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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Japanese History in 2022

Travel to Japan by Doeden, Matt
Eleven Winters of Discontent: The Siberian Internment and the Making of a New Japan by Muminov, Sherzod
Kaibyo: The Supernatural Cats of Japan by Davisson, Zack
Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train by Abel, Jessamyn
Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train by Abel, Jessamyn
Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown: A Case Study of Shatenki and the XIE Family by Wong, Yee Lam Elim, Lim, Tai Wei
Japan's Peacekeeping at a Crossroads: Taking a Robust Stance or Remaining Hesitant? by Fujishige, Hiromi Nagata, Honda, Tomoaki, Uesugi, Yuji
Japan's Peacekeeping at a Crossroads: Taking a Robust Stance or Remaining Hesitant? by Uesugi, Yuji, Fujishige, Hiromi Nagata, Honda, Tomoaki
The Tokyo Trial and War Crimes in Asia by Ju-Ao, Mei
A History of Economic Thought in Japan: 1600 - 1945 by Kawaguchi, Hiroshi
The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan's Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire by Weiss, David
The End of Pax Americana: The Loss of Empire and Hikikomori Nationalism by Sakai, Naoki
The End of Pax Americana: The Loss of Empire and Hikikomori Nationalism by Sakai, Naoki
Japanese Carriers and Victory in the Pacific: The Yamamoto Option by Stansfeld, Martin
Keisai Eisen A Tōkaidō Board Game of Courtesans by Berna, Cristina, Thomsen, Eric
Hokkaido by Jalal, Ibrahim
Sink the Haguro!: Last Destroyer Action of the Second World War by Winton, John
Bruce Gilden: Cherry Blossom by Gilden, Bruce
USN Submarine Vs Ijn Antisubmarine Escort: The Pacific, 1941-45 by Stille, Mark
An Artist's Letters from Japan by La Farge, John
Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism Volume 3 by Mack, Edward
The U.S. and the War in the Pacific, 1941-45 by Subrahmanyan, Arjun, Wilson, Sandra, Sturma, Michael
The U.S. and the War in the Pacific, 1941-45 by Subrahmanyan, Arjun, Wilson, Sandra, Sturma, Michael
Mito and the Politics of Reform in Early Modern Japan by Thornton, Michael Alan
Red Star Versus Rising Sun: Volume 2: The Nomonhan Incident 1939 by Fontanellaz, Adrien
The Ikkō-ikki Art of War: as illustrated in the military chronicles by Turnbull, Stephen
Japan and Her People: Vol. II by Hartshorne, Anna C.
Specialty Food, Market Culture, and Daily Life in Early Modern Japan: Regulating and Deregulating the Market in Edo, 1780-1870 by Shimizu, Akira
The Art of War (Arabic) by Tzu, Sun
Talking About Rakugo 2: The Stories Behind the Storytellers by
The Book of Bushido: The Complete Guide to Real Samurai Chivalry by Cummins, Antony
Melting Sun: The History of Nuclear Power in Japan and the Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi by Leatherbarrow, Andrew
Melting Sun: The History of Nuclear Power in Japan and the Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi by Leatherbarrow, Andrew
Japanese Women and Christianity: Contributions of Japanese Women to the Church and Society by Lee, Samuel
Cultural Imprints: War and Memory in the Samurai Age by
The Collected Writings of Sui Sin Far by Far, Sui Sin
A Daughter of the Samurai by Sugimoto, Etsu Inagaki
Autobiography of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak by Black Hawk
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History by Mahan, Alfred T.
Japan in the Heisei Era (1989-2019): Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Japan in the Heisei Era (1989-2019): Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Fubuki-Class Destroyers: In the Imperial Japanese Navy During World War II by Ahlberg, Lars, Lengerer, Hans
Baseball in Occupied Japan: US Postwar Cultural Policy by Tanikawa, Takeshi
Medical Officers on the Infamous Burma Railway: Accounts of Life, Death and War Crimes by Those Who Were There with F-Force by Grehan, John
Japanese Travellers in Sixteenth-Century Europe: A Dialogue Concerning the Mission of the Japanese Ambassadors to the Roman Curia (1590) by
Akutō And Rural Conflict in Medieval Japan by Oxenboell, Morten
Hiroshige's Japan: On the Trail of the Great Woodblock Print Master - A Modern-Day Artist's Journey on the Old Tokaido Road by Delord, Philippe
Journalism and the Russo-Japanese War: The End of the Golden Age of Combat Correspondence by Sweeney, Michael S., Roelsgaard, Natascha Toft
Modern History of Japan: Japanese History From the Meiji Period to the Present by Barrow, Jim
The Meiji Japanese Who Made Modern Taiwan by Watanabe, Toshio
Betting on the Farm: Institutional Change in Japanese Agriculture by Shimizu, Kay, MacLachlan, Patricia L.
