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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2008

The Heart Is a Mirror: The Sephardic Folktale by Alexander-Frizer, Tamar
Ephod and Ark by Arnold, William R.
A Manual of the Aramaic Language of the Babylonian Talmud by Margolis, Max
Philo's Portrayal of Moses in the Context of Ancient Judaism by Feldman, Louis H.
The Jews of Vienna and the First World War by Rechter, David
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 17 by
Lodz Ghetto: A History by Trunk, Isaiah
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 5: New Research, New Views by
The Torah for Dummies by Kurzweil, Arthur
Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948 by Cohen, Hillel
Die Massora Magna, Erster Teil by
Is American Judaism History? by Selib, E. H.
Is American Judaism History? by Selib, E. H.
Reasons For Believing That The Charge Lately Revived Against The Jewish People Is A Baseless Falsehood (1840) by McCaul, Alexander
Diaries Of Sir Moses And Lady Montefiore V2: Comprising Their Life And Work As Recorded In Their Diaries From 1812 To 1883 (1890) by Montefiore, Judith Cohen, Montefiore, Moses
Jew And Gentile V3: Essays On Jewish Apologetics And Kindred Historical Subjects (1920) by
Geography of Hope: Exile, the Enlightenment, Disassimilation by Birnbaum, Pierre
Der eschatologische Aspekt in der Bedeutung des Sukkot-Festes: Pessach, Shavuot, Sukkot - die drei Wallfahrtsfeste in ihrer Entstehung, Entwicklung un by Roewer, Margarete
Die Relevanz des Theodizee-Problems in dem Gedicht "El male rachamim" von Yehuda Amichai by Roewer, Margarete
Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society by Ben-Rafael, Eliezer, Sharot, Stephen
Zur Kritik der Vernunftreligion: Religionswissenschaftliche Vortraege und Aufsaetze by Wilkens, Lorenz
The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity by Goldstein, Eric L.
Nahmanides in Med. Catalonia: History, Community, and Messianism by Caputo, Nina
Israels passive Kriegsführung während des Zweiten Golfkrieges mit besonderem Hinblick auf die israelisch-amerikanische Beziehung by Roewer, Margarete
Piyyut Commentary in Medieval Ashkenaz by Hollender, Elisabeth
Jewish Renewal: A Journey: The Movement's History, Ideology, and Future by Groesberg, Rabbi Sholom
Jewish Renewal: A Journey: The Movement's History, Ideology, and Future by Groesberg, Rabbi Sholom
Antisemitic Myths: A Historical and Contemporary Anthology by
Klezmer America: Jewishness, Ethnicity, Modernity by Freedman, Jonathan
Natural Law in Judaism by Novak, David
The Sabbath in the Classical Kabbalah by Ginsburg, Elliot K.
Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition from Gentile to Jew - Structure and Meaning by Sagi, Avi, Zohar, Zvi
Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition from Gentile to Jew - Structure and Meaning by Zohar, Zvi, Sagi, Avi
My People's Passover Haggadah Vol 1: Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries by
My People's Passover Haggadah Vol 2: Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries by
Peace Be Upon You: Fourteen Centuries of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Conflict and Cooperation by Karabell, Zachary
My People's Passover Haggadah Vol 2: Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries by
My People's Passover Haggadah Vol 1: Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries by
Jewish Identities: Nationalism, Racism, and Utopianism in Twentieth-Century Music Volume 8 by Moricz, Klara
The Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Horayoth - Rulings, Soncino by Epstein, Isidore
Culture Front: Representing Jews in Eastern Europe by
Qualitative Kabbalah by Oelberger, Richard
Tolerance and Intolerance in Early Judaism and Christianity by
The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers by Bernstein, Harry
The Columbia History of Jews and Judaism in America by
Covenantal Conversations: Christians in Dialogue with Jews and Judaism by Jodock, Darrell
Structure and Form in the Babylonian Talmud by Jacobs, Louis
The JPS Commentary on the Haggadah: Historical Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Tabory, Joseph
JPS Pocket Bible-FL by
Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein by Putnam, Hilary
Shalom Shar'abi and the Kabbalists of Beit El by Giller, Pinchas
Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers: Volume 50 by
The Open Canon by Sagi, Avi
The Open Cannon: On the Meaning of Halakhic Discourse by Sagi, Avi
Two Lectures On The Life And Writings Of Maimonides: Delivered At The Jews' And General Literary And Scientific Institution (1847) by Benisch, Abraham
The Claims Of The Jews To An Equality Of Rights: Illustrated In A Series Of Letters To The Editor Of The Philadelphia Gazette (1841) by Leeser, Isaac
The Profession Of Judaism: Four Sermons Delivered On New Year's Eve And Morning (1895) by Moses, Isaac S.
