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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2011

Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth by Bernis, Jonathan
Pope Benedict XVI in the Holy Land by Benedict, Pope
"I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue": Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship by Weinberg, Joanna, Grafton, Anthony
Christian Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom by Abulafia, Anna Sapir
The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel: Being a Special Presentation of the Principles of Judaism by Hirsch, S. R., Rabbi Samson, Raphael Hirsch
The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel: Being a Special Presentation of the Principles of Judaism by Hirsch, S. R., Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch
Kol Yisrael 3 by House, Behrman
Israel's Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenant Fidelity by Kinzer, Mark S.
Reaktionen gegen die Gleichstellung: Die Entstehung des modernen Antisemitismus by Jürgens, Peer
Israel's Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenant Fidelity by Kinzer, Mark S.
The Romance of Hassidism by Minkin, Jacob S.
The Synagogues of Kentucky: Architecture and History by Weissbach, Lee Shai
The Status of Women in Jewish Tradition by Sassoon, Isaac S. D.
Do not be afraid; The First Farewell Discourse in John's Gospel (Jn 14) by Beutler, Johannes
Christian Conceptions of Jewish Books: The Pfefferkorn Affair by Shamir, Avner
God of Me: Imagining God Throughout Your Lifetime by Lyon, David
Creating Lively Passover Seders (2nd Edition): A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts & Activities by Arnow, David
God of Me: Imagining God Throughout Your Lifetime by Lyon, David
Christian Conceptions of Jewish Books: The Pfefferkorn Affair by Shamir, Avner
Creating Lively Passover Seders (2nd Edition): A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts & Activities by Arnow, David
The Essential Works of Flavius Josephus: Abridged by Josephus, Flavius
The Divine Source and World Unity: Selected Works of Adolph Moses for the 21st Century by Moses, Adolph
Art of Time, the Art of Place: Isaac Bashevis Singer and Marc Chagall - A Dialogue by Dorot, Ruth
Jewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism by Moses, Alfred Geiger
The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel by Sommer, Benjamin D.
Late Medieval Jewish Identities: Iberia and Beyond by
Ohb Holocaust Studies Ohbk C by Hayes, Roth
Selections From The Talmud by Polano, H.
So, What do you know about being Jewish? by Rosenthal, Roni
The Routledge History of the Holocaust by
Ideally Speaking by
Das Altjüdische Zauberwesen by Blau, Lajos
The Book of Protection: Being a Collection of Charms by
The Midrash Key Discussion and Teacher's Guide: For Group Study by Vasicek, Edward J.
The Covenanters of Damascus, a Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect by Moore, George Foot
The Spirit of Judaism by Lazarus, Josephine
Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia by Waskow, Arthur O., Berman, Phyllis
Sage Tales: Wisdom and Wonder from the Rabbis of the Talmud by Visotzky, Rabbi Burton L.
Uncle Feygele by Taub, Yermiyahu Ahron
Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia by Waskow, Arthur O., O. Berman, Phyllis
Colors of Zion: Blacks, Jews, and Irish from 1845 to 1945 by Bornstein, George
Other in Second Temple Judaism: Essays in Honor of John J. Collins by Harlow, Daniel C.
LITTMAN Maimonides'Confrontation with Mysticism by Kellner, Menachem
Bits and Pieces, Snippets and Snatches by Musleah, Rabbi Ezekiel N.
The Peace and Violence of Judaism: From the Bible to Modern Zionism by Eisen, Robert
The Books of Enoch: The Angels, the Watchers and the Nephilim (with Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, T by Lumpkin, Joseph B.
The Great Yet Completely Misunderstood Commission of Jesus: The Original Hebrew Understanding of Discipleship by Wright, Brian S.
The Origins of Jewish Mysticism by Schäfer, Peter
Sarah Laughed: Modern Lessons from the Wisdom and Stories of Biblical Women by Ochs, Vanessa L.
The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation by
Biblical Bethsaida: A Study of the First Century CE in the Galilee by Savage, Carl E.
Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur by Montgomery, James Alan
Judaism as Creed and Life by Joseph, Morris
A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play by Krauskopf, Joseph
Jewish Studies at the Crossroads of Anthropology and History: Authority, Diaspora, Tradition by
What The Torah Teaches Us About Spirituality: Through Isaac's Own Spiritual Journey by Weakley, Laura
El Talmud y la Sabiduría Rabínica a la Luz de las Enseñanzas de Yeshúa Hamashiaj, Jesús el Cristo: Tomo I: Tratado de Shabbath by Ayala S., Lauro E.
