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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2016

The Return to God Soul Kit: How to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by Shagalov, Rae
Sephirot: Emanations of The Infinite: A Reference Guide by Pefferman, Quentin
Ritual Innovation in the Hebrew Bible and Early Judaism by
The Process of Authority: The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts by
Mishkan R'fuah: Where Healing Resides by
Next Generation Judaism: How College Students and Hillel Can Help Reinvent Jewish Organizations by Uram, Rabbi Mike
The Heart of Loneliness: How Jewish Wisdom Can Help You Cope and Find Comfort and Community by Katz, Rabbi Marc
Next Generation Judaism: How College Students and Hillel Can Help Reinvent Jewish Organizations by Uram, Rabbi Mike
The Heart of Loneliness: How Jewish Wisdom Can Help You Cope and Find Comfort and Community by Katz, Rabbi Marc
Or, lumiere vivante by Myriam, Chriqui
Moses and the Prophets: The Old Testament in the Jewish Church by Green, William Henry
Across the Desert: A Life of Moses by Campbell, Samuel Miner
The Jewish Question and the Mission of the Jews by Waldstein, Charles
The Jew as Hungarian Patriot: Mor Wahrmann, 1831-1892 by
The Sense of Sight in Rabbinic Culture by Neis, Rachel
Shadows of Survival: A Child's Memoir of the Warsaw Ghetto by Keese, Kristine Rosenthal
Mar De Sefarad: Poemas by Benarroch, Mois
German Jews in Palestine, 1920-1948: Between Dream and Reality by Sonino, Claudia
The Tree of Life: Talks by Buntie Wills by Wills, Buntie
The Rag Race: How Jews Sewed Their Way to Success in America and the British Empire by Mendelsohn, Adam D.
Jewish Life in Austria and Germany Since 1945: Identity and Communal Reconstruction by Cohen-Weisz, Susanne
A Critical Theology of Genesis: The Non-Absolute God by Benyamini, Itzhak
Stories Too Scary For Children: Kids Horror Fiction and Mysticism For Druids, Magicians and Witches Ages 8 and Up by Fox, Jules
La Tora Explicada I: Genesis - Bereshit by Shlezinger, Aharon
The Torah of Challah: Giving Challah to the Kohen by Rivkin, Rabbi Peretz
Passionate Centrism: One Rabbi's Judaism by Fine, David J.
Jesus Magick by Kadmon, Baal
Sabbatai Ṣevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1626-1676 by Scholem, Gershom Gerhard
The People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature by Kirsch, Adam
The Tallit: Experience the Mysteries of the Prayer Shawl and Other Hidden Treasures by Kluge, Charlie
Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Necessary Mourning: Healing the Loss of a Parent through Jewish Ritual by Abraham-Klein, Dahlia
The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Eleven by
The Encounter with the Divine in Mesopotamia and Israel by Saggs, H. W. F.
The Privilege of Man: A Theme in Judaism, Islam and Christianity by Cragg, Kenneth
Two Different Promises: A Christian Perspective on Judaism by Bahmann, Manfred K.
The Vision of the Priestly Narrative: Its Genre and Hermeneutics of Time by Boorer, Suzanne
The Vision of the Priestly Narrative: Its Genre and Hermeneutics of Time by Boorer, Suzanne
Kaddish Chronicles: Reflections on Eleven Months of Saying Kaddish (Large Print Edition) by Kamenetzky, Rabbi Mordechai
Kirchen- und Ketzer-Almanach aufs Jahr 1781 by Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich
Communings of the Spirit: Exploring the Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, 1934-1941 Vol. 2 by
Defining Neighbors: Religion, Race, and the Early Zionist-Arab Encounter by Gribetz, Jonathan Marc
Beiträge zur israelitischen und jüdischen Religionsgeschichte: Band 2 by Sellin, Ernst
God's Hidden Treasure by Batya Shemesh
God's Hidden Treasure by Batya Shemesh
Judging Jesus: World Religions' Answers to "Who Do People Say That I Am?" by Johnson, Wayne G.
Bible Heroes: Stories from the Bible by Lathbury, Mary A.
The Practical Distiller: An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, And Of Better Quality, And In Larger Quantities, Than Produce by MC Harry, Samuel
Geschichte der israelitischen Religion by Kayser, August, Marti, Karl
Jewish Religious Life after the Exile by Cheyne, T. K.
