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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Japanese History in 2021

The Japan Biographical Encyclopedia & Who's Who by Anonymous
Behind the Screens: an English Woman's Impressions of Japan by Adam, Evelyn
Michael Yashiro of Japan by
Technological Information: Japanese Bacteriological Research in Manchuria by
Transactions of the Indiana Horticultural Society for the Year ...: Being the Proceedings of the ... Annual Session; 1936 by
Illustrations of Japanese Life; by
History of Japan; 15 by Ienaga, Saburo 1913-2002
Japanese Color Prints, Netsukes in Wood and Ivory From a Private Collection, Two Original Wood Blocks, Japanese Books, Teabowls and Jars, Screen, a Fe by
Japanese Expansion and American Policies [microform] by Abbott, James Francis 1876-1926
Japanese Researchers in Asian Studies; 2 by Enoki, Kazuo 1913- Ed
Two Minutes to Noon by
Two Minutes to Noon by
The Japan Who's Who, 1950-51 Ed by Anonymous
The Allies by
Jiu-jitsu Combat Tricks: Japanese Feats of Attack and Defence in Personal Encounter by
Ryukyu Kingdom and Province Before 1945 by
Japan, Historical and Descriptive. by
The House of Mitsui by Russell, Oland D.
Paper Dolls of Old Japan by Yamanashi, Taeko
Japan's Kampf by Deva, Jaya
Talks on Ten Poets, Wordsworth to Moody by Shackford, Martha Hale 1875-1963
The Spell of Japan by Anderson, Isabel 1876-1948
Japan Between East and West by Borton, Hugh
The Nature of Comedy and Shakespeare; 5 by
Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions, With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879; v. 2 by
Japan and Her Destiny; My Struggle for Peace by Shigemitsu, Mamoru 1887-1957
Japan Between East and West by Borton, Hugh
Japan's Postwar Economy by Cohen, Jerome Bernard 1915-
Sea-power in the Pacific: a Study of the American-Japanese Naval Problem by Bywater, Hector C.
The Capital of the Tycoon: a Narrative of a Three Years'residence in Japan; 2 by
Dolls of Friendship; the Story of a Goodwill Project Between the Children of America and Japan, by
Thought and Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics by Maruyama, Masao 1914-1996
Studies in Japanese Culture by Anonymous
Development [sic] of Japanese Civilization From Mythical Age to the Time of Decline of Shogunal Power by Arishima, T.
Gods and Heroes of Japan; Fieldiana, Popular Series, Anthropology, no. 13 by Gunsaulus, Helen Cowen 1886-1954
The Gist of Japan: the Islands, Their People and Missions by Peery, Rufus Benton 1868-
Thought and Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics by Maruyama, Masao 1914-1996
Pioneering in Formosa: Recollections of Adventures Among Mandarins, Wreckers, & Head-hunting Savages by Pickering, William Alexander 1840-1907
Leading Men of Japan, With an Historical Summary of the Empire; by Lanman, Charles 1819-1895
Rambles in Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun [microform] by
Japan's Foreign Policies by Pooley, Andrew Melville
Illustrated Novena of St. Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of the Indies and Japan, and Patron of the Propagation of the Faith [microfo by Anonymous
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan; 1 by Hearn, Lafcadio 1850-1904
The Germany of Asia; Japan's Policy in the Far East, Her "peaceful Penetration" of the United States, How American Commercial and National Interests A by McClatchy, Valentine Stuart 1857-
The Capital of the Tycoon: a Narrative of a Three Years'residence in Japan; 2 by
Japanese People's Emancipation League: It's Program and Ativities. A Japanese People's Movement for a Democratic Japan by
Case History of Japan by
Geography of Japan. by
Studies on the Ectoparasitic Trematodes of Japan by Goto, Seitaro
Japan's Kampf by Deva, Jaya
Dominican Missions and Martyrs in Japan by Manning, Henry Edward 1808-1892
Jiu-jitsu Combat Tricks: Japanese Feats of Attack and Defence in Personal Encounter by
The History of Japan, Together With a Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1690-92; v.1 by Kaempfer, Engelbert 1651-1716, Delboe, Simon
Lord Ii Naosuké and New Japan by Akimoto, Shunkichi, Nakamura, Katsumaro
Japan: Her Vast Undertakings and World Expansion by Siebold, Louis
French Farce & John Heywood by
Japanese Way. by Anonymous
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan.; v. 2 by Hearn, Lafcadio 1850-1904
Sharing Our Best by
Shinto: The ancient religion of Japan by
Spanish, French & Italian, Chinese and Japanese Textiles by
History of Japan; 15 by Ienaga, Saburo 1913-2002
The Island of Formosa and Its Primitive Inhabitants: a Paper Read at a Joint Meeting of the China Society and the Japan Society, Held at Caxton Hall, by Ishii, Shinji
From Far Formosa: the Island, Its People and Missions by MacKay, George Leslie 1844-1901, MacDonald, James Alexander 1862-1923
The Loochoo Islands by Leavenworth, Charles S.
Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions, With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879; v. 1 by
Christianity Advancing in Japan by Hirose, Hamako
Enjoy Japan; a Personal and Highly Unofficial Guide by Sheldon, Walter J.
