• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 1977

Tradition and Theology in the Old Testament by
The Emergence of Contemporary Judaism, Volume 2 by Sigal, Phillip
Samaritan Documents by
The Jew and His History by Kochan, Lionel
Learn Mishnah by Neusner, Jacob
Qumran Studies. by Rabin, Chaim
Record Makers and Record Breakers by Iversen, Nick
Otzar Hakuntreisim - A Treasure Chest of Hischazkus-Volume 3 by Of Heichal Hakodesh Breslov, Mohorosh
Prayer in the Talmud by Heinemann, Joseph
Due Process: Nomos XVIII by
Conscious Community: A Guide to Inner Work by Shapira, Kalonymus Kalman
Niggun: Stories Behind the Chasidic Songs That Inspire Jews by Staiman, Mordechai
Jewish History in 100 Nutshells by Pasachoff, Naomi, Littman, Robert J.
The Alef-Beit: Jewish Thought Revealed Through the Hebrew Letters by Ginsburg, Yitzchak
Arguing with God: A Jewish Tradition by Laytner, Anson H.
A Treasury of Jewish Quotations by
The Mystic Quest: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism by Ariel, David S.
Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another by Schram, Peninnah
Chapters of the Sages: A Psychological Commentary on Pirkey Avoth by Bulka, Reuven P.
The Bahir by Nehunya
Celebrating the New Moon: A Rosh Chodesh Anthology by
Friday Night and Beyond: The Shabbat Experience Step-by-Step by Palatnik, Lori
The Secrets of Hebrew Words by Blech, Benjamin
Studying the Torah: A Guide to in-Depth Interpretation by Bonchek, Avigdor
The History and Varieties of Jewish Meditation by Verman, Mark
Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Ethics by Dan, Joseph
Service of the Heart: A Guide to the Jewish Prayer Book by Garfiel, Evelyn
Talmud for Beginners: Text, Vol. 2 by Abrams, Judith Z.
Paul and Palestinian Judaism by Sanders, E. P.
Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins by Blenkinsopp, Joseph