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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2017

Kabbalah Official Songbook: Bnei Baruch by Laitman, Michael
Kobetz Shiurim: Divrei Sofrim by Wasserman, Elchonon Bunim
Introducing Zeroa, Lechayayim and Keva: The National Birthright of Kohanim by Hakohanim, Igud, Rivkin, Rabbi Peretz
Ten-Minute Hebrew Reader Revised by House, Behrman
The Jewish Home (Updated Edition) by Syme, Rabbi Daniel B.
Kingship and Memory in Ancient Judah by Wilson, Ian D.
Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubarts Leben in seinen Briefen: 1. Band by Strauss, David Friedrich
Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubarts Leben in seinen Briefen: 2. Band by Strauss, David Friedrich
Hello? G-d?: An Exploration of Life's Most Fundamental Question by Ben Zeev, Shlomo
Torat Bitecha: A Bat Mitzvah Girl & Her Father Share Original Insights on Parshat Hashavua by Baumol, Techelet Bayla, Baumol, Avi
How to Avoid the Lake of Fire!: A Study of Mankind's Obligations to Believe in Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus) and to Keep the Written Torah of Yehovah Elo by Lyle, Joy Collins
Quran and Reform: Rahman, Arkoun, Abu Zayd by Völker, Katharina
linear translation by Schneerson Shlita, M. M.
Against the Greeks: Understanding the Classical Jewish Worldview by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Marcos
Jews of the Arab World: The Forbidden Question / Les juifs du monde Arabe: La question interdite by Bensoussan, Georges
Christian and Jewish Women in Britain, 1880-1940: Living with Difference by Summers, Anne
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Ki Tavo (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Der Glaube und seine Bedeutung für Erkenntnis, Leben und Kirche by Köstlin, Julius
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Ki Tavo (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
La Hora más Dulce - Tikún Jatzot: El Rebe Najmán sobre la Plegaria de Medianoche by Greenbaum, Avraham, De Breslov, Rabi Najman
The Ethics of Exodus by Engelberg, Abba
Reconstructing the Talmud: An Introduction to the Academic Study of Rabbinic Literature by Rogoff, Jason, Kulp, Joshua
Halakhic Morality: Essays on Ethics and Masorah by Soloveitchik, Joseph B.
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Prophecy in an Age of Uncertainty by Angel, Hayyim
Letzte Gedichte und Gedanken by Heine, Heinrich
By His Light: Character and Values in the Service of God by Ziegler, Reuven
The Fragile Factor: How Parents, Teachers, And Rabbis Can Prevent And Reverse OTD Behavior by Gruen, Shimon
Gemara and Tosfos: Beitza: 2a-15a by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
Tu est Divina V by Lando, Steve
Judah The Rebels Will Not Enter The Land by Baht Yehudah, Yahnna Malkat
Streets of Life Collection Vol. 5 - 2015: Reflections on Life's Amazing Journeys and the Paths that Lead There by Kamenetzky, Mordechai
'Orla (Vorhaut): Text, Übersetzung Und Erklärung. Nebst Einem Textkritischen Anhang by Albrecht, Karl
Aversion and Erasure: The Fate of the Victim After the Holocaust by Dean, Carolyn J.
Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 2a-11a by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
Exploring Judaism as an Adult-12 Pk by
Ha-Meir La-Aretz Ve-la-Darim: An Anthology of High Holy Day Sermons Written and Delivered by Max "Meir ben Isak" Frankel by Frankel, David, Frankel, Max, Frankel, Gloria
The God Book by Abramowitz, Rabbi Jack
El Camino de Dios by Luzzatto, Rabi Moshe Jaim
El Camino de Dios by Luzzatto, Rabi Moshe Jaim
The Prophesied Second Coming of Messiah by Rogers, David a.
Le juif errant est arrivé by Londres, Albert
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yakhel (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yakhel (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Concil und Jubiläum: leichtfasslicher Unterricht über das Concil und den bei Gelegenheit desselben verliehenen Jubel-Ablass by Clasen, Carl Prosper, Chaignon, Pierre
Die Schule des lebens by Wischan, Frederick
Heidegger, History and the Holocaust by O'Brien, Mahon
1& II Esdras by Bagley, Robert, III, Cook, Steve, The Scribe, Ezra
Este es Mi Pueblo by Einstein, Albert
Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls by VanderKam, James C.
