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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2015

Toward an Anthropology of Nation Building and Unbuilding in Israel by
The Sacred and Modernity in Urban Spain: Beyond the Secular City by
Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Dialogue: After the Flood, before the Rainbow by
After the Holocaust the Bells Still Ring by Polak, Joseph
Imagining Jewish Authenticity: Vision and Text in American Jewish Thought by Koltun-Fromm, Ken
Jesus Reclaimed: Jewish Perspectives on the Nazarene by Homolka, Rabbi Walter
Gateways Haggadah: A Seder for the Whole Family by Redner, Rebecca
A Life Impacted By Rabbis: Writings & Poems by Joiner Spero Mlis, Rebbetzin Sheryl L.
The Laws & Customs of Purim by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
Judaism by Abrahams, Israel
Die Kabbalah: Einführung in die jüdische Mystik und Geheimwissenschaft by Bischoff, Erich
Apollo 11: On The Arrival Of The Messiah: The Secret Knowledge Of Al-Qur'an-al Azeem by A. Sign of the Hour, Ibrahim the Beast
Ethics in Ancient Israel by Barton, John
Scripture and Tradition: Rabbi Akiva and the Triumph of Midrash by Yadin-Israel, Azzan
The Battle of Our Generation by Of Our Generation, The Battle
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Arba Parashiyot by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
God of Becoming & Relationship Study Guide by Artson, Bradley Shavit, Roller, Nathan A.
Reading Maimonides' Mishneh Torah by Gillis, David
God of Becoming & Relationship Study Guide by Artson, Bradley Shavit, Roller, Nathan A.
Exil und Identität. Form- und Inhaltsanalyse der "Verhandlung im Tor" (Rut 4: 1-10) by Hohler, Mona
Gamala II: Jesus Birth Place by Pagan Frc, Gaspar
Standing In The Blazing Light Of God: Thoughts & Stories Of A Modern Rabbi by Spero J. D., Rabbi Gary M.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Rosh Hodesh Collection by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Rebecca Gratz: Women and Judaism in Antebellum America by Ashton, Dianne
Cuatro Lecciones del Rabí Najmán de Breslov by De Breslov, Rebe Najman, De Breslov, Rabi Natan
The Origin and History of Hebrew Law by Smith, J. M. Powis
Stairway to Heaven: A Novice's Guide to Traditional Jewish Prayer by Newman, Zale
Converts to Judaism: Stories from Biblical Times to Today by Epstein, Lawrence J.
Rabbanan: Die Gelehrten Der Tradition by Bacher, W.
Pea (Vom Ackerwinkel): Text, Übersetzung Und Erklärung. Nebst Einem Textkritischen Anhang by Bauer, Walter
Qabbalah: The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol by Myer, Isaac
Divine Image: Laws of Noah by Cohen, Rav Yakov David
Spiritual Kneading through the Jewish Months: Building the Sacred through Challah by Abraham-Klein, Dahlia
Burning Children: A Jewish View of the War in Gaza by Ellis, Marc H.
Conceptual Laws and Customs of Christmas by Kasser, Joseph
Coup d'oeil sur l'histoire du peuple juif by Darmesteter, James
Israel and Empire: A Postcolonial History of Israel and Early Judaism by Carter, Warren, Perdue, Leo G.
Answering a Question with a Question: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought (Vol. II). a Tradition of Inquiry by Henik, Libby, Aron, Lewis
The Bloomsbury Companion to Jewish Studies by
Israel and Empire: A Postcolonial History of Israel and Early Judaism by Carter, Warren, Perdue, Leo G.
Israel Matters Revised Edition by House, Behrman
Stairway to Heaven: A Novice's Guide to Traditional Jewish Prayer by Newman, Zale
Mashiach: The Last Scion by A. Sign of the Hour, Ibrahim the Beast
Biblia Interlineal Español Hebreo: Para Leer en Hebreo by Peretz, Yojanan Ben
Biblia Interlineal Español Hebreo: Para Leer en Hebreo by Peretz, Yojanan Ben
Biblia Interlineal Español Hebreo: Para Leer En Hebreo by Peretz, Yojanan Ben
BIblia Interlineal Español Hebreo: La Restauracion by Peretz, Yojanan Ben
Biblia Interlineal Español Hebreo: Para Leer en Hbreo by Peretz, Yojanan Ben
Messianic Jews and their Holiday Practice: History, Analysis and Gentile Christian Interest by Van De Poll, Evert W.
The Mystery of Avraham's Lamb: The Jewish Story that Changed the World by Kirk, Sandy D.
