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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2005

Challenge & Change 2 by House, Behrman
Women's Voices: New Perspectives for the Christian-Jewish Dialogue by Scholefield, Lynne, Montagu, Rachel, Fry, Helen
Reading the Book: Making the Bible a Timeless Text by Visotzky, Burton L.
Teach Them Diligently by Stevens, Bonnie K.
Count Me in by House, Behrman
Saul Lieberman: The Man and His Work by Schochet, Elijah J., Spiro, Solomon
A Kid's Mensch Handbook - Teaching Guide by House, Behrman
The Rebbe's Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch by Fishkoff, Sue
The "Jew" in Cinema: From the Golem to Don't Touch My Holocaust by Bartov, Omer
A House Divided: Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth-Century Central European Jewry by Katz, Jacob
The World On One Leg by Walter, Ellery
Intimate Glimpses Of The Rabbi's Career by Berkowitz, Henry
The New Jerusalem And The Old Jerusalem by Wilkinson, James
Rahel Varnhagen: A Portrait by Key, Ellen
Primitive Semitic Religion Today by Curtiss, Samuel
Jewish Ideals And Other Essays by Jacobs, Joseph
Judaism by Abrahams, Israel
Aharon Appelfeld's Fiction: Acknowledging the Holocaust by Budick, Emily Miller
Post-Holocaust: Interpretation, Misinterpretation, and the Claims of History by Lang, Berel
Semitism: The Whence and Whither, 'How Dear Are Your Counsels' by Cragg, Kenneth
At the Synagogue by Michels, Dia
Insights of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik: Discourses on Fundamental Theological Issues in Judaism by Weiss, Saul
The Development and Symbolism of Passover by Prosic, Tamara
Putting God on the Guest List, Third Edition: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Presumed Guilty: How the Jews Were Blamed for the Death of Jesus by
Judaism, Physics and God: Searching for Sacred Metaphors in a Post-Einstein World by Nelson, David W.
A Concise History of the Jewish People by Pasachoff, Naomi, Littman, Robert
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Comfort (2nd Edition): A Guide to Jewish Bereavement by Wolfson, Ron
Putting God on the Guest List, Third Edition: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
There Is No Messiah--And You're It: The Stunning Transformation of Judaism's Most Provocative Idea by Levine, Robert N.
I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl by
Let Us Break Bread Together: A Passover Haggadah for Christians by Shapiro, Rami, Smith, Michael A.
Leading the Passover Journey: The Seder's Meaning Revealed, the Haggadah's Story Retold by Laufer, Nathan
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Comfort (2nd Edition): A Guide to Jewish Bereavement by Wolfson, Ron
Children of the Flesh, Children of the Promise by Neusner, Jacob
Remembering Abraham: Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew Bible by Hendel, Ronald S.
Chicken Soup with Chopsticks by Botwinik, Jack
Theological Dictionary of Rabbinic Judaism: Part Two: Making Connections and Building Constructions by Neusner, Jacob
Theological Dictionary of Rabbinic Judaism: Part One: Principal Theological Categories by Neusner, Jacob
Hate and the 'Jewish Science': Anti-Semitism, Nazism and Psychoanalysis by Frosh, S.
Hate and the 'Jewish Science': Anti-Semitism, Nazism and Psychoanalysis by Frosh, S.
The Vitality of Rabbinic Imagination: The Mishnah Against the Bible and Qumran by Neusner, Jacob
Shalom Ivrit Book 3 - Prayer Companion by House, Behrman
Shalom Ivrit Book 3 by House, Behrman
The Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
The Talmud Law, Theology, Narrative: A Sourcebook by
Is Scripture the Origin of the Halakhah? by Neusner, Jacob
The Provincials: A Personal History of Jews in the South by Evans, Eli N.
Earrings in the Cellar: Growing Up in Ruined Worlds by Bernheim, Rachel
Dorothy and David Explore Jewish Life by Conovitz, Michael
The World On One Leg by Walter, Ellery
Over My Dead Body: Some Grave Questions for God by Forman, David J.
