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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 1999

Parshat HaShavuah: Genesis (Teacher's Guide Bereshit) by Levenson, Joel
Parshat HaShavuah: Exodus (Teacher's Guide Shemot) by Levenson, Joel
Transmission & Transformation: A Jewish Perspective on Moral Education by Ingall, Carol K.
Guides for an Age of Confusion: Studies in the Thinking of Avraham Y. Kook and Mordecai M. Kaplan by Cohen, Jack J.
Guides for an Age of Confusion: Studies in the Thinking of Avraham Y. Kook and Mordecai M. Kaplan by Cohen, Jack J.
Praying by the Book: The Scripturalization of Prayer in Second Temple Judaism by Newman, Judith H.
Jews by Unterman, Alan
British Government and the Holocaust: The Failure of Anglo-Jewish Leadership? by Sompolinsky, Meier
Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Volume 1: 1913-1934 by Kaplan, Mordecai M.
Conscious Community: A Guide to Inner Work by Shapira, Kalonymus Kalman
Abraham's Heirs: Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe by Glick, Leonard
A Concise Coptic-English Lexicon: Second Edition by Smith, Richard
Torah-TK by
The New American Haggadah by House, Behrman
Strife In the Sanctuary: Religious Schism in a Jewish Community by Zuckerman, Phil
Organizing God's Work: Challenges for Churches and Synagogues by Harris, M.
Über Die Religion: Reden an Die Gebildeten Unter Ihren Verächtern (1799) by Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Josephus's Interpretation of the Bible: Volume 27 by Feldman, Louis H.
Abraham Ibn Esras Kommentare Zu Den Büchern Kohelet, Ester Und Rut by Ibn-'ezra, Avraham Ben-Me'ir
Jews and the American Slave Trade by Friedman, Saul
Passover and Easter: The Symbolic Structuring of Sacred Seasons by
Passover Easter: Symbolic Structuring Sacred Seasons by
Judaism and Psychology: Meeting Points by Rabinowitz, Aaron
Studies in Contemporary Jewry: Volume XIV: Coping with Life and Death: Jewish Families in the Twentieth Century by
Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora: From Alexander to Trajan (323 Bce-117 Ce) Volume 33 by Barclay, John M. G.
Types of Authority in Formative Christianity and Judaism by Chilton, Bruce, Neusner, Jacob
Practical Pedagogy for the Jewish Classroom: Classroom Management, Instruction, and Curriculum Development by Kohn, Daniel B.
Holy Brother: Inspiring Stories and Enchanted Tales about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach by Mandelbaum, Yitta Halberstam
Soul Judaism: Dancing with God in a New Era by Dosick, Wayne
A Heart of Many Rooms: Celebrating the Many Voices Within Judaism by Hartman, David
Being Jewish / Être juif by Sperber, Manès
Gershom Scholem Und Die Allgemeine Religionsgeschichte by Hamacher, Elisabeth
Women and the Holocaust: Narrative and Representation by Fuchs, Esther
Franz Rosenzweig's the New Thinking by
Profiles of a Lost World: Memoirs of East European Jewish Life before World War II by Abramowicz, Hirsz
Exodus to Humanism: Jewish Identity Without Religion by Ibry, David
Franz Rosenzweig's the New Thinking by
Meditation from the Heart of Judaism by
Homo Mysticus: A Guide to Maimonides's Guide for the Perplexed by Faur, José
The Banality of Good and Evil: Moral Lessons from the Shoah and Jewish Tradition by Blumenthal, David R.
Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways, A.D. 70 to 135 by Dunn, James D. G.
Jews: The Essence and Character of a People by Hertzberg, Arthur
Twilight of Jewish Philosophy by Wright, Tamra, Wright
The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism by
Who Is a Jew?: Conversations, Not Conclusions by Hyman, Meryl
Christianity in Relation to Jews, Greeks, and Romans by
God Whispers: Stories of the Soul, Lessons of the Heart by Kedar, Karyn D.
A Heart of Wisdom: Making the Jewish Journey from Midlife Through the Elder Years by
Tanach Vol. II-TK: In Ancient Hebrew by Denis, Robert
Torah-FL: In Ancient Hebrew by
Jewish Mysticism: The Modern Period by Dan, Joseph
Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America by Abrams, Elliott
A Beginner's Guide to the Steinsaltz Talmud by Abrams, Judith Z.
Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry Into Conflict and Prejudice (Large Print Edition) by Lewis, Bernard W.
Monsters and Madonnas: The Roots of Christian Anti-Semitism, Revised Edition by Gold, Judith
Tanach Volume 1-TK: In Ancient Hebrew by Denis, Robert
God's Paintbrush Eight-Student Activity Sheet Pack: 40 Sheets/5 Sessions by Compton, Annette, Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg, Schmidt, Donald
The Gentle Weapon: Prayers for Everyday and Not-So-Everyday Moments--Timeless Wisdom from the Teachings of the Hasidic Master, Rebbe Nachman of Breslo by
The Gentle Weapon: Prayers for Everyday and Not-So-Everyday Moments--Timeless Wisdom from the Teachings of the Hasidic Master, Rebbe Nachman of Breslo by
JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh-TK: Oldest Complete Hebrew Text and the Renowned JPS Translation by
The Postzionism Debates: Knowledge and Power in Israeli Culture by Silberstein, Laurence J.
The Postzionism Debates: Knowledge and Power in Israeli Culture by Silberstein, Laurence J.
Opening the Gates: How Proactive Conversion Can Revitalize the Jewish Community by Tobin, Gary a.
Duty and Healing: Foundations of a Jewish Bioethic by Freedman, Benjamin
Birth of a Worldview: Early Christianity in its Jewish and Pagan Context by Doran, Robert
Zion, City of Our God by
Say Yes to Life: A Book of Thoughts for Better Living by Greenberg, Sidney
Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah by Feldman, Ron
Kabbalistic Astrology: The Sacred Tradition of the Hebrew Sages by Dobin, Rabbi Joel C.
The Holy Fire: The Teachings of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto by Polen, Nehemia
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible by Ulrich, Eugene C.
Practical Kabbalah: A Guide to Jewish Wisdom for Everyday Life by Wolf, Laibl
The Three Biblical Altar Laws: Developments in the Sacrificial Cult in Practice and Theology. Political and Economic Background by Heger, Paul
Comparing Religions Through Law: Judaism and Islam by Neusner, Jacob, Sonn, Tamara
Comparing Religions Through Law: Judaism and Islam by Neusner, Jacob, Sonn, Tamara
Choosing Survival: Strategies for a Jewish Future by Susser, Bernard, Liebman, Charles S.
Jews, Christians and Polytheists in the Ancient Synagogue by Fine, Steven
The Eternal Books Retold: A Rabbi Summarizes the 39 Books of the Bible by Goldman, Alex J.
The Year Mom Got Religion: One Woman's Midlife Journey Into Judaism by Hendler, Lee Meyerhoff
Walk Genesis: A Messianic Jewish Devotional Commentary by Feinberg, Jeffrey Enoch
The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism by
Mosesa the Prince, the Prophet: His Life, Legend & Message for Our Lives by Meier, Levi
Jewish Spiritual Practices by Buxbaum, Yitzhak
Saying Kaddish: How to Comfort the Dying, Bury the Dead, and Mourn as a Jew by Diamant, Anita
Jewish Community of Chattanooga by Adams, Joy, Effron Abelson Adams, Joy
Words On Fire: One Woman's Journey Into The Sacred by Ochs, Vanessa L.
The Faith of Mithnagdim: Rabbinic Responses to Hasidic Rapture by Nadler, Allan
The Israelites: An Introduction by Kamm, Antony
From Mesopotamia To Modernity: Ten Introductions To Jewish History And Literature by Visotzky, Burton, Fishman, David
Torahs Vision of Worship by Balentine, Samuel E.
Language in Time of Revolution by Harshav, Benjamin
The First Buber: Youthful Zionist Writings of Martin Buber by Schmidt, Gilya Gerda
Christian Engagements with Judaism by Davies, W. D.
The First Buber: Youthful Zionist Writings of Martin Buber by Schmidt, Gilya Gerda
The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science by Leet, Leonora
Jewish Issues in Multiculturalism: A Handbook for Educators and Clinicians by Langman, Peter F.