Handbuch der israelitischen Geschichte: Von der Zeit des Bibel-Abschlusses bis zur Gegenwart by Hecht, Emanuel, Kayserling, Meyer
Kolot: Motherhood in Historical and Contemporary Jewish Thought: Celebrating The Plurality of Jewish Voices by Midrash, Valley Beit
Same God, Other God: Judaism, Hinduism, and the Problem of Idolatry by Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
Mainstream and Margins Revisited: Sixty Years of Commentary on Minorities in America by Rose, Peter Isaac
Finding the Afikoman: Encountering Jesus in the Spring Feasts Volume 1(chinese): Chinese Version by Eisner, Christie
Per Sempre Insieme: La storia del Grande Mago che non voleva essere solo by Laitman, Michael
Jewish Magic Before the Rise of Kabbalah by Harari, Yuval
El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón by Reina, Casiodoro De
Half-Jew: Searching for Identity by Miller, D. M.
Urban Origins of American Judaism by Moore, Deborah Dash
The Nazarene by Sha'ul, Rav
Weighed and Wanting: Addresses on the Ten Commandments by Moody, Dwight Lyman
Bilder des amerikanischen Missionslebens in zwölf auserlesenen, in Nord-Amerika gehaltenen Predigten by Paulhuber, Franz Xaver
Abraham Geigers - Allgemeine Einleitung in die Wissenschaft des Judentums by Geiger, Abraham
Complete Jewish Bible by Stern, David H.
Complete Jewish Bible Flexisoft by Stern, David H.
Hebrew Matthew vol. 1 by Lorent, Jason S.
Geschichte der Entwicklung der Kabbala und der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie: Kurz zusammengefasst von Philipp Bloch by Bloch, Philipp
Das kirchliche Volkslied in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung by Knipfer, Julius
Die glorreichen Geheimnisse unseres Herrn Jesu Christi: Nach der Lehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquin by Patiss, Georg
Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 11a-20b by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
Groundless by Flusser, Vilém
My Very Own Pesach Guide by Alevsky, Chayim B.
L'immortalité de l'âme chez les Juifs by Brecher, Gideon
Trees: ...the Green Testament by Kirschen, Yaakov
Mirages in the Desert: The Tradition-Historical Developments of the Story of Massah-Meribah by Garton, Roy E.
The Jew as Legitimation: Jewish-Gentile Relations Beyond Antisemitism and Philosemitism by
American Sociology and Holocaust Studies: The Alleged Silence and the Creation of the Sociological Delay by Messina, Adele Valeria
Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Leonard Cohen's Post-Secular Songbook of Mysticism(s) Jewish & Beyond by Glazer, Aubrey
Forgotten Origins: The Lost Jewish History of Jesus and Early Christianity by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano
Jewish Curses: a Guide and Coloring Book: Dry Bones Cartoon Drawings by Kirschen, Yaakov
Lehrbuch der alttestamentlichen Religionsgeschichte by Smend, Rudolf
Gott bleibt Israel treu: Die Bundesbeziehung Gottes zu Israel im Sinaibund als Argumentationsgrundlage in Roemer 9-11 by Lange, Benjamin
Lehrbuch der biblischen Geschichte alten Testamentes: 2. Band by Köhler, August
Die Entstehung des Judentums: eine historische Untersuchung by Meyer, Eduard
Die Entstehung des Judentums: eine historische Untersuchung by Meyer, Eduard
The Face of the Waters: Chasidic teachings & stories for the twenty-first century by Shore, Eliezer
Kommentare zum Buch Rut von Josef Kara: Editionen, Uebersetzungen, Interpretationen - Kontextualisierung mittelalterlicher Auslegungsliteratur by Lederer-Brüchner, Ingeborg
The Invention of Judaism: Torah and Jewish Identity from Deuteronomy to Paul Volume 7 by Collins, John J.
The Invention of Judaism: Torah and Jewish Identity from Deuteronomy to Paul Volume 7 by Collins, John J.