Imagining Jewish Authenticity: Vision and Text in American Jewish Thought by Koltun-Fromm, Ken
The Debate Over Jewish Achievement: Exploring the Nature and Nurture of Human Accomplishment by Pease, Steven L.
The Debate Over Jewish Achievement: Exploring the Nature and Nurtue of Jewish Achievement by Pease, Steven L.
Non-Retaliation in Early Jewish and New Testament Texts: Ethical Themes in Social Contexts by Zerbe, Gordon
Ccar Journal - Reform Jewish Quarterly Fall 2014 by
Repentance at Qumran: The Penitential Framework of Religious Experience in the Dead Sea Scrolls by Jason, Mark A.
The European Union, Antisemitism, and the Politics of Denial by Elman, R. Amy
Song of the Creator: Revealing the Super-Intelligent Design of the Pentateuch by Bar-Ron, Rabbi Michael Shelomo
On the Wings of a Child's Prayer: and 51 Other Inspiring Stories From the Pages of Kashrus Magazine by Kashrus Magazine
Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence by Held, Shai
What Every Christian Needs to Know about Passover: What It Means and Why It Matters by Moffic, Evan
Stranger In My Own Country by Mounk, Yascha
Of Mirrors & Apple Trees: The Lomdus of Peru u-Revu by Meth, Rabbi Ephraim
A Time for Courage, A Time for Hope by Saks, David
The Book Of Enoch With YAHUAH's Name Restored: A Critical Review Of The Text by Merrick, Daniel W.
Esther Unmasked: Solving Eleven Mysteries of the Jewish Holidays and Liturgy by First, Mitchell
Outcry: Holocaust Memoirs by Steinberg, Manny
The Haggadah for the Generations 2015: Helping connect the Seder to your family's history by Silver, Rabbi Aryeh
Letters of Light by Epstein, Kalonymus Kalman, Wineman, Aryeh
Letters of Light by Epstein, Kalonymus Kalman, Wineman, Aryeh
Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature by Various
The Harp and the Shield of David: Ireland, Zionism and the State of Israel by Eliash, Shulamit
Anti-Semitism and Its Metaphysical Origins by Patterson, David
El Zohar: Anotaciones al Comentario de Rav Yehuda Ashlag by Laitman, Michael, Ashlag, Yehuda
Antichrist, The Vatican and the Great Deception by Mitchell, Bob
Cabala para el Principiante by Ashlag, Yehuda
Los Escritos Sociales De Rabash by Ashlag, Baruch Shalom
Mundos Superiores by Laitman, Michael
La Voz De La Cabala by Laitman, Michael
Torre de Babel ? Ultimo piso by Laitman, Michael
Cabala; Alcanzando Los Mundos Superiores by Laitman, Michael
My Very Own Purim Guide by Alevsky, Chayim B.
The Temple in Text and Tradition: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert Hayward by
Gender and Timebound Commandments in Judaism by Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks
Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question by Wolf, Lucien
One God by Stepakoff, Michael
Juden auf Wanderschaft by Roth, Joseph
El Punto en el Corazon: Fuente de placer para mi alma by Laitman, Michael
The Baseball Haggadah: A Festival of Freedom and Springtime in 15 Innings by Forman, Sharon G.