A Short History of Transport in Japan from Ancient Times to the Present by Black, John Andrew
Line of Advantage: Japan's Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzō by Green, Michael
Line of Advantage: Japan's Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzō by Green, Michael
Musashi: Fact & Fiction by De Lange, William
Climatic Media: Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control by Furuhata, Yuriko
Japan's Best Friend: Dog Culture in the Land of the Rising Sun by Okazaki, Manami
The Illustrated History of the Yagyu Clan by De Lange, William
The Grass Is Always Greener?: Unpacking Uzbek Migration to Japan by
Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan by Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi
An Illustrated Guide to Samurai History and Culture: From the Age of Musashi to Contemporary Pop Culture by Blair, Gavin
Reading Medieval Ruins by Pitelka, Morgan
A Short History of Transport in Japan from Ancient Times to the Present by Black, John Andrew
Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
The Illustrated History of the Yagyu Clan by De Lange, William
War in Japan: 1467-1615 by Turnbull, Stephen
When the Shooting Stopped: August 1945 by Tillman, Barrett
Kojiki: The Birth of Japan: The Japanese Creation Myth Illustrated by Wilds, Kazumi
Tales of old Tokyo by Van Fleet, John Darwin
Japanese Role-Playing Games: Genre, Representation, and Liminality in the JRPG by
Gender, Culture, and Disaster in Post-3.11 Japan by Koikari, Mire
Japan's Empire of Birds: Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology by Culver, Annika A.
Designing Modern Japan by Teasley, Sarah
Making Audiences: A Social History of Japanese Cinema and Media by Fujiki, Hideaki
Animal Care in Japanese Tradition: A Short History by Brecher, W. Puck
Zen Master Tales: Stories from the Lives of Taigu, Sengai, Hakuin, and Ryokan by Haskel, Peter
Japan and the Origins of the Asia-Pacific Order: Masayoshi Ohira's Diplomacy and Philosophy by Hattori, Ryuji
Russia in Asia: Imaginations, Interactions, and Realities by
Brush Conversation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Interactional Cross-border Communication using Literary Sinitic in Early Modern East Asia by
An Empty Room: Imagining Butoh and the Social Body in Crisis by Sakamoto, Michael
Akira Kurosawa and Modern Japan by Conrad, David A.
The Musha Incident: A Reader on the Indigenous Uprising in Colonial Taiwan by
The Musha Incident: A Reader on the Indigenous Uprising in Colonial Taiwan by
Japan at War in the Pacific: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire in Asia: 1868-1945 by Clements, Jonathan
The United States and the Japanese Student Movement, 1948-1973: Managing a Free World by Koda, Naoko
Japan's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Continuity and Change by
A Transnational Critique of Japaneseness: Cultural Nationalism, Racism, and Multiculturalism in Japan by Kawai, Yuko
The Japanese Light Cruiser Yubari by Sukhanevich, Aliaksandr
Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa: Volume II by Paduch, Dariusz
The Limits of Restraint: The Military Implications of a Restrained U.S. Grand Strategy in the Asia-Pacific by Gunness, Kristen, Mueller, Karl P., Priebe, Miranda
Health Insurance Politics in Japan: Policy Development, Government, and the Japan Medical Association by Yamagishi, Takakazu
A Foreigner's Cinematic Dream of Japan: Representational Politics and Shadows of War in the Japanese-German Coproduction New Earth (1937) by Haukamp, Iris
Chronicling Westerners in Nineteenth-Century East Asia: Lives, Linkages, and Imperial Connections by
Defining Shugendo: Critical Studies on Japanese Mountain Religion by
Sino-Japanese Reflections: Literary and Cultural Interactions Between China and Japan in Early Modernity by
Karate as the Art of Killing: A Study of Its Deadly Origins, Ideology of Peace, and the Techniques of Shito-Ry U by Shimabukuro, Masayuki, Pellman, Leonard
Sutra and Bible: Faith and the Japanese American World War II Incarceration by
The Immersive Enclosure: Virtual Reality in Japan by Roquet, Paul
The Immersive Enclosure: Virtual Reality in Japan by Roquet, Paul
Autobiography of a Zen Monk by Deshimaru, Taisen
Why Place Matters: A Sociological Study of the Historic Preservation Movement in Otaru, Japan, 1965-2017 by Horikawa, Saburo
Atari to Zelda: Japan's Videogames in Global Contexts by Consalvo, Mia
The Way of Tea: Health, Harmony, and Inner Calm by Fisher, Aaron
Sojiji: Discipline, Compassion, and Enlightenment at a Japanese Zen Temple Volume 94 by Irizarry, Joshua A.
