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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Japanese History in 2024

Relación del Japón by Vivero Y. Velasco, Rodrigo de
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan by Bird, Isabella L.
Gender, Culture, and Disaster in Post-3.11 Japan by Koikari, Mire
Shadows of Nagasaki: Trauma, Religion, and Memory After the Atomic Bombing by
Handbook of Japan-Russia Relations by
Shadows of Nagasaki: Trauma, Religion, and Memory After the Atomic Bombing by
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Hearn, Lafcadio
The History of China-Japan Relations: From Ancient World to Modern International Order by
The Shogun's Gambit: Japan's Imjin War and the Unveiling of a New Epoch by Publication, Saj-Ti
Friendly Connections: Philadelphia Quakers and Japan Since the Late Nineteenth Century by
The Book of Five Rings: Five Scrolls Describing the True Principles Required for Victory by Musashi Miyamoto
Alone with the Hairy Ainu by Landor, Arnold Henry Savage
Selling the Future: Community, Hope, and Crisis in the Early History of Japanese Life Insurance by Moran, Ryan
The Comfort Women Hoax: A Fake Memoir, North Korean Spies, and Hit Squads in the Academic Swamp by Ramseyer, J. Mark, Morgan, Jason M.
Kings in All But Name: The Lost History of Ouchi Rule in Japan, 1350-1569 by Conlan, Thomas D.
Edible Legacies: The Art of Japanese Cuisine: A fundamental tool to access the realm where japanese cuisine an history merge by Soldini, Greg
Japanese War Crimes During World War II: Atrocity and the Psychology of Collective Violence by Jacob, Frank
History Of Japan: A Journey Through Japanese History (Exploring The Craftsmanship And Legacy Of Japan's Artisanal Dolls) by Burns
Japan Occupied: Survival of Academic Freedom by Kumano, Ruriko
The Politics of Time in China and Japan: Back to the Future by Murthy, Viren
Brush Conversation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Interactional Cross-border Communication using Literary Sinitic in Early Modern East Asia by
Tattered Kimonos in Japan: Remaking Lives from Memories of World War II by Rand, Robert
Tattered Kimonos in Japan: Remaking Lives from Memories of World War II by Rand, Robert
Waiting for the Cool Moon: Anti-imperialist Struggles in the Heart of Japan's Empire by Matsumura, Wendy
Waiting for the Cool Moon: Anti-Imperialist Struggles in the Heart of Japan's Empire by Matsumura, Wendy
History of Japanese Religion: With Special Reference to the Social and Moral Life of the Nation by Anesaki, Masaharu
Esoteric Pure Land Buddhism by Proffitt, Aaron P.
The Tokyo University Trial and the Struggle Against Order in Postwar Japan by Perkins, Christopher
Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan by Hansen, Paul
Eastern Civilization: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Civilizations, Buddhism, Medieval Asia, and Modern Times by History, Captivating
Japanese America on the Eve of the Pacific War: An Untold History of the 1930s by
Shadows Of Hiroshima: Unveiling The Legacy Of Atomic Bomb, Unveiling Japanese Mythology And History by Garwood, Steve
Ideology and Christian Freedom: A theo-political reading of Shusaku Endo's Silence by Stanley, Matthew A.
Echoes Of Ancient Japan: A Journey Through History: The Great Japanese Kingdom by Garwood, Steve
Long-Lived Family Businesses in Japan: Factors of Success by
U.S.-Japan Alliance Conference: The U.S.-Japan Alliance in an Era of Strategic Competition by Hornung, Jeffrey W.