Ritual and Morality: The Ritual Purity System and Its Place in Judaism by Maccoby, Hyam
The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels by Cahill, Thomas
The Committed Life: Principles for Good Living from Our Timeless Past by Jungreis, Esther
The Jewish Question in German Literature, 1749-1939: Emancipation and Its Discontents by Robertson, Ritchie
The Way of Flame: A Guide to the Forgotten Mystical Tradition of Jewish Meditation by Davis, Avram
The Way of Flame: A Guide to the Forgotten Mystical Tradition of Jewish Meditation by Davis, Avram
Ancient Secrets by Meier, Levi
Ancient Secrets by Meier, Levi
Sparks of Light: Essays on the Weekly Torah Portions Based on the Philosophy of Rav Kook by Weitzman, Gideon
The JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah by Simon, Uriel
To Begin Again: The Journey Toward Comfort, Strength, and Faith in Difficult Times by Levy, Naomi
Haikus for Jews: For You, a Little Wisdom by Bader, David M.
Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics by Adler, Rachel
Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics by Adler, Rachel
Politik und Religion im Judentum by
The Meanings of Death in Rabbinic Judaism by Kraemer, David
Jewish and Christian Doctrines: The Classics Compared by Chilton, Bruce, Neusner, Jacob
Jewish and Christian Doctrines: The Classics Compared by Neusner, Jacob, Chilton, Bruce
The Meanings of Death in Rabbinic Judaism by Kraemer, David
Why Didn't I Learn This in Hebrew School?: Excursions Through the Jewish Past and Present by Segal, Eliezer
The Greek Qabalah: Alphabetical Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World by Barry, Kieren
Sacred Intentions: Morning Inspiration to Strengthen the Spirit, Based on Jewish Wisdom by Forman-Jacobi, Lori, Olitzky, Kerry M.
The Jewish Book of Living and Dying by Solomon, Lewis D.
Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 Bce by Gottwald, Norman
Ethical Tales from the Kabbalah: Stories from the Kabbalistic Ethical Writings by Wineman, Aryeh
Crime and Punishment in Jewish Law: Essays and Responsa by
Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Volume 2: Judaism from the Renaissance to Modern Times by
Ein Yaakov: The Ethical and Inspirational Teachings of the Talmud by
Between Athens and Jerusalem: Jewish Identity in the Hellenistic Diaspora by Collins, John J.
Sacred Intentions: Morning Inspiration to Strengthen the Spirit, Based on Jewish Wisdom by Forman-Jacobi, Lori, Olitzky, Kerry M.
Health Care and the Ethics of Encounter: A Jewish Discussion of Social Justice by Zoloth, Laurie
Women Who Would Be Rabbis: A History of Women's Ordination 1889-1985 by Nadell, Pamela Susan
Athens in Jerusalem by Shavit, Yaacov
Jewish Tales from Eastern Europe by Nagarajan, Nadia Grosser
When Words Fail: A Religious Response to Undeserved Hurt by Stern, Sholom
Evolution of the Synagogue by
Marriage and Its Obstacles in Jewish Law: Essays and Responsa by
The Studia Philonica Annual, XI, 1999 by
The 6th and 7th Books of Moses by
Broken Tablets: Restoring the Ten Commandments and Ourselves by
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918 by
Women and Water: Menstruation in Jewish Life and Law by
The Left Hand of God: A Biography of the Holy Spirit by Holl, Adolf
Voices of the Matriarchs: Listening to the Prayers of Early Modern Jewish Women by Weissler, Chava
Living Letters of the Law: Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity by Cohen, Jeremy
Judaism and Islam in Practice: A Sourcebook by Sonn, Tamara, Neusner, Jacob, Brockopp, Jonathan E.