Tokyo Boogie-Woogie and D.T. Suzuki: Volume 95 by Yamada, Shoji
The Darkest Hour: Volume 1: The Japanese Offensive in the Indian Ocean 1942 - The Opening Moves by Piegzik, Michal A.
Leyte Gulf 1944 (2): Surigao Strait and Cape Engaño by Stille, Mark
Translating Controversial Texts in East Asian Contexts: A Methodology for the Translation of 'Controversy' by Zulawnik, Adam
The Politics of Time in China and Japan: Back to the Future by Murthy, Viren
Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation by Hearn, Lafcadio
Understanding Governance in Contemporary Japan: Transformation and the Regulatory State by Mogaki, Masahiro
Just Enough: Lessons from Japan for Sustainable Living, Architecture, and Design by Brown, Azby
Japan, 1941: Between Pan-Asianism and the West by Moser, John E.
Crisis Narratives, Institutional Change, and the Transformation of the Japanese State by
Suzuki Seijun and Postwar Japanese Cinema by Carroll, William
Ancient Japan: Japanese History About the Ninjas in the Shadows (An Enthralling Overview of Ancient Japanese History) by Schreck, Janet
The Japanese Myths: A Guide to Gods, Heroes and Spirits by Frydman, Joshua
The Samurai and the Cross: The Jesuit Enterprise in Early Modern Japan by Ucerler, M. Antoni J.
Suzuki Seijun and Postwar Japanese Cinema by Carroll, William
Ground-Based Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Indo-Pacific: Assessing the Positions of U.S. Allies by Hornung, Jeffrey W.
Inglorious, Illegal Bastards: Japan's Self-Defense Force During the Cold War by Skabelund, Aaron
Japan in the Muromachi Age by
Japan in the Muromachi Age by
Contemporary Politics in Japan by Masumi, Junnosuke
Contemporary Politics in Japan by Masumi, Junnosuke
Ninjutsu Espionage During World War II by
Macau in the Second World War, 1937-1945: Diplomacy, Politics and Society by Lo, Sonny Shiu-Hing
From Far East to Asia Pacific: Great Powers and Grand Strategy 1900-1954 by
Naval Battles of the Second World War: Pacific and Far East by Marriott, Leo
Harry Truman: The Secret Trial of Harry S Truman (The Life and Legacy of the First American President) by Lewis, Myron
Japan's Pan-Asian Empire: Wartime Intellectuals and the Korea Question, 1931-1945 by Lee, Seok-Won
The Birth of Japanese Historiography by Bentley, John R.
History of Asia: Explore The Magnificent Histories, Culture, Mythology, Folklore, Wars, Legends, Stories, Achievements & More of China, by Brought Alive, History
Beyond the Book: Unique and Rare Primary Sources for East Asian Studies Collected in North America by
Celebrating Sorrow: Medieval Tributes to the Tale of Sagoromo by
How to Arrest Suspects by Manual, Japanese Police
American Isolationists: Pro-Japan Anti-interventionists and the FBI on the Eve of the Pacific War, 1939-1941 by Jeans, Roger B.
Gentleman Samurai and Internationalist: The Life and Trials of Ambassador Sato Naotake, 1882-1971 by Gubler, Greg
Japanese Philosophers on Society and Culture: Nishida Kitaro, Watsuji Tetsuro, and Kuki Shuzo by Mayeda, Graham
Winners in Peace: Macarthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan by Finn, Richard B.
Winners in Peace: Macarthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan by Finn, Richard B.
Italians in Africa and the Japanese in South East Asia: Stark Differences and Surprising Similarities in the Age of Expansion by Mavropoulos, Nikolaos
Yonaoshi: Visions of a Better World by
Nagasawa: A Samurai in America by Jones, Terry
Black Snow: Curtis Lemay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb by Scott, James M.