Ancient Paleo Hebrew Aleph Bet Coloring Book: Activity and Vocabulary Aleph Bet Coloring Book by Scheiner, Jeremy M., Scheiner, Jennie
A Fire Burns in Kotsk: A Tale of Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland by
Dominikaner Und Juden / Dominicans and Jews: Personen, Konflikte Und Perspektiven Vom 13. Bis Zum 20. Jahrhundert / Personalities, Conflicts, and Pers by
Diaspora als Wüstenzeit by Ziegert, Carsten
European Muslim Antisemitism: Why Young Urban Males Say They Don't Like Jews by Jikeli, Günther
Shamati (Jag horde) by Ashlag, Yehuda
The Cat That Ate the Cannoli by Barbara Aiello, Rabbi
Abriendo el Zohar by Laitman, Michael
Kabbalah Onthuld: Een Ieders Gids voor een Vrediger Leven by Laitman, Michael
Siddur Farhi: Daily Prayers - Hebrew with Arabic Translation by Farhi, Dr Hillel Yaacob
God Intervenes in the Middle East by Kremers, Marion F.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Terumah (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Terumah (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Hebrew Wisdom Kabbalah by Altaf Hakohen, Rabbi Simon
Discovering the Rabbi Within: A Memoir by Groesberg, Sc D. D. H. L. Rabbi Sholom
Das Licht der Kabbalah: Die Einführung in das Wesen der Kabbala by Laitman, Michael
Leben aus der Kabbala: Das Handbuch für den spirituellen Weg by Laitman, Michael
Kabbala für Anfänger: Grundlagentexte zur Vorbereitung auf das Studium der authentischen Kabbala by Ashlag, Baruch, Laitman, Michael, Ashlag, Yehuda
Uniting the World Kli - Intentions: Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Congress Buffalo New York by Laitman, Michael
World Zohar Convention by Laitman, Michael
Religiöse Sucher in Der Moderne: Konversionen Vom Judentum Zum Protestantismus in Wien Um 1900 by Schweighofer, Astrid
The Nowhere Bible: Utopia, Dystopia, Science Fiction by Uhlenbruch, Frauke
Does the Soul Survive? (2nd Edition): A Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives & Living with Purpose by Spitz, Elie Kaplan
Zohar Convention by Laitman, Michael
Judaism by Abrahams, Israel
Jewish Anxiety and the Novels of Philip Roth by Kaplan, Brett Ashley
Does the Soul Survive? (2nd Edition): A Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives & Living with Purpose by Spitz, Elie Kaplan
Everyone in Love: The Beautiful Theology of Rav Yehuda Lev Ashlag by Gindin, Matthew
The Book of Judith: Old Testament Scripture by Bethea-Jones, Karoline, Society, American Bible
Female Bodies, Male Souls: Asceticism and Gender in the Jewish Tradition by Rapoport-Albert, Ada
Rabbis, Rebbes, and Rebels: The Polemics of East European Thought in the Modern Period by Nadler, Allan
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Mandating a Better Righteousness by
Gil Hodges: A Hall of Fame Life by Zachter, Mort
Jews and Genes: The Genetic Future in Contemporary Jewish Thought by
No Joke: Making Jewish Humor by Wisse, Ruth R.
Raggiungere i Mondi Superiori by Laitman, Michael
The JPS Bible Commentary: Song of Songs by Fishbane, Michael
The Hasty Haggadah by House, Rosa
In God's Image by Lorberbaum, Yair
Research in Jewish Demography and Identity by Lederhendler, Eli, Rebhun, Uzi
Introducción a la Sabiduría de la Cabalá: Curso de Estudio de los Fundamentos de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá by Laitman, Michael
A Revelação do Livro do Zohar em Nosso Tempo by Laitman, Michael
Cabala - Alcançando Mundos superiores by Laitman, Michael
Fruto de um Sábio: Cartas Do Baal Hasulam by Laitman, Michael
Mundos Superiores: é um guia prático by Laitman, Michael
O Ponto no Coração: A Fonte de Prazer para Minha Alma by Laitman, Michael
O Zohar by Laitman, Michael
Sabedoria Maravilhosa by Kellogg, Michael
Cabala, Ciência e o Significado da Vida by Laitman, Michael
A Cabala Revelada: O Guia da Pessoa Comum para uma Vida Mais Tranquila by Laitman, Michael
Ha Shem Halakhah: Walk In The Name by Merrick, Daniel W.
A Voz da Cabala by Laitman, Michael
Conceitos Básicos da Cabalá: A Árvore da Vida by Laitman, Michael
O Livreto das Intenções by Laitman, Michael
O Livro Aberto by Laitman, Michael
La Historia Universal De La Humanidad: A través de la Sabiduría de la Cabala by Jachaturian, Valeria, Laitman, Michael
O Sábio Coração: Contos e Alegorias de Três Sábios Contemporâneos by Laitman, Michael
Os Segredos do Livro Eterno: O Significado das Histórias do Pentateuco by Vinokur, Semion
Shamati (Eu Ouvi) by Hasulam, Baal, Ashlag, Yahuda
Um Guia para a Sabedoria Oculta da Cabala by Laitman, Michael
Cabalá para o Estudante by Ashlag, Yehuda, Ashlag, Baruch, Laitman, Michael
Como um Feixe de Juncos: Como a União e a Responsabilidade Mútua São a Necessidade do Momento by Laitman, Michael
Judaising Movements: Studies in the Margins of Judaism in Modern Times by
Digital Judaism: Jewish Negotiations with Digital Media and Culture by
Birth, Sex and Abuse: Women's Voices Under Nazi Rule (Winner: Canadian Jewish Literary Award, CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title and USA Nati by Chalmers (Dsc(med) Phd), Beverley
Motive and the Disappeared Mitzvot: [The Heretical Distortion of Orthodox Judaism in our times] by Schwartz, Miriam
Haggadah Shel Pesach: The Telling of the Pesach Service by Knapp, Brian
Meaning and Context in the Thanksgiving Hymns: Linguistic and Rhetorical Perspectives on a Collection of Prayers from Qumran by Hasselbalch, Trine Bjørnung
Meaning and Context in the Thanksgiving Hymns: Linguistic and Rhetorical Perspectives on a Collection of Prayers from Qumran by Hasselbalch, Trine Bjørnung
Alive by Benyaminson, E.
