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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2018

Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home by Pomson, Alex, Schnoor, Randal F.
Literary Imagination in Jewish Antiquity by Mroczek, Eva
La Cábala: La Psicología del Misticismo Judío by Saban, Mario Javier
The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland--Then, Now, Tomorrow by Troy, Gil
Truth Springs from the Earth: The Teachings of Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Kotsk by Faierstein, Morris M.
Truth Springs from the Earth: The Teachings of Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Kotsk by Faierstein, Morris M.
The Rational Bible: Exodus by Prager, Dennis
THE WARS OF THE JEWS or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
Nazah: White Linen and the Blood of Sprinkling by Stevenson, Kenneth E.
The Book of Enoch by Enoch
The Jewish State by Herzl, Theodor
The Book of Jasher by Jasher
The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius, Josephus
Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland seit 1945 im Zeichen der Erinnerungskultur by Leu, Tabea
War die Gründung mizrachischer Schulen in Israel eine Ursache sozialer Proteste? by Leu, Tabea
Kelbey Chronicles Volume 2: The Sweetness of the Scroll by Wagner, Ronda
Experiencing the Divine by Shapira, Kalonymus Kalman
Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan by Eshkol, Chasya Katriela
Medieval Textual Cultures: Agents of Transmission, Translation and Transformation by
Meditations From The Tanya: The Practical Advice and Meditations Collected From Tanya by Wineberg, Zevi
Guia de los Perplejos by Maimonides
Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home by Schnoor, Randal F., Pomson, Alex
Finding Hope and Faith in the Face of Death: Insights of a Rabbi and Mourner by Karol, Stephen A.
Finding Hope and Faith in the Face of Death: Insights of a Rabbi and Mourner by Karol, Stephen A.
Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight by Julius, Lyn
Conversations with Colleagues: On Becoming an American Jewish Historian by
Many Voices, One People: Reflections on the Book of Genesis by Hofstra University Hillel Staff, Alumni, and Friends by
Jewish Mysticism: Kabbalah and More by Abelson, Joseph
Just Is in the Art of Samuel Bak by Phillips, Gary a.
A Chronological Treatise Upon the Seventy Weeks of Daniel; Wherein is Evidently Shewn the Accomplishment of the Predicted Events, ... With Chronologic by Marshall, Benjamin
Evolution of the Early Qur'ān: From Anonymous Apocalypse to Charismatic Prophet by
The Talmud: A Biography by Wimpfheimer, Barry Scott
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Shemini Atzeret & Simhat Torah by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
A Course of Lectures, on the Prophecies That Remain to be Fulfilled. Delivered in the Borough of Southwark, as Also, at the Chapel in Glasshouse-Yard, by Winchester, Elhanan
A Course of Lectures, on the Prophecies That Remain to be Fulfilled. Delivered in the Borough of Southwark, as Also, at the Chapel in Glasshouse-Yard, by Winchester, Elhanan
Siddur Nishmat Kol Chai סידור נשמת כל חי by Lakatos, Rabbi Eric David
Animals and Animality in the Babylonian Talmud by Berkowitz, Beth A.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Survival Guides: Ve-Zot Ha-Berahah (Weekdays & Shabbat pm) by Michaelson Majs, Elliott
Reunion by Daniels, Ginette
Den jødiske staten by Herzl, Theodor
A Critical Theology of Genesis: The Non-Absolute God by Benyamini, Itzhak
Tractate Ta'anit: Humility in the Talmud: A Translation and Annotated Commentary on Tractate Ta'anit with the Interpretations of the Mei by Meszler, Joseph B.
The Neshamah: A Study of the Human Soul by Leibowitz, Aryeh
A Compleat History of the Holy Bible, Contain'd in the Old and New Testament: ... Adorn'd With Above 150 Cuts, Engraven by J. Sturt. In Three Volumes. by Howel, Laurence
The Burdens of Brotherhood: Jews and Muslims from North Africa to France by Katz, Ethan B.
The Duplicity of Philosophy's Shadow: Heidegger, Nazism, and the Jewish Other by Wolfson, Elliot R.
Reflections on Our Holy Holidays by Scalyer, Lloyd Elias
The Duplicity of Philosophy's Shadow: Heidegger, Nazism, and the Jewish Other by Wolfson, Elliot R.