Initial Instructions: A Translation Celebrating the Book of Genesis in Lipogram by Prouser, Joseph H.
History of the People of Israel: Vol. 4 by Renan, Ernest
Rendezvous with God: Revealing the Meaning of the Jewish Holidays and Their Mysterious Rituals by Laufer, Nathan
Mishpachah: The Jewish Family in Tradition and in Transition by
Lectures on our Israelitish Origin by Wilson, John
History of the People of Israel: Vol. 1 by Renan, Ernest
History of the People of Israel: Vol. 5 by Renan, Ernest
History of the people of Israel by Renan, Ernest
Die Stellung der Israeliten und der Juden zu den Fremden by Bertholet, Alfred
Boundaries of Loyalty: Testimony Against Fellow Jews in Non-Jewish Courts by Berman, Saul J.
This Holy Place by Fine, Steven
Die Entstehung des Judentums: Eine historische Untersuchung by Meyer, Eduard
The Religion of Israel to the Exile by Budde, Karl
Die Juden in Navarra, den Baskenländern und auf den Balearen by Kayserling, Meyer
Sermons Preached in Several Synagogues by Artom, Benjamin
Sexuality in the Babylonian Talmud: Christian and Sasanian Contexts in Late Antiquity by Kiel, Yishai
A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament by Weir, Thomas Hunter
This Holy Place by Fine, Steven
How the Wise Men Got to Chelm: The Life and Times of a Yiddish Folk Tradition by Bernuth, Ruth Von
Golem: Modern Wars and Their Monsters by Barzilai, Maya
Zur Volkskunde der Juden by Andree, Richard
Secret Jews: The Complex Identity of Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Judaism by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano
Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, Volume 6a: Judean Antiquities 11 by Spilsbury, Paul, Seeman, Chris
Antisemitism, Gender Bias, and the "Hervay Affair" of 1904: Bigotry in the Austrian Alps by Rose, Alison
The Accommodated Jew: English Antisemitism from Bede to Milton by Lavezzo, Kathy
Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Angels and Biblical Heroes by Stone, Michael E.
The Studia Philonica Annual XXVIII, 2016: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism by
Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Angels and Biblical Heroes by Stone, Michael E.
A Jew to the Jews by Rudolph, David J.
Israel in Canaan under Joshua and the Judges by Rev. Dr. Edersheim by Edersheim, Alfred
The newer criticism and the analogy of the faith by Watts, Robert
Jewish Community of St. Louis: 1890-1929 by Everman, Diane
Jewish Christianity by Dana, H. E.
Jewish Christianity by Dana, H. E.
Handbook of Israel: Major Debates by
The Jews of Harlem: The Rise, Decline, and Revival of a Jewish Community by Gurock, Jeffrey S.
Birkon Artzi: Blessings and Meditations for Travelers to Israel by
Pilgrims and Pilgrimages as Peacemakers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam by Pazos, Antón M.
Torah Revealed: Bereshit (Genesis): An Hebraic Study of the Book of Genesis by Chartrand, Paulette
Jews in the Age of Authenticity: Jewish Spiritual Renewal in Israel by Werczberger, Rachel
Jewish Anxiety and the Novels of Philip Roth by Kaplan, Brett Ashley
Digging through History: Archaeology and Religion from Atlantis to the Holocaust by Freund, Richard A.
Streets of Life Collection Volume 3: Reflections on Life's Amazing Journeys and the Paths that Lead There by Kamenetzky, Rabbi Mordechai
Tefillin Magick: Using Tefillin For Magickal Purposes by Kadmon, Baal
Jews in the Age of Authenticity: Jewish Spiritual Renewal in Israel by Werczberger, Rachel
Herzensergiesungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders by Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich
Die höhere Kritik des Pentateuchs by Green, William Henry
Learning to Read Talmud: What It Looks Like and How It Happens by
Under the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Japan and the Jews During the Holocaust Era (Lectures from the "Broadcast University" of Israel Army Radio) by Medzini, Meron
Las Cartas del Rabí Natán de Breslov - Vol. II: Alim LiTerufá by De Breslov, Rabi Natan
Angel in the Tree by , Stanley P. Silverblatt
World in Denial - Defiant Nature of Mankind: (Prophetic Evidence for a Divine Creator - A Biblical Account) by Gallop, Roger G.
