitution Of Japan And The Natural Law by Inagaki, Bernard R.
Short Cuts To Japanese: A Primer Of The Japanese Language by Wemyss, Stanley, Akiyama, Kanae
Japan's Foreign Policy Since 1945 by Cooney, Kevin J.
Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Essays in Honour of Jan van Bremen by
The Pacific War Papers by
Zen at War by Victoria, Brian Daizen
Psychotherapy and Religion in Japan: The Japanese Introspection Practice of Naikan by Ozawa-de Silva, Chikako
Beautiful Boys/Outlaw Bodies: Devising Kabuki Female-Likeness by Mezur, K.
Beautiful Boys/Outlaw Bodies: Devising Kabuki Female-Likeness by Mezur, K.
Negotiating with Imperialism: The Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy by Auslin, Michael R.
Myth, Protest and Struggle in Okinawa by Tanji, Miyume
War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan: The Japanese History Textbook Controversy and Ienaga Saburo's Court Challenges by Nozaki, Yoshiko
Sources of Japanese Tradition, Abridged: 1600 to 2000; Part 2: 1868 to 2000 by
Sources of Japanese Tradition, Abridged: 1600 to 2000; Part 2: 1868 to 2000 by
Sources of Japanese Tradition, Abridged: 1600 to 2000; Part 2: 1868 to 2000 by
Sources of Japanese Tradition, Abridged: 1600 to 2000; Part 2: 1868 to 2000 by
Japan After Japan: Social and Cultural Life from the Recessionary 1990s to the Present by
State Formation in Japan: Emergence of a 4th-Century Ruling Elite by Barnes, Gina
The Politics of Nanjing by Minoru, Kitamura
The Spirit of Japanese Law by Haley, John Owen
Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945: History, Culture, Memory by
Zen - The Religion of the Samurai by Nukariya, Kaiten
Senso: The Japanese Remember the Pacific War: Letters to the Editor of Asahi Shimbun by Gibney, Frank, Cary, Beth
Photography in Japan 1853-1912 by Bennett, Terry
Ten Years in Japan by Grew, Joseph C.
Housing and Social Transition in Japan by
The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War by
A Nation of a Hundred Million Idiots?: A Social History of Japanese Television, 1953 - 1973 by Chun, Jayson Makoto
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders by
Kokoro - Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life by Hearn, Lafcadio
Senso: The Japanese Remember the Pacific War: Letters to the Editor of "Asahi Shimbun" by Gibney, Frank, Cary, Beth
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders by
Selling Songs and Smiles by Goodwin, Janet R.