Creation Gospel Workbook Five: Bamidbar: Volume Four by Alewine, Hollisa
The Testimony of Yahuchanan: The Gospel of John Restored by Sha'ul, Rav
From Baghdad to Boston and Beyond: Memoir of an Iraqi Jew by Shammash, Jacob B.
Dawn's Awakening: Out of The Church, Out of Islam, and Into The Arms of Messiah Yeshua by Rue, Candee Zarah
Re-Constructing the Man of Steel: Superman 1938-1941, Jewish American History, and the Invention of the Jewish-Comics Connection by Lund, Martin
The Glory of Torah!: All the Commandments organized by Almighty, Elohim
History of Death in the Hebrew Bible by Suriano, Matthew
The Deeper Meaning of Hanukkah by Levy, Rabbi Itzhak
The Deeper Meaning of Hanukkah by Levy, Rabbi Itzhak
Bat Kohen: The Marriage of a Bat Kohen to a Kohen by Rivkin, Rabbi Peretz, Hakohanim, Igud
Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food by Horowitz, Roger
Gil Hodges: A Hall of Fame Life by Zachter, Mort
Hasidic Commentary on the Torah by Wiskind-Elper, Ora
Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu by Pfeffer, Anshel
Jewish Messianic Prayers by Hallel, Beit
Jewish Messianic Prayers by Hallel, Beit
Universal Torah: Lessons for Humanity from the Weekly Torah Readings by Greenbaum, Avraham
Regional Identities and Cultures of Medieval Jews by
Voices From The Dust: Volume 3 by Kay, Robert
The Book of Enoch: The Prophet by Enoch
Destiny by Spiro, Ken
Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol by Moster, David Z.
Masechet Sanhedrin by Rath, Avi, Jakobsohn, Meir
Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict Over Israel by Waxman, Dov
Palace of Healing: Volume 2 by Tucker, Elliott Leigh, Sce, Chana
Palace of Healing: Volume 1 by Sce, Chana, Tucker, Elliott Leigh
Watching and Waiting: Encountering Jesus in the Fall Feasts by Eisner, Christie
The Commentaries on the Book of Mark by Blend, Alex
The Eternal Dissident: Rabbi Leonard I. Beerman and the Radical Imperative to Think and ACT by
Book of Jewish and Crypto-Jewish Surnames by Jarvis, Judith K., Levin, Susan L., Yates, Donald N.
Rabbi Akiva's Philosophy of Love by Rothenberg, Naftali
A Spirit Christology by Jenkins, Skip
The House on the Mountain: Jewish spiritual teachings about nature, the environment, the earth, the heavens and humanity's role and responsibilit by Greenbaum, Avraham
Health and Safety Precautions for Taharah by V'Nichum, Kavod
A Rich Brew: How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture by Pinsker, Shachar M.
The Lonely Man of Faith by Soloveitchik, Joseph B.
Raising My Voice: Selected Sermons and Writings by Lippmann, Ellen
Hebrew Bride: The Prophecies of Hosea -1 by Davidiy, Yair
Law and Self-Knowledge in the Talmud by Libson, Ayelet Hoffmann
Tzfiras Pe'er - Volume 2 by Perr, Mordechai a.
Il talmud smascherato by Pranaitis, I. B.
Know Your Bible (Volume One): Commentary for our times on the Hebrew Prophets and Holy Writings (NaKh) by Greenbaum, Avraham
Know Your Bible (Volume Two): Commentary for our times on the Hebrew Writings and Holy Writings (NaKh) by Greenbaum, Avraham
The Closing of the Gates: N'Ilah by
Know Your Bible (Volume Three): Commentary for our times on the Hebrew Prophets and Holy Writings (NaKh) by Greenbaum, Avraham
Jewish Translation - Translating Jewishness by
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam by Peters, Francis Edward
Portraying the Land: Hebrew Maps of the Land of Israel from Rashi to the Early 20th Century by Rubin, Rehav
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses by Scheibel, Johann
Viene Mashiaj by Blumenfeld, Moshe
The Storm: The Tragedy of Sinai by Heimler, Eugene
The Obligated Self: Maternal Subjectivity and Jewish Thought by Benjamin, Mara H.
The Obligated Self: Maternal Subjectivity and Jewish Thought by Benjamin, Mara H.
