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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2016

Successful Synagogue Fundraising Today: Overcoming the Fear of Asking for Money by Mersky, David a., Harmon, Abigail
Sermons Preached on Various Occasions at the West London Synagogue of British Jews by Marks, David Woolf
Scrolls: Essays on Jewish History and Literature, and Kindred Subjects by Deutsch, Gotthard
Moises y la Religion Monoteista (Spanish Edition) by Freud, Sigmund
Joshua, Judges and Ruth: A Devotional Look at the Conquest of Canaan and Israel's Leadership Under her Judges by Mac Leod, F. Wayne
The Book of Psalms by Elliott, Charles John, Johnson, George Henry Sacheverell, Cook, F. C. 1810-1889
Early Lessons in the Jewish Religion: Adapted From the Smaller Catechism of Giuseppe Levi, and Illustrated by Quotations From the Bible by Levi, Giuseppe
The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State by Kuenen, Abraham, May, Alfred Heath
A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth by Picciotto, M. H., Reggio, Isaac Samuele
An Introduction to the Old Testament, Critical, Historical, and Theological: Containing a Discussion of the Most Important Questions Belonging to the by Davidson, Samuel
The Negative Criticism and the Old Testament: An all Around Survey of the Negative Criticism From the Orthodox Point of View: With Some Particular Ref by Schmauk, Theodore Emanuel
The Evolution of the Messianic Idea: A Study in Comparative Religion by Oesterley, W. O. E.
Beyond Innocence & Redemption by Ellis, Marc H.
Exodus by
Scripture History: Simply Arranged For The Use Of Jewish Schools by Pyke, C., N. y. ).
The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Antisemitism by Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah
Juden auf Wanderschaft (Großdruck): Ein Essay by Roth, Joseph
A Passover Haggadah: The Passover Exodus Story by Goldman, Carol D., Douglas, David a.
Disintegration of the Atom and Petersburg Winters by Ivanov, Georgy
Coming of Age in Jewish America: Bar and Bat Mitzvah Reinterpreted by Munro, Patricia Keer
Discourses, Argumentative and Devotional, the Subject of the Jewish Religion. Delivered Chiefly at the Synagogue Mikveh Israel, in Philadelphia, in th by Leeser, Isaac
Stories From the Old Testament for Children by Beale, Harriet S. Blaine
Dialogue de saint Justin avec le juif Tryphon by De Naplouse, Justin
A Collection of Thoughts; or, Key to Scripture. An Explanation of the Old and New Testaments, According to Reason, Nature and Existing Facts by Stone, Jacob L.
The Jewish Question and the key to its Solution by Green, Max
The Laws & Customs of Rosh Chodesh by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
Coming of Age in Jewish America: Bar and Bat Mitzvah Reinterpreted by Munro, Patricia Keer
Complete Jewish Bible: An English Version by David H. Stern - Updated by Stern, David H.
The Renewal of Palestine in the Jewish Imagination by Ellis, Marc H.
The Hebrew Prophets for English Readers in the Language of the Revised Version of the English Bible, Printed in Their Poetical Form With Headings and by Woods, Francis Henry, Powell, Francis
Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecy: As Exhibited in Ancient History and Modern Travels by Wickens, Stephen B.
The Renewal of Palestine in the Jewish Imagination by Ellis, Marc H.
The Ten Commandments by Moody, D. L.
National Religion: Sermons on the Ten Commandments by Menzies, Allan
Tetzaveh Chumash Workbook by Silver, Aryeh
Informal Justice in Contemporary Society by Li-On, Lee
After One-Hundred-And-Twenty: Reflecting on Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition by Halkin, Hillel
Koren Shavuot Mahzor, Ashkenaz by Sacks, Jonathan
Sugyos Mezuza Expanded: A Compilation of Soures on Hilchos Mezuza by Blinder, Yissachar Dov
Sugyos Mezuza: A Compilation of Sources on Hilchos Mezuza by Blinder, Yisachar Dov
La verdad de la verdad by León, Victor
La verdad de la verdad by León, Victor
Horae Sabbaticae: or, An Attempt to Correct Certain Superstitious and Vulgar Errors Respecting the Sabbath by Higgins, Godfrey
The Religion of Israel Under the Kingdom. Kerr Lectures, Delivered in the United Free Church College, Glasgow, During Session 1911-12 by Welch, Adam Cleghorn
Rashi by Liber, Maurice, Szold, Adele
Esther and her Times, in a Series of Lectures on the Book of Esther by Lowrie, John Marshall
Footsteps in the way of Life: A Collection of Appropriate Texts for Guidance and Comfort From Holy Scripture by Salaman, Annette A.
Leopold Zunz: His Life and Times by Zimmels, H. J.
