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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2002

Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs by
El Misterio Revelado: The Mystery Revealed Spanish by Pagan, Samuel
Essays in Education and Judaism in Honor of Joseph S. Lukinsky by
Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabes by Hawkins, Beth
Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabes by Hawkins, Beth
A Prophet for Our Time: An Anthology of the Writings of Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum by Banki, Judith H., Fisher, Eugene J.
The Deuteronomic School: History, Social Setting, and Literature by Person, Raymond, Jr.
Symbol and Rhetoric in Ecclesiastes: The Place of Hebel in Qohelet's Work by Miller, Douglas B.
Who Needs God by Kushner, Harold
There's a Place for Us-12 Pk by
'Aryanisation' in Hamburg: The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of Their Property in Nazi Germany by Bajohr, Frank
The Origins of the Seder: The Passover Rite and Early Rabbinic Judaism by Bokser, Baruch M.
'Aryanisation' in Hamburg: The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of Their Property in Nazi Germany by Bajohr, Frank
When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough by Kushner, Harold
Book of Psalms-OE: A New Translation According to the Hebrew Text (Large Print Edition) by
Z'Man Likro Volume 2 by House, Behrman
Z'Man Likro Volume 1 (Revised Edition) by House, Behrman
Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism by Knight, Gareth
Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender by Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility by Carson, D. A.
Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe by Gruber, Ruth Ellen
The Bible in Africa: Transactions, Trajectories, and Trends by
The Shabbat Elevator and other Sabbath Subterfuges: An Unorthodox Essay on Circumventing Custom and Jewish Character by Dundes, Alan
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Talmud Torah: Ways to God's Presence through Learning: An Exercise in Practical Theology by Neusner, Jacob
Aleph-Bet Yoga by Rapp, Stephen A.
Aleph-Bet Yoga by Rapp, Stephen A.
Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land Since 1948 by Benvenisti, Meron
Attuning to the River of Kabbalah: Playing with energy and consciousness by Milstein Phd, Karen Kaufman
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by
Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition Volume 30 by Gruen, Erich S.
Israel in the Biblical Period by Soggin, J. Alberto
Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah by Becking, Bob, Dijkstra, Meindert, Korpel, Marjo
Narrative Theology After Auschwitz: From Alienation to Ethics by Fasching, Darrell J.
Ark of the Covenant: Simplified Information for Lay-Persons by Alexander, Kelly D.
Christianity in Jewish Terms by Novak, David, Ochs, Peter, Frymer-Kensky, Tikva
The Believer: Confronting Jewish Self-Hatred by Bean, Henry
The Messiah Before Jesus: The Suffering Servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Knohl, Israel
Holocaust and Rescue: Impotent or Indifferent? Anglo-Jewry 1938-1945 by Shatzkes, P.
Heretics or Daughters of Israel?: The Crypto-Jewish Women of Castile by Melammed, Renee Levine, Melammed, Ren?e Levine, Melammed, Ren E. Levine
The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000: Volume 3 by Endelman, Todd M.
Finding God: Selected Responses (Revised Edition) by Sonsino, Rifat
The Rebbe's Daughter by Shapiro, Malka
A Guide to Jewish Prayer by Steinsaltz, Adin
Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship by Peled, Yoav, Shafir, Gershon
Tolerance, Dissent, and Democracy: Philosophical, Historical, and Halakhic Perspectives by
Qabalah: A Magical Primer by Bonner, John
Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture in the Mishnah by Samely, Alexander
Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities by
Season of the Body: Essays by Miller, Brenda
Season of the Body: Essays by Miller, Brenda
The Scout by Plaut, Steven E.
What Jews Know about Salvation: Building on Our Salvations for a Happier Life and a Better World by Gertel, Elliot B.
Rediscovering the Jewish Holidays by House, Behrman
The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity by Lang, Bernhard
Absorbing Perfections: Kabbalah and Interpretation by Idel, Moshe
Hineni 2 by House, Behrman
The Way of Man: According to the Teachings of Hasidism by Buber, Martin
Hebrew Manuscripts of the Middle Ages by Sirat, Colette
Posttranslational Modification of Proteins: Tools for Functional Proteomics by
Parables for Our Time: Rereading New Testament Scholarship After the Holocaust by Oldenhage, Tania
Das Weltparlament der Religionen von 1893 by Lüddeckens, Dorothea
Study Guide to the JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot by Lieber, Laura Suzanne
Let My People Go by Cohen, Jeffrey
The Jewish Tradition, Sexuality and Procreation by Solomon, Lewis D.
The Rhetorical Function of the Book of Ezekiel by Renz, Thomas
Heschel, Hasidism and Halakha by Dresner, Samuel
Next Year I Will Know More: Literacy and Identity Among Young Orthodox Women in Israel by El-Or, Tamar
Shabbat (2nd Edition): The Family Guide to Preparing for and Celebrating the Sabbath by Wolfson, Ron
Shabbat (2nd Edition): The Family Guide to Preparing for and Celebrating the Sabbath by Wolfson, Ron
Spinoza's Heresy ' Immortality and the Jewish Mind ' by Nadler, Steven M.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot by Fishbane, Michael
Mishnah and the Social Formation of the Early Rabbinic Guild: A Socio-Rhetorical Approach by Lightstone, Jack N.