A Handful Of Exotics: Scenes And Incidents Chiefly Of Russo-Jewish Life (1897) by Gordon, Samuel
Liberal Judaism: An Essay (1903) by Montefiore, Claude Goldsmid
Aspects Of The Hebrew Genius: A Volume Of Essays On Jewish Literature And Thought (1910) by
The Children's Pentateuch: With The Haphtarahs Or Portions From The Prophets (1878) by
Jewish Writings by Arendt, Hannah
Preaching in Judaism and Christianity: Encounters and Developments from Biblical Times to Modernity by
Mystical Origins of Hasidism by Elior, Rachel
Israel's Iron Age: Or, Sketches from the Period of the Judges by Dods, Marcus
Bad Eagle by Yeagley, David
Turning the Kaleidoscope: Perspectives on European Jewry by
The Genesis of Leadership: What the Bible Teaches Us about Vision, Values and Leading Change by Laufer, Nathan
The Boldness of a Halakhist: An Analysis of the Writings of Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Halevi Epstein's the Arukh Hashulhan by Fishbane, Simcha
The Genesis of Leadership: What the Bible Teaches Us about Vision, Values and Leading Change by Laufer, Nathan
The Jewish Condition: Challenges and Responses - 1938-2008 by Rosenblum, Mark
Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life by Levenson, Jon D.
Seder Stories: Passover Thoughts on Food, Family, and Freedom by Rips, Nancy
Judaism and Justice: The Jewish Passion to Repair the World by Schwarz, Sidney
The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference: With a New Introduction by Berger, David
Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Management from the Bible and Today's Leaders by Cohen, Norman J.
Spiritual Activism: A Jewish Guide to Leadership and Repairing the World by Weiss, Avraham
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 2: Jews and the Emerging Polish State by
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 9: Jews, Poles, Socialists: The Failure of an Ideal by
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 7: Jewish Life in Nazi-Occupied Warsaw by
The Gate of Heaven: The History and Symbolism of the Temple in Jerusalem by Barker, Margaret
Shifting Ethnic Boundaries and Inequality in Israel: Or, How the Polish Peddler Became a German Intellectual by Khazzoom, Aziza
Back to School: Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews by Pomson, Alex, Schnoor, Randal
Swimming Up the Sun: A Memoir of Adoption by Burton, Nicole J.
The Cultural Study of Yiddish in Early Modern Europe by Frakes, J.
Zoroastrianism and Judaism by Carter, George William
Stringing the Pearls: How to Read the Weekly Torah Portion by Diamond, James S.
Tractate Qiddusin by
Antología Judía by El Kolel
You Never Call! You Never Write!: A History of the Jewish Mother by Antler, Joyce
The Hand of the Lord: A Reassessment of the Ark Narrative of 1 Samuel by Roberts, J. J. M., Miller, Patrick D., Jr.
Concepts de Kabbalah by Afilalo, Rabbi Raphael
Pirkei Avos with a Twist of Humor by Bobker, Joe
...and Turn It Again: Theme and Sacred Variations by Maslin, Simeon J.
...and Turn It Again: Theme and Sacred Variations by Maslin, Simeon J.
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Money by
Religion and the Individual: A Jewish Perspective by Jacobs, Louis
Body by
Economics of American Judaism by Chiswick, Carmel
The Changing Christian World: A Brief Introduction for Jews by Schoolman, Leonard A.
Waiting for Rain: Reflections at the Turning of the Year by Levy, Bryna Jocheved
The Quest for Authenticity: The Thought of Reb Simhah Bunim by Rosen, Michael
The Rise of Israel: A History of a Revolutionary State by Adelman, Jonathan
Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel by Gafney, Wilda C.
The Changing Christian World: A Brief Introduction for Jews by Schoolman, Leonard A.
The Seven Habits of the Good Life: How the Biblical Virtues Free Us from the Seven Deadly Sins by Kaplan, Kalman J., Schwartz, Matthew B.