The Story of Hebrew by Glinert, Lewis
One More Light: An Anthology for Inspiration about Shabbos Candle Lighting by
One More Light: An Anthology for Inspiration about Shabbos Candle Lighting by
Daughters Of Israel and Their Impact In Gods Kingdom: Past-Present and Future by Brandt, Rabbin Deborah
Ccar Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly-Winter 2017 by
This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day by Solovy, Alden
Feast of the Beast by Marrs, Texe
Histoire des Juifs Vol.2: Après l'Exil by Graetz, Heinrich
Histoire des Juifs Vol.3: La Dispersion by Graetz, Heinrich
Histoire des Juifs Vol.1: Les Temps Bibliques by Graetz, Heinrich
Rebuilding the Foundations by Brueggemann, Walter, Brueggemann, John
Likutey Moharan. Vol. 5: (Lessons 33-48) by Kramer, Chaim, Of Breslov, Rabbi Nachman
The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law by
Der Text der Bücher Samuelis by Wellhausen, Julius
The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law by
The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts by Stuckenbruck, Loren T.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Pekuday (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
A History of the Jews in England by Hyamson, Albert M.
Jewish Messiahs in a Christian Empire: A History of the Book of Zerubbabel by Himmelfarb, Martha
Jalkut Schimoni Zu Numeri by
Joy Haggadah, 14 pages: The Story and a Few Songs by Wickstrom, Lois
Thomas Scheppardts englischen theologie und Predigers drei ausserlesene Tractätlein by Shepard, Thomas
Why the Kof?: Getting the Best of Rabbi Fuchs by Fuchs, Stephen Lewis, Shuman, Susan Marie
Vulnerability and Valour: A Gendered Analysis of Everyday Life in the Dead Sea Scrolls Communities by Keady, Jessica M.
The Crucifixion of the Jews by Littell, Franklin Hamlin
Ernst Toller and German Society: Intellectuals as Leaders and Critics, 1914-1939 by Ellis, Robert
Gesammelte Schriften by Lehmann, Emil
The Books of the Prophets in their Historical Succession by Findlay, George Gillanders
A Experiência Cabalística by Laitman, Michael
Die Litteratur des alten Testaments nach der Leitfolge ihrer Entstehung by Wildeboer, Gerrit
Still und bewegt by Beck, Karl
Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity by
Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity by
A Plague of Frogs: Paper Model Construction Book for Passover by Kirschen, Yaakov
The Memorial Ethics of Libeskind's Berlin Jewish Museum by Ionescu, Arleen
The Russian-Jewish Tradition: Intellectuals, Historians, Revolutionaries by Horowitz, Brian
Because Nothing Looks Like God Teacher's Guide by Kushner, Karen
A Life for God: A Rabbi's Analysis of the Cross, Life, and Eternity by Hershberg, Rabbi Greg
Who Is A Kohen?: A Report On Today's Kohen Muchzak by Hakohanim, Igud, Rivkin, Rabbi Peretz, Katz, Rabbi Shmuel
The Beauty of Judaism on Film by King, Mike
The Jewish Educator's Companion by House, Behrman
Justice for All: How the Jewish Bible Revolutionized Ethics by Unterman, Jeremiah
Masculinity and the Making of American Judaism by Imhoff, Sarah
The Torah of Music: Reflections on a Tradition of Singing and Song by Weisenberg, Joey
Le-maʿan Ziony by
Le-maʿan Ziony by
The Enemy Of The Woman Is The Serpent by Baht Yehudah, Yahnna Malkat
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yakhel-Pekuday (Shabbat am) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Va-Yakhel-Pekuday (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Talmudic Advice by Zahavy, Tzvee
Rabbi Isaac Luria: The Lion of the Kabbalah by Kadmon, Baal
Aesch Mezareph: or "Purifying Fire" by Westcott, W. Wynn
Essays on Judaism in the Pre-Hellenistic Period by Blenkinsopp, Joseph
God Loves the Stranger: Stories, Poems, Prayers by Weinberg, Sheila Peltz
Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Formation by Westcott, W. Wynn
Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor's Search for God by Ziffer, Walter
The Hebrew Prophets by Williams, Rowland
Gesammelte Schriften von Dr. Zunz: 3. Band by Zunz, Leopold, Zunzstiftung, Berlin
Leitfaden zum Bibesltudium für Bibelklassen und den Privatgebrauch by Hoffman, J. J.