Judaistic Christianity: A Course of Lectures by Hort, Fenton John Anthony, Murray, J. O. F. 1858-1944
On the Height: Five Sermons by Moses, Isaac S.
The Ritual by Adler, H.
The Text of Habakkuk; by Eakin, Thomas
On Prophets, Warriors, and Kings: Former Prophets Through the Eyes of Their Interpreters by
Studies on Baruch: Composition, Literary Relations, and Reception by
My Haggadah by Klein, Gabriel
The Message of the Hour: Four Sermons Delivered on the new Years' day, and the day of Atonement, 5651-1890 by Moses, Isaac S.
The Zohar: Reception and Impact by Huss, Boaz
Quest For Truth: A True Story Of One Man's Search For Truth by Washington, Tommie Lee, III
Ethics and Suffering Since the Holocaust: Making Ethics First Philosophy in Levinas, Wiesel and Rubenstein by Anderson, Ingrid
Commentary of Abarbanel on the Torah: Genesis - Parashat Bereishit by Miller, Hal
The Wisdom of Solomon and Us: The Quest for Meaning, Morality and a Deeper Relationship with God by D. Angel, Marc
Deathbed Wisdom of the Hasidic Masters: The Book of Departure and Caring for People at the End of Life by
The Literary Remains of the Rev. Simeon Singer: Sermons by Singer, Simeon
Deathbed Wisdom of the Hasidic Masters: The Book of Departure and Caring for People at the End of Life by
The Story of Samuel by Juster Th D., Daniel C.
The Wisdom of Solomon and Us: The Quest for Meaning, Morality and a Deeper Relationship with God by D. Angel, Marc
Mystery of Black Fire, White Fire: Science, Kabbalah, and the Question of Beginnings by Friedman, Bruce
Mystery of Black Fire, White Fire: Science, Kabbalah, and the Question of Beginnings by Friedman, Bruce
The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Williams, Paul
Early Old Testament Narrative: Thirty-Six Lessons for Advanced Classes by Pulsford, William Hanson
The Books of Chronicles in Relation to the Pentateuch and the "Higher Criticism.": Five Lectures Delivered Before the "Society for Promoting Higher Re by Hervey, Arthur Charles
The Theology of the Old Testament, Or, a Biblical Sketch of the Religious Opinions of the Ancient Hebrews, Extr. and Tr. [By P. Harwood] by Bauer, Georg Lorenz
Hosea by Cheyne, Thomas Kelly
The Pentateuch and Its Relation to the Jewish and Christian Dispensations by Norton, Andrews
The Heroes and Crises of Early Hebrew History From the Creation to the Death of Moses by Kent, Charles Foster
Judaism and Its Traditions: The Conversion of a Hebrew Rabbi by Goldman, Joseph
The Life and Growth of Israel: A Brief Old Testament History by Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne
A History of the New Testament Times, Volume 2 by Hausrath, Adolf, Poynting, Charles T., Quenzer, Philip
The Testimony of God Against Slavery by Sunderland, La Roy
The Theological Aspect of Reformed Judaism by Margolis, Max Leopold
The Modern Hebrew and the Hebrew Christian by Bassin, Elieser
Lectures On the History of the Jewish Church, Volume 3 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Two Dissertations On Sacrifices: The First On All the Sacrifices of the Jews, With Remarks On Some of Those of the Heathens; the Second On the Sacrifi by Owtram, William
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 5 by Orton, Job
Scrolls: Essays On Jewish History and Literature, and Kindred Subjects, Volume 1 by Deutsch, Gotthard
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 2 by Gentleman, Robert, Orton, Job
The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua in the Light of the Science and Moral Sense of Our Age: A Complement to All Criticisms of the Text by Willis, Robert
The Hebrew Prophets: Or, Patriots and Leaders of Israel; a Textbook for Students of the High School Age and Above by Chamberlin, Georgia Louise
The Genesis of Genesis by Bacon, Benjamin Wisner
The Zohar, Pritzker Edition, Volume Ten by
Methods of Teaching Primary Grades by Jacobs, Ella
A Rational of the Ritual of the Hebrew Worship: In Which the Wise Designs and Usefulness of That Ritual Are Explained, and Vindicated From Objections by Lowman, Moses
Sermons Preached On Various Occasions at the West London Synagogue of British Jews by Marks, David Woolf
Hebrew Criticism and Poetry: Or the Patriarchal Blessings of Isaac And of Jacob, Metrically Analysed And Translated: With Appendixes of Readings An by Clarke, George Somers
The Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible: A Study of the Elements of Hebrew Life in Their Development From the Beginnings to the Time of Christ by Soares, Theodore Gerald
Questions and Notes, Critical and Practical, Upon the Book of Exodus: Designed As a General Help to Biblical Instruction by Bush, George
An Introduction to the Old Testament, Critical, Historical, and Theological: Containing a Discussion of the Most Important Questions Belonging to the by Davidson, Samuel
Christian Instruction in the History, Types, and Prophecies of the Old Testament by Corder, Susanna
The Historical Bases of Religions: Primitive, Babylonian and Jewish by Brown, Hiram Chellis
Hebrew Religion to the Establishment of Judaism Under Ezra by Addis, William Edward
Reasons for Believing That the Charge Lately Revived Against the Jewish People Is a Baseless Falsehood by McCaul, Alexander
The Newer Criticism and the Analogy of the Faith: A Reply to Lectures by W. Robertson Smith ... On the Old Testament in the Jewish Church by Watts, Robert
Kabbalah and Jewish Modernity by Weinstein, Roni
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Chronologically Arranged by Creelman, Harlan
Deeper Than Oblivion: Trauma and Memory in Israeli Cinema by
An Essay On the Authenticity of the Book of Daniel by Fuller, John Mee
Academic Lectures On the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities, Volume 1 by Palfrey, John Gorham
Methods of Teaching Jewish History: Senior Grade by Calisch, Edward Nathaniel
Tefilat Lev Tzipor Rabin: A Special Edition Prayer Book by Lobb, Rabbi Shafir
What is Modern Israel? by Rabkin, Yakov M.