History of the Hebrew Commonwealth by Bailey, Albert Edward, Kent, Charles Foster
The Bible Story for Jewish Young Folks by
The Jewish Festivals: From Their Beginnings to Our Own Day by Schauss, Hayyim
Isaac Mayer Wise The Founder Of American Judaism: A Biography by May, Max B.
The Jewish Festivals: From Their Beginnings to Our Own Day by Schauss, Hayyim
Justice To The Jew: The Story Of What He Has Done For The World by Peters, Madison
Jerusalem And Tiberias, Sora And Cordova by Etheridge, John
Isaac Mayer Wise The Founder Of American Judaism: A Biography by May, Max B.
Trains to Freedom, Trains to Hell by Beer, Erich
New Jewish Baby Book (2nd Edition): Names, Ceremonies & Customs--A Guide for Today's Families by Diamant, Anita
The Symbolic Jesus: Historical Scholarship, Judaism and the Construction of Contemporary Identity by Arnal, William E.
Living in Divine Space: Kabbalah and Meditation by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Wise Men and Their Tales: Portraits of Biblical, Talmudic, and Hasidic Masters by Wiesel, Elie
Medieval Education by
Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary Life by Shainberg, Catherine
Consciousness & Choice: Finding Your Soul Mate by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
The Pentateuch: A Story of Beginnings by Gooder, Paula
The New Jewish Baby Book: Names, Ceremonies & Customs-A Guide for Today's Families by Diamant, Anita
Messianic Passover Haggadah by Rubin, Steffi, Rubin, Barry
Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe: Volume 1, Italy (Excluding the City of Rome), Spain and Gaul by Noy, David
Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe: Volume 2, the City of Rome by Noy, David
A Zeal For God Not According to Knowledge: A Refutation of Judaism's Arguments Against Christianity, 2nd Edition by Snow, Eric V.
A Zeal For God Not According to Knowledge: A Refutation of Judaism's Arguments Against Christianity, 2nd Edition by Snow, Eric V.
The Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
Ask Now of the Days That Are Past by Segal, Eliezer
Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide by
The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) by Laitman, Rav Michael
Versuche, in der Welt zu Hause zu sein: Hannah Arendt: Schreiben als Verstehen by Kuberka, Tina
Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity's Sacred Obligation by
Haggadah a Passover Seder for the Rest of Us by Kellerman, Henry
Photographing the Holocaust: Interpretations of the Evidence by Struk, Janina
The Making of a Sage: A Study in Rabbinic Ethics by Schofer, Jonathan Wyn
Theology in the Responsa by Jacobs, Louis
Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity's Sacred Obligation by
Murder Most Merciful: Essays on the Ethical Conundrum Occasioned by Sigi Ziering's the Judgement of Herbert Bierhoff by
The Voice of Jerusalem by Zangwill, Israel
An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament by Driver, S. R.
The Religion of a Modern Liberal: The Selected Sermons of Thirty Five Years in the Jewish Ministry by Harrison, Leon
Hebraic Literature: Translations from The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by
Sacred Therapy: Jewish Spiritual Teachings on Emotional Healing and Inner Wholeness by Frankel, Estelle
Hebraic Literature: Translations from The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by
An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament by Driver, S. R.
The Ethics Of Judaism Part One by Lazarus, M.
Judaism As Creed And Life by Joseph, Morris
Brooklyn Boy (Tcg Edition) by Margulies, Donald
The Banality of Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide by Auron, Yair, Simon, Julian
The Seven Beggars: & Other Kabbalistic Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov by
Around the Family Table: A Comprehensive Bencher and Companion for Shabbat and Festival Meals and Other Family Occasions with Insights and Comm by Riskin, Rabbi Shlomo
Is the Holocaust Vanishing?: A Survivor's Reflections on the Academic Waning of Memory and Jewish Identity in the Post-Auschwitz Era by Kohn, Murray J.