The 6th and 7th Books of Moses by
The Book of the Twelve Prophets by
Living Torah: Selections from Seven Years of Torat Chayim by House, Behrman
If I'm Jewish and You're Christian, What Are the Kids? a Parenting Guide for Interfaith Families by House, Behrman
Shavua Tov! by House, Behrman
To Learn Is to Do: A Tikkun Olam Roadmap by House, Behrman
What Crucified Jesus? Messianism, Pharisaism, and the Development of Christianity by House, Behrman
Talmud for Everyday Living: Employer-Employee Relations by House, Behrman
Sex in the Texts by House, Behrman
Finding Each Other in Judaism by House, Behrman
The Words Upon Your Heart: A Lexicon of Judaism and World Religions by House, Behrman
Jewish Lives, Jewish Learning: Adult Jewish Learning in Theory and Practice by House, Behrman
Honest Answers to Your Child's Jewish Questions: A Rabbi's Insights by House, Behrman
Did Moses Really Have Horns? and Other Myths about Jews and Judaism by House, Behrman
Sacred Parenting: Jewish Wisdom and Practical Guidance for Your Family's Early Years by House, Behrman
The Tot Shabbat Handbook: A Practical Guide for Engaging Young Families in Congregetaional Life by House, Behrman
Yoga Shalom (Book, DVD, and CD) [With DVD] by House, Behrman
For the Sake of Zion, Reform Zionism: A Personal Mission by House, Behrman
And God Spoke These Words: The Ten Commandments and Contemporary Ethics by House, Behrman
Everyone Is Welcome by House, Behrman
Meeting at the Well: A Jewish Spiritual Guide to Being Engaged by House, Behrman
My Bar Mitzvah by House, Behrman
Kohelet: A Modern Commentary on Ecclesiastes by House, Behrman
Growing Jewish Minds, Growing Jewish Souls: Promoting Spiritual, Social, and Emotional Growth in Jewish Education by House, Behrman
Pirke Avot: A Modern Commentary on Jewish Ethics by House, Behrman
Ruth: A Modern Commentary by House, Behrman
Bet Is for B'Reishit and Tav Is for Torah Teacher's Guide by House, Behrman
Shir Hashirim: A Modern Commentary on Song of Songs by House, Behrman
Reincarnation and Judaism: The Journey of the Soul by Pinson, Dovber
What Happens After I Die? Jewish Views of Life After Death by House, Behrman
Bet Is for B'Reishit: Hebrew for Adults Book 3 by House, Behrman
The God Book by House, Behrman
Shemonah Perakim: Treatise on the Soul by House, Behrman
Taste of Torah: An Introduction to Thirteen Challenging Bible Stories by House, Behrman
A Taste of Text: An Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash by House, Behrman
Jonah: A Modern Commentary by House, Behrman
Esther: A Modern Commentary by House, Behrman
Aleph-Bet of Marriage: Journeying Toward Commitment (Participant's Guide) by House, Behrman
Liberal Judaism by House, Behrman
Tav Is for Torah: Hebrew for Adults Book 4 by House, Behrman
Learn Hebrew Today: Alef-Bet for Adults by House, Behrman
Art of Torah Cantillation, Vol. 1: A Step-By-Step Guide to Chanting Torah by Wolff, Josee, Portnoy, Marshall
Art of Cantillation, Vol. 2: A Step-By-Step Guide to Chanting Haftarot and m'Gilot [With CD] by House, Behrman
Rethinking Modern Judaism: Ritual, Commandment, Community by Eisen, Arnold M.
Honey from the Rock: An Easy Introduction to Jewish Mysticism by Kushner, Lawrence
The Wars of the Lord, Volume 3 by Gershom, Levi Ben
Honey from the Rock: An Easy Introduction to Jewish Mysticism by Kushner, Lawrence
The Gates of Repentance by Yonah, Rabbeinu
The Ethics of the Sages: An Interfaith Commentary of Pirkei Avot by Pies, Ronald W.
My People's Prayer Book Vol 3: P'Sukei d'Zimrah (Morning Psalms) by
My People's Prayer Book Vol 3: P'Sukei d'Zimrah (Morning Psalms) by
The Hyena People: Ethiopian Jews in Christian Ethiopia Volume 13 by Salamon, Hagar
Abraham Ibn Esras Langer Kommentar Zum Buch Exodus: Bd 1: Parascha Schemot Bis Beschalach (Ex 1-17). Bd 2: Parascha Jitro Bis Pekudej (Ex 18-40) by Ibn Esra, Abraham
Tractate Berakhot: Edition, Translation, and Commentary by
Black Zion: African American Religious Encounters with Judaism by
Black Zion: African American Religious Encounters with Judaism by
The Book of Enoch: A Work of Visionary Revelation and Prophecy, Revealing Divine Secrets and Fantastic Information about Creation, Salvat by