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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Japanese History in 2010

The Female as Subject: Reading and Writing in Early Modern Japan Volume 70 by
Japan as We Saw It by Bickersteth, Mary Jane
All the World Is Anime by Ebihara, Isao
The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945 by
The Sino-Japanese Negotiations Of 1915: Japanese And Chinese Documents And Chinese Official Statement (1921) by Scott, James Brown
The New Japanese Peril (1921) by Osborne, Sidney
The Japan Society Of New York: To Promote Friendly Relations Between The United States And Japan (1910) by Japan Society of New York
The Gephyrea Of Japan (1904) by Ikeda, Iwaji
The Japanese Association: To Foster Friendships And Cordial Cooperation Among The Japanese Residing In The United States Of America (1915) by Japanese Association
The Rutgers Graduates In Japan (1916) by Griffis, William Elliot
The Labor Movement In Japan (1918) by Katayama, Sen
The Little Japanese Girl (1903) by Wade, Mary Hazelton
Prehistoric Japan (1908) by Munro, Neil Gordon
The Mikado's Empire V2: Personal Experiences, Observations, And Studies In Japan 1870-1875 (1903) by Griffis, William Elliot
The Game Of Go: The National Game Of Japan (1908) by Smith, Arthur
Gender Struggles: Wage-Earning Women and Male-Dominated Unions in Postwar Japan by Gerteis, Christopher
Okinawa: A Decorated Marine's Account of the Last Battle of World War II by Leckie, Robert
Japan in World History by Huffman, James L.
Japan in World History by Huffman, James L.
Strong Men Armed: The United States Marines Against Japan by Leckie, Robert
The New Honduras: Its Situation, Resources, Opportunities And Prospects (1887) by Lombard, Thomas R.
The Real Triumph Of Japan: The Conquest Of The Silent Foe (1908) by Seaman, Louis Livingston
The Labor Movement In Japan (1918) by Katayama, Sen
Contribucion A La Geologia De Lima Y Sus Alrededores (1907) by Lisson, Carlos Ismael
Das Alte Bauernleben Der Luneburger Heide (1906) by
Noticias Para La Historia Primitiva Y Conquista De Michoacan (1904) by Leon, Nicolas
Le Bresil: Sa Vie, Son Travail, Son Avenir (1908) by Bernardez, Manuel
Au Japon Par Java, La Chine, La Coree (1914) by Brieux, Eugene
Das Kunstgewerbe In Japan (1922) by Kummel, Otto
Billeder Av Dannelsesarbeidets Historie (1908) by Anderssen, Otto
Voyage Aux Iles De La Mer Du Sud V2: En 1827 Et 1828, Et Relation De La Decouverte Du Sort De La Perouse (1830) by Dillon, Peter
Ensayo Sobre La Historia Del Rio De La Plata (1877) by Pereira, Antonio N.
Der Politische Verbrecher Und Die Revolutionen V1 (1891) by Laschi, Rodolfo, Lombroso, Cesare
Annuaire De La Nouvelle Caledonie Et Dependances Pour L'Annee 1874 (1871) by Gouvernement Publisher
Historia De Salaverry (1867) by Bilbao, Manuel
O Heart San: The Story Of A Japanese Girl (1908) by Haskell, Helen Eggleston
La Guadeloupe, 1625-1715 V1-3 (1896) by Ballet, Jules
Vie De Saint Francois Xavier: Apotre Des Indes Et Du Japon (1852) by Bouhours, Dominique
Historique Du 3 Regiment De Tirailleurs Algeriens (1888) by Darier-Chatelain, Lucien
Histoire De La Maison D'Autriche V5 (1810) by Coxe, William
Memorias, Negociaciones Y Documentos, Para Servir A La Historia De Las Diferencias Que Han Sucscitado Entre Mexico Y Los Estados-Unidos V1 (1853) by Ramirez, Jose Fernando
Recherches Sur La Chevalerie Du Duche De Bretagne V1 (1877) by De Kerdellech, Alexandre De Couffon
Das Land Tirol V3: Nebenthaler, Vorarlberg (1838) by Weber, Beda
Historique Du 3 Regiment De Tirailleurs Algeriens (1888) by Darier-Chatelain, Lucien
Geschichte Von Japan by Nachod, Oskar
A History of Japanese Literature by Anonymous
Across the Perilous Sea: Japanese Trade with China and Korea from the Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries by Von Verschuer, Charlotte
The A to Z of United States-Japan Relations by Van Sant, John, Mauch, Peter, Sugita, Yoneyuki
Defining Engagement: Japan and Global Contexts, 1640-1868 by Hellyer, Robert I.