Gesammelte Schriften von Dr. Zunz by Zunz, Leopold, Zunzstiftung, Berlin
'Now I Know' Five Centuries of Aqedah Exegesis by Van Der Heide, Albert
The Haggadah for the Generations 2017: Helping connect the Seder to your family's history by Silver, Rabbi Aryeh
Athalie by Racine, Jean
Being Hated: The Anatomy of Anti-Semitism by Meshkinpour M. D., Hooshang
Likutey Moharan. Vol. 6: (Lessons 49-57) by Of Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Kramer, Chaim
Lessons in Jewish Learning: A new curriculum for today by Taylor-Abt, Abi
Judaic Prayers Book 2: Gigantic Print Edition by 80-Point Font
Tora Study Bible: Exodus by Bitman, Zev
The Talmud: What it is and What it Knows about Jesus and his Followers by Pick, Bernhard
Servicio Mesiánico de Shabbat by Alewine, Hollisa
Watch and Pray: Are You Ready? by Pryce, Delma
A Experiência Cabalística by Laitman, Michael
Gemara, Tosfos, Rishonim and Poskim: Keitzad Mevarichim by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
The Book of Psalms: The Book of Psalms are a compilation of 150 individual psalms written by King David studied by both Jewish and Western by David, King
Masculinity and the Making of American Judaism by Imhoff, Sarah
The iPath: How I Became Conscious of An Invisible World by Stepakoff, Michael
Converging Destinies by Dauermann, Stuart
Creation Gospel Workbook Six: Hebrew Prayer and Worship Traditions by Alewine Pdd, Hollisa
Converging Destinies by Dauermann, Stuart
My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew by Pogrebin, Abigail
Jewish Justice: The Contested Limits of Nature, Law, and Covenant by Novak, David
Make This Journal! My Bar/Bat Mitzvah Year by House, Behrman
Koren Tehillim by
History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present by Charles Remondino, Peter
A Jewish Chaplain in France by Levinger, Lee J.
Maimonides and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon by Diamond, James A.
Classic Essays in Early Rabbinic Culture and History by
Das Buch Hiob by Hitzig, Ferdinand
Pirkei Imahot: The Wisdom of Mothers, the Voices of Women by Shenker, Lois Sussman, Posen, Rabbi Eve
The Testament of Solomon by Solomon, King
The Hidden Christ - Volume 2: Types and Shadows in Offerings and Sacrifices by Press, Hayes
The Quranic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet: A Study of Intertextuality and Religious Identity Formation in Late Antiquity by Segovia, Carlos A.
The Early Modern Stage-Jew: Heritage, Inspiration, and Concepts - With the first edition of Nathaniel Wiburne's Machiavellus by Zinsser-Krys, Saskia
Genesis Part 1: Gigantic Print Edition by Masoretic Text
Genesis Part 2: Gigantic Print Edition by From Masoretic Text
The Polychrome Historical Haggadah by Freedman, Jacob
Stealth Altruism: Forbidden Care as Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust by Shostak, Arthur B.
Stealth Altruism: Forbidden Care as Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust by Shostak, Arthur B.
Finding Jerusalem: Archaeology Between Science and Ideology by Galor, Katharina
The Books of Enoch, Jubilees, And Jasher [Deluxe Edition] by Shaver, Derek A.
Geistl. Brosamen von des Herrn Tisch gefallen: Zweiter Band, vierter Teil by Tersteegen, Gerhard
The Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons by Carpenter, William
Como Transcender no Metrô Lotado: O manual para ser feliz em um mundo conturbado by (Eldes), Eldes
The Mosaic Haggadah by Silberman, David
Battering States: The Politics of Domestic Violence in Israel by Adelman, Madelaine
Spiritual Warfare Prayer: Destroying the Powers of Darkness by Rosas, Angela Jenette
The Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State: Vol. 2 by Kuenen, Abraham
Redemption and Utopia: Jewish Libertarian Thought in Central Europe by Lowy, Michael
Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays by Rose, Gillian
The Non-Jewish Jew: And Other Essays by Deutscher, Isaac
The Prophets of Israel: Popular Sketches from Old Testament. Third Edition by Cornill, Carl Heinrich
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