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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2013

Judaism & the Arts: Ccar Journal, Winter 2013 by
Under Postcolonial Eyes: Figuring the Jew in Contemporary British Writing by Sicher, Efraim, Weinhouse, Linda
Judaic Technologies of the Word: A Cognitive Analysis of Jewish Cultural Formation by Levy, Gabriel
What They Saved: Pieces of a Jewish Past by Miller, Nancy K.
Faith Finding Meaning: A Theology of Judaism by Sherwin, Byron L.
Shamar Emet Messianic T'filla: Season of our freedom edition: Shabbat and Festivals (Large Print Edition) by Isaac, Rabbi David
Encountering the Stranger: A Jewish-Christian-Muslim Trialogue by
Mysterious SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In EXODUS by Belk, Akiva Gamliel
Judeo-Christianity, 2nd Edition by Looker Jr, Ray
After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry by Ray, Jonathan S.
Building a Public Judaism: Synagogues and Jewish Identity in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Coenen Snyder, Saskia
State of Israel. Its Friends and Enemies. Prophetic Future by Zephyr, Alexander
Flavius Josephus: Against Apion: Translation and Commentary by Barclay, John M. G.
The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 2: The Atheism of Scripture by Atlan, Henri
Anatomia del Alma by De Breslov, Rebe Najman, Kramer, Jaim
Das Buch Koheleth by Carlebach, Joseph
Biblia Hebrea: Naj (Neviim y Ketubim En Espanol) Volumen II by
Biblia Hebrea: Naj (Neviim y Ketubim En Espanol) Volumen II by
Mussar Haskel: Courage to Change by
Jewish Megatrends: Charting the Course of the American Jewish Future by Schwarz, Sidney
Joyce's Finnegans Wake: The Curse of Kabbalah Volume 7 by Anderson, John P.
Inventing God's Law: How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi by Wright, David P.
Jewish Megatrends: Charting the Course of the American Jewish Future by Schwarz, Sidney
Understanding the Mysteries of Kabbalah: Exploring the Ancient Esoteric Heart of Jewish Mysticism: Offers Concise and Practical Insight Into the Found by Whitehouse, Maggie
Day Trips to Jewish History by Astaire, Libi
Weisheit als Lebensgrundlage by
More Than a Tear: A Shiva Guide for Mourners and Consolers by Segal, Yigal
Answers from Above: Connecting with God by Ritchie, Liliane Aura
Strength and Dignity with Study Guide: Torah Wisdom for Women on their Multitude of Vital Roles by Zirkind, Naomi
Tefillin: Wrapped in Majesty by Pinson, Dovber
History of Circumcision: From the Earliest Times to the Present by Remondino, Peter Charles
Would You Like To Be Jewish? by Belk, Akiva Gamliel
Keser Shem Tov by Starrett, Rabbi Yehoshua
The Broken Gift: Harmonizing the Biblical and scientific accounts of human origins (Inspired Studies Book 2) by Friedmann, Daniel
Would You Like To Be Jewish 2? by Belk, Akiva Gamliel
Hats in the Ring: Choosing Britain's Chief Rabbis from Adler to Sacks by Persoff, Meir
Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland by Reszke, Katka
The Messiah and the Jews: Three Thousand Years of Tradition, Belief and Hope by Glickman, Elaine Rose
The Messiah and the Jews: Three Thousand Years of Tradition, Belief and Hope by Glickman, Elaine Rose
Faith, Reason, Politics: Essays on the History of Jewish Thought by Gottlieb, Michah
Personal Theology: Essays in Honor of Neil Gillman by
Jewish Studies: A Theoretical Introduction Volume 1 by Bush, Andrew
The Dead Sea Scrolls by Flint, Peter W.
The Jew in Medieval Iberia: 1100-1500 by
Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations by Zondervan
La Yeshiva Benei Anusim: El Manual de Estudios Para Entender Las Diferencias Entre El Cristianismo y El Judaismo by Levi, Moshe Ben
Holidays and Rituals of Jews and Christians by Sidhu, Salatiel
A Bond for Eternity: Understanding the Bris Milah by Pinson, Dovber
Black Jews in Africa and the Americas by Parfitt, Tudor
The Faith of Biology & the Biology of Faith: Order, Meaning, and Free Will in Modern Medical Science by Pollack, Robert
Synthesis of Concepts in the Talmud by Belfer, Israel, Gabbay, Dov M., Abraham, Michael
Principles of Talmudic Logic by Schild, Uri, Abraham, Michael, Gabbay, Dov M.
The Book of Jubilees: Rewritten Bible, Redaction, Ideology and Theology by Segal, Michael
What About Us? by Shishkoff, Eitan
Paoon Dob-Bep Iinncon, Cbr3b C Beyhoctbio by Pinson, Dovber
The Book of Enoch by Charles, R. H.
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyola's Autobiography by McManamon, John M.
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyola's Autobiography by McManamon, John M.