Illustrated Catalogue of the Important Collection of Paintings, Water Colors, Pastels, Drawings and Prints Collected by the Japanese Connoisseur the L by Grosse, Ernst 1862-1927, Koechlin, Raymond 1860-1931
The Nomenclature of the N.Y.K. Fleet by Fane, Richard Ponsonby
Notes on the History of Lacquer: a Paper Read Before the Japan Society of London by Hart, Ernest H.
The Japan Gazette by Anonymous
Commemorating Meiji: History, Politics and the Politics of History by
Others in Japanese Agriculture: Koreans, Evacuees and Migrants 1920-1950 by Yasuoka, Kenichi
Prelude to Pearl Harbor: Ideology and Culture in US-Japan Relations, 1919-1941 by Gripentrog, John
Japan on American TV: Screaming Samurai Join Anime Clubs in the Land of the Lost by Freedman, Alisa
The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery by
Gaijin: Nine Cautionary Tales of Life in Japan's English Teaching Community by Smith, Peter
The Tokugawa World by
A Daughter of the Samurai by Sugimoto, Etsu Inagaki
Japan and Her People: Vol. I by Hartshorne, Anna C.
Coins of Japan by Munro, Neil Gordon
Transpacific Visions: Connected Histories of the Pacific across North and South by
Tradition and Triumph: Japanese Women Artists from the John Fong and Colin Johnstone Collection by Maske, Andrew L.
On the Production Methods of Pot Still Whisky: Campbeltown, Scotland, May 1920 by Taketsuru, Masataka
Rōmons in Shinto Shrines: The Past and the Present of Majestic Two-Storied Gates in Japan by Hosler, Akiko S.
Green with Milk and Sugar: When Japan Filled America's Tea Cups by Hellyer, Robert
Analysis of Genuine Karate: Misconceptions, Origins, Development, and True Purpose by Bayer, Hermann
Counting Dreams: The Life and Writings of the Loyalist Nun Nomura Bōtō by Thomas, Roger K.
The Dutch East India Company in Early Modern Japan: Gift Giving and Diplomacy by Laver, Michael
GŌJŪ-RYŪ KARATE-DŌ Desk Reference: Volume 1: Introduction & Historic Chronology 剛柔流空手道&# by Williams, Johnpaul
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History by Mahan, Alfred T.
Autobiography of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak by Black Hawk
The Collected Writings of Sui Sin Far by Far, Sui Sin
The Birch Bark Books of Simon Pokagon by Pokagon, Simon
Crisis Narratives, Institutional Change, and the Transformation of the Japanese State by
Mitologia Giapponese: Scopri la Grande Storia del Giappone! Preparati ad Affrontare Mostri, Spiriti e le più Strane Creature del Sol Levante by Fratoianni, Mattia
History and Regional Area Studies of Hachioji: Tokyo's Western Frontier by Lim, Tai Wei
Craft Culture in Early Modern Japan: Materials, Makers, and Mastery by Guth, Christine M. E.
Japan in Transformation, 1945-2020 by Kingston, Jeff
Japan in Transformation, 1945-2020 by Kingston, Jeff
Japan's Asian Diplomacy: Power Transition, Domestic Politics, and Diffusion of Ideas by Yoshimatsu, Hidetaka
The Way of the Samurai: Gilded Pocket Edition by Nitobe, Inazo
Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless: A Japanese American Diaspora in the Pacific by Jin, Michael R.
Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless: A Japanese American Diaspora in the Pacific by Jin, Michael R.
Regimes of Desire: Young Gay Men, Media, and Masculinity in Tokyo Volume 93 by Baudinette, Thomas
Selected Essays by Fukuzawa Yukichi: On Government by
Behind the Kaiju Curtain: A Journey Onto Japan's Biggest Film Sets by England, Norman
The Book of Tea: Japanese Tea Ceremonies and Culture by Okakura, Kakuzo
Ganbare!: Workshops on Dying: Workshops on Dying by Boni, Katarzyna
Le Désastre De L'Empire Japonais by Fleury, Jean Sénat
Le Désastre De L'Empire Japonais by Fleury, Jean Sénat
A Japanese Robinson Crusoe by Oyabe, Jenichiro
Revisiting Japan's Restoration: New Approaches to the Study of the Meiji Transformation by
Shinrigaku by Loriega, James
Revisiting Japan's Restoration: New Approaches to the Study of the Meiji Transformation by
The Arts of the Microbial World: Fermentation Science in Twentieth-Century Japan by Lee, Victoria
Womb of Diamonds: A True Adventure From Child Bride Of Syria To Celebrity Businesswoman Of Japan by Choueke, Ezra
Food Cultures of Japan: Recipes, Customs, and Issues by Jacob, Jeanne
Japan at War and Peace: Shidehara Kijūrō and the Making of Modern Diplomacy by Hattori, Ryuji
Sacred Heritage in Japan by
Tanabe Hajime and the Kyoto School: Self, World, and Knowledge by Morisato, Takeshi
Western Rock Artists, Madame Butterfly, and the Allure of Japan: Dancing in an Eastern Dream by Keaveney, Christopher T.
Japan, the Sustainable Society: The Artisanal Ethos, Ordinary Virtues, and Everyday Life in the Age of Limits by Lie, John
Japan, the Sustainable Society: The Artisanal Ethos, Ordinary Virtues, and Everyday Life in the Age of Limits by Lie, John
The Outnation: A Search for the Soul of Japan by Rauch, Jonathan
The Russian Revolution in Asia: From Baku to Batavia by