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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2003

Textual Knowledge: Teaching the Bible in Theory and in Practice by Holtz, Barry W.
Turning Points in Jewish Intellectual History by Aberbach, D.
The Time of Our Lives by House, Behrman
Spirit Possession in Judaism: Cases and Contexts from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Their Image Will Be Forever Before My Eyes: Experiences of a Jewish Girl of the Dutch Diaspora During the Holocaust by Ilan-Onderwijzer, Jehudith
The Concept of the Covenant in the Second Temple Period by
Jewish Law, 4-Volume Set: History, Sources, Principles by Elon, Menachem
The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest by Schäfer, Peter
Towards a Jewish Theology of Liberation by Ellis, Marc H., Neuberger, Julia
Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism by Winkler, Gershon
Shalom Ivrit Book 1 - Prayer Companion by House, Behrman
Shalom Ivrit Book 1 by House, Behrman
Ceremonies of Judaism by Idelsohn, Abraham Z.
The Cult of Saints Among Muslims and Jews in Medieval Syria by Meri, Josef
Love's Immensity or the Progressive Revelation of God Through His Hebrew Names by Carr-Harris, Bertha
Your Fortune in Your Name or Kabalistic Astrology by Sepharial
Book of Kuzari by Hallevi, Judah
Forgeries and Falsifications in the Anti-Semitic Literature and My Lawsuit Against Julius Streicher and Company by Gliksman, Shlomo
Works of Flavius Josephus Part 1 by Josephus, Flavius
Works of Flavius Josephus Part 2 by Josephus, Flavius
Zoroastrianism and Judaism by Carter, George William
Opferkult und Priestertum in Alt-Israel by Dahm, Ulrike
Textual Reasonings: Jewish Philosophy and Text Study at the End of the Twentieth Century by
Das Schweigen brechen: Berliner Lektionen zu Spaetfolgen der Schoa by
A Zeal For God Not According to Knowledge: A Refutation of Judaism's Arguments Against Christianity by Snow, Eric V.
A Zeal For God Not According to Knowledge: A Refutation of Judaism's Arguments Against Christianity by Snow, Eric V.
Karaites Through the Travelers' Eyes by Kizilov, Mikhail
An Introduction to Karaite Judaism: History, Theology, Practice, and Culture by
Hebrew Religion: Its Origin and Development by Oesterley, W. O. E., Robinson, Theodore H.
Three Questions of Formative Judaism: History, Literature, and Religion by Neusner, Jacob
Aspects of the Jewish Question Zionism and Antisemitism by Joubert, Carl
Anti-Semitism Its History and Causes by Lazare, Bernard
Sword of Moses An Ancient Book of Magic by Gaster, M.
Unknown History of the Jews by Jessel, E. E.
Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined by Colenso, John William
Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method by Harper, William R.
Holy Kabbalah by Waite, Arthur Edward
Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition by Mocatta, Frederic David Mocatta
Handbook of Rabbinic Theology: Language, System, Structure by Neusner, Jacob
Seventh Heaven: Celebrating Shabbat with Rebbe Nachman of Breslov by Mykoff, Moshe
Original Torah by Sperling, S. David
The Women's Passover Companion: Women's Reflections on the Festival of Freedom by
Folktales of Joha, Jewish Trickster by
7th Heaven: Celebrating Shabbat with Rebbe Nachman of Breslov by Mykoff, Moshe
Kabala of Numbers a Handbook of Interpretation by Sepharial
Rabbinic Judaism: The Theological System by Neusner, Jacob
The JPS Guide to Jewish Women by Henry, Sondra, Taitz, Emily, Tallan, Cheryl
Passover (2nd Edition): The Family Guide to Spiritual Celebration by Wolfson, Ron
Passover (2nd Edition): The Family Guide to Spiritual Celebration by Wolfson, Ron
Tales of the Neighborhood: Jewish Narrative Dialogues in Late Antiquity by Hasan-Rokem, Galit
Josephus on Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum Controversy from Late Antiquity to Modern Times by Whealey, Alice
From Politics to Piety by Neusner, Jacob
The American Synagogue: A Sanctuary Transformed by
Judaism and Enlightenment by Adam, Sutcliffe, Sutcliffe, Adam
Invitation to the Talmud by Neusner, Jacob
Jews and Christians by Neusner, Jacob
Judaism and Ecology: Created World and Revealed Word by
Pray Tell: A Hadassah Guide to Jewish Prayer by Harlow, Rabbi Jules
Pray Tell: A Hadassah Guide to Jewish Prayer by Harlow, Rabbi Jules
Mingled Roots -A Guide for Grandparents of Interfaith Children by Levin, Sunie
God in Our Relationships: Spirituality Between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber by Ross, Dennis S.
God in Our Relationships: Spirituality Between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber by Ross, Dennis S.
Jews and Muslims: Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Modern Times by Rodrigue, Aron
The Gift of Kabbalah by Frankiel, Tamar
Miracles: stories for Jewish children and their families by Radding, Alan
Jews, God and History: Second Edition by Dimont, Max I.