Black Snow: Curtis Lemay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb by Scott, James M.
Black Snow: Curtis Lemay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb by Scott, James M.
Blind in Early Modern Japan: Disability, Medicine, and Identity by Tan, Wei Yu Wayne
Tokyoids: The Robotic Face of Architecture by Blanciak, Francois
Japan's Book Donation to the University of Louvain: Japanese Cultural Identity and Modernity in the 1920s by
Samurai! by Sakai, Saburo
In Search of Japan's Hidden Christians: A Story of Suppression, Secrecy and Survival by Dougill, John
A Barrister in the Far East - Duncan McNeill: Memoirs of Extraterritoriality in China, Hong Kong and Japan (1891-1926) by Thorp, T. M.
A Barrister in the Far East - Duncan McNeill: Memoirs of Extraterritoriality in China, Hong Kong and Japan (1891-1926) by Thorp, T. M.
Beyond Zen: D. T. Suzuki and the Modern Transformation of Buddhism by
Singapore 1942 by Brown, Chris
One Square Mile of Hell: The Battle for Tarawa by Wukovits, John
Just Enough Design: Reflections on the Japanese Philosophy of Hodo-Hodo by Satoh, Taku
Overseas Shinto Shrines: Religion, Secularity and the Japanese Empire by Shimizu, Karli
A History of Popular Culture in Japan: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present by Atkins, E. Taylor
A History of Popular Culture in Japan: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present by Atkins, E. Taylor
The Gohei - A Classic Article on the Wooden Wands Used in Shinto Rituals by Lowell, Percival
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 by Keene, Donald
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 by Keene, Donald
At War with the Wind: The Epic Struggle with Japan's World War II Suicide Bombers by Sears, David
At War with the Wind: The Epic Struggle with Japan's World War II Suicide Bombers by Sears, David
Showa 1944-1953: A History of Japan by Mizuki, Shigeru
Japanische Greueltaten in Nanking: Das Massaker in Nanking in Deutschen Diplomatischen Dokumenten by
Revolutionary Times: A Comparative View of the Long 1960s in Japan and Italy by
Fragile Resonance: Caring for Older Family Members in Japan and England by Danely, Jason
Fragile Resonance: Caring for Older Family Members in Japan and England by Danely, Jason
Shogun: The Life and Times of Tokugawa Ieyasu: Japan's Greatest Ruler by Sadler, A. L.
The Samurai Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to Japan's Elite Warrior Class by Vaporis, Constantine Nomikos
Glimpses Of Old Japan, 1861-1866 by
Dai Nippon the Britain of the East a Study in National Evolution by Dyer, Henry
Glimpses Of Old Japan, 1861-1866 by
The Capital of the Tycoon: A Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan; Volume 1 by Alcock, Rutherford
Shinto, the Ancient Religion of Japan by Aston, W. G.
Kinsé Shiriaku: A History of Japan, From the First Visit of Commodore Perry in 1853 to the Capture of Hakodate by the Mikado's Forces by Satow, Ernest Mason, Yamaguchi, Ken
Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps by Weston, Walter
Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps by Weston, Walter
A Handbook for Travellers in Japan by Murray, John
Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation by Hearn, Lafcadio
Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs by Silver, J. M. W.
The Capital of the Tycoon: A Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan by Alcock, Rutherford
A Handbook for Travellers in Japan by Murray, John
A History Of Japan by Yamagata, Isoh, Murdoch, James
The Capital of the Tycoon: A Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan by Alcock, Rutherford
Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings by Morse, Edward S.
Diplomat in Japan: The Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan When the Ports Were Opened & the Monarchy Restored by Satow, Ernest Mason
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Hearn, Lafcadio
Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, Under the Command of Com by Perry, Matthew Calbraith, Lilly, Lambert
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Hearn, Lafcadio
Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, Under the Command of Com by Lilly, Lambert, Perry, Matthew Calbraith
The Satsuma Rebellion: An Episode of Modern Japanese History; With Maps by Mounsey, Augustus Henry
Kinsé Shiriaku: A History of Japan, From the First Visit of Commodore Perry in 1853 to the Capture of Hakodate by the Mikado's Forces by Yamaguchi, Ken, Satow, Ernest Mason
In Lotus-land Japan by George, Ponting Herbert
In Lotus-land Japan by George, Ponting Herbert
The Ainu of Japan: The Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan by Batchelor, John
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan: An Account of Travels in the Interior including VI by Bird, Isabella Lucy
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