Eight Dogs, or Hakkenden: Part Two--His Master's Blade by Bakin, Kyokutei
Eight Dogs, or Hakkenden: Part Two--His Master's Blade by Bakin, Kyokutei
Samurai Legends: 10 Famous Samurai Who Shaped Japan's Destiny by Code, Samurai
A Simple Guide to Understanding What is a Samurai by Code, Samurai
From Allies to Enemies: Spain, Japan and the Axis in World War II by Rodao, Florentino
Japanese Role-Playing Games: Genre, Representation, and Liminality in the JRPG by
Predicting Disasters: Earthquakes, Scientists, and Uncertainty in Modern Japan by Smith, Kerry
Rays of the Rising Sun: Armed Forces of Japan's Asian Allies 1931-45 Volume 1 - China and Manchukuo by Berger, John, Jowett, Philip
Histories of Children and Childhood in Meiji Japan by
Seeds of Control: Japan's Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea by Fedman, David
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu by Hasumi, Shiguéhiko
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu by Hasumi, Shiguéhiko
Navigating Narratives: Tsurayuki's Tosa Diary as History and Fiction by Heldt, Gustav
Improving Conflict-Phase Access: Identifying U.S. Policy Levers by Gunness, Kristen, Tarini, Gabrielle, Frederick, Bryan
The Fire Blitz: Burning Down Japan by Beatty, John D.
The Cactus Air Force: Air War Over Guadalcanal by Hammel, Eric M., Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey
Dark Pasts: Changing the State's Story in Turkey and Japan by Dixon, Jennifer M.
The Geography of Injustice: East Asia's Battle Between Memory and History by Kushner, Barak
Chain of Tears: Selling Our Daughters by Ohkubo, Kristine
Steadfast: Saint Maur's 150 Years atop the Yokohama Bluff by Scoggins, Glenn
Murder in Manchuria: The True Story of a Jewish Virtuoso, Russian Fascists, a French Diplomat, and a Japanese Spy in Occupied China by Seligman, Scott D.
Murder in Manchuria: The True Story of a Jewish Virtuoso, Russian Fascists, a French Diplomat, and a Japanese Spy in Occupied China by Seligman, Scott D.
Japan's Holocaust: History of Imperial Japan's Mass Murder and Rape During World War II by Rigg, Bryan Mark
Echoes of Kindness: The powerful story of survival and compassion in the final months of World War II by Ruse, Timothy, Tokudome, Kinue, Mizuno, Tamiki
A History of Japan: Important things you should know by Jones, Franklin M.
Bushido: the Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
Japan's Intractable Problems and American Involvement (Large Print Edition) by Yanagihashi, Minoru
Japan's Longest Day: A Graphic Novel about the End of WWII: Intrigue, Treason and Emperor Hirohito's Fateful Decision to Surrender by Hando, Kazutoshi
Amaterasu: Journeying Through the Divine Realms of Japanese Sacred Illuminations, Shintoism, and Ancient Wisdom by White, Charles
Be More Japan by Dk Travel
TantŌ Jutsu: Histoire et Tradition Japonaise du Combat au Poignard et Sabre Court: Reiho, Tantō-Tebiki, Battō-Notõ, Te-no by Faynot, Dani
Zen Buddhism and Its Relation to Art by Waley, Arthur
Zen Buddhism and Its Relation to Art by Waley, Arthur
The Historical Writing of the Mongol Invasions in Japan by Vitale, Judith
Poisoning the Pacific: The Us Military's Secret Dumping of Plutonium, Chemical Weapons, and Agent Orange by Mitchell, Jon
Green with Milk and Sugar: When Japan Filled America's Tea Cups by Hellyer, Robert
Black Snow: Curtis Lemay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb by Scott, James M.