A Glorious Way to Die by Spurr, Russell
Au Pays De La Demence Rouge: La Revolution Russe, 1917-1918 (1919) by de Chessin, Serge
Ensayo Sobre El Cultivo De La Cana De Azucar (1878) by Reynoso, Alvaro
Bloqueo Y Sitio De Manila En 1898 (1908) by Saravia, Jose Roca De Togores y.
Cyprische Konigsgestalten Des Hauses Lusignan Und Cyprische Konigsgestalten Des Hauses Lusignan (1881) by Herquet, Karl
Memorie Della Famiglia Cybo E Delle Monete Di Massa Di Lunigiana (1808) by Viani, Giorgio
Das Wichtigste Aus Der Phraseologie Bei Nepos Und Casar (1872) by Wichert, Georg Heinrich Robert
Kase Etsuki, Or The Retainer Restored: A Memoir (1894) by Ambler, John Cary
Banolas: Noticias Historicas De Esta Villa (1863) by Girbal, Enrique Claudio
Shore Fishes Of The Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos And Galapagos Islands (1905) by Snodgrass, Robert Evans, Heller, Edmund
Arte De La Lengua Aymara (1879) by Bertonio, Ludovico
Planten Van Nederlandsch-Indie Bruikbaar Voor Handel, Nijverheid En Geneeskunde V1 (1883) by Grevelink, Arnoldus Hermanus Bisschop
Congres Scientifique V1: International Des Catholiques (1889) by Pape, Leon
Moneda Y Circulacion: Valorizacion De La Moneda De Curso Legal (1879) by De La Plaza, Victorino
Aduana Maritima De Veracruz: Informe Presentado Al Senor Secretario De Hacienda (1899) by
Lettres De S. Francois Xavier V1: Apotre Des Indes Et Du Japon (1828) by Xavier, Francis
Il Papato E La Rivoluzione: Scrittura (1871) by Garbarini, Orlando
An Epitome of the Chino-Japanese War, 1894-95 by Boulay, Captain N. W. H. Du
Snow on the Pine: Japan's Quest for a Leadership Role in Asia by Freedman, Craig F., Hatakeyama, Kyoko
Snow on the Pine: Japan's Quest for a Leadership Role in Asia by Freedman, Craig F., Hatakeyama, Kyoko
Daimyo of 1867 by Ehara, Tadashi
Charisma and Community Formation in Medieval Japan: The Case of the Yugyō-Ha (1300-1700) (Ceas) by Thornton, S. a.
Women and Millenarian Protest in Meiji Japan: Deguchi Nao and Ōmotokyō by Ooms, Emily Groszos
Family Change and the Life Course in Japan by Long, Susan Orpett
Charisma and Community Formation in Medieval Japan: The Case of the Yugyo-Ha (1300-1700) by Thornton, S. a.
Lives in Motion by Long, Susan Orpett
Metaphorical Circuit: Negotiations Between Literature and Science in 20th-Century Japan by Murphy, Joseph a.
Capital and Countryside in Japan, 300-1180: Japanese Historians Interpreted in English by
Capital and Countryside in Japan, 300-1180: Japanese Historians Interpreted in English by
More Than a Momentary Nightmare: The Yokohama Incident and Wartime in Japan by Matsumura, Janice
More Than a Momentary Nightmare: The Yokohama Incident and Wartime in Japan by Matsumura, Janice
Teishinkoki: What Did a Heian Regent Do? -- The Year 939 in the Journal of Regent Fujiwara No Tadahira by
Japan's Renaissance: The Politics of the Muromachi Bakufu by Grossberg, Kenneth Alan
Japan in the Muromachi Age by
Deconstructing Nationality by
Dance of the Butterflies: Chinese Poetry from the Japanese Court Tradition by
Japan's National Security: Structures, Norms and Policy Responses in a Changing World by Katzenstein, Peter J., Okawara, Nobuo
Teishinkoki: What Did a Heian Regent Do? -- The Year 939 in the Journal of Regent Fujiwara No Tadahira by
Takeuchi Yoshimi: Displacing the West by Calichman, Richard F.
In Little Need of Divine Intervention: Takezaki Suenaga's Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan by
The A to Z of Modern Japanese Literature and Theater by Miller, Scott J.