The Jewish Book of Why by Kolatch, Alfred J.
The Blackwell Companion to Judaism by
Not to Worry: Jewish Wisdom and Folklore by Klein, Michele
Introduction to Jewish Ethics by Newman, Louis
Jewish Post-Biblical History Through Great Personalities by Bildersee, Adele
Jew the Gypsy and El Islam by Burton, Richard F.
Mysteries of the Qabalah by Yogi Publication Society
The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust by Raphael, Melissa
The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust by Raphael, Melissa
Judaism and Hellenism by Hengel, Martin
The Marrano Legacy: A Contemporary Crypto-Jewish Priest Reveals Secrets of His Double Life by Alexy, Trudi
The Lord's Song in a Strange Land: Music and Identity in Contemporary Jewish Worship by Summit, Jeffrey A.
Felix Moses, the Beloved Jew of Stringtown on the Pike by Lloyd, John Uri
Qabalism by Pullen-Burry, Henry B.
History of Jewish Literature Part 1 by Waxman, Meyer
History of Jewish Literature Part 2 by Waxman, Meyer
History of Jewish Literature Part 3 by Waxman, Meyer
History of Jewish Literature Part 4 by Waxman, Meyer
History of Jewish Literature Part 5 by Waxman, Meyer
History of Jewish Literature Part 6 by Waxman, Meyer
The Kabbalah by Franck, Adolph
Cabala or the Rites and Ceremonies of the Cabalist by Anonymous
Jewish Mysticism by Abelson, J.
Meor Einayim by Cohen, Eugene
Meor Einayim by Cohen, Eugene
Evolving Halakhah: A Progressive Approach to Traditional Jewish Law by Zemer, Moshe
Evolving Halakhah: A Progressive Approach to Traditional Jewish Law by Zemer, Moshe
Raising a Mensch by Rosenberg, Shelley Kapnek
The Torah and the Halakhah: The Four Relationships by Neusner, Jacob
Seek My Face: A Jewish Mystical Theology by Green, Arthur
Seek My Face: A Jewish Mystical Theology by Green, Arthur
Finding God in the Garden: Backyard Reflections on Life, Love, and Compost by Brickner, Balfour
The Talmud by Polano, H.
Nothing Makes You Free: Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors by
In the Shadow of the Ladder: Introductions to Kabbalah by Ashlag, Rabbi Yehudah Lev
Physician of the Soul, Healer of the Cosmos: Isaac Luria and His Kabbalistic Fellowship by Fine, Lawrence
Kabbalah: Its Doctrines, Development and Literature by Ginsburg, Christian D.
Sketch of the Talmud by Kalisch, Isidor
The Mysteries of the Qabalah by Bosman, L. a.
The Talmud by
Physician of the Soul, Healer of the Cosmos: Isaac Luria and His Kabbalistic Fellowship by Fine, Lawrence
Renewal: Reconnecting Soviet Jewry to the Soviet People: A Decade of American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJJDC) Activ by Weiner, Anita
Judaism by de Lange, Nicholas
Jewish Prison / La Prison juive by Daniel, Jean
In His Own Image and Likeness: Humanity, Divinity, and Monotheism by Garr, W. Randall
Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815 Volume 49 by Schechter, Ronald
Understanding Rabbinic Judaism by
The Formation of the Babylonian Talmud by
The Modern Study of the Mishnah by
The Talmud by Polano, H.
Soviet Views of Talmudic Judaism by Solodukho, Yu A.
Commentary on the Torah by Friedman, Richard Elliott
Tractates Ma'aser Seni, Hallah, 'Orlah, and Bikkurim by
Benjamin Disraeli: The Fabricated Jew in Myth and Memory by Glassman, Bernard
Uncanonical Jewish Books by Ferrar, William John
Hexateuch According to the Revised Version Part 2 by Carpenter, J. Estlin
Achaia Or Studies of the Cosmogony and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures by Dawson, J. W.
Sephora: A Hebrew Tale by Harris, Thaddeus Mason
Hexateuch According to the Revised Version Part 1 by
Qabbalah by Myer, Isaac
The Jew and Deicide: The Origin of an Archetype by Davis, Frederick B.
The Secret Dowry of Eve: Woman's Role in the Development of Consciousness by Hoffmann, Glynda-Lee
Halakhic Hermeneutics by Neusner, Jacob
The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Idea of Redemption in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch by Nir, Rivka
From Text to Context: The Turn to History in Modern Judaism by Schorsch, Ismar
The Gospel According to Moses: What My Jewish Friends Taught Me about Jesus by Dickson, Athol
Studies in Judaism: Third Series (Jewish Studies Classics 3) by Schechter, Schechter
Collected Essays on Philosophy and on Judaism: Greek Philosophy, Maimonides by Fox, Marvin
Collected Essays on Philosophy and on Judaism: Some Philosophers by Fox, Marvin
Collected Essays on Philosophy and on Judaism: Ethics, Reflections by Fox, Marvin
Jewish for Gentiles: A Handbook for Survival in Our Assimilated Society by Serrouya, Toby R.
