• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 1988

The Ordination of Women as Rabbis: Studies and Responsa by
Of Learning and Libraries: The Seminary Library at One Hundred by Dicker, Herman
Rereading Talmud: Gender, Law, and the Poetics of Sugyot by Cohen, Aryeh
Oxen, Women, or Citizens?: Slaves in the System of the Mishnah by Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken
Philo's Jewish Identity by Mendelson, Alan
The Bride and Groom Handbook by House, Behrman
How Do I Decide?: A Contemporary Jewish Approach to What's Right and What's Wrong by House, Behrman
Kabbalah by House, Behrman
The Book of the Pomegranate: Moses de Leon's Sefer Ha-Rimmon by Wolfson, Elliot R.
Goyim: Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta by Porton, Gary G.
Meditation and the Bible by Kaplan, Aryeh
Judaisms and Their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era by
Judaisms and Their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era by
The American Synagogue: A Sanctuary Transformed by
Ohalot (Zelte) by
II Kings: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Tadmor, Hayim, Cogan, Mordechai
The Judaic State: A Study in Rabbinic Political Theory by Sicker, Martin
Kafka: Judentum - Gesellschaft - Literatur. Sonderausgabe by Robertson, Ritchie
Methodology in the Academic Teaching of the Holocaust by Garber, Zev, Libowitz, Richard, Berger, Alan L.
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: The Jews and the European Crisis, 1914-1921 by Institute of Contemporary Jewry
Early Rabbinic Writings by Maccoby, Hyam
Geschichte Der Jüdischen Philosophie Des Mittelalters: Band 1: Die Grundprinzipien I. Anhang Zum Kapitel: Materie Und Form Bei Aristoteles. Band 2: Di by Neumark, David
Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah by Idel, Moshe
Society, the Sacred and Scripture in Ancient Judaism: A Sociology of Knowledge by Lightstone, Jack N.
Divinity and Experience: The Religion of the Dinka by Lienhardt, R. G., Lienhardt, Godfrey
The Jew in American Cinema by Erens, Patricia
A History of the Jews by Johnson, Paul
The Autobiography of a Seventeenth-Century Venetian Rabbi: Leon Modena's Life of Judah by Modena, Leone
Gershom Scholem and the Mystical Dimension of Jewish History by
The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria: Revised Edition by Pulzer, Peter
Dynamics of the Unconscious: Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol. 2 by Greene, Liz, Sasportas, Howard
Ideology and Atheism in the Soviet Union by Bercken, William Van Den
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household by Greenberg, Blu
Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years by
Deutschland Ohne Juden: Eine Bilanz by Engelmann, Bernt