From Our Springtime: Literary Memoirs and Portraits of Yiddish New York by Iceland, Reuben
Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Formation: The Seven in One English-Hebrew Edition - New Translations with an Introduction into the Cosmology of the Kabbal by Colle, H., Colle, E.
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion by Trachtenberg, Joshua
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Bereshit (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Bereshit (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Saying No and Letting Go: Jewish Wisdom on Making Room for What Matters Most by Goldberg, Edwin
Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community by Wolfson, Ron
Saying No and Letting Go: Jewish Wisdom on Making Room for What Matters Most by Goldberg, Edwin
Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community by Wolfson, Ron
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Noah (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Toledot (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Toledot (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Noah (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
World War III Salvation of the Jews by Altaf, Rabbi Simon
Diatessaron (Approx.) Dysphemism (Approx.) by
Wages of Cross-Bearing and Debt of Sin: The Economy of Heaven in Matthew's Gospel by Eubank, Nathan
Jüdische Existenz in der Moderne by
Jewish Roots: Understanding Your Jewish Faith by Juster, Dan
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Hayei Sarah (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yera (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Leh-Leha (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Leh-Leha (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Hayei Sarah (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Patriarchal Marriage: Y'Sra'el's Right-Ruling Way of Life Methods and Practice by Altaf, Rabbi Simon
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yera (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
The American War Congress And Zionism: Statements By Members Of The American War Congress On The Jewish National Movement by Zionist Organization of America
The Faith of Remembrance: Marrano Labyrinths by Wachtel, Nathan
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant by Gelb, Norman
Shekhinah by Sherman, Paulette Kouffman
Queen Sheba Talking by El-Amili, Hisham
Queen Sheba Talking by El-Amili, Hisham
Ancient Book of Jasher by Johnson, Ken
Jewish Blood: Reality and metaphor in history, religion and culture by
Everything Old is New Again: A Jewish Midwife's Look into Pregnancy and the Feasts of Israel by Stein CM, Renee W.
The Jews in Western Europe, 1400-1600 by
Jews and Other Foreigners: Manchester and the Rescue of the Victims of European Fascism, 1933-40 by Williams, Bill
Israel Has Moved by Pinto, Diana
PASSOVER, The LAST SIX DAYS Of Jesus Life On Earth by Belk, Akiva Gamliel
Mystical Vertigo: Contemporary Kabbalistic Hebrew Poetry Dancing Over the Divide by Glazer, Aubrey
German Jewry: Between Hope and Despair by
Entering the Light: Prayers to Experience the Joy & Wonder of Shabbat and Yom Tov by Of Breslov, Reb Noson
Handbook of Jewish Literature from Late Antiquity, 135-700 CE by Millar, Fergus, Ben-Eliyahu, Eyal, Cohn, Yehuda
Rabbi Moses: A Documentary Catalogue by Neusner, Jacob
Building Jewish Identity 4: Jewish History and Heritage by House, Behrman
Jewish with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Jewish with Feeling: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Practice by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Living Jewish Values 4: Our Shared World by House, Behrman
Building Jewish Identity 3: The People of the Book-Our Sacred Texts by House, Behrman
Living Jewish Values 3: Be a Good Friend by House, Behrman
The "Lost Book of the Nativity of John": A Study in Messianic Folklore and Christian Origins With a New Solution to the Virgin-Birth Problem by Schonfield, Hugh J.
Wisdom for People of all Faiths: Ten Ways to Connect with God by Moffic, Rabbi Evan
Sozialdemokratie und Antisemitismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich zwischen 1890 und 1914 by Jürgens, Peer
Judaism from Above the Clouds: A Handbook for the Wondering Jew by Estrin, Leibel
Tikkun Klali: Rebbe Nahman of Bratzlav's Ten Remedies for the Soul by Nahman of Bratzlav, Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
The Jonathan Sacks Haggada: The Applbaum Edition by Sacks, Jonathan
Das Hohelied by Carlebach, Joseph
The Non-Jew's Guide to Jewish Ceremonies by Reynolds, Elizabeth
Elohim Phenomenon: Torah, Science and Math by McClain, I. D.
Slavery, Freedom, and Everything Between: The Why, How and What of Passover by Artson, Bradley Shavit
The Jewish Manifesto: How Judaism Can Revolutionize Your Life and Afterlife by Stein, Jacob
The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels by González-Wippler, Migene
Liberales Judentum und jüdische Tradition by Carlebach, Joseph
Renegatentum des Geistes by Carlebach, Joseph
Die Drei Grossen Phopheten by Carlebach, Joseph
Political Theologies in the Holy Land: Israeli Messianism and its Critics by Ohana, David
LOS CUENTOS DEL RABI NAJMAN (Sipurey Maasiot) by Breslov, Rabi Najman De
Rav Shlomo Carlebaj CUENTOS: Juntos - Todos Santidad by Carlebaj, Rav Shlomo
Hugh Schonfield by Power, Owen
Hugh Schonfield: A Case Study of Complex Jewish Identities by Power, Owen
A Mystical Passover: A Transformational Passover Haggadah by Kaplan, Mark Allan
The Art of Amazement Haggada: Leader's Edition by Seinfeld, Alexander
Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte by Staerk, W.
Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte by Staerk, W.
Gems From The Talmud by Myers, Isidore
Rewriting and Interpreting the Hebrew Bible: The Biblical Patriarchs in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls by
Theologie(n) an der Universität by
Rabbi - Pastor - Priest: Their Roles and Profiles Through the Ages by
The Art of Amazement Haggada: Freedom Edition by Seinfeld, Alexander
Yeshiva Boys: Poems by Lehman, David
Public Relations and Nation Building: Influencing Israel by McKie, David, Toledano, Margalit
A Christian Passover in the Jewish Tradition by Simon, David, Simon, Chelsea, Simon, Sarah
The Painless Passover: A Passover Seder Haggadah by Benger, Lisa
Narratives and Jewish Bioethics by Crane, J.
Narratives and Jewish Bioethics by Crane, J.
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Jewish Community of Ostrow Mazowiecka by
Jews and Jewishness in British Children's Literature by Travis, Madelyn
YaHuWaH TORAH by Merrick, Daniel W.
La Tora del Rebe Najman - Numeros/Deuteronomio - BaMidbar/Devarim: Ideas de Breslov sobre la lectura semanal de la Tora by Kramer, Jaim, De Breslov, Rebe Najman
The New Messianic Version of the Bible: The Prophets by Rose, Tov
The Legacy of Moses and Akhenaten by Lebold, Sheldon L.
Mixed Marriages: Intermarriage and Group Identity in the Second Temple Period by
Jewish Women in Enlightenment Berlin by Naimark-Goldberg, Natalie
Desiring in the Name of the Father: Monotheism and Sexual Difference by Laor, Emmett
The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah: First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version by
Zohar, El. Libro del Esplendor -V2* by
The Gods Are Broken!: The Hidden Legacy of Abraham by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Rewriting Sarah: A thesis by Jennifer Read by Read, Jennifer
Turn It and Turn It Again: Studies in the Teaching and Learning of Classical Jewish Texts by
Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction by Franklin, Ruth
Jewish Men Pray: Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources by
The Magic of Hebrew Chant: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love by Gold, Shefa
Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe by Brown, Erica
On the Edge of the Abyss by Chameides, Kalman, Chameides, Leon
Jewish Men Pray: Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources by
Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food by Lytton, Timothy D.
Only Yesterday: Collected Pieces on the Jews of Toronto by Kayfetz, Benjamin, Speisman, Stephen A.
The Magic of Hebrew Chant Companion: The Big Book of Musical Notations and Incantations by Gold, Shefa
The Magic of Hebrew Chant: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love by Gold, Shefa
The Sages of Our Tradition: Interpreters of the Tanakh and Talmud by Mazansky, Cyril
Two Minutes of Torah: Short Essays on the Weekly Parsha by Sobol, Ephraim
Two Minutes of Torah: Short Essays on the Weekly Parsha by Sobol, Ephraim
The Kebra Negast (the Book of the Glory of Kings), with 15 original illustrations (Aziloth Books) by
Hearing the Voice of God: In Search of Prophecy by Schreiber, Mordecai
Through the Gates: A Practice for Counting the Omer by Windle, Susan
American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society by Magid, Shaul
The Geonim of Babylonia and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish Culture by Brody, Robert
Sonnenfinsternis: Tragödie by Holz, Arno
The Power of Kabbalah: Ghodrat-e Kabala by Berg, Yehuda
The New Messianic Version: The Writings by Rose, Tov
Philo of Alexandria's Exposition of the Tenth Commandment by Svebakken, Hans
Rabbi Akiba's Messiah: The Origins of Rabbinic Authority by Gruber, Daniel
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Rosh Hodesh (Weekdays) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Mahar Hodesh (Shabbat am Haftarah) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Six Years of Hitler (RLE Responding to Fascism): The Jews Under the Nazi Regime by Warburg, G.
The Death Camps of Croatia: Visions and Revisions, 1941-1945 by Israeli, Raphael
The American Jewish Story Through Cinema by Goldman, Eric A.
Where Earth and Heaven Kiss: A Guide to Rebbe Nachman's Path of Meditation by Bergman, Ozer
The Religious Census of 1851: Northumberland and County Durham by
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 9 by
Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190, Narratives and Contexts by
The Jews: Fact and Fiction by Grusd, Edward E.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yetze (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Gender and Timebound Commandments in Judaism by Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks
Making Memory by Vincent, Alana
Making Memory by Vincent, Alana
A Jew's Best Friend?: The Image of the Dog Throughout Jewish History by
A Jew's Best Friend?: The Image of the Dog Throughout Jewish History by
The Truth Behind Truths Volume I: John 8:32 "And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free." by Boswell, Cedric
The Truth Behind Truths Volume I: John 8:32 "And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free." by Boswell, Cedric
The Non-Jew's Guide to Jewish Holidays by Reynolds, Elizabeth
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yetze (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Black and White: Exposing the lies taught by the Church by Gillispie, James N.
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