The Many Faces of Maimonides by Schwartz, Dov
Karrierestrategien juedischer Aerzte im 18. und fruehen 19. Jahrhundert: Symposium mit Rundtisch-Gespraech zum 200. Todestag von Adalbert Friedrich Ma by
Ruth: Child of the King by Gunias, Lauren
The Sepher Bahir: The Book of Light by Author, Unknown
The Essene Gospel of Peace: The Complete 4 Books in One Volume by
Jewish Theology: A History and Study of Judaism; Jewish Beliefs, Prayers and Thought (Hardcover) by Kohler, Kaufmann
Jewish Theology: A History and Study of Judaism; Jewish Beliefs, Prayers and Thought by Kohler, Kaufmann
After One-Hundred-And-Twenty: Reflecting on Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition by Halkin, Hillel
Sefer Yeṣirah and Its Contexts: Other Jewish Voices by Weiss, Tzahi
Dreams of Nationhood: American Jewish Communists and the Soviet Birobidzhan Project, 1924-1951 by Srebrnik, Henry Felix
Russian Idea--Jewish Presence: Essays on Russian-Jewish Intellectual Life by Horowitz, Brian
Holy Russia, Sacred Israel: Jewish-Christian Encounters in Russian Religious Thought by Rubin, Dominic
Jacob's Ladder: Kabbalistic Allegory in Russian Literature by Aptekman, Marina
Poverty and Wealth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by
Esrog and Lulav in Hebrew by Levy, Gila
Pirkei Avot: A Social Justice Commentary by Yanklowitz, Shmuly
Sasha Pechersky: Holocaust Hero, Sobibor Resistance Leader, and Hostage of History by Leydesdorff, Selma
The Sabbath Bee: Love Songs to Shabbat by Gottschalk, Wilhelmina
Global Jewish Foodways: A History by
Modern Conservative Judaism: Evolving Thought and Practice by Dorff, Elliot N.
Other Others: The Political After the Talmud by Dolgopolski, Sergey
Freud and Monotheism: Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion by
Other Others: The Political After the Talmud by Dolgopolski, Sergey
Freud and Monotheism: Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion by
Rebbe Nachman's Soul - Volume 2: A commentary on Sichos HaRan from the classes of Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z"l by Of Breslov, Rebbe Nachman, Rosenfeld, Rabbi Zvi Aryeh
Anthologie Juive: Extraits du Talmud: Philosophie - Poésie - Morale by Meiss, Honel
Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation by Author, Unknown
The Months of Tamuz and Av: Embracing Brokenness 17th of Tamuz, Tisha b'Av, & Tu b'Av by Pinson, Dovber
The Jewish Underground Born Survivors: Finding a Hiding Place for the Holocaust Survivors by Johnson, Naven
Vacation Halachos: The Essential Guide to the Most Common & Fascinating Halachos for Travelers and Holiday Makers by Jacobson, Yehoshua
Beyond Tribal Loyalties: Personal Stories of Jewish Peace Activists - 2nd Edition by Abarbanel, Avigail
The Dead Sea Scrolls and German Scholarship: Thoughts of an Englishman Abroad by Brooke, George J.
Tstemple Portals: Studies in Aggadah and Midrash in the Zohar by Yisraeli, Oded
Many Voices, One People - Genesis: Reflections on the Book of Genesis by Hofstra University Hillel Staff, Alumni and Friends by
Ritual Innovation in the Hebrew Bible and Early Judaism by
Dimensions of Yahwism in the Persian Period: Studies in the Religion and Society of the Judaean Community at Elephantine by Granerød, Gard
The Construct of Identity in Hellenistic Judaism: Essays on Early Jewish Literature and History by Gruen, Erich S.
Kabbalah Made Simple - Russian by Laitman, Michael
Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 12: (Lessons 1-6) by Kramer, Chaim, Of Breslov, Rabbi Nachman
Pirkei Avos: Chapter 4 by Chait, Israel
Die Frau im Judentum by Ommerborn, Verena
Sectarianism in Qumran by Regev, Eyal
The Origins of Deuteronomy 32: Intertextuality, Memory, Identity by Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen
Beyond Revelation: How the Rabbis Perceived Divine Intervention by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Marcos
Writing on the Wall: Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity by Stern, Karen B.
Finding Our Voice: Embodying the Prophetic and Other Misadventures by Ellis, Marc H.
Finding Our Voice: Embodying the Prophetic and Other Misadventures by Ellis, Marc H.