Romanticism/Judaica: A Convergence of Cultures by
The Sacred Table: Creating a Jewish Food Ethic by
Ccar Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly Winter 2011 - Becoming a Rabbi After Ordination by
Zionism and Anti-Semitism by Nordau, Max, Gottheil, Gustav
Tse'einah Ure'einah by Faierstein, Morris M.
Sage Tales Teacher's Guide: The Complete Teacher's Companion to Sage Tales: Wisdom and Wonder from the Rabbis of the Talmud by Visotzky, Rabbi Burton L.
Sage Tales Teacher's Guide: The Complete Teacher's Companion to Sage Tales: Wisdom and Wonder from the Rabbis of the Talmud by Visotzky, Rabbi Burton L.
Blood Will Tell: Vampiresas Political Metaphors Before World War I by Robinson, Sara Libby
Wisdom Literature by Kampen, John
Narrating the Law: A Poetics of Talmudic Legal Stories by Wimpfheimer, Barry Scott
Secrets of a Jewish Mother: Real Advice, Real Family, Real Love by Zarin, Jill, Wexler, Lisa, Kamen, Gloria
A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn by Silber, David
Faith and Freedom: Moses Mendelssohn's Theological-Political Thought by Gottlieb, Michah
The Cambridge Genizah Collections: Their Contents and Significance by
Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine by
The Pseudepigrapha on Sexuality by Loader, William
Why Resurrection?: An Introduction to the Belief in the Afterlife in Judaism and Christianity by Blanco, Carlos
A Philosophical Retrospective: Facts, Values, and Jewish Identity by Montefiore, Alan
The Cambridge Introduction to Emmanuel Levinas by Morgan, Michael L.
The Empires of Image by Kymalainen, T. M.
The God Upgrade: Finding Your 21st-Century Spirituality in Judaism's 5,000-Year-Old Tradition by Korngold, Jamie S.
The God Upgrade: Finding Your 21st-Century Spirituality in Judaism's 5,000-Year-Old Tradition by Korngold, Jamie S.
The Szyk Haggadah: The Story of the Exodus from Egypt and a Guide to the Seder by Szyk, Arthur
Open Minded Torah: Of Irony, Fundamentalism and Love by Kolbrener, William
Unsettling Gaza: Secular Liberalism, Radical Religion, and the Israeli Settlement Project by Dalsheim, Joyce
The King Invites You to His Table by Jones, David E.
Philosemitism in History by
The Cambridge Introduction to Emmanuel Levinas by Morgan, Michael L.
The Gospel of Thomas by Zinner, Samuel
Primeval History: Babylonian, Biblical, and Enochic: An Intertextual Reading by Kvanvig, Helge
Ancient Judaism: New Visions and Views by Stone, Michael E.
Yudakyou No Shokai by Schonberger, Paul
Lubavitcher Messianism: What Really Happens When Prophecy Fails? by Dein, Simon
Art and Responsibility: A Phenomenology of the Diverging Paths of Rosenzweig and Heidegger by Simon, Jules
The Cholent Man by Zeldin, Danny
Contemporary American Judaism: Transformation and Renewal by Kaplan, Dana
Tractates Sevu'ot and 'Avodah Zarah by
Philosemitism in History by
Rosenfeld's Lives by Zipperstein, Steven J.
Have a Little Faith: A True Story by Albom, Mitch
New Idioms Within Old: Poetry and Parallelism in the Non-Masoretic Poems of 11q5 (=11qpsa) by Reymond, Eric D.