World in Denial - Defiant Nature of Mankind: (Prophetic Evidence for a Divine Creator - A Biblical Account) by Gallop, Roger G.
O Sagrado Zôhar - Introdução ao Zôhar - Volume 1 by Bar Iochai, Shimon
O Sagrado Zôhar - Bereshit 2 - Volume 3 by Bar Iochai, Shimon
O Sagrado Zôhar - Bereshit 1 - Volume 2 by Bar Iochai, Shimon
O Sagrado Zôhar - Noach - Volume 4 by Bar Iochai, Shimon
O Sagrado Zôhar - Lech Lechá - Volume 5 by Bar Iochai, Shimon
This Precious Moment: The Wisdom of the Ba'al Shem Tov by Jacobson, Rabbi Burt
Transnational Struggles for Recognition: New Perspectives on Civil Society Since the 20th Century by
Thinking about the Torah: A Philosopher Reads the Bible by Seeskin, Kenneth
Koren Tanakh Hama'alot Edition, Jeans by Koren Publishers
With Me In Paradise: Lesson Learned from a Criminal by Tokajer, Eric D.
I, You, and the Word "God": Finding Meaning in the Song of Songs by Zhang, Sarah
Das Judentum und seine Geschichte by Geiger, Abraham
The Iranian Talmud: Reading the Bavli in Its Sasanian Context by Secunda, Shai
Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs: A Candle and a Promise (Large Print Edition) by Donnelly, Deborah
Das Judenthum und seine Geschichte: In zwölf Vorlesungen by Geiger, Abraham
Transnational Identities: Women, Art, and Migration in Contemporary Israel by Dekel, Tal
Otkrivena Kabala: Vodic Za Mirniji Zivot by Laitman, Michael
Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2016 by
Razkrita Kabala: Vodic Za Mirnejse Zivljenje by Laitman, Michael
Arizal: Prince des Kabbalistes by Afilalo, Raphael
Arizal: Prince of the Kabbalists by Afilalo, Raphael
Beiträge zur israelitischen und jüdischen Religionsgeschichte: Band 1 by Sellin, Ernst
Arizal: Prince des Kabbalistes by Afilalo, Raphael
Die biblische Geschichte des Alten Testaments by Stöckhardt, George
Streets of Life Collection Volume 2: Volume Two December 2011 - December 2012 by Kamenetzky, Rabbi Mordechai
Club of Their Own: Jewish Humorists and the Contemporary World by
From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis in Persian by Laitman, Michael
Kabbalah Revealed in Turkish: A Guide to a More Peaceful Life by Laitman, Michael
Kabbalah Revealed in Ukrainian: A Guide to a More Peaceful Life by Laitman, Michael
Contemporary Alternative Spiritualities in Israel by
The Sweetest Hour - Tikkun Chatzot: Rebbe Nachman of Breslov on the "Midnight Lament" by Greenbaum, Avraham
Islamismus und Antisemitismus. Ein zentrales Element der Ideologie?: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Muslimbruderschaft und Hassan al-Banna by Schwinge, Christian
My Jewish Holidays Photo Album by Orna
Truth, Tradition, or Tare: Growing in the Word by Alewine, Hollisa
Streets of Life Collection Volume 4: Reflections on Life's Amazing Journeys and the Paths that Lead There by Kamenetzky, Rabbi Mordechai
Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment by Laitman, Michael
Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life in Chinese: Because Your Life Has Meaning by Laitman, Michael
Crisis, Wonder Why?: In Chinese by Laitman, Michael
My Jewish Holidays Coloring Book by Orna
Yudisher Theriak: An Early Modern Yiddish Defense of Judaism by
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Mishpatim (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Hillel at Michigan, 1926/27-1945: Struggles of Jewish Identity in a Pivotal Era by Markovits, Andrei S.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Mishpatim (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Mixed Feelings: Tropes of Love in German Jewish Culture by Garloff, Katja
Hybrid Judaism: Irving Greenberg, Encounter, and the Changing Nature of American Jewish Identity by Kleinberg, Darren
Modern Orthodoxy in American Judaism: The Era of Rabbi Leo Jung by Jacobson, Maxine
Mixed Feelings: Tropes of Love in German Jewish Culture by Garloff, Katja
Hidden Truth Arabic Hebrew Scrolls Torah by Altaf, Rabbi Simon