El Judaísmo by Lange, Nicholas de
From Synagogue to Church: The Traditional Design: Its Beginning, its Definition, its End by Wilkinson, John
Reinventing Paul by Gager, John G.
The Mishnah, Social Perspectives Volume 2 by Neusner, Jacob
The Mishnah, Religious Perspectives Volume 1 by Neusner, Jacob
Discoveries in the Judaean Desert: Volume XXXIX: Introduction and Indexes by Tov, Emanuel
The Gaon of Vilna: The Man and His Image by Etkes, Immanuel
Kabbalah and Art by Bronstein, Léo
Midrashic Women: Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature by Baskin, Judith R.
The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitism by Katz, Jacob
The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig by
Zohar: Annotated & Explained by
Zohar: Annotated & Explained by
The Lost Jewish Community of the West Side Flats: 1882-1962 by Rosenblum, Gene H.
Jewish Monotheism and Christian Trinitarian Doctrine by Lapide, Pinchas, Moltmann, Jürgen
A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples by MacDonald, Kevin B.
Tractates Terumot and Ma'serot: Edition, Translation, and Commentary by
Die sogenannte "Armenfrömmigkeit" im nachexilischen Israel by Ro, Johannes Un-Sok
Female, Jewish, and Educated: The Lives of Central European University Women by Freidenreich, Harriet Pass
Queer Jews by
The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal by
Searching for Meaning in Midrash: Lessons for Everyday Living by Katz, Michael, Schwartz, Gershon
The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal by
Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy: The Life and Works of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, 1884-1966 by Shapiro, Marc B.
The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined by
Die nationale Identitaet der Deutschen: Philosophische Imaginationen und historische Mentalitaeten by
Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period: A Guide for New Testament Students by Helyer, Larry R.
When the Extreme Right Is Extremely Wrong by Gutierrez, Luis Fernando
Revelation and the God of Israel by Samuelson, Norbert M.
The Internal Diversification of Second Temple Judaism by Anderson, Jeff S.
Jewish Detroit by Cohen, Irwin
Torn at the Roots: The Crisis of Jewish Liberalism in Postwar America by Staub, Michael
The Sultanas Jew: Morocco and the Sephardi World by Schroeter, Daniel J.
Jewish Community of Savannah by Kole, Kay, Frey, Valerie
English Physician's Guide or a Holy Guide Part 1 by Heydon, John
English Physician's Guide or a Holy Guide Part 2 by Heydon, John
Jewish Community Around North Broad Street by Meyers, Allen
Narrative Syntax and the Hebrew Bible: Papers of the Tilburg Conference 1996 by
The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction by Rajak, Tessa
Re-Examining Progressive Halakhah by
The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder Volume 9 by Tibi, Bassam
Divorce Is a Mitzvah: A Practical Guide to Finding Wholeness and Holiness When Your Marriage Dies by Netter, Perry
Pollution in a Promised Land: An Environmental History of Israel by Tal, Alon
Studies in Exegesis: Christian Critiques of Jewish Law and Rabbinic Responses 70-300 CE by Basser, Herbert
Divorce Is a Mitzvah: A Practical Guide to Finding Wholeness and Holiness When Your Marriage Dies by Netter, Perry
The Didache: Its Jewish Sources and Its Place in Early Judasim and Christianity by Van de Sandt, Huub, Flusser, David
The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment by Berg, Michael
The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment by Berg, Michael
The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel by Smith, Mark S.
Jewish Tales of Mystic Joy by Buxbaum, Yitzhak
Chosen Body: The Politics of the Body in Israeli Society by Weiss, Meira
Judaism and Collective Life: Self and Community in the Religious Kibbutz by Fishman, Aryei
Sacred Fire: Torah from the Years of Fury 1939-1942 by Shapira, Kalonymus Kalmish
Yiddish: A Nation of Words by Weinstein, Miriam
Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles by Eve, Eric
Modernity and the Holocaust by Bauman, Zygmunt
Modernity and the Holocaust by Bauman, Zygmunt
Judaism When Christianity Began: A Survey of Belief and Practice by Neusner, Jacob
Journey to Jerusalem by Overberg, Kenneth R.
Can The Rebbe Be Moshiach?: Proofs from Gemara, Midrash, and Rambam that the Rebbe zt"l cannot be Moshiach by Student, Gil
Book of Daniel, Volume 2 Composition and Reception by
Judaism and Genocide: Psychological Undercurrents of History Volume IV by Piven, Jerry S.
Nationalsozialismus und Schoah als landeskundliche Themen im DaF-Unterricht by Ghobeyshi, Silke
The Last Days of the Jerusalem of Lithuania: Chronicles from the Vilna Ghetto and the Camps, 1939-1944 by Kruk, Herman
The Babylonian Talmud: A Topical Guide by Abrams, Judith Z.
