• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 1989

The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism, Volume I, 1989 by
Torah and the Chronicler's History Work by Shaver, Judson R.
The Hasideans and the Origin of Pharisaism by Kampen, John
The High Holy Days Machzor by House, Behrman
Biographien Jüdischer Palästina-Pioniere Aus Deutschland: Über Den Zusammenhang Von Jugend- Und Kibbutzbewegung by Melzer, Wolfgang
Jewish Spirituality 1 From the Bible to the Middle Ages by
The Law of Jealousy: Anthropology of Sotah by Destro, Adriana
Jews in Contemporary East Germany: The Children of Moses in the Land of Marx by Ostow, Robin
The Human and the Holy: The Spirituality of Abraham Joshua Heschel by Moore, Donald
The Talmud by Bokser, Ben Zion, Bokser, Baruch M.
Approaches to Ancient Judaism, Volume VI: Studies in the Ethnography and Literature of Judaism by
From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding: Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, Volume 3 by
Jewish Spirituality 2 From the Sixteenth-Century Revival to the Present by
The Jewish Baby Handbook by House, Behrman
The Eschatological Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Schiffman, Lawrence H.
The Jewish Family: Metaphor and Memory by
Judaism and its Social Metaphors by Neusner, Jacob
Covenant and Community in Modern Judaism by Breslauer, S. Daniel
The Mellah Society: Jewish Community Life in Sherifian Morocco by Deshen, Shlomo
Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity in the Roman World by Segal, Alan F.
Philosopher of Revelation by Haberman, Joshua O.
The Genre of the Book of Revelation from a Source-Critical Perspective by Mazzaferri, Frederick David
The Bahir by
Returning to Tradition: The Contemporary Revival of Orthodox Judaism by Danzger, M. Herbert
The Complete Book of Hebrew Baby Names by Sidi, Smadar S.
Meditation and Kabbalah by Kaplan, Aryeh
Beyond the Secular Mind: A Judaic Response to the Problems of Modernity by Eidelberg, Paul, Tripp, Joseph
The French Monarchy and the Jews by Jordan, William Chester
Jews in the Hellenistic World: Volume 1, Part 2: Philo by Ronald, Williamson, Williamson, Ronald, Williams, Ron
Taanijot (Fastentage) by
The Jewish Family's Book of Days by Grossman, Cissy
The Mishnah: An Introduction by Neusner, Jacob
Beyond the Text: A Holistic Approach to Liturgy by Hoffman, Lawrence A.
Simons Says: Faith, Fun, and Foible by Simons, Leonard N.
Jewish Settler Violence: Deviance as Social Reaction by Weisburd, David
Jung and the Lost Gospels: Insights Into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library by Hoeller, Stephan A.
Jewish Folktales by Sadeh, Pinhas
"Banished from Their Father's Table": Loss of Faith and Hebrew Autobiography by Mintz, Alan
Apocrypha-OE by Goodspeed, Edgar J.
The "Shabbes Goy" by Katz, Jacob
Israel: The Great Secret by Hirsch, Isaac