Die Polemik und das Menschenopfer des Rabbinismus: Eine wissenschaftliche Antwort ohne Polemik für die Rabbiner und ihre Genossen by Rohling, August
Die Bücher Richter und Samuel: Ihre Quellen und ihr Aufbau by Budde, Karl
Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud by Bar-Asher Siegal, Michal
Biblical Antiquities: A Handbook for Use in Seminaries, Sabbath Schools, Families any by all Students of the Bible by Bissell, Edwin Cone
Tuv Hamoadim: Hilchos Purim by Cohen, Tuvya
Tuv Hamoaidim: Hilchos Sukkos by Cohen, Tuvya
"Religio licita?" by
Jalkut Schimoni Zu Josua by
Modern Jewish Scholarship in Hungary: The 'Science of Judaism' Between East and West by
Studien Zu Philo Von Alexandrien by Kaiser, Otto
Harav Shlomo Brevda, The Miracles of Purim - Part 1 by Brevda, Shlomo
Making Italian Jews: Family, Gender, Religion and the Nation, 1861-1918 by Ferrara Degli Uberti, Carlotta
Theologie der Propheten als Grundlage für die innere Entwicklungsgeschichte der israelischen Religion by Duhm, Bernhard
My Jewish Coloring Book by Block, John
My Jewish Holiday Adult coloring Book by Block, John
Time, Memory, and Historical Consciousness in the Jewish Tradition: The 1997 Cadbury Lectures by Webber, Jonathan
Torahzone: We Do Not Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood by White, Lew
Geschichte der Juden in Kremsier: Mit Rücksicht auf die Nachbargemeinden by Frankl-Grün, Adolf
Our Family Shabbat Journal by Goldberg, Bonni
Children Of The Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People by Hammerton, J. a., Zangwill, Israel
The Book of Celestial Images: Angelic and god-form images in ritual magic by Highfield, A. C.
Re-Constructing the Man of Steel: Superman 1938-1941, Jewish American History, and the Invention of the Jewish-Comics Connection by Lund, Martin
Das Buch der Haftarot: eine deutsche Übersetzung by Guski, Chajm
Divine Service?: Judaism and Israel's Armed Forces by Cohen, Stuart A.
Über die religionsphilosophischen Anschauungen des Flavius Josephus by Posnanski, Adolf
More Than Managing: The Relentless Pursuit of Effective Jewish Leadership by
Josephus and the Theologies of Ancient Judaism by Klawans, Jonathan
Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism, and Delegitimizing Israel by
Zionism and Judaism by Novak, David
The Dead Sea Scrolls by Fields, Weston
Kabbalah and Ecology by Seidenberg, David Mevorach
Aus dem Nachlasse Mirza Schaffy's: Neues Liederbuch mit Prolog und erläuterndem Nachtrag by Bodenstedt, Friedrich
Die rationale Schriftauslegung des Maimonides by Bardowicz, Leo
More Than a Saviour: Exploring the Person and Work of Jesus by Press, Hayes
The Messianic Redemption of Israel, Revised by Ziegler, Gordon L.
Facing Death: Confronting Mortality in the Holocaust and Ourselves by
Zebra: It's Not All Black and White In the Physical or Spiritual Worlds by Kram, Michael
Zebra: It's Not All Black and White In the Physical or Spiritual Worlds by Kram, Michael
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Tetzaveh (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Der neue Leiner: Beiträge über Tora und Judentum in Literaturdeutsch by Bauer, Arieh
Oriental Neighbors: Middle Eastern Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine by Jacobson, Abigail
The Gang of Five: The Impact of Five German Refugee Rabbinic Students on Twentieth-Century Reform Judaism by Damashek, Richard
The Practical Tanya - Part One - The Book for Inbetweeners by Miller, Chaim
Das Buch der Weisheit des Jesus Sirach (Josua ben Sira): In seinem Verhältniss zu den salomonischen Sprüchen und seiner historischen Bedeutung by Seligmann, Caesar
Jewish Spiritual Growth: The Step-by-Step Guide of a Hasidic Master by Shapira, Kalonymus Kalman
Der wahre Talmudjude: Die wichtigsten Grundsätze des talmudischen Schriftthums über das sittliche Leben des Menschen by Katz, Albert
Orientation to the History of Roman Judaea by Mason, Steve
¿Qué es la Torah? by Alewine, Hollisa
Orientation to the History of Roman Judaea by Mason, Steve
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