Sacred Order/Social Order: The Jew of Culture: Freud, Moses, and Modernity Volume 3 by Rieff, Philip
The Israelis: Ordinary People in an Extraordinary Land (Updated in 2008) by Rosenthal, Donna
Clash of Identities: Explorations in Israeli and Palestinian Societies by Kimmerling, Baruch
My Future Is in America: Autobiographies of Eastern European Jewish Immigrants by
Ancient Jewish Magic: A History by Bohak, Gideon
Judaism and Modernization on the Religious Kibbutz by Fishman, Aryei
La Torah: Los 5 Libros de Moises by
The Others Within Us by Bar-On, Dan
The Others Within Us by Bar-On, Dan
God in the Wilderness: Rediscovering the Spirituality of the Great Outdoors with the Adventure Rabbi by Korngold, Jamie
To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico by Hordes, Stanley
Journey to a Nineteenth-Century Shtetl: The Memoirs of Yekhezkel Kotik by Kotik, Yekhezkel
Concepts de Kabbalah by Afilalo, Rav Raphael
Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times by Crawford, Sidnie White
Ben: Sonship and Jewish Mysticism by Idel, Moshe
Ben: Sonship and Jewish Mysticism by Idel, Moshe
Jewishness: Expression, Identity and Representation by
Torah Through a Zionist Vision: Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim Volume 2 by Feder, Avraham H.
Life, Death and Sacrifice: Women and Family in the Holocaust by Hertzog, Esther
Torah Through a Zionist Vision: Bereshit and Shemot Volume 1 by Feder, Avraham H.
The Reasons for the Commandments in Jewish Thought. from the Bible to the Renaissance by Heinemann, Isaac
Theological and Philosophical Premises of Judaism by Neusner, Jacob
Time and Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives by Rubin, Nissan
Time and the Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash. Socio-Anthropological Perspectives by Rubin, Nissan
Theological and Philosophical Premises of Judaism by Neusner, Jacob
The Jewish Family Fun Book (2nd Edition): Holiday Projects, Everyday Activities, and Travel Ideas with Jewish Themes by Dardashti, Danielle, Sarig, Roni
Modern Jews Engage the New Testament: Enhancing Jewish Well-Being in a Christian Environment by Cook, Michael J.
Modern Jews Engage the New Testament: Enhancing Jewish Well-Being in a Christian Environment by Cook, Michael J.
Teach Me Torah 2 by House, Behrman
Teach Me Torah 1 by House, Behrman
The Book and the Sword: A Life of Learning in the Throes of the Holocaust by Weiss Halvini, David
The Reasons for the Commandments in Jewish Thought: From the Bible to the Renaissance by Heinemann, Isaac
Jewish History - The Big Picture by Gevirtz, Gila
Not God's People: Insiders and Outsiders in the Biblical World by Wills, Lawrence M.
Torah for Today by Taus, Ester R.
Kol Elimelech: The Voice of Rabbi Elimelech Shapira - Chasidic Wisdom for Our Time by
The Wisdom of Maimonides: The Life and Writings of the Jewish Sage by Hoffman, Edward
Not a Happy Camper: A Memoir by Schneider, Mindy
Insiders and Outsiders in Russian Cinema by
Not God's People: Insiders and Outsiders in the Biblical World by Wills, Lawrence M.
What the Rabbis Said: The Public Discourse of Nineteenth-Century American Rabbis by Cohen, Naomi W.
The Book of Enoch by Enoch, Laurence, Richard
A History of Catholic Antisemitism: The Dark Side of the Church by Michael, R.
An Introduction to Islam for Jews by Firestone, Reuven
Food for the Soul: Traditional Jewish Wisdom for Healthy Eating by Rubin, Chana
Solus Deus: Untersuchungen Zur Rede Von Gott Im Brief Des Paulus an Die Römer by Flebbe, Jochen
When Fairy Tales Kill: The Origins and Transmission of Antisemitic Beliefs by Baum, Steven K.
Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism by Assmann, Jan
Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism by Assmann, Jan
Making Eye Contact with God: A Weekly Devotional for Women by Gillespie, Terri
The Insight of Unbelievers: Nicholas of Lyra and Christian Reading of Jewish Text in the Later Middle Ages by Klepper, Deeana Copeland
Rabbinic Culture and Its Critics: Jewish Authority, Dissent, and Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Times by
Jesus, an Emerging Jewish Mosaic: Jewish Perspectives, Post-Holocaust by Moore, Daniel F.