Overseas Shinto Shrines: Religion, Secularity and the Japanese Empire by Shimizu, Karli
Nihonto to bikenjutsu. The Japanese sword and the secret art of fencing by Lanaro, Luca
Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Nitob, Inazo
Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Nitob, Inazo
Shinto: The Kami Spirit World of Japan by Ono, Sokyo
Utagawa Hiroshige: Seeing Landscapes Through His Eyes by Abe, Mika
TantŌ Jutsu: Exploring Japanese History and Tradition of Dagger and Short Sword Combat: Reiho, Tantō-Tebiki, Battō-Notõ, by Faynot, Dani
The Civil Code Controversy in Meiji Japan: The Struggle to Modernize the Nation by Piegzik, Michal
Leben Mit Ikigai: Harmonie, Glück Und Der Sinn Des Lebens by Kasa-Vubu, Joseph
Road to Surrender: Three Men and the Countdown to the End of World War II by Thomas, Evan
My Experiences at Nan Shan and Port Arthur with the Fifth East Siberian Rifles by Aleksandrovich Tret'iakov, Nikolaĭ
Dark Heritage in Contemporary Japan: Relics of an Underground Empire by Han, Jung-Sun
Japanese History: 500 Interesting Facts About Japan by Publications, Ahoy
A Gentleman from Japan: The Untold Story of an Incredible Journey from Asia to Queen Elizabeth's Court by Lockley, Thomas
A History of Tokyo 1867-1989: From EDO to Showa: The Emergence of the World's Greatest City by Seidensticker, Edward
Japan: The Basics by Hood, Christopher P.
TantŌ Jutsu: Techniques de Combat au Poignard et Sabre Court dans la Tradition du Bu-Jutsu Japonais: Kiri & Tsuki, Uke-Waza, Kaeshi by Faynot, Dani
Japan: The Basics by Hood, Christopher P.
Our First Glimpse of Japan: Prominent American Visitors to Japan in the 1870s by
The Way of the Samurai by Nitobe, Inazo
Gamblers, Fraudsters, Dreamers & Spies: The Outsiders Who Shaped Modern Japan by Whiting, Robert
Pacific Profiles Volume 13: Ijn Bombers, Transports, Flying Boats & Miscellaneous Types South Pacific 1942-1944 by Claringbould, Michael
Alternative Politics in Contemporary Japan: New Directions in Social Movements by
The Social Sciences in Modern Japan: The Marxian and Modernist Traditions by Barshay, Andrew
Marvelous Menagerie: Animals in Ukiyo-E Masterpieces by Nakau, Ei
Study of Japanese Swords: Chronological Study of Japanese Swords and Japanese History by Halchak, Yurie Endo
Mythic Japan: Unlocking the Legends of Gods and Heroes by Sage, Myrddin
When Yamamoto Ran Wild: From Pearl Harbor to Midway by Carlson, Mark R.
Bushido: Code of the Samurai (Pocket Edition) by Nitobe, Inazo
Ranald MacDonald: A Manga of His Adventure in Japan by Wilson, Sean Michael
Sailing to the Heart of Japan: A Cruising Adventure and How-To Guide by Coghlan, Nicholas
The Rape of Japan: The Myth of Mass Sexual Violence During the Allied Occupation by Walsh, Brian P.
Britain and Japan in the 1973 Middle East Oil Crisis: Washington's Silent Partners by Miller, Erika
From Far East to Asia Pacific: Great Powers and Grand Strategy 1900-1954 by
US Marine Vs Japanese Soldier: Saipan, Guam, and Peleliu, 1944 by Adams, Gregg
East Asian History: 1000 Fascinating Facts About China and Japan by Publications, Ahoy
Modern Japan by Perez, Louis G., Purdy, R. W.
East Asian History: 1000 Fascinating Facts About China and Japan by Publications, Ahoy
The Way of the Samurai by Nitobe, Inazo
In the Service of the Shogun: The Real Story of William Adams by Cryns, Frederik
Hokusai 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1804 Vertical by Berna, Cristina, Thomsen, Eric
Descubriendo Japón (Be More Japan): Un Viaje a Través de la Cultura Japonesa by Dk Travel
Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China. by F. Davidson, G.
Interdisciplinary EDO: Toward an Integrated Approach to Early Modern Japan by
Samurai with Telephones: Anachronism in Japanese Literature Volume 102 by Smith, Christopher
The Tale of Genji Through Contemporary Manga: Challenging Gender and Sexuality in Japan by Miyake, Lynne K.