Hidden Heritage: The Legacy of the Crypto-Jews by Jacobs, Janet
Coming of Age in the Holocaust: The Last Survivors Remember by Gallant, Mary J.
Beyond Theodicy: Jewish and Christian Continental Thinkers Respond to the Holocaust by Pinnock, Sarah K.
Ten Rungs: Collected Hasidic Sayings by Buber, Martin
Meetings: Autobiographical Fragments by Buber, Martin
The Devil and the Jews: The Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism by Trachtenberg, Joshua
Self Renewing Congregation: Organizational Strategies for Revitalizing Congregational Life by Aron, Isa
Self Renewing Congregation: Organizational Strategies for Revitalizing Congregational Life by Aron, Isa
An Orphan in History: One Man S Triumphant Search for His Jewish Roots by Cown, Paul
Six Jewish Spiritual Paths: A Rationalist Looks at Spirituality by Sonsino, Rifat
Women of the Wall: Claiming Sacred Ground at Judaism's Holy Site by
My People's Prayer Book Vol 6: Tachanun and Concluding Prayers by
First Converts: Rich Pagan Women and the Rhetoric of Mission in Early Judaism and Christianity by Matthews, Shelly
My People's Prayer Book Vol 6: Tachanun and Concluding Prayers by
Rectifying the State of Israel - A Political Platform Based on Kabbalah by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Deconstructing the Bible: Abraham Ibn Ezra's Introduction to the Torah by Lancaster, Irene
Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue by Friedman, Maurice S.
Ancient Jewish Novels: An Anthology by
Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue by Friedman, Maurice S.
The Arab-Israeli Cookbook: The Play by Soans, Robin
The Pesharim and Qumran History: Chaos or Consensus? by Charlesworth, James H.
Pesikta De-Rab Kahana by
Where Is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul's Response in Romans 1-5 by Gathercole, Simon J.
The Biblical Masorah and the Temple Scroll: An Orthographical Inquiry by Jacobs, Steven Leonard
A Brief History of Ancient Israel by Matthews, Victor H.
There Is No Messiah--And You're It: The Stunning Transformation of Judaism's Most Provocative Idea by Levine, Robert N.
Making a Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage: The Jewish Outreach Institute Guide to Opportunities, Challenges and Resources by Olitzky, Kerry M.
Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Tomorrow by Green, Arthur
Politics and the Limits of Law: Grove Press, the Evergreen Review, and the Incorporation of the Avant-Garde by Lorberbaum, Menachem
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 15: Focusing on Jewish Religious Life, 1500-1900 by Polonsky, Antony
Jesus der Jude Band 2 by Schmid-Grether, Susanne
Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses During the Nazi-Regime by
Making a Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage: The Jewish Outreach Institute Guide to Opportunities, Challenges and Resources by Olitzky, Kerry M.
Juedische Autoren Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert: 2., ueberarbeitete Auflage by
Deutsch-Jüdische Kinder- Und Jugendliteratur: Ein Literaturgeschichtlicher Grundriß by Völpel, Annegret, Shavit, Zohar
Common Prayers: Faith, Family, and a Christian's Journey Through the Jewish Year by Cox, Harvey
Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities: Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud by Hayes, Christine Elizabeth
When a Jew Dies: The Ethnography of a Bereaved Son by Heilman, Samuel C.
A Parent's Guilt-Free Guide to Raising Jewish Kids by Reuben, Steven Carr
The Pluralistic Halakhah: Legal Innovations in the Late Second Commonwealth and Rabbinic Periods by Heger, Paul
The Martin Buber Reader: Essential Writings by
The Martin Buber Reader: Essential Writings by
Tobit by Fitzmyer, Joseph A.
Voices from the University: The Legacy of the Hebrew Bible by Szpek, Heidi
Voices from the University: The Legacy of the Hebrew Bible by Szpek, Heidi
Biblical Literacy: The Most Important People, Events, and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible by Telushkin, Joseph
Studies in the Meaning of Judaism by Borowitz, Eugene B.
Holy Brother: Inspiring Stories and Enchanted Tales about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach by Mandelbaum, Yitta Halberstam
Heads and Tales: Stories of the Sages to Enlighten Our Minds by Goldberg, Edwin
Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan by Day, John
The Haunted Smile: The Story Of Jewish Comedians In America by Epstein, Lawrence J.
The Jewish Cultural Tapestry: International Jewish Folk Traditions by Lowenstein, Steven M.
Israel, the Impossible Land by Attias, Jean-Christophe, Benbassa, Esther
Abortion in Judaism by Schiff, Daniel
Abortion in Judaism by Schiff, Daniel
Israel, the Impossible Land by Attias, Jean-Christophe, Benbassa, Esther
Benjamin Disraeli: The Fabricated Jew in Myth and Memory by Glassman, Bernard
The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest by Schäfer, Peter
Conversos, Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain by Roth, Norman
Speaking the Unspeakable: Essays on Sexuality, Gender, and Holocaust Survivor Memory by Friedman, Jonathan C.