The Transformation of Judaism: From Philosophy to Religion by Neusner, Jacob
Home Is Anywhere: Jewish Culture and the Architecture of the Sukkah by
Ancient Jewish Magic: A History by Bohak, Gideon
The God Who Hates Lies: Confronting & Rethinking Jewish Tradition by Hartman, David
Cultures in Collision and Converstion by Berger, David
Jews, Turks, and Infidels by Borden, Morton
Pitching in the Promised Land: A Story of the First and Only Season in the Israel Baseball League by Pribble, Aaron
Bloody Bar Kochba by Durstola
Bloody Bar Kochba by Durstola
International Handbook of Jewish Education 2 Volume Set by
Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets: Receiving the Miracles You Have Been Waiting for by Huch, Larry
Building Singing Communities: A Practical Guide to Unlocking the Power of Music in Jewish Prayer by Weisenberg, Joey
The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time by Shulevitz, Judith
Tri-Faith America: How Catholics and Jews Held Postwar America to Its Protestant Promise by Schultz, Kevin Michael
Referring to God: Jewish and Christian Perspectives by Helm, Paul
Prophecy: Past, Present, and Future The Book of Daniel Unsealed, Book Two by Avraham, Calev Ben
Prophecy: Past, Present, and Future The Book of Daniel Unsealed, Book Two by Avraham, Calev Ben
Isaiah After Exile: The Author of Third Isaiah as Reader and Redactor of the Book by Stromberg, Jacob
Holy Beggars: A Journey from Haight Street to Jerusalem by Coopersmith, Aryae
German Colonialism: Race, the Holocaust, and Postwar Germany by
Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus by Magness, Jodi
Haazinu (Listen Up): A Book of Prophecy by Ben-Yishye, Yerachmiel
The Cosmic Shekinah: A historical study of the goddess of the Old Testament and Kabbalah by Rankine, David, D'Este, Sorita
The Synagogue in America: A Short History by Raphael, Marc Lee
Temporal Logic in the Talmud by Abraham, Michael, Gabbay, Dov, Belfer, Israel
Memorial Books of Eastern European Jewry: Essays on the History and Meanings of Yizker Volumes by
Jewish Tales of Holy Women by Buxbaum, Yitzhak
Tales from Arab Lands by
Meditations of the Heart: Poems For A Spirtual Journey by Zaffos, Jack
Meditations of the Heart: Poems For A Spirtual Journey by Zaffos, Jack
The Talmud Unmasked - The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by Pranaitis, I. B.
Maimonides On Sexual Intercourse: Fi' L-Jima by Maimonides
Qabbalistic Magic: Talismans, Psalms, Amulets, and the Practice of High Ritual by Baal-Shem, Salomo
Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls by Bruce, Frederick F.
Sigmund Freud And The Jewish Mystical Tradition by Bakan, David
Feminism, Family, and Identity in Israel: Women's Marital Names by Benjamin, O., Rom, M.
Anti-Missionary Arguments: Meeting the challenges posed by the Anti-Missionary movement by Morris M. DIV, Robert
Hell within Hell: Sexually Abused Child Holocaust Survivors by Weinger, Susan, Lev-Wiesel, Rachel
Paul's Jewish Matrix by
Ccar Journal, the Reform Jewish Quarterly Spring 2011: New Visions of Jewish Communit by
The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls by Rowley, H. H.
The Life and Works of Moses Hayyim Luzzatto: Founder of Modern Hebrew Literature by Ginzburg, Simon
Passover: The Key That Unlocks the Book of Revelation by Intrater, Asher, Juster, Daniel C.
Sex Rewarded, Sex Punished: A Study of the Status 'Female Slave' in Early Jewish Law by Kriger, Diane
An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah by Westcott, William Wynn
Megilat Sefer: The Autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697-1776) by Emden, Jacob
The Politics of Loss and Trauma in Contemporary Israeli Cinema by Yosef, Raz
Towards a Jewish-Christian-Muslim Theology by Burrell, David B.
A Thesaurus Of Cantorial Liturgy, Part 1: For The Sabbath And Three Festivals by Katchko, Adolph
The Wisdom Of The Torah by
A History of Catholic Antisemitism: The Dark Side of the Church by Michael, R.
An Introduction To Philo Judaeus by Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell
Abraham Joshua Heschel: Essential Writings (Modern Spiritual Masters) by Heschel, Susannah
By Faith Alone: The Story of Rabbi Yehuda Amital by Reichner, Elyashev
Against Apion by Josephus, Flavius
Kabbalah in Italy, 1280-1510: A Survey by Idel, Moshe
Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna by Raphall, M. J., Sola, D. A. De
To Be a Jew: Joseph Chayim Brenner as a Jewish Existentialist by Sagi, Avi
Disempowered King: Monarchy in Classical Jewish Literature by Lorberbaum, Yair
To Be a Jew: Joseph Chayim Brenner as a Jewish Existentialist by Sagi, Avi
Disempowered King: Monarchy in Classical Jewish Literature by Lorberbaum, Yair
Easy and Economical Jewish Crafts by Kramer, Susan Fishman
Didache -The Doctrine of the Master by the Original Apostles by Apostles, Twelve, Rosson, M. E.