Sephardim of Sydney: Coping with Political Processes and Social Pressures by Gale, Naomi
Learning to Read Midrash by Peters, Simi
Consolation: The Spiritual Journey Beyond Grief by Lamm, Maurice
The Seven Beggars: & Other Kabbalistic Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov by
The Tension Between God as Righteous Judge and as Merciful in Early Judaism by Smith, Barry D.
Aspects of Jewish Metarational Thought by Sicker, Martin
Maimonides on the Origin of the World by Seeskin, Kenneth
Across the Great Divide: The Selected Essays of Abraham Coralnik by Coralnik, Abraham
Across the Great Divide: The Selected Essays of Abraham Coralnik by Coralnik, Abraham
Pardes by Shamir, Israel
Challenge & Change 3 by House, Behrman
Why Saying Jesus Is A Jew Hurts Jews: A Readable Examination of Socio-Religious Factors by Irish, Nicholas
Mystical Bodies, Mystical Meals: Eating and Embodiment in Medieval Kabbalah by Hecker, Joel
Providence in the Book of Job: The Search for God's Mind by Pfeffer, Jeremy I.
On the Creation of the Cosmos According to Moses by Runia, David T., Philo, Charles Duke
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 6: Jews in Lodz, 1820-1939 by
His Majesty Requests: The Prophetic Significance of the Jewish Wedding for the Bride of Christ by Totilo, Rebecca Park
The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Similarities & Contrasts by Dirks, Jerald
Judaism for Two: A Spiritual Guide for Strengthening & Celebrating Your Loving Relationship by Fuchs-Kreimer, Nancy, Wiener, Nancy
The Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish Theology by
No Fixed Abode: A Jewish Odyssey to Africa by Fraenkel, Peter
Dignity Beyond Death: The Jewish Preparation for Burial by Berman, Rochel U.
Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures: The Torah by
Finding Our Way: Jewish Texts and the Lives We Lead Today by Holtz, Barry W.
Life in the Ghettos During the Holocaust by
Judaism for Two: A Spiritual Guide for Strengthening & Celebrating Your Loving Relationship by Wiener, Nancy, Fuchs-Kreimer, Nancy
Body, Mind, and Soul: Kabbalah on Human Physiology, Disease, and Healing by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak, Ginzburg, Yitshak, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Yitzchak Ginsb
Astrología Kabbalística: Y el Significado de Nuestra Vida by Berg, Rav
The Mystery of Marriage: How to Find True Love and Happiness in Married Life by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Yitzchak Ginsb, Ginzburg, Yitshak, Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
The Union Prayerbook for Jewish Worship by Central Conference of American Rabbis, C.
The Union Prayerbook for Jewish Worship by Central Conference of American Rabbis, C.
What We Jews Believe by Cohon, Samuel S.
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection by
Adventures in Jewish Faith: Book II Jewish Mission by Ciechanowicz, Rabbi J. Z.
A Compendium Of Jewish History From The Close Of The Biblical Records To The Present Day by Hecht, Sigmund
The Religion of Israel by Ascham, John Bayne
Daughters of the King by
The Travels of Cyrus to Which is Annexed a Discourse Upon the Theology and Mythology of the Pagans Part Two by Ramsay, M. de
The Spirit Of Judaism by Lazarus, Josephine
A Rabbi's Impressions Of The Oberammergau Passion Play by Krauskopf, Joseph
Scrolls, Scriptures and Early Christianity by Vermes, Geza
New Directions in Qumran Studies by Pietersen, Lloyd Keith, Lyons, William John, Campbell, Jonathan G.