Identity Theft: The Jew in Imperial Russia and the Case of Avraam Uri Kovner by Murav, Harriet
Hebrewisms of West Africa by Williams, Joseph J.
Doctrine of God in the Jewish Apocryphal and Apocalyptic Literature by Wicks, Henry J.
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church Part 1 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church Part 3 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church Part 2 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Divine Command Ethics: Jewish and Christian Perspectives by Harris, Michael J.
Intersecting Pathways: Modern Jewish Theologians in Conversation with Christianity by Krell, Marc A.
Finding Morality in the Diaspora?: Moral Ambiguity and Transformed Morality in the Books of Esther by Harvey, Charles D.
After the Rescue: Jewish Identity and Community in Contemporary Denmark by Buckser, A.
Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present by Perry, M., Schweitzer, F.
The Path of Blessing by Prager, Marcia
The Legends of the Jews, 2-Volume Set by Ginzberg, Louis
The JPS Torah Commentary: Leviticus by Levine, Baruch a.
The JPS Torah Commentary: Exodus by Sarna, Nahum M.
The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers by Milgrom, Jacob
The JPS Torah Commentary: Deuteronomy by Tigay, Jeffrey H.
The Path of Blessing by Prager, Marcia
Better Understanding Between Christians and Jews in America by Anonymous
Stories from the Rabbis by Isaacs, Abram S.
Ethical Treatises of Berachya, Son of Rabbi Natronai Ha Nakdan Being The Compendium and The Masref by Hanakdan, Berachya
Simplified Qabala Magic by Andrews, Ted
Jesus in His Jewish Context by Vermes, Geza
Genes, Judaism, and Western Ethics: Ethical Genius or God's Voice by Rosenblum, William I.
The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran: The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaten by Feather, Robert
Post Biblical Hebrew Literature: An Anthology by
From the Heart of Israel Or Jewish Tales and Types by Drachman, Bernard
Star in the West Or A Humble Attempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Preparatory to Their Return to Their Beloved City, Jerusalem by Boudinot, Elias
Bypaths in Hebraic Bookland by Abrahams, Israel
Jewish Literature and Other Essays by Karpeles, Gustav
Stories of Jewish Home Life by Mosenthal, Salomon Hermann
Stories and Pictures by Perez, Isaac Loeb
Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and Their Neighbors, from the Late Bronze Age Through Roman Palaestina by
Hebrew Bible Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Volume 4, Taylor-Schechter Additional Series 32-225, with Addenda to Previous Volumes by Outhwaite, Ben, Davis, M. C.
First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit: Reb Zalman's Guide to Recapturing the Intimacy & Ecstasy in Your Relationship with God by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Because Nothing Looks Like God Teacher's Guide by Kushner, Karen
The Book of Tahkemoni: Jewish Tales from Medieval Spain by Alharizi, Judah
First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit: Reb Zalman's Guide to Recapturing the Intimacy & Ecstasy in Your Relationship with God by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Judaism in America by Raphael, Marc Lee
Jews and Christians: People of God by
A Baptist Among the Jews by Howe, Mary Blye
Visions of Jewish Education by
Jewish Frontiers: Essays on Bodies, Histories, and Identities by Gilman, S.
Marc Chagall on Art and Culture by Harshav, Benjamin
Dissertation Concerning the Future Conversion of the Jewish Nation by Mather, Increase
Letters to the Jews Inviting Them to an Amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity by Priestley, Joseph
Antichrist Legend: A Chapter in Christian and Jewish Folklore by Bousset, Wilhelm
Judaism: Its Doctrines and Duties by Wise, Isaac M.
Visions of Jewish Education by
Testament of Abraham by Allison, Dale C.
British Jewry and the Holocaust: With a New Introduction by Bolchover, Richard
JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh-TK-Pocket by
After the Rescue: Jewish Identity and Community in Contemporary Denmark by Buckser, A.
After the Rescue: Jewish Identity and Community in Contemporary Denmark by Buckser, A.
Mount Sinai by Becker, Ann M.
The Jewish Trinity: When Rabbis Believed In The Father, Son And Holy Spirit by Natan, Yoel
Hebrew Prophets Or Patriots and Leaders of Israel by Chamberlain, Georgia Louise
The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem by
One Nation Under Gods: A History of the Mormon Church by Abanes, Richard
Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times by Stillman, Norman a.
Josephus the Complete Works: Encounter the World and Traditions That Jesus Knew by Whiston, William
Judaism in Persia's Shadow: A Social and Historical Approach by Berquist, Jon L.
Over the Top Judaism: Precedents and Trends in the Depiction of Jewish Beliefs and Observances in Film and Television by Gertel, Elliot B.
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