The Work and Teachings of the Earlier Prophets by Kent, Charles Foster, Smith, Robert Seneca
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 3 by Gentleman, Robert, Orton, Job
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary On the Book of Esther, Volume 24 by Paton, Lewis Bayles
The Jews and Ritual Murders of Christian Babies by Lyutostansky, Ippolit Iosifovich
Academic Lectures On the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities: Prophets, Continued and Concluded by Palfrey, John Gorham
Biblical Criticism On the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament: Also On the First Nine Prophetical Books, Volume 3 by Horsley, Samuel
The Broken Walls of Jerusalem and the Rebuilding of Them by Warner, Susan
An Appendix to Sayings of the Jewish Fathers: Containing a Catalogue of Manuscripts and Notes On the Text of Aboth by Taylor, Charles
Yohale Sarah: Containing Religious Duties of the Daughters of Israel and Moral Helps by Hirschowitz, Abraham Eber
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 1 by Orton, Job, Gentleman, Robert
Hebrew Politics in the Times of Sargon and Sennacherib by Strachey, Edward
Genesis; Or, the First Book of Moses by Browne, E. Harold
The Country Rabbi & The City Rabbi by Fouke Ph. D., George L.
Who Are the Netzarim? by Ben-David, Yirmeyahu
Eminent Israelites of the Nineteenth Century: A Series of Biographical Sketches by Morais, Henry Samuel
Biblical Criticism On the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament: Also On the First Nine Prophetical Books, Volume 2 by Horsley, Samuel
The Bible and Rationalism, Or, Answer to Difficulties, Volume 3 by Thein, John
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 4 by Orton, Job
The Law of Hammurabi and Moses: A Sketch by Grimme, Hubert
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and Practical Reflections, for the Use of Families, Volume 6 by Orton, Job, Gentleman, Robert
Biblical Criticism On the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament; Also On the First Nine Prophetical Books, Volume 4 by Horsley, Samuel
Messianisch-juedische Theologie verstehen: Erkundung und Darstellung einer Bewegung by Harvey, Richard
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Hukat (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament: With Analyses and Illustrative Literature by Stearns, Oakman Sprague
Dissertations On the Prophecies of the Old Testament in Two Parts, Volume 2 by Levi, David
The Lord's Prayer and the ten Commandments by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Essays and Miscellanies by Aguilar, Sarah, Aguilar, Grace
Academical Lectures On the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities: Genesis and Prophets by Palfrey, John Gorham
Is Slavery Sanctioned by the Bible? A Premium Tract by Allen, Isaac
Hair, Headwear, and Orthodox Jewish Women: Kallah's Choice by Milligan, Amy K.
Interreligiöse Theologie by Meir, Ephraim
Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude by Witherington, Ben, III
The Bible History of the Holy Land by Kitto, John
Maxims and Proverbs of Bible and Talmud ... by Friedman, D. A.
A Dramatization of the Book of Job, the Problem of Human Suffering by Stevens, James Stacy
The Primitive Sabbath Restored by Christ: An Historical Argument Derived From Ancient Records of China, Egypt, and Other Lands by Johnston, James
Geschichte des Volkes Israel: Die Altertümer des Volkes Israel by Ewald, Heinrich
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 14 by The Institute of Jewish Law, Boston Univ
Atonement in the Biblical New Covenant by Ben-David, Yirmeyahu
The Sanctuary in the Psalms: Exploring the Paradox of God's Transcendence and Immanence by Dunn, Steven
New Testament People: A Rabbi's Notes by Apple, Raymond
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Hukat-Balak (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect by Moore, George Foot
Rabash Articles: Shlavey Sulam -Articles 1984-1987 by Ashlag, Baruch Shalom
Kikar Laaden by Azulai, R. Chaim Yosef David
Deceptive Images: Towards a Redefinition of American Judaism by Liebman, Charles S.