Samurai with Telephones: Anachronism in Japanese Literature Volume 102 by Smith, Christopher
The Translocal Island of Okinawa: Anti-Base Activism and Grassroots Regionalism by Takahashi, Shinnosuke
The Jōshitai: Unsung Heroines of the Boshin War by Nakano, Sumiko
Japan Runs Wild, 1942-1943 by Harmsen, Peter
Fenollosa's Legacy in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan: An American Scholar's Role in Resurrecting the Art of Japan by Nara, Hiroshi
Nakano Takeko by Nerds, History
Cultures of Modernity and the U.S.-Japan Cold War Alliance by Kimura, Masami
The Sinosphere and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Joshua Fogel by
The Cinematic Influence: Interaction and Exchange Between the Cinemas of France and Japan by Pugsley, Peter C., McCann, Ben
FDR and High Treason at Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt's Scandal by Sprinkles, Nhan Thanh Thi Nguyen, Sprinkles, Charles
Middle-Power Equities in a Cross-Strait Conflict by Chang, Joan, Cooper, Cortez A., Dossani, Rafiq
Underground: El Atentado Con Gas Sarín En El Metro de Tokio Y La Psicología Japonesa / Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche by Murakami, Haruki
The Shortest History of Japan: From Mythical Origins to Pop Culture Powerhouse - The Global Drama of an Ancient Island Nation by Downer, Lesley
Early Ryukyuan History: A New Model by Smits, Gregory
Transfiguring Women in Late Twentieth-Century Japan: Feminists, Lesbians, and Girls' Comics Artists and Fans by Welker, James
Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan by Hansen, Paul
Japan in the 1960s: Ten Years of Turning Points by
The Practice of Concern: Ritual, Well-Being, and Aging in Rural Japan by Traphagan, John
Rethinking Japan's Modernity: Stories and Translations by Steele, M. William
Bushido Explained: The Japanese Samurai Code: A New Interpretation for Beginners by Bennett, Alexander
The Story of Gio by
Perilous Wagers: Gambling, Dignity, and Day Laborers in Twenty-First-Century Tokyo by Hammering, Klaus K. Y.
Perilous Wagers: Gambling, Dignity, and Day Laborers in Twenty-First-Century Tokyo by Hammering, Klaus K. Y.
Humanitarian Internationalism Under Empire: The Global Evolution of the Japanese Red Cross Movement, 1877-1945 by Suzuki, Michiko
Humanitarian Internationalism Under Empire: The Global Evolution of the Japanese Red Cross Movement, 1877-1945 by Suzuki, Michiko
Kaleidoscope Japan: A nation through the lens of literature by Nathan, Richard
Justice and International Law in Meiji Japan: The María Luz Incident and the Dawn of Modernity by Colombo, Giorgio Fabio
Financial Euphoria, Consumer Culture, and Literature of 1980s Japan: Dreams of the Bubble Economy by Amano, Ikuho
Japan's Threat Perception during the Cold War: A Psychological Account by Oren, Eitan
Being Korean, Becoming Japanese?: Nationhood, Citizenship, and Resistance in Japan by Shin, Hwaji
Being Korean, Becoming Japanese?: Nationhood, Citizenship, and Resistance in Japan by Shin, Hwaji
Japanese Ceremonial for Western Diplomats Attending Shogunal Castle Audiences, 1857-1867 by Sano, Mayuko
Japan, the Jews, and Israel: Similarities and Contrasts by Medzini, Meron
Suzuki: The Man and His Dream to Teach the Children of the World by Hotta, Eri
Ninja Fighting Techniques: A Modern Master's Approach to Self-Defense and Avoiding Conflict by Hayes, Stephen K.
Historia de Japón: 500 datos interesantes sobre Japón by Publications, Ahoy
Historia de Japón: 500 datos interesantes sobre Japón by Publications, Ahoy
Hiroshima: The Last Witnesses by Sheftall, M. G.
Politics in Publishing: Japan and the Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, 1890s-1971 by Hartmann, Maj
Japan's War of Self-Defense: The True Story of World War II in Asia by King, Mike S.