Hasidism as Mysticism: Quietistic Elements in Eighteenth-Century Hasidic Thought by Uffenheimer, Rivka Schatz
Bits of Torah Truths, Volume 2, Studying with the rabbis: Learn how studying the Torah can transform your understanding of Yeshua, your faith, and you by Miller, Duane D.
Zionism and Judaism by Novak, David
Likud Leaders: The Lives and Careers of Menahem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon by Mitchell, Thomas G.
The Broken and the Whole: Discovering Joy After Heartbreak by Sherman, Charles S.
The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust by Beer, Edith Hahn, Dworkin, Susan
African-Israel Magazine 2015 March: Y'sra'el is Black by Altaf Hakohen, Rabbi Simon
Jewish Lunacy: 6000 Years of Tradition, Pride, and Stories as Told by Someone Who Missed the First 5,960 Years by Eric Aka the Tygrrrr Express
Jewish Lunacy: 6000 Years of Tradition, Pride, and Stories as Told by Someone Who Missed the First 5,960 Years by Eric Aka the Tygrrrr Express
Der Mythos bei den Hebräern und seine geschichtliche Entwicklung by Goldziher, Ignaz
Eternally Yours - Volume 2: The Collected Letters of Reb Noson of Breslov by Of Breslov, Reb Noson
New Membership & Financial Alternatives for the American Synagogue: From Traditional Dues to Fair Share to Gifts from the Heart by Olitzky, Avi S., Olitzky, Kerry M.
Jewish Wisdom for Growing Older: Finding Your Grit and Grace Beyond Midlife by Friedman, Dayle A.
HEBRAIC INSIGHTS - Messages Exploring the Hebrew Roots of Christian Faith by Brusherd, Yosef
The Kingly Sanctuary by Kugel, James
Jewish Wisdom for Growing Older: Finding Your Grit and Grace Beyond Midlife by Friedman, Dayle A.
New Membership & Financial Alternatives for the American Synagogue: From Traditional Dues to Fair Share to Gifts from the Heart by Olitzky, Kerry M., Olitzky, Avi S.
My Father's Journey: A Memoir of Lost Worlds of Jewish Lithuania by Reguer, Sara
Stefan Zweig and World Literature: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives by
Beginning From Moses And All The Prophets by Johnson, Greg
The Gift Giver: Angels in Israel by Woods, Margie
Jewish Values in Genesis Journal by House, Behrman
Jewish Values in Genesis Lpm by House, Behrman
Abarbanel - Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Devarim (Deuteronomy by Abarbanel, Yitzchok
Judaism's Promise, Meeting the Challenge of Modernity by Itzkoff, Seymour W.
Discovering the Jewish Roots of the Gospel of Matthew: Part of the "Discovering the Jewish Roots Commentary Series by Wadge, Rik B.
Abarbanel - Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Shemos (Exodus) by Abarbanel, Yitzchok
Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan by Scult, Mel
Abarbanel - Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Bamidbar (Numbers) by Abarbanel, Yitzchok
Abarbanel - Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Vayikra (Leviticus) by Abarbanel, Yitzchok
Aus dem Leben der Juden Deutschlands im Mittelalter by Berliner, Abraham
Tikkunei Zohar Revealed: The First Ever English Commentary by Siet, Mark
Abarbanel - Selected Commentaries on the Torah: Bereishis (Genesis) by Abarbanel, Yitzchok
The Secrets of Becoming Jewish by Kirsch, Nancy, Weiss, Rabbi Bernice
All Who Go Do Not Return: A Memoir by Deen, Shulem
Shofar by Finkle, Arthur
Call Upon Me by Gray, Ahuvah
Don't Call Me Christian: A truly Jewish story by Liberman, Paul, Wasson, Jack
The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code by Prager, Dennis
Sefer ha Zohar Vol.1 (English) by Bar Yochai, Shimon
The Night That Unites Passover Haggadah: Teachings, Stories, and Questions from Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Carlebach by Goldscheider, Aaron
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