El Mundo del Guer by Clorfene, Chaim, Katz, David
Literary Imagination in Jewish Antiquity by Mroczek, Eva
Fractured Faiths / Las Fes Fracturadas: Spanish Judaism, the Inquisition, and New World Identities / El Judaísmo Español, La Inquisición Y Identidades by Díaz, Josef, Hart, Ron D., Dávila, Roger L.
Answering a Question with a Question: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought (Vol. II). a Tradition of Inquiry by Aron, Lewis, Henik, Libby
Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud by Vidas, Moulie
Jonah and the Meaning of Our Lives: A Verse-By-Verse Contemporary Commentary by Bob, Steven
Taking Stock: Cultures of Enumeration in Contemporary Jewish Life by
Out of Control: Confrontations Between Spinoza and Levinas by Cohen, Richard A.
Summer Haven: The Catskills, the Holocaust, and the Literary Imagination by Levitsky, Holli, Brown, Phil
And You Shall Choose Life by Ashlag, Rav Yehuda
Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism by Arkush, Allan, Ivry, Alfred L., Wolfson, Elliot R.
Hineni Express: The Fast Track to Hebrew and Prayer by House, Behrman
Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis' Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion by Marrs, Texe W.
The Restoration and the Gifts of the Spirit by Jones, David E.
A Question of Interpretation and Understanding: Feasts, Holy Days and Kosher, are They For Today? by Debono-De-Laurentis D. a., M.
Different Discipleship: Jesus' Sermon on the Mount by Toms, Alan, Press, Hayes
The Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament by Kent, Charles Foster
Diary of an Angry Jewish African American Princess: : My EEOC Federally Employed Neighbors Complied with anti-Semitism like Nazis Germany and Upheld R by Tamar, Simhah
The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature by Collins, John J.
Judaisms: A Twenty-First-Century Introduction to Jews and Jewish Identities by Hahn Tapper, Aaron J.
Sotto Voce (TCG Edition) by Cruz, Nilo
Judaisms: A Twenty-First-Century Introduction to Jews and Jewish Identities by Hahn Tapper, Aaron J.
Menachem Fisch: The Rationality of Religious Dispute by
The Riddle of the Jew's Success by Roderich-Stoltheim, F.
Keeping God at the Center: Contemplating and Using the Prayerbook by Blumenthal, David R.
How Did Paul Define the Gospel to the Gentiles With-out the New Testament?: Understanding Sha'ul the Rabbi by Debono-De-Laurentis Mth Da, Max
Del Tabernáculo al Templo by Roitman, Adolfo D.
Degeneration and Revolution: Radical Cultural Politics and the Body in Weimar Germany by Heynen, Robert
Midrash Unbound: Transformations and Innovations by
Likutey Moharan. Vol. 1 by Of Breslov, Rabbi Nachman
Alabanza del Tzadik y Relato del Viaje del Rebe Najmán a la Tierra de Israel: (Shivjey HaRan) by de Breslnov, Rabi Natan, De Breslov, Rabi Najman
YOM KIPPUR The Day of Atonement by Appel, Rabbi Jim
Every Friday Shabbat Shalom From a Gentile Father: Blessings, Meditations, and E-Conversations by Rawlins, Larry
Why Open Orthodoxy Is Not Orthodox by Rosenthal, David
Great Leaders of Hebrew History From Manasseh to John the Baptist by Fowler, Henry Thatcher
Tishrei Thoughts: Shabbat Shuva essays in preparation for Yom Kippur by Greenberger, Ben Tzion
Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity by
Brit Olam, Prayer Book for Noahides in Russian by Noahide World Center, Brit Olam
Jenseits der Tradition? by
Let the Wise Listen and Add to Their Learning (Prov 1:5): Festschrift for Günter Stemberger on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday by
Becoming a Soulful Educator: How to Bring Jewish Learning from Our Minds, to Our Hearts, to Our Souls--And Into Our Lives by David, Rabbi Aryeh Ben
Morale Juive et Morale Chrétienne by Benamozegh, Elie
Dreams, Riddles, and Visions: Textual, Contextual, and Intertextual Approaches to the Book of Daniel by Segal, Michael
Wages of Cross-Bearing and Debt of Sin: The Economy of Heaven in Matthew's Gospel by Eubank, Nathan
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