Perspectives on Purity and Purification in the Bible by
The Rise of Israel: A History of a Revolutionary State by Adelman, Jonathan
Homelands and Diasporas: Greeks, Jews and Their Migrations by Rozen, Minna
The Strassmanns: Science, Politics and Migration in Turbulent Times (1793-1993) by Strassmann, W. Paul
The Horizontal Society (Vol. 2): Understanding the Covenant and Alphabetic Judaism (Vol. 2) by Faur, Jose
In a Maelstrom: The History of Russian-Jewish Prose, 1860-1940 by Hetényi, Zsuzsa
The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Scholarship in Israel by Piterberg, Gabriel
Whose Torah?: A Concise Guide to Progressive Judaism by Alpert, Rebecca T.
The Horizontal Society (Vol. 1): Understanding the Covenant and Alphabetic Judaism (Vol. 1) by Faur, Jose
The Settlement Of The Jews In North America (1893) by Daly, Charles P.
Hebrews And The General Epistles (1911) by
The Heroes Of Faith: A Series Of Discourses On The Names Immortalized In The Eleventh Chapter Of Hebrews (1881) by Phillips, Daniel T.
Judaism At Rome: B.C. 76 To A.D. 140 (1877) by Huidekoper, Frederic
Guide Of Judaism: A Systematic Work For The Study And Instruction Of The Whole Scope Of Judaism (1917) by Glazer, Simon
The Lost Tribes Of Israel: Or The First Of The Red Men (1861) by Even, Charles
Commentary On The Epistle To The Hebrews V1 (1874) by Delitzsch, Franz
The Epistle To The Hebrews: An Exposition V1 (1902) by Saphir, Adolph
The Epistle Of Priesthood: Studies In The Epistle To The Hebrews (1913) by Nairne, Alexander
The Religion And Worship Of The Synagogue: An Introduction To The Study Of Judaism From The New Testament Period (1907) by Oesterley, W. O. E., Box, George H.
Tefilat Yisra'el: The Form Of Daily Prayers According To The Custom Of The German And Polish Jews (1893) by
The History And Literature Of The Israelites V1, The Historical Books: According To The Old Testament And The Apocrypha (1870) by De Rothschild, A., De Rothschild, C.
The Passover Hagadah (1920) by
Jewish Fairy Tales And Stories (1920) by
Pentateuchal Studies (1912) by Wiener, Harold M.
Tractate Sanhedrin: Mishnah And Tosefta (1919) by Danby, Herbert
Aspects Of The Hebrew Genius: A Volume Of Essays On Jewish Literature And Thought (1910) by
The Gate To The Hebrew, Arabic And Syriac: Unlocked By A New And Easy Method Of Acquiring The Accidence (1828) by Goodhugh, W.
Pharisaism: Its Aim And Its Method (1912) by Herford, R. Travers
The Immigrant Jew In America (1907) by Paulding, J. R., James, Edmund J., Flynn, Oscar R.
Dissertations On The Genuineness Of The Pentateuch V1 (1847) by Hengstenberg, E. W.
The Book Of Joshua: A Critical And Expository Commentary Of The Hebrew Text (1886) by Lloyd, John
Israel Putnam: Pioneer, Ranger And Major-General, 1718-1790 (1905) by Livingston, William Farrand
The Talmud (1874) by Deutsch, Emanuel
The Gospel According to the Hebrews: Its Fragments Translated and Annotated with a Critical Analysis of the External and Internal Evidence Relating to by Nicholson, Edward Byron
The Massoreth Ha-Massoreth Of Elias Levita: Being An Exposition Of The Massoretic Notes On The Hebrew Bible (1867) by Ginsburg, Christian D.
Jewish Biblical Interpretation and Cultural Exchange: Comparative Exegesis in Context by
The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance by Katz, Dana E.
Religious Responses to Political Crises in Jewish and Christian Tradition by
Psalms of Solomon: A New Translation and Introduction by Kim, Heerak Christian
Psalms of Solomon: A New Translation and Introduction by Kim, Heerak Christian
Punishment and Freedom: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal Law by Steinmetz, Devora
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