Contemporary Jewish Record, June, 1945 by
Judaism In Islam: Biblical And Talmudic Backgrounds Of The Koran And Its Commentaries: Suras II And III by Katsh, Abraham Isaac
The Works of Israel Abrahams by El Bey, Z., Abrahams, Israel
The Wisdom of the Talmud by Bokser, Ben Zion
Brothers at War: Israel and the Tragedy of the Altalena by Auerbach, Jerold S.
A New Physiognomy of Jewish Thinking: Critical Theory After Adorno as Applied to Jewish Thought by Glazer, Aubrey L.
Numbers In Amharic and English (Side-by-Side): The Fourth Book Of Moses by Society, Lion of Judah
From Aleph to Ze'ev: Excursions into Jewish Culture, History, Rituals, and Beliefs by Orzech, Ze'ev
The Third Pillar: Essays in Judaic Studies by Hartman, Geoffrey
Israelitische und Jüdische Geschichte: Bd. VI, Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Christiane Beetz by Wellhausen, Julius
Numbers In Amharic and English (Side by Side): The Fourth Book Of Moses The Amharic Torah Diglot by Society, Lion of Judah
Israel's Palestinians: The Conflict Within by Waxman, Dov, Peleg, Ilan
From Pharaoh To Hitler: What Is A Jew? by Brown, Bernard Joseph
Beyond Political Messianism: The Poetry of Second-Generation Religious Zionist Settlers by Jacobson, David C.
Jacob's Ladder: Kabbalistic Allegory in Russian Literature by Aptekman, Marina
Where Justice Dwells: A Hands-On Guide to Doing Social Justice in Your Jewish Community by Jacobs, Jill
Hazon Gabriel: New Readings of the Gabriel Revelation by
The Bridge to Forgiveness: Stories and Prayers for Finding God and Restoring Wholeness by Kedar, Karyn D.
Rabbi Outcast: Elmer Berger and American Jewish Anti-Zionism by Ross, Jack
When You Lie Down and When You Rise Up - Genesis by Allen, Jonathan
Where Justice Dwells: A Hands-On Guide to Doing Social Justice in Your Jewish Community by Jacobs, Jill
Encountering the Jewish Future: With Wiesel, Buber, Heschel, Arendt, Levinas by Ellis, Marc H.
The Jews and their role in our world: The personal intellectual journey to discovering Jewish identity (for Jews and Gentiles) by Minkov Ph. D., Vladimir
Hebrew Scholarship and the Medieval World by
Prayer Book For The Day Of Atonement And Prayer Book For The New Year by Philips, A. Th
Panorama of Ancient Letters: Four and a Half Centuries of Hebraica and Judaica by
Rabbi Shneur Zalman Of Ladi: A Brief Presentation Of The Life, The Work, And The Basic Teachings Of The Founder Of Chabad Chassidism by Kranzler, Gershon
Nationalism And The Jewish Ethic: Basic Writings Of Ahad Ha'am by Ha'am, Ahad
Israel's Palestinians: The Conflict Within by Waxman, Dov, Peleg, Ilan
Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities by
Tefilot Nihumim: Prayers of Consolation by
Prayers for the Day of Atonement According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews by
Ozar Hatorah: Encyclopedia Of Religion, Ethics, Homiletics, Philosophy And Jewish Law by
Sepher Yezirah: A Book On Creation Or The Jewish Metaphysics Of Remote Antiquity by Kalisch, Isidor
Lost Legends Of Israel by Runes, Dagobert David
Rabbinic Stories For Christian Ministers And Teachers by Silverman, William B.
Einstein Before Israel: Zionist Icon or Iconoclast? by Rosenkranz
Rabbi Meir Of Rothenburg V1-2: His Life And Works As Sources For The Religious, Legal, And Social History Of The Jews In The Thirteenth Century by Agus, Irving a.
Koren Tanakh Hama'alot by
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