Edwin O. Reischauer and the American Discovery of Japan by Packard, George
Koizumi and Japanese Politics: Reform Strategies and Leadership Style by Uchiyama, Yu
Die Dioskuren Als Retter Zur See Bei Griechen Und Romern Und Ihr Fortleben In Christlichen Legenden (1907) by Jaisle, Karl
Nachtrage Zur Flora Der Deutschen Schutzgebiete In Der Sudsee (1905) by Lauterbach, Karl, Schumann, Karl
Codigo Administrativo: Approvado Por Lei De 4 De Maio De 1896 (1907) by Imprensa Da Universidade Publisher
Die Kollision Der Patente (1906) by Schanze, Oscar
Folkesind I Nord Og Syd (1921) by Poulsen, Frederik
En La Corte Del Mikado: Bocetos Japoneses (1904) by De Reynoso, Francisco
Espanoles E Ingleses En El Siglo XVI: Estudios Historicos (1903) by Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp
Die Gesteine Der Ecuatorianischen West-Cordillere Vom Atacatzo Bis Zum Iliniza (1893) by Elich, Ernst
Flore Des Iles Malouines (1825) by D'Urville, Jules
Frankfurter Concert-Chronik Von, 1713-1780 (1876) by Israel, Carl
Geschichtsel: Missverstandenes Und Missverstandliches Aus Der Geschichte (1891) by Widmann, Simon
Die Einwirkung Des Waldes Auf Klima Und Witterung (1899) by Schreiber, Paul
Codigo De Minas Del Peru: Reglamento Para Las Diputaciones Y Delegaciones De Mineria (1807) by La Opinion Nacional Publisher
Hokousai: Fac-Simile Du Portrait D'Hokousai Octogenaire Peint Par Sa Fille Oyei (1896) by De Goncourt, Edmond
Historisches Taschenbuch V3 (1873) by Raumer, Friedrich Von
El Gil Blas De La Revolucion O Confesiones De Lorenzo Giffard (1838) by Picard, Louis Benoit
Code De Commerce Suisse Et Motifs Du Projet De Code De Commerce (1864) by Munzinger, Walther
Geografia General V1: Para El Uso De La Juventud De Venezuela (1833) by Colon, Feliciano Montenegro
War and State Building in Medieval Japan by
War and State Building in Medieval Japan by
Women in the Language and Society of Japan: The Linguistic Roots of Bias by Takemaru, Naoko
So Lovely a Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers by Keene, Donald
The Ninja: Ancient Shadow Warriors of Japan (the Secret History of Ninjutsu) by Zoughari, Kacem
Literary Mischief: Sakaguchi Ango, Culture, and the War by Dorsey, James, Slaymaker, Douglas
Japan Transformed: Political Change and Economic Restructuring by Thies, Michael F., Rosenbluth, Frances
Tropics of Savagery: The Culture of Japanese Empire in Comparative Frame Volume 5 by Tierney, Robert Thomas
Screening Enlightenment by Kitamura, Hiroshi
Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615 1622: With Correspondence by Richard, Cocks, Cocks, Richard
Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615 1622: With Correspondence by Richard, Cocks, Cocks, Richard
Der Eintritt Japans In Das Europaische Volkerrecht (1900) by Siebold, Alexander
Some Thoughts About Ancestor Worship by Hern, Lafcadio
The Constitution Of Japan And The Natural Law by Inagaki, Bernard R.
Die Drei Reden Des Perikles: Bei Thukydides (1880) by
The First Muezzin by Hearn, Lafcadio
Bunyiu Nanjio and Kenjiu Kasawara: A Biographical Essay by Muller, F. Max
On The Birds Of The Islands Of Aruba, Curacao, And Bonaire (1893) by Hartert, Ernst
Biographie De Son Excellence Iwakoura Tomomi (1885) by
Women And Wisdom Of Japan (1905) by Ekken, Kaibara
The Shinto Cult: A Christian Study Of The Ancient Religion Of Japan (1910) by Terry, Milton Spenser
Katz Awa, The Bismarck Of Japan: Or The Story Of A Noble Life (1904) by Clark, Edward Warren
Memoire Sur L'Origine Et La Cause De L'Echauffement Des Eaux Du Gulf-Stream (1875) by Da Graca, Francisco Calheiros
Les Saints Martyrs Japonais De La Compagnie De Jesus Paul Miki, Jean Soan De Gotto Et Jacques Kisai (1863) by De Buck, Victor
The Samurai And The Code Of Bushido by Grant, Francis
Japan's Religions: Shinto and Buddhism by Hearn, Lafcadio
The Book Of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
North African Prelude: The First Seven Thousand Years by Welch, Galbraith
The American Diary Of A Japanese Girl (1902) by Glory, Morning
The Glaciers Of Alaska That Are Shown On Russian Charts Or Mentioned In Older Narratives (1904) by Davidson, George
Centro-America, Part 1: Su Presente, Su Pasado Y Porvenir (1879) by Batres, Luis
Fukuzawa Yukichi (1909) by Aston, William George
Buddhist Texts from Japan (1881) by
The Chinese Ethical System In Japan by Griffis, William Elliot
Living Japan by Keene, Donald
Shinto Myths And Rituals by Griffis, William Elliot
The Old Man and the Devils (1885) by T. Hasegawa Publisher, T. Hasegawa Publisher, Hasegawa Publishe
The Working Forces In Japanese Politics: A Brief Account Of Political Conflicts, 1867-1920 (1921) by Iwasaki, Uichi
Borderline Japan: Foreigners and Frontier Controls in the Postwar Era by Morris-Suzuki, Tessa
Imperial Japan's World War Two: 1931-1945 by Gruhl, Werner
Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, 1941-1945 by Hashimoto, Mochitsura
The Study of Married Women's Surname in Japan by Wey, Shih-Ping
Changing Politics in Japan by Kabashima, Ikuo, Steel, Gill
Changing Politics in Japan by Steel, Gill, Kabashima, Ikuo
A Mission under Duress: The Nanjing Massacre and Post-Massacre Social Conditions Documented by American Diplomats by
Bloody Pacific: American Soldiers at War with Japan by Schrijvers, P.