The Japanese Ideology: A Marxist Critique of Liberalism and Fascism by Tosaka, Jun
The Japanese Ideology: A Marxist Critique of Liberalism and Fascism by Tosaka, Jun
Japanese Folktales and Legends: An Enthralling Collection of Stories, Mythical Creatures, Heroes, and Timeless Tales by Wellman, Billy
Japanese Combined Fleet 1942-43: Guadalcanal to the Solomons Campaign by Stille, Mark
Religion and Sport in Japan by
A Japanese Mission to Seventeenth-Century Rome: Date Masamune's Cosmopolitan Dream by Lucchese, Kathryn M.
Tattoo: The Iconography of Japan by Hamada, Nobuyoshi
The Way of the Samurai: Luxury Full-Color Edition by Nitobe, Inazo
Kazuko: Sixth Grade in World War II Hiroshima by Blake, Kazuko
Fantasies of Ito Michio by Rodman, Tara
Bushido: Code of the Samurai: The Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
Fantasies of Ito Michio by Rodman, Tara
Kazuko: Sixth Grade in World War II Hiroshima by Blake, Kazuko
Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia by Bass, Gary J.
Art and Activism in the Nuclear Age: Exploring the Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by
Japan's Holocaust: History of Imperial Japan's Mass Murder and Rape During World War II by Rigg, Bryan Mark
Japan's Holocaust: History of Imperial Japan's Mass Murder and Rape During World War II by Rigg, Bryan Mark
Why Do Japanese People...?: A Personal Guide to Explore Japan's Etiquette, History, and Traditions for Professional Growth and Self-Awareness by Kobayashi, Rumi
Mei Niang's Long-Lost First Writings: Young Lady's Collection by Smith, Norman
Japanese Mythology: Monsters, Spirits, and Powerful Deities. A Journey Through the Myths and Legends of Ancient Japan by Barrow, Jim
Essai de psychologie japonaise by La Vieuville, Gustave
Contesting Memorial Spaces of Japan's Empire by
The Book of Yokai, Expanded Second Edition: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore by Foster, Michael Dylan
Borneo 1945: The Last Major Allied Campaign in the South-West Pacific by Konstam, Angus
The Book of Yokai, Expanded Second Edition: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore by Foster, Michael Dylan
Fashion and the Floating World: Japanese Ukiyo-E Prints by Jackson, Anna, Yamada, Masami
Reflections of the Japanese Education System in Britain: A Modern Utopia? 1858-1914 by Hiraoka, Mari
Scripting Suicide in Japan: Volume 5 by Cather, Kirsten
Japanese Swords and Armor: Masterpieces from Thirty of Japan's Most Famous Samurai Warriors by Martin, Paul
Not Always Easy: Lessons Learned on Introducing New Defense Capabilities in Japan by Hornung, Jeffrey W.
The Battle of Sekigahara: The Greatest, Bloodiest, Most Decisive Samurai Battle Ever by Glenn, Chris
Green Star Japan: Esperanto and the International Language Question, 1880-1945 by Rapley, Ian
Tales of Minoa and Apocalypse: From Athens to Ancient Japan by Nakamura, Toru
Listening to the Voices of the Dead: The 3-11 Tohoku Disaster Speaks Volume 103 by Isomae, Jun'ichi
Listening to the Voices of the Dead: The 3-11 Tohoku Disaster Speaks Volume 103 by Isomae, Jun'ichi
The Far East & Australasia 2025 by Europa Publications
Fighting Abroad from an Ally's Land: Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Forces in the Indo-Pacific by Rooney, Bryan, Hornung, Jeffrey W., Gunness, Kristen
Japanese Mythology: A Fascinating Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Folklore and Traditions of Ancient Japan by Weiss, Arthur
Ito Shinsui Bijin-ga by Berna, Cristina, Thomsen, Eric
Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care by Bender, Shawn
Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care by Bender, Shawn
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