El Evangelio De La Creacion by Alewine, Hollisa
Sara Levy's World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin by
Rediscovering Traces of Memory: The Jewish Heritage of Polish Galicia [Second Edition] by Webber, Jonathan
Likutey Moharan. Part II -Vol. 14: (Lessons 25-72) by Of Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Kramer, Chaim
Talmudic Insults and Curses Expanded Edition by Helft M. D., Arthur E.
Creation Gospel Workbook Four: The Scarlet Harlot and the Crimson Thread by Alewine, Hollisa
Studying Rambam. A CompanionVolume to the Mishneh Torah: Index by Davidoff, Baruch Bradley
Iudaea / Idumaea: 2649-3324 by
Jewish Libya: Memory and Identity in Text and Image by
Jewish Libya: Memory and Identity in Text and Image by
The Creator and the Creation: A collection of authentic Kabbalah inspirations by Taylor, Rob
Twilight Nationalism: Politics of Existence at Life's End by Monterescu, Daniel, Hazan, Haim
Twilight Nationalism: Politics of Existence at Life's End by Hazan, Haim, Monterescu, Daniel
Rabbinic Reference Bible: The Connection Between Tanach and Tradition: Volume I Genesis by
Buber und Ben Gurion. Ein Streit über den Zionismus by Härtel, Moritz
Monotheism and Yahweh's Appropriation of Baal by Anderson, James S.
Classifying the Aramaic Texts from Qumran: A Statistical Analysis of Linguistic Features by Starr, John
Rewriting the Self: Psychotherapy and Midrash by Rotenberg, Mordechai
Nietzsche, Soloveitchik, and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy by Rynhold, Daniel, Harris, Michael J.
Reading Romans Within Judaism: Collected Essays of Mark D. Nanos, Vol. 2 by Nanos, Mark D.
Reading Romans Within Judaism: Collected Essays of Mark D. Nanos, Vol. 2 by Nanos, Mark D.
Eastern European Jewish American Narratives, 1890-1930: Struggles for Recognition by Mihailescu, Dana
Writing in Witness: A Holocaust Reader by
The Sukkot and Simhat Torah Anthology by
The Yom Kippur Anthology by
The Passover Anthology by
The Hanukkah Anthology by
The JPS Holiday Anthologies, 8-Volume Set by
Contesting Conversion: Genealogy, Circumcision, and Identity in Ancient Judaism and Christianity by Thiessen, Matthew
The Shavuot Anthology by
The Sabbath Anthology by
The Purim Anthology by
The Rosh Hashanah Anthology by
Long Live the Rebbe King Moshiach Forever by Maimon, R. Moshe Ben
Hasidism: Key Questions by Wodzinski, Marcin
Transfer to Munich by Weinstein, Raymond M.
Maimonides for Moderns: A Statement of Contemporary Jewish Philosophy by Bedzow, Ira
Les Juifs et le Talmud: Morale et Principes sociaux des Juifs by Brenier, Flavien
Lost in Translation, Found in Transliteration: Books, Censorship, and the Evolution of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London as a Li by Kerner, Alex
Sefer Hasidim and the Ashkenazic Book in Medieval Europe by Marcus, Ivan G.
Anti-Shechita Prosecutions in the Anglo-American World, 1855-1913: "A Major Attack on Jewish Freedoms" by Fraser, David
Jews and Muslims: Followers of the Same God: The Gates are Made to be Entered by Natan, Levi Ben, Levi, C.
The Torah: The first five books of the Hebrew bible by Anonym
Yochanan (John) Presents the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah: A Messianic Commentary by Lumbroso, Gabriel
Judaic Prayers Book 1: General Prayers by 80-Point Font
Jalkut Schimoni Zu Samuel by
The Bible, Qumran, and the Samaritans by
Imagery Techniques in Modern Jewish Mysticism by Reiser, Daniel
The Blessing of Sorrow: Turning Grief Into Healing by Kamin, Ben
Hebraic Literature: Translations and Historic Commentary on the Jewish Religious Texts - The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala (Hardcover) by Harris, Maurice H.
Hebraic Literature: Translations and Historic Commentary on the Jewish Religious Texts - The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by Harris, Maurice H.
Christian and Jewish Women in Britain, 1880-1940: Living with Difference by Summers, Anne
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