Northeast Asia's Difficult Past: Essays in Collective Memory by
Northeast Asia's Difficult Past: Essays in Collective Memory by
Conflict in Modern Japanese History: The Neglected Tradition by
Close-Up of the Jap Fighting Man by Clear, Warren J.
Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization by Tsutsui, William M.
And the River Flowed as a Raft of Corpses: The Poetry of Yamaguchi Tsutomu, Survivor of Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Yamaguchi, Tsutomu, Diehl, Chad
Political Philosophy in Japan: Nishida, the Kyoto School and Co-Prosperity by Goto-Jones, Christopher
Modern Japan: Origins of the Mind - Japanese Traditions and Approaches to Contemporary Life by Prasol, Alexander
Aino Folklore - The People and Myths of Northern Japan by Chamberlain, Basil Hall
Language Life in Japan: Transformations and Prospects by
Modern Japan: A History in Documents by Huffman, James L.
The Golden Lotus, and Other Legends of Japan by Greey, Edward
Absolute Erotic, Absolute Grotesque: The Living, Dead, and Undead in Japan's Imperialism, 1895-1945 by Driscoll, Mark W.
Scripted Affects, Branded Selves: Television, Subjectivity, and Capitalism in 1990s Japan by Lukács, Gabriella
State Formation in Japan: Emergence of a 4th-Century Ruling Elite by Barnes, Gina
Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change Since the 1980s by Kingston, Jeff
Manufacturing Modern Japanese Literature: Publishing, Prizes, and the Ascription of Literary Value by Mack, Edward
Family Law Reform in Postwar Japan by Joy Larsen Paulson, Paulson, Joy Larsen
Family Law Reform in Postwar Japan by Paulson, Joy Larsen
Primitive Selves: Koreana in the Japanese Colonial Gaze, 1910-1945 Volume 5 by Atkins, E. Taylor
Hōgen Monogatari: Tale of the Disorder in Hōgen by Wilson, William R.
Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Nitobé, Inazo
Global Security Watchâ "Japan by Tatsumi, Yuki, Oros, Andrew
Black Yanks in the Pacific: Race in the Making of American Military Empire After World War II by Green, Michael Cullen
Broadcasting in Japan: Case-studies on Broadcasting Systems by
Japan's Economic Offensive in China by Chuan Hua, Lowe
The Death of Old Yokohama: In the Great Japanese Earthquake of 1923 by Poole, Otis M.
Japan's Dream of World Empire: The Tanaka Memorial by
Japan's Political Warfare by de Mendelssohn, Peter
Daily Life in Japan: At The Time of the Samurai, 1185-1603 by Frederic, Louis
Populist Nationalism in Pre-War Japan: A Biography of Nakano Seigo by Oates, Leslie R.
Militarism and Foreign Policy in Japan by Causton, E.
The Image of Japan: From Feudal Isolation to World Power 1850-1905 by Lehmann, Jean-Pierre
Unwrapping Japan: Society and Culture in Anthropological Perspective by
The Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720 - 1830 by Keene, Donald
In Lotus-Land Japan (1922) by Ponting, Herbert George
Narrative of My Captivity in Japan V2: During the Years 1811, 1812, and 1813, with Observations on the Country and the People (1818) by Golovnin, Vasilii Mikhailovich
Bushido The Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
Hepburn Of Japan, And His Wife, And Helpmates: A Life Story Of Toil For Christ (1913) by Griffis, William Elliot
Occult Japan Or The Way of the Gods: An Esoteric Study of Japanese Personality and Possession by Lowell, Percival
How To Speak Japanese Correctly (1903) by Akada, Kaita
American Eclipse Expedition To Japan, 1887: Preliminary Report On The Total Solar Eclipse Of 1887 (1888) by Todd, David Peck
Lafcadio Hearn: Letters From Tokyo (1920) by Hearn, Lafcadio
Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East: Japan by
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