The Faces of Janus: English-language Fiction by German-speaking Exiles in Great Britain, 1933-1945 by Brunnhuber, Nicole
The Positive Image of the Jew in the 'Comedia' by Herskovits, Andrew
Sarajevo Rose: A Balkan Jewish Notebook by Schwartz, Stephen
Pass the Torah, Please: Jewish Leaders from Mattathias to Saadia by House, Behrman
Iraqi Jews: A History by Shiblak, Abbas
The Song of Songs: The Honeybee in the Garden by Band, Debra
Hebrew Language and Jewish Thought by Patterson, David
Jewish Pastoral Care 2/E: A Practical Handbook from Traditional & Contemporary Sources by
Torah Talk: An Early Childhood Teaching Guide by House, Behrman
The Jewish Educational Leaders Handbook by House, Behrman
Z'Man l'Tefilah Volume 4: Torah by House, Behrman
Awakening the Spark Within: Five Dynamics of Leadership That Can Change the World by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
The Life Cycle Workbook by House, Behrman
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Sourcebook by House, Behrman
Z'Man l'Tefilah Volume 3: Amidah by House, Behrman
The Life Cycle Journey by House, Behrman
Z'Man l'Tefilah Volume 2: Shema by House, Behrman
Creative Puppetry for Jewish Kids by House, Behrman
Lively Legends - Jewish Values: An Early Childhood Teaching Guide by House, Behrman
Teaching Jewish Holidays: History, Values, and Activities (Revised Edition) by House, Behrman
Teaching about God and Spirituality: A Resource for Jewish Settings by House, Behrman
Teaching Mitzvot - Concepts, Values, and Activities (Revised Edition) by House, Behrman
Teaching Hot Topics by House, Behrman
What's Jewish about Butterflies? by House, Behrman
Teaching Tefilah by House, Behrman
Tzedakah, Gemilut Chasadim, and Ahavah: A Manual for World Repair by House, Behrman
Transforming Darkness Into Light: Kabbalah and Pyschology by Ginsburgh, Yitzchak
Jewish Every Day: The Complete Handbook for Early Childhood Teachers by House, Behrman
Teaching Jewish Life Cycle: Traditions and Activities by House, Behrman
Teaching Torah: A Treasury of Insights and Activities by House, Behrman
Sedra Scenes: Skits for Every Torah Portion by House, Behrman
Haunted in the New World: Jewish American Culture from Cahan to "The Goldbergs" by Weber, Donald
Our Lady of Sorrow: The Collected Essays from the Holy Land by Shamir, Israel
Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Nonobservance, and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Identity by Ferziger, Adam S.
Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms by Steinmetz, Sol
Normative and Sectarian Judaism in the Second Temple Period by Weinfeld, Moshe
The Will of God for These Days in Personal Relations, Economic Life, Political Action, Race Relations and International Affairs by Page, Kirby
The Jewish Dilemma by Berger, Elmer
Jewish Influence in Modern Thought by Roback, A. A.
A Critical Review Of Jewish History From The Earliest Times To The Return From Babylonism Captivity by Howes, William
A Jewish Reply To Christian Evangelists by Hart, Lewis A.
Leaders of Israel: A Brief History of the Hebrews from the Earliest Times to the Downfall of Jerusalem AD 70 by Robinson, George L.
Scrolls: Essays On Jewish History And Literature And Kindred Subjects V1 And V2 by Deutsch, Gotthard
The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem: Judah Under Babylonian Rule by Lipschits, Oded
Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue: Studies in the History of Jewish Prayer by
Cult and Character: Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy by Gane, Roy
Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller: Portrait of a Seventeenth-Century Rabbi by Davis, Joseph
Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America by Glick, Leonard B.
The Three Temples: On the Emergence of Jewish Mysticism by Elior, Rachel
The Jgirl's Teacher's and Parent's Guide by Polis, Miriam P.
The Jgirl's Teacher's and Parent's Guide by Polis, Miriam P.
Gray Zones: Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath by
Chanting the Hebrew Bible by Jacobson, Joshua R.
Kabbalistic Tarot: Hebraic Wisdom in the Major and Minor Arcana by Krafchow, Dovid
The Secret Life of God: Discovering the Divine within You by Aaron, David
In Search of God by Mettinger, Tryggve N. D.
The Coming of Lilith: Essays on Feminism, Judaism, and Sexual Ethics, 1972-